All the Ways I Love You

By Jason Calme

Published on Mar 9, 2003


All the Ways I Love You

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 24

I nearly didn't understand what he was saying. Was that an exclamation or a request? And then he said it again.

"Fuck Me!"

I pulled back and he looked at me, his eyes full of passion and I could see he meant it.

"You sure?" I said, and he nodded. I hesitated. He hadn't done it before, wasn't even sure if it was his thing. What was I supposed to do now?

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm just...oh I'd so love to...I'm just...are you sure?"

"Yeah...I want to," he said, though now he didn't look sure. I couldn't help thinking I'd ruined the moment.


" do you want to do this?" he asked a little nervously. "You want to do it on top?"

"No...not for your first time. Probably on your side."

"Okay," he said, the nervousness even more clear.

"Hey," I said, "...I'll take it slow and if you feel uncomfortable, or want to stop, you let me know, okay?"

"Yeah," he nodded.

I looked down and could see he'd lost his erection. I reached down and squeezed him gently and he started to harden again. He moaned softly.

I slid down and started licking him, his penis becoming harder and redder as I licked it. After a good few minutes of licking I sat up and reached into the nightstand and pulled out a tube of lube. He watched me, his eyes large. I grinned at him and leaned down and kissed him on the mouth. I kissed him hard until he was responding against me, while at the same time I was squeezing his dick.

Then I slid down and started licking him again, while I took a finger and coated it with lube and started rubbing it between the cheeks of his butt. He moaned as I was rubbing, but when my finger stopped at his opening he tensed a little. As I started to push my finger into him his whole body locked up and his erection started to whither. I gently pushed it in and out a little, but he didn't relax and it didn't look like he was happy.

I pulled out the finger and he took a deep breath and relaxed. I slid up so that I was lying on top of him and looked down at his face. He looked very worried, his lips pursed.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked.

"There's no hurry, I wanted to come up and kiss you some more," I said and I leaned down and kissed him. He was tentative at first, and then he started kissing more passionately. After a few minutes of kissing I straightened up again and ran my right hand back down and between his legs, feeling between his balls and sliding a finger up under him. I looked back into his face and Justin stared back at me, and just for a moment he looked like a frightened child.

And seeing him like that, seeing him so upset, my whole desire for sex just evaporated. I so much wanted to fuck him, but not like this.

I'd been stretched tightly over him but now I just melted against him, feeling his body against mine.

"What's the matter?" he asked, his voice high and tight.

"Nothing baby, you're just so cute and I love you so much."

"I love you, and I'm handsome," he corrected me.

"Yeah, you're that too," and I kissed his nose.

"So aren't you going to..." and he trailed off.

"We don't have to do it tonight," I said kissing him again.

"I want to...I've done's your turn."

"Baby, it's not about taking turns. I've enjoyed everything we've done. You've liked everything so far too, right?" I asked. He nodded. "Let's take this slow," I whispered to him.

"What? No, I want to do it." Now he sounded worried.

I looked at him. What was I supposed to say? He wasn't ready. He knew it, and I knew it. But he felt he had to. And now he's saying he wants to do it.

"Well I'm not ready," I said finally, hoping that might placate him.

He looked at me, trying to see some answer or something, and then he relaxed and smiled at me.

"I love you," he said, "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, okay?" I said, but he looked away.

I licked him. "Hey," I said, "look at me."

He looked back nervously.

"You don't have to apologize," I whispered. "I'm really...I think the world of you for offering...and I hope you'll feel the same about me for least for the moment."


"Okay?" I asked him.


"Good, because I still want to cum, and I can think of lots of ways to cum with you!" and I tickled him and he giggled and laughed at me and I felt warm all over.

The moment passed. We became passionate lovers again. In a few moments of kissing, licking and hugging we turned back into two rutting animals, grinding and thrusting and stroking each other towards bliss.

And any kind of sex with Justin is my idea of bliss.

Mothers can really be a pain sometimes... I mean, my Mother is one of the best, but sometimes she does do things I wish she wouldn't.

I was talking to her later that week about this and that and she suddenly says; "Are you going to be in town next week?"

"Next week when?" I ask, not because I'm not; I have no travel plans for the rest of the month, but because I was immediately suspicious. She wouldn't ask me if I was going to be in town unless there was some ulterior motive.

"Oh, well a friend of mine's son is going down to New York next week for a few days," she explained. "He's going for a job interview, looking around, trying to decide if he wants to move to New York."

"Uh huh," I said.

"You don't have to sound so defensive," my Mother said, laughing.

"Okay," I said, figuring that trouble was just around the corner.

"Well it's just he doesn't know anyone in New York so I thought it'd be nice if he at least had your number just in case..."

"In case what?" I queried.

"Just in case."

"So I have to show him around and play the tour guide then?" I said, resigned to my fate.

"You probably won't even hear from him," my Mother said. "It's just, well I thought you wouldn't mind."

"Okay, yeah sure," I finally agreed.

"Good, because I already gave them your number."

'Great' I thought. And tried to put it out of my mind.

The following week Justin was back in town for some industry party. It was a fly-in-for-a-couple-of-days and then off again kind of thing, but hey, I take what I can get!

And it was doubly exciting because when he arrived home the day before he asked me if I wanted to go! I had never been to something like that before and I was excited and nervous.

Excited because I wondered who I might see or meet. Nervous because I might be found out. Not found out that Justin and I were together; found out that I wasn't one of the beautiful people.

What was I to wear? How was my hair? What did I say to people? What should I drink? How should I act?

Who would be there?

Talk about excitement!

Then Justin poured cold water on the whole thing! He told me not to get so excited; this was a casual event and I could just put on the best clothes I had and act like my normal self and everything would be okay.

Well that was no fun!

But I wasn't sure if he was serious, because right after he said it he crossed his eyes and smirked at me, and ran off giggling.

God! I love that boy.

And then the phone rang.


"Hello dear!" came my Mother's voice loudly through the receiver.

"Hi Mom!"

"How are things?"

"Good. Justin just got in," I said, hoping she'd get the hint.

"Just got in the door?"

"He's showering."

"Well I won't keep you. I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do," she said, and laughed. I don't think parents should joke about that kind of thing.

"Thanks Mom!" I said sweetly.

"I'll call you tomorrow."

"Well tomorrow might be kind of difficult," I began.

"Oh that's okay. Oh, did you hear from Matt?"

"Matt?" I asked blankly.

"Yes...remember the boy who's visting..."

"Oh yeah, him," shit! I'd forgotten about him. And secretly hoped I'd never hear from him. "No, never heard from him," I said brightly.

"Well maybe you could call him?"

"Call him?" I almost gasped.

"He's kind of shy and maybe if you called him at the hotel..."

"Mom!" I whined. What was this?

"You don't have to do anything! Just make sure he's okay. Maybe offer to show him around for an hour?"

Oh God! I hated this kind of thing. I mean, I really wouldn't mind showing someone around, but having to call them up when you didn't know them and then meeting them and not knowing what to talk about, it was such a pain!

But my Mother never saw things that way. She was the kind of person who would sit next to someone on a bus and start talking to them like long lost friends! Honestly!

"I thought you said I didn't have to do anything!" I protested.

"It wouldn't be much trouble would it?"


"Would you just do it for me? I promised his Mother."

"Okay," I sighed.

So I figured the best thing was to call in the middle of the day. He'd be out and I'd just leave a message. With a bit of luck he'd only be here for a day or so and I was going to be out that evening, so the chances of us hooking up would be pretty small. Particularly if I didn't check my messages until the next day.

It was a perfect plan. I would have done my part. Responsibility discharged, I'd be off the hook!

It was a brilliant plan.

So I called the hotel, asked for Matt, and waited while the phone rang, all ready to leave my prepared message. 'Hi, this is Ethan Thompson, my Mother is a friend of your Mothers and she said you were visiting and might need a tour guide or something. I'm out this evening but give me a call if you want to get together. Bye'

It was a brilliant plan.

It would have worked perfectly...if he had been out.

"Hello," came this rather quiet and tentative voice. It was almost suspicious.

Fuck! Why on earth was he sitting in a hotel room in the middle of the day? Do you ever call people, expecting to get their machine, and you're all ready to leave a message but then you actually get them in person and you have no idea what to say? I hate that!

"! Is this...ah..Matt?" I asked.

"Ahh..." he paused, I don't think he was going to admit it.

"My names Ethan Thompson, my Mother is a friend..." I persisted.

"Oh hi!" the voice said quietly, a little more relaxed.

" you're uhh..down for an interview?" I asked.

"Yes," came the reply. Then silence.

"So when is your interview?" I asked, thinking that maybe he was getting ready for it.

"It was this morning," he replied.

"Oh...great...I mean how'd it go?"

"Okay," he replied.

" how long are you down here for?"

"Til tomorrow."

This was like talking to a brick wall.

"Oh, so you got any other interviews?" I asked.


Thanks Mr. Talkative.

"So are you going to tour around New York? What are you doing this afternoon?" I asked.

"Ah...I don't know," he said flatly.

Shit! I thought, taking a deep breath. "Would you...I could show you around a bit this afternoon if you're interested."

"Oh...thanks...but you don't have to," he said quietly.

"It's no trouble!" I lied. "It'd be fun," another lie, "and I'm not doing anything." Another lie, but they were just small polite lies. If he declined again I wasn't going to push him.

"Uhh..." he seemed unsure.

Fuck! I felt guilty, "I could meet you at the hotel in half an hour and show you around for a bit," I pushed.


"Great, so I'll meet you in the lobby at 1? What do you look like?"


"Height? Hair color?"

"Oh, yeah," he laughed nervously, "uh about 6 foot, brown hair."

"Okay," I said. "I'm wearing a blue shirt and jeans."

"Okay. Uhh...thanks."

"See you in a bit," I said and hung up. Oh well, can't be helped I guess. With a little luck I'd take him for a quick tour and leave him maybe at the top of the Empire State Building.

Then I wondered if I would do that. I hadn't been up the Empire State Building since September 11th. Having been here for a while, I'd kind of run out of friends coming to do the tourist thing. And Justin wasn't interested in going. So I'd not been up there. I wondered what the end of town looked like now without the twin tours.

Then I wondered if Matt might have known someone that died in the building or on the planes. Probably best to avoid that I decided.

An hour later I was in the lobby trying to find this kid. Correction, young man. Actually, he was the same age as Justin. I don't know why I was so down on this. I just don't like being engineered into things. And being kind of shy I don't like being in new situations.

It turned out this kid was worse than I was. He was a nice looking guy, about 6 foot, short brown hair, glasses. He was cute. He shook my hand and looked rather nervous, following behind me like a puppy as we went out and I listed things we could do.

He had no opinion. I'd ask him what he wanted to see and he'd tell me he didn't mind.

"You want to go to the Met?" I asked him and he looked like he didn't know what I was talking about. "The Metropolitan Museum of Art," I elaborated.

"Oh," he nodded, then didn't say anything.


"I don't mind. If you want to go,"

I felt like saying 'I just want to go home,' but I bit back the urge and decided just to go and do what I thought was interesting.

Matt followed behind, not saying much. I tried to get some information out of him. For a while I peppered him with questions but all I got were one and two words answers. He was from Vermont, studied computer stuff in school, didn't know if he wanted to live in New York, didn't know how the interview went, liked all kinds of music.

I gave up and we just walked along in silence.

But after a while he relaxed a little and I actually started to get sentences out of him.

Short ones.

It was kind of fun playing the tour guide, particularly to someone who seemed happy to go to the places I thought was interesting. I couldn't tell whether he enjoyed the time, or was just being polite. I decided not to dwell too much on it. If he wasn't going to express an opinion this is what he was going to get!

"So what are your plans for tonight?" I asked him after we finished walking through part of Central Park. I was thinking of abandoning him there and getting back to get ready for the party.

He shrugged. "I don't know," he said.


I checked the time. Still a couple of hours until I was supposed to meet Justin. I took out my cell phone and called Justin. Much to my surprise he answered.

"Hey," he said quietly, and I got the idea he was with people.

"Hey," I said, resisting the urge to add 'baby' in case he was with people. And I also had to be careful around Matt.


"This thing tonight, would it be okay if I brought someone?" I asked.

"Someone?" Justin asked, and I wondered if he thought I was straying from him.

"I've been showing Matt around and he's not got plans for tonight yet."

"Matt?" said Justin, "Sure, that's fine," and I knew he had no idea who I was talking about, even though I'd told him about Matt the night before. I could tell he was busy and distracted.

"Okay, I'll see you later, okay," I said.

"Yeah!" he said, and then he whispered, "Love you" and was gone.

And so I had decided to drag Matt along to the 'event.' I did it partly because I felt sorry for him, but I also did it because I thought I could hide out with him if the worst came to the worst. You never know what record industry people are like, and I hate standing in the corner at parties. It's terrible.

I should know. I've done it hundreds of times.

The only problem was; Matt was resistant.

"What kind of party is it?" he asked suspiciously.

"It's a recording industry thing. I don't really know too much about it but I'm sure it will be fun, and pretty interesting, and you'll meet some interesting people."

"Oh," he said. "Who?"

"Um...well I don't really know," I said and he looked disappointed, "but I happen to know that Justin Timberlake will be there," I added.

"Really?" he said, his eyes widening a little, and for a moment I wondered. I mean, how many 22-year old guys care about Justin Timberlake. "Anyone else?" he asked, his voice a little high and excited.

Okay, I've got his interest. Now to reel him in.

"I don't know. You'll have to come to find out."

"'s okay, you don't have to," he said.

"Come on! It'll be fun," I said. "How about you go back and get changed. I'm gonna go home and change, and then I'll pick you up at 7."

I thought about meeting him there, but something told me that if I did that he wouldn't show.

We arrived at the party a little after 7:30. I had no idea whether to arrive on time or late, so I decided for a little after the start time. I was nervous. Matt was behind me and he seemed nervous too. I was worried we might have trouble getting in. Maybe my name wouldn't be on the list, or it would turn out Justin had messed up and we were supposed to have an invitation.

But no one gave us a second glance as we went in. Maybe it helped that as we got to the door and I saw a couple of young woman were standing greeting people, Justin came over and literally dragged me into the room. Matt, his mouth hanging open, followed along behind.

So there I was. My first record industry party! I stood there taking it all in; The beautiful people! The expensive fashions! The decorations!

It was all kind of...disappointing.

It looked just like some publishing parties I'd been too, except everyone was dressed a little nicer, and some of the people looked kind of familiar.

Most of the time Justin was off talking to people and schmoozing. Every now and again he would come back with someone he wanted me to meet. I noticed they seemed to fall into two categories. For one category he'd go 'This is Ethan, he wrote the movie script I told you about, he's a great writer' or something like that, and they'd politely say 'hi' to me, and carry on talking to Justin.

For the other group he'd go, 'This is my friend Ethan' and then just stand there smiling and nodding his head a few times. I felt like the nod was a conscious or unconscious message. It was either saying 'this is the one,' or 'he's mine' or, I don't know what. It just seemed like he was saying something without actually saying it. I just felt really warm when he did it. Like he was actually proud of me, or something.

But as fun as it was, half the time I was alone. Well Matt was there, so it was kind of like being alone with someone else who was alone. He seemed to be trying to hide amongst the plants and he didn't talk much.

Two shy people don't equal an almost normal person. So I just pretended to be interested in what was going on and drinking my drink.

And then I turned around and Matt was gone.

"Hey Justin, have you seen Matt?" I asked him, looking around the room.

"Who?" Justin asked absentmindedly. He was too busy scanning the crowd, figuring out who he had to speak to before the evening was over. Sell, sell, sell. He was selling himself and he was in full Justin mode at the moment.

I felt like grabbing him and saying 'Justin! Focus on me for a moment' but I didn't. I'd never make a scene in front of other people, and besides, I knew he had to do this. This was his job. He was at work at the moment, he was not out at a party with me. I had to remember that or I'd be driven mad.

"Matt," I persisted anyway. "You know, about this tall, was following me around before."

"Oh, yeah, Matt," he nodded. "No idea," and he shrugged, an impish grin on his face. "I'll be right back," he said and disappeared off into the crowd.

I looked around, but couldn't see Matt. I saw Justin talking to someone that looked like Nick Carter.

I decided to go get another drink.

"Hey," I heard Justin call. I turned from the bar and Justin was standing there with some short dark haired guy. He didn't look like Chris or JC, the two guys from NSYNC I hadn't met.

"Ethan, this is Sean, Sean, this is Ethan," said Justin, and he looked at Sean with a huge grin on his face, nodding.

Sean smiled and held out his hand, "Pleased to meet you Ethan."

"You too," I said. I had no idea who he was and Justin hadn't said.

"Oh, I'll be right back," said Justin, and he bounced off again.

I watched him go then turned to Sean and kind of raised my eyebrows; the international symbol for 'would you believe that!'

Sean smiled.

"So Justin said you were writing a script for him?" said Sean.

"Yeah," I said. "Do you want something to drink?"

"I'm fine."

"Oh, yeah I wrote the script, but now they're not doing it."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay," I said.

"Justin told me it was great but he didn't want to do a movie," said Sean.

"He told you about that?"

"Yeah," said Sean.

"So how do you know Justin?" I said.

"Oh, sorry, I'm in a band called Nickel Creek."

I thought for a moment but couldn't place it. Then I remembered some songs Justin had put on my MP3 player.

"You don't do that Lighthouse song?"

"Yeah," he grinned.

"Oh I like that, that's a cool song," I said. "So you're part of that band?"

"Play the guitar," he said

"Cool, I really like that song, Justin kept going on and on about these songs how do you know Justin?"

"Oh, I ran into him in England a while back," said Sean smiling.

I began wondering what that meant. Something about the way Justin looked at Sean, and now the way Sean was looking at me, had me a little uneasy. Had they been involved?

"Oh, hey," said Sean, "I've got to go find my date."

"Oh, nice meeting you," I said and we shook hands. I watched him walk off and he went over to a tall blonde woman who looked like Britney Spears and began chatting with her. I wondered if that was the date, or cover.

"Hey!" Justin called nearly bowling me over as he came bounding up. I stepped backward trying to regain my balance and he grabbed me into a hug. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, as Justin helped me straighten up and released me. I suddenly realized he'd done it on purpose so he could give me a quick hug. I wanted to hug him back now, but couldn't do it. I grinned at him and he grinned back.

"So who's Sean?" I asked. I wasn't mad or jealous, just curious.

"Oh, just a friend," said Justin, waving away the question, and then he was off again.

I eventually found Matt. Or more accurately he found me. He told me he was going to make his own way back to the hotel and thanked me for the tour and everything. He seemed a little brighter, almost blushing and nervous. I wondered if he'd been drinking.

"Well call me if you need anything," I told him.

He nodded, and then turned and walked back into the crowd.

Well I thought, I'd done my good deed. Two good deeds really. Maybe even three. Done what my Mother asked me too. Showed Matt around and brought him to a party. And I had suffered through what turned out to be an achingly boring party for my boyfriend.

And I thought record people would know how to party. They didn't even play good music!

It was getting late. I deserved an evening of loving from my boyfriend I decided.

"Are you ready to go?" Justin whispered into my ear.

I nodded.

"Why don't you go home and I'll follow you in a few minutes," he said.

"Okay," I said.

I got a cab back to the apartment and Justin arrived about fifteen minutes later.

When he came in I gave him a big hug and we kissed for a couple of minutes. He'd come in late the night before and left early in the morning so we'd really had no time together. We'd had sex the night before but it had been rather rushed because it was late and Justin was exhausted. If we hadn't been so horny from not having each other for the past week we probably wouldn't have even done it.

But now we could take our time.

Justin showered first, while I set up the bedroom. I put out some candles and lit them. Fresh sheets, and a couple of glasses of water because I'm often thirsty after a heavy evening. I even tidied up the clothes and stuff.

The boudoir looked pretty inviting. When Justin came in, wearing a towel around his waist and rubbing his still wet hair, he looked damn sexy. He smiled at the room and I told him I'd be back in a few minutes. We kissed and I went to the bathroom.

I was excited. The boyfriend's back! What will we get up to tonight?

I showered carefully, washing and scrubbing everything, getting super clean. Even checking my navel and washing behind my ears! Then I brushed and combed, shaved and even dabbed on some cologne that Justin really liked.

Finally I slipped on some sexy satin boxers and a t-shirt; figuring they wouldn't last long, but a wrapped present is always more fun. I admired myself in the mirror. I looked pretty hot!

I turned out the lights in the apartment before slipping into the bedroom, my eyes taking a moment to adjust to the faint light.

And there he was. Naked. Lying in my bed. Looking so damn sexy.

Fast asleep.

Oh well! I sighed to myself. He needed his rest. Maybe tomorrow night. Or maybe in the morning. I knew I wouldn't have to wait too long. Justin was usually as horny as I was, and I was pretty horny.

I blew out the candles, turned on my bedside light, and read for an hour. Then I closed the book, turned out the light, pulled the covers up over my shoulders and snuggled up against my cozy boyfriend. And after only a few minutes I was fast asleep myself.

Rob finally came through with the trip to LA. I couldn't believe it. I was even flying business class this time, which was a lot more comfortable than economy. There were several meetings set up, but I was going to be there for the whole week and I was going to stay with Justin. It seemed like another big step in the relationship and I was happily excited and a little nervous too.

Part of me still kept thinking Justin would realize I was kind of dull and boring. In my own environment maybe I appeared interesting, but how would I fair in LA now we were together?

We'd agreed that I'd get a car to his place; it was just impractical for him to try and pick me up at the airport. Justin had arranged for a limo; complete with driver standing at the gate with a little sign with my name on it. That was kind of exciting and embarrassing at the same time. But it was LA. No one looked twice at me.

I sat in the back of the limo, drinking Ginger Ale and thinking, yes it's nicer than a cab, but I still wouldn't spend my own money on something like this except for special occasions. We arrived at the gate and the gates opened for us and the driver drove up to the house. I sat there nervously wondering if I should open the door myself or wait for the driver to do it. I mean, I felt stupid just sitting there waiting.

After a nervous second or two I decided to just get out, and I gathered together my bag and jacket and was just about to reach for the door handle when it opened and Justin was standing there with a big grin on his face.

"Hey man!" he yelled.

I hopped out and we hugged quickly, but we didn't kiss - there was the driver to think about.

"Have a good trip?" he asked.

"Not too bad," I said. I hated flying and Justin was a nervous flyer too. We had compared notes about it and I had already come to the conclusion that it might be a good idea if we never flew anywhere together. Our mutual discomfort might feed off each other and drive us both into full blown panic.

The driver pulled my bag out of the back and I wondered whether I should tip him. Justin thanked him and slipped him something and took my bag and the two of us walked up and into the house.

"So you're here finally," Justin said after closing the door and dropping the bag.

I glanced around the house and then turned and smiled at him.

"Is there anyone here?" I asked. I never assume that we are alone unless I know it to be true.

"No," he shook his head as he stepped towards me.

We repeated the hug from outside, this time kissing each other on the lips. It was so good to hold him again. I hadn't wanted to come through the door and immediately go to bed with him, but that was before he closed the door. Now we were on the inside, and getting naked with him was about the only thing on my mind.

Justin pulled back, breaking the kiss. "I thought you'd be tired after the trip," he smirked.

"Suddenly I don't feel tired any more," I said and reached out and started to tickle him.

"Hey! Stop it!" he yelled, and then he took off running with me in hot pursuit. We ran around the house like two kids. He was yelling at me to leave him alone and I was yelling something like 'I'm gonna get you!' and I might have got him too, if I hadn't slipped on a rug and crashed to the floor, sliding against a wall and yelping in pain.

Justin slid to a stop and ran back to me, "Ethan, are you okay?" he asked, his face a picture of concern.

"Owwwwe!" I yelled rubbing my ankle, and he put his hands on my leg.

"Where does it hurt? Don't move it!"

I grabbed him around the waist and pulled him over on top of me, rolling us both over so that I landed on top of him.

"Got you now!" I yelled triumphantly.

"I thought you were hurt!" he said irritably.

"I am hurt! But I got you, didn't I?" and I leaned down and kissed him.

As I moved to put my arms around him Justin took the opportunity to toss me off and I landed with another loud crash on the floor.

"Hey, that hurt!" I yelped.

"Serves you right," he said sitting up and brushing himself off.

"Spoil sport!"


"Dumb fuck!"

"Stupid shit!"

"Love you," I said softly.

"Love you too," he said and he put his arms around me and we kissed again.

"So is the foreplay over?" he asked. "Can we go to bed now?"

I rolled my eyes. "In a hurry huh? Why don't you just whip it out and jerk off if you're in such a hurry?"

"Only if you'll join me!"

"I'll watch!"

"Huh! You just want to watch me jerk off?"

"Sure. It'd be a real turn-on," I said, and I licked him.

"Maybe later," he said, "I've been jerking off for too long, I want to play some team sports."

He hopped up and extended his hands to me and helped me up. My ankle actually did hurt a little and I limped when I walked.

"You really did hurt yourself," he said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay, well we better take care of that," and he took my arm and led me to his bedroom. "Take off you clothes and I'll go get some stuff," and he smirked and went into the adjoining bathroom.

I started to take off my shirt and then felt a little self-conscious. Better to wait until he came back I thought.

"Hey, I told you to strip Mister!" Justin yelled from the bathroom.

"Okay, okay," I said, and took off my shirt, then pulled off my shoes, having to be slow and gentle with my hurt foot. I pulled off the socks and then dropped my pants. I still had on my T-shirt and boxer shorts. Justin came in.

"That'll do," he said, and he came up and pulled back the covers and indicated that I should lie down. I lay down and Justin took a towel and put it under my foot. Then he took a bottle and unscrewed it and poured some liquid into his hands. He rubbed his hands together briefly and then put them on my foot. It stung a little and he squeezed and it felt uncomfortable. I startled and Justin let go.

"Does it hurt?"

"Just a little uncomfortable."

"'Kay. Let me know if it hurts, okay?"

"Uh huh," I muttered as he started to rub and squeeze my ankle and around my foot. After a few minutes it started to feel pretty good. The ache wasn't as bad, and it was relaxing. Justin poured more liquid onto his hands and continued to rub my foot. After a while I was starting to warm up, and he slid his hands up my leg to my knee, then back down to my ankle. I shivered.

He picked up a bandage and started to wrap the ankle.

"You don't need to do that," I protested, but he shook his head.

"Just to make sure...we'll see how it is in the morning," and he continued to carefully wrap it. When he finished he lifted up my leg in his hands and inspected his handwork. It seemed to satisfy him, and he leaned down slowly toward my feet, continuing to stare into my eyes. And then he gently kissed the toes of my feet.

It tickled!

He smiled and gently put the foot down, then stood up and started to strip for me. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it off to reveal a white wife-beater. Then be unbuttoned his pants, swaying suggestively in front of me. After undoing the last button he smirked and turned away from me, bending over just a little so that his butt was right in front of me, and he slowly slide down his pants, revealing the white boxer-briefs underneath.

I'd forgotten about the aching in my foot at this point.

He turned and came towards the bed, discarding his pants as he walked. He carefully climbed onto the bed and squatted down on his knees between my legs. His smile was wide as he reached out with his hands and placed them just above my knees, sliding them slowly, every so slowly up my thighs. His fingertips stopped at the edge of my shorts and he slowly moved his hands over my legs, keeping his fingers so tantalizingly close.

I was hard and a small wet patch was starting to appear at the cloth covered tip of my erection. I just lay back and shivered in anticipation.

"That feel good?" Justin whispered.

"Yeah...yeah...just keep going," I pleaded.

"Not so fast Mr. Take-it-slow," he teased, a finger sliding up to poke at my balls. I grunted in pleasure.

"Hey," he whispered, his hands moving up to my chest as he leaned forward. "There anything special you want to do this week?"

"Just be with you," I sighed, straining upwards so that my dick was rubbing against his chest as he was leaning down over me on his hands and knees.

"That's nice, don't you have some meetings though?"

"Screw them," I said thrusting upwards and running my hands along the side of his chest.

"Hey my Mom's gonna come visit..." he said.

"That's nice..." I moaned. He'd been trying to patch things up with his mother. But I couldn't focus on that as I was busily trying to pull him down on top of me. Why was he telling me about calendar items at a time like this?

"When you going to see her?" I said. I'm not even sure why I asked.


"Uh huh..." my sex addled brain was concentrating on rubbing my dick against him. I heard the word tomorrow and it seemed like such a nice word. We'd do it tomorrow. That left plenty of time for this today. Not have to worry about that until tomorrow. Don't worry about his mother. Tomorrow.


"Tomorrow!" I shouted sitting up and almost bashing our heads together.

Justin leapt back startled, then leaned in again, stroking my chest.

"Yeah, tomorrow," he said as he reached down to my tented shorts and squeezed.

" how long is she going to be in town?"

"A few days," he said rubbing me lightly.

"Where's she staying?"

He looked at me with an amused expression on his face. "Here" he said. He didn't say 'here silly,' but his voice implied it.

"Where am I going to stay?" I asked, putting my hand on his to stop him from stroking me. Would I be able to get a hotel reservation now? Had Justin already made me one?

He looked confused. "Here of course."

"What?! This is a joke right?"

"What? No! Why wouldn't you be staying here?"

"Why wouldn't I...what? Are you nuts? Stay here with your mother? Are you fucking stupid?" I snapped at him and immediately regretted it.

Justin's expression hardened and he straightened up and looked me levelly in the eye, "Well you can stay any where you fucking like!" and he hopped off the bed, grabbed his pants off the chair and stormed out of the room.

"Shit!" I said to myself, lying there. I looked down at my dwindling erection. "Looks like you're on your own again," I said to it.

I rolled off the bed and tried to find my pants. Damn! Where did I put them?

They were under the bed - I must have kicked them. I pulled them out and went into the bathroom. Pulling off some toilet paper I wiped up the worst of the precum inside my shorts. I looked at myself in the mirrors in the bathroom. Standing there in wet shorts and looking kind of lost. A sexual refuge I thought to myself, looking for a safe harbor. Why the fuck was my love life so fucked up? Wasn't being gay enough of a cosmic joke? If there was a God, did he get his jollies from tormenting me?

I pulled on my pants and went out in search of Justin. I figured there was no chance for sex now, but if I wanted to get anything this week I better patch things up quickly. Actually, if I didn't want to be kicked out on my ass I better patch things up. Was this my fault I wondered to myself?

It wasn't hard to find Justin. He was playing something on the piano. Probably composing a song about a bitchy boyfriend. I went in there and was about to yell at him when he looked up at me and fixed me with a look of total hatred. Malice was burning in those blue eyes and his mouth curled up as he said 'fuck!' to himself and meant it.

I stood in the doorway watching him and he looked back and kept playing and I just stood there. He stopped playing and without looking at me shouted "What!" It was more of an exclamation than a question.

"I'm sorry," I said, "you're not stupid."

He didn't answer me, he just looked away from me and out the window.

"That was my dick talking," I went on. "It just wanted to cum and then you interrupted it with details it couldn't deal with, so my mouth just ejaculated that shit and I'm sorry."

He looked at me, a wry smile on his face. "Is that what you call an apology?"

"Alright," I breathed in, "I apologize, Justin. I'm sorry I said that."

"That's okay, the other apology was okay just always have to use so many words."

"Go figure," I replied.

He just sat there. He didn't say anything. I could see that I had to do something, and it was obvious I couldn't stay here with his Mother.

"I'm going to go call a cab," I said, and I turned and walked back out the hall. I'd seen a phone down there somewhere.

"Ethan!" I heard Justin call and he was running after me. "What are you...why are you calling a cab?"

"I'm just going to go to a hotel. It'll give us some time to cool down," and I picked the phone up and he came up to me and snatched it out of my hand.

"Why are you doing this?" his tone begging, "I'm not that angry...I'm sorry I overreacted...please don't go...please, it's okay...don't go."

"Justin, it's okay, I'm not breaking up with you, but with your Mother coming I can't stay here and I think it's best I'm not here when she arrives."

"What? Why? Of course you can stay here!"



"Your Mother hates me! I can't stay here while she's here."

"She doesn't hate you. Once she gets to know you she's going to love I love you."

"'re being...", and I caught his eye, "you're not making sense Justin."

"She'll love you, I know she will."

"Justin! Come on. She hasn't even accepted that you're bisexual. Do you really think she's going to be hugging me and saying how wonderful I am for her son? She probably thinks I turned you into a queer!"

"No she doesn't!"

"I'll bet you money she does," I said bitterly.

"Come on. Your parents accepted me. Give my Mom a chance."

"Justin, that was completely different! Firstly they already had accepted that I was homosexual. And they'd accepted it for a long time and known I was dating men. And my Mom even invited you up specifically. Now honestly, are you telling me your Mom feels the same?"

"I just...I want to give her the chance to get to know you...see that you and's not what she thinks."

I looked at him. I couldn't believe he was honestly thinking this was going to work.

"Justin," I said, trying to be calm, knowing that if I kept shouting at him he'd never listen, "Don't you see that this is a bad idea? The best thing is for me to go to a hotel. Then I can come over and visit with you both...and maybe...maybe it'll go okay. At least we'll all pretend to be civil and then I'll go back to the hotel and when she's gone the two of us will get together and do something."

"Ethan! Come on. You can stay here. We're adults!"

"That's not the point. If I'm spending the night here she's going to look at me and see the man that's defiling her little boy in the house she's sleeping in. It's going to tick her off. Maybe not that she'll say anything, maybe she won't even be aware of it herself, but it will piss her off. I know. I dated a guy who's mother hated the fact he went out with guys."

Justin looked at me, a sudden look of understanding. "Oh I'm sorry Ethan. Was it bad?"


"Did she break you up? What happened?"

"No. She didn't have the chance. We went on a few dates and it didn't work out. But I met her once and she was like ice. I could tell she absolutely detested me but was pretending to be nice to me for her son. She hated me and I know it would have been really awkward."

"You're just jumping to conclusions!"

"No I'm not."

"Come on. It won't be that bad," he persisted.

"Yeah it will."

"No it won't."

"Justin," I said, trying to remain calm. "It couldn't get any worse than this. I mean, the only thing worse would be if you invited over your ex-girlfriend."

Justin looked guilty.

"What?" I asked him.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"What did you do?" I demanded.

"Uh...I kind'a...Britney's in town and we're still friends and my Mom really likes her...and...well we're all going to have dinner with her..." he trailed off.

I closed my eyes. Suddenly I had a terrible headache.

"You're coming too!" he hastily added.

The headache got worse. Hadn't I been about to have sex a short while ago? What happened?

"This is not a good idea Justin" I almost pleaded. "I'm not even sure it's a good idea for me to meet your Mother at the moment."

"Why not? I met your's," he threw at me.

I stood there. What was I supposed to do? Was I being stupid or unreasonable? No, I wasn't. He was being unreasonable. Thrusting his Mother onto me like that. I hadn't done that. I'd asked him if he wanted to meet my folks. Given him plenty of notice and plenty of chance to back out.

"Justin, I asked you if you wanted to go and then we arranged it. I didn't arrange it and then say 'by the way Justin, we're going to my parents tomorrow'. I gave you lots of chances to change your mind and not go."

"Sure, like I could have," he snapped.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Like I could have said I didn't want to go. Then you would have been pissed."

"No I wouldn't! Come on, you knew you didn't have to could have said no."

"Yeah, sure," he said rolling his eyes and it really ticked me off.

"Or you could have just said that security would have been a you normally do!"

Justin's eyes widened and his mouth opened.

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing," I said. I'd said it to push his buttons but now I realized I'd pushed too hard.

"You think," his eyes narrowed, "you think that I use security as an excuse to get out of things I don't want to do?"

"Yeah," I said, "sometimes you do."

"That's bullshit! I always tell you if I don't want to do something."

"After you say that security will be a problem, yeah"

He looked at me, I couldn't quite read what he was thinking but something made me think he was thinking about what I'd said and thinking that maybe I was right.

"Fuck you," he spat.

Well, I guess I was wrong.

We stood there, not looking at each other, just breathing heavily. I didn't want to open my mouth again as I knew I wasn't going to say anything nice. I wondered if he thought the same.

"I'm sorry," he said in a conciliatory voice. I wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. I wasn't going to query him on it.

"Justin..." I said as calmly as I could, "let's just...let's just call a hotel and get me a room, okay?"

"But I want you to stay here."

"I'm not staying Justin, that's it."

"Fine!" he shouted, throwing the phone down and turning around and stalking off.

I picked up the phone, but I didn't know where to call. There was no phone book. I dialed 411 and asked for a cab company. Then I went and retrieved my shirt, socks and shirt from Justin's bedroom. Coming down to the entranceway I heard the door slam. I wondered what that was and went down and opened the door just in time to see Justin driving away in his car. Shit! I'd thought I'd at least say goodbye to him...maybe even make up.

Well so much for that. I went back in, grabbed my notebook and wrote a short note:


I think we just need a bit of time to cool off. I've taken a cab to get a hotel room. I'll call you when I'm there.

I wasn't sure how to sign it. Did I just write 'Ethan?' Or did I write 'All the best' or 'sincerely?' I wanted to write 'I love you,' but after the fight I was still pissed. I thought about it some more, then I wrote:

I love you, Ethan

I folded up the paper, wrote Justin on it and left it on the table, then I went out the front door and walked down to the gate. It took me a little while to figure out how to open the gate from the inside. I almost wondered if I'd be trapped inside until Justin came back, but I eventually found a button on a post by the driveway and I pushed that and the gate opened. I walked through quickly and then looked up and down the street. There was no sign of anybody (thankfully) so I walked a few feet away from the entrance and set my bag down and then wondered whether I should just stand there, sit on the grass, or go lean against the wall. If the cab hadn't arrived I would probably have spent ten minutes trying to decide what to do.

The cab pulled up and I asked him to take me to the nearest hotel. It took about twenty minutes to get there, but fortunately the place had a room and I checked in.

Then I went up to the room.

Walking in I felt so alone in the empty little room. It felt so familiar. Here I was in LA again. I'd thought this trip was going to be fun. It was turning into a major nightmare. And I was supposed to be meeting with some people tomorrow. Shit! I realized I was tired. I pulled off my shirt, shoes and socks and pants and just collapsed into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Next: Chapter 25

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