All the Ways I Love You

By Jason Calme

Published on Jan 28, 2003


All the Ways I Love You

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 15

"Come on," I said, and I started walking towards the bedroom, leading him by his hardening dick. He waddled behind me, pretending to be annoyed. I was pulling him by his most precious organ, but I knew he was loving it. He had a huge smile on his face.

When we got into the bedroom I stepped away from him so I could admire his naked beauty. And he is so beautiful. He just takes my breath away sometimes. And then he'll make some stupid joke and I really can't breath.

I watched his dick and balls bounce as he walked towards me and I had an idea.

I went over to the radio and turned it on, punching through a couple of stations until I found a nice piece of dance music. I turned back to Justin, who was looking at me quizzically.

"What?" he said.

I sat on the end of the bed and waved my hand at him.

"Dance for me," I said.


"I want to see you dance."

"Now?" he asked. He seemed confused.

"Yeah," I nodded.


"Why do you think?" I said, looking down at his dick.

Justin rolled his eyes, and stood there for a moment, then he half-heartedly bounced around a bit. I watched his dick swinging and felt myself getting hard. He wasn't really dancing, just stepping about. I'd seen him dance with more style and enthusiasm at the club in LA, and I'd seen much more erotic dancing in porn movies, but seeing him do it here, in front of me, just turned me on so much.

He started thrusting his hips back and forth and his dick swung up and down between his legs, slapping against his chest as his thrusting became harder. I was grinning, but it stopped all too soon and Justin just stood there. I looked up at him and for a second he had an expression that I couldn't quit figure.

"What's the matter?" I asked. I was enjoying it. Wanted to see more. He could dance naked for me all night.

"Nothing," he said, standing there, and then he walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of briefs and started putting them on.

"You're getting dressed?" I asked, surprised.

"I'm cold," he said a little coolly.

"Justin, what's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing," he repeated. He seemed to be looking for a T-shirt. He took one out and started pulling it on. I got up and walked over to him. As his head popped out of the shirt I reached out and put my hands on his shoulders and tried to turn him towards me but he resisted.

"Justin?" I said softly.

Slowly he turned to face me, his face impassive, and yet his eyes looked angry.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing," he said.

"Yeah, bullshit," I said softly to him, and then I blew on his nose but he just screwed up his face and stared angrily back at me.

"If you're not going to tell me what it is that pissed you off, how am I going to know not to do it?" I said.

"It's not what you did," he said.

"Well, what is it?"

He stood there for a moment, and then it was as though he'd decided to forget the whole thing. He smiled. "It's nothing, everything's fine," he said lightly, and went to walk away, but I reached out and grabbed him.

"Don't bullshit me, what's going on? You didn't want to wave your dick around? That's fine. Just say it! You don't like me looking at you naked? Then at least tell me. What is it?"

He stopped. He looked at me levelly, then he looked away and quietly spoke.

"What do you see when you look at me?" he asked.

"When I look at you?"

"Yeah. Just now. What do you see?"

"Uh...I see a really great looking guy that turns me on. You've got a really great body and it just turns me on. Particularly with your dick flopping around like that."

He nodded but it didn't seem to be the answer he was looking for.

"I guess I'm not..." I began.

"No, it's okay," he said softly, "I didn't expect any more."

"Justin," I said, "What are you asking me? Are you asking me why I like you? Why I like being with you?"

He glanced back nervously and shrugged. His look became a little hopeful and I had to think about what I was going to say. I felt like I was in a minefield. Why did these things always come up at odd moments like this? Didn't he know I loved him? How many times and how many ways did I have to reassure him?

"Well Justin," I began, "I think you're really cute and all, but that's not why I want to spend as much time as I can hanging out with you, going places, or just sitting watching television..."

He smiled, a small smile and I reached out and pulled him to me.

"And I like your music and all, but I have to say I'm not your biggest fan either." He frowned a little, but I squeezed him and he smiled.

"I mean I am your biggest fan," I continued, "because it's you, but you know, musically we kind of diverge a bit here and there."

And then I leaned forward so I was very close to his ear, not quite touching.

"But I guess what really makes me want to hang out with you is what I saw those first two days in LA. Someone who's funny and energetic and playful. Someone who likes to hang out with me and have a good time. Someone I care about and who I think cares about me. Someone I like to just talk to and be with. That's the real reason I like being with you."

He grinned.

"And did I tell you that I love it when you laugh? I just love to see you laugh. I don't know why," and I tickled him lightly and he rewarded me with a small laugh.

"The fact that it all comes in a very sexy package, well that's a bonus, but you already know the part of you I like the best," and I ran my fingers through his hair.

He nodded and smiled at me sheepishly.

"You know, we're just starting out here, so I know you can't just take that on face value." Justin went to protest but I stopped him. "But give me a chance to show that I really love Justin the person, not Justin Timberlake the star, or Justin the body. Just give me a bit of time to show you that."

I hugged him and he put his arms around me and hugged back tightly and then he turned to face me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "It's just so hard for me to know what people see in me, what they think I am," he said softly. "They just...they see what I am on TV or on stage and they think that's me. I just...I still think I'm this regular guy who happens to do those things. Everyone outside, they just see what they want to see."

I nodded.

"I'm sorry," he repeated, his voice catching.


"For not trusting you. For being a fucking jerk all the time."

"Hey, that's what...that's why people date, right? To figure out if they can trust the other person. It's okay."

He smiled at me nervously, nodding his head and looking around as though he just wanted to get away. It didn't seem like the right moment for sex.

"Hey. Wanna watch a movie?" I suggested.

"A movie?"

"Yeah. The PlayStation plays DVDs and I have some. A movie about now might be fun."

"Uh..." he looked thoughtful. "Yeah, sure," he nodded turning to look back at me and smiling.

"Great. We'll make some popcorn. The whole nine yards."


I stepped back from him. "You probably need to dress a bit more than that," I said.

He looked down at his t-shirt and shorts. "Yeah...I'll...I'll put something on."

"Okay, and I'll go make popcorn," I said smiling at him. Trying to make it light. Wanting to tell him I loved him but feeling it was the wrong time to simply toss that out after the conversation we'd just had.

"Okay," he nodded and smiled at me and I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. As I pulled back he smiled, and then he leaned forward and kissed me back.

I leaned up to his ear and whispered, "I'll meet you on the couch," and he nodded and I went out to the kitchen and threw a bag of popcorn into the microwave.

When I came out he was sitting on the couch with a comforter wrapped around him.

"That's looks cozy," I said, and he laughed.

"Yeah, it is!" he agreed.

I put the popcorn on the coffee table in front of him and then went over to my small, but unimpressive collection of DVDs.

"What are you in the mood for?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"How about 'A Few Good Men?'" I asked.

His eyebrows furrowed. "You wanna watch gay porn?" he said.

I looked aghast at him, wondering if he'd never heard of the movie, or if he really thought I'd go and suggest a porn movie right now. But then he grinned.

"Nah," he laughed, "I'm just kidding yuh. Sure, that'd be good."

I put in the movie and went and sat on the couch, a little way away from Justin. He glanced over at me a couple of times, still with the grin on his face.

"Why don't you sit closer?" he asked me.

So I slid up close to him and he opened up the comforter and I realized he was still in his underwear.

"I think I'm over dressed," I said.

"Maybe," he said nodding and grinning.

I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, looking to see what his reaction would be. He watched me, smiling and nodding his head a little as though in encouragement. I pulled off my shirt and then hesitated at my jeans. But I looked up into Justin's face and he was smiling in encouragement, so I quickly unbuttoned and dropped my pants and slid over to Justin. He held the comforter open and slid forward so that there was room for me to lie behind him. I saw my chance and slapped his butt.

"Hey!" he said.

"Gay porn!" I laughed and he laughed with me. But I left my hand on his butt, feeling it through the cloth of his briefs, and I squeezed it a couple of times and caressed it a little as I settled next to him, leaning against him, and pulling the comforter over us as we snuggled into a comfortable embrace.

"You comfy soldier?" I said in my best Jack Nicholson impression.

"Just keep your hands off my privates!" Justin smirked back at me and I hugged him and kissed his smiling face.

We were lying there, about half the way through the movie and Justin turned back to face me.

"I'm sorry I'm such a jerk all the time," he whispered.

"It's okay," I said. "I know this isn't easy for you. You've just got to tell me what's going on in here," I said, and I tapped his forehead.

He smiled. "You know I...I really do love you," he whispered.

"Me to, Justin, me to," I said, leaning in to kiss him.

Thursday we set out for my parents. I was still nervous about it. Justin and I were at such a delicate stage; Justin was still coming to terms with the idea of having a boy friend. One minute he was a very horny boy thrashing around in bed with me, the next minute he was a huge panic attack scared shitless that people were going to find out and it would be the end of his career.

Despite his decision about continuing with the 'experiment', as he called it, I'd twice woken to the sound of him sobbing in bed. The first time we'd talked about it; just going around in circles. The second time I just slid over to him and pulled him to my chest and held him until he calmed down and fell back to sleep.

And as I had lain there, listening to him breathing, I had decided I was going to talk to him in the morning and maybe we should end it. Or at least he should go away for a bit and think things through.

Instead, I'd been awoken by a long, erotic kiss, Justin climbing on top of me, and then we'd spent the next hour getting all hot and sticky. Consuming one another. Exercising, and exorcising all of our demons.

And as much as I half-heartedly tried to talk him out of it, Justin wouldn't change his mind. He'd made his decision and he was committed to the relationship. And he was going to play it through to the end.

I just wasn't sure if I was up to it.

And here we were off to visit my parents. I regretted even mentioning it. But when it originally came up things had been progressing nicely and I figured everything would be okay. Instead I found that we hadn't progressed at all. Or should I say, Justin's comfort level hadn't progressed at all.

But Justin wouldn't be deterred. When I went to cancel it he dug in his heels and said he was going, with or without me. So we rented the Mini again, and off we went.

We didn't say much for the first half of the trip. I think Justin was nervous and didn't feel like talking. I was thinking about what was going to happen. How did I introduce him? How was Justin going to hold up? What did I do if he fell apart while we were there? Why were we doing this? Something told me this was either going to cement the relationship or destroy it completely.

I just wanted to turn around and go back.

We were over half way to my parents when I noticed Justin fidgeting nervously in his seat. I looked over at him.

"You okay?" I asked. "Need to use the bathroom?"

"What? No I'm fine."

"It's going to be fine," I said. "They'll like you. My mother will love you. It'll be fine."

"I...yeah okay," he said.

"What is it? Tell me! Is it because we didn't tell them who you are? I thought you were okay with the plan?"

"It's not that," he said.

"Then what is it?" I pleaded with him.

"I just..." he trailed off, his body tense.

"Come on..."

"I just...this is kind of hard meeting your parents and brother and sister and...well I'm coming out to people I don't even know," and he exhaled and sort of collapsed against the seat.

I waited for a minute. Gave him a chance to gather himself together.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. "I didn't even think of that."

I glanced over at him and he smiled nervously at me.

"Listen..." I began. "They're going to love you, and I promise they won't tell anyone about you or us. You'll just be a friend of mine and that's all. So no one outside the family will know."

"Yeah...," he said, but he didn't sound convinced.

"Okay, look..." I said, slowing the car down preparing to take the exit that was coming up. "Let's stop for a minute and you can think about this. If it's too soon, if you don't want to do this, then that's fine. We'll just turn around and go back to the city."

"But they're expecting you," he protested.

"Yeah, but they'll understand."

"No they won't," he pouted.

"Maybe they will, maybe they won't," I shrugged. "They don't know who you are, but they know you're not out, and they'll probably understand that you'll be nervous about being outed."

He rolled his eyes.

"And this has nothing to do with you being famous," I continued. "They don't need to know that to believe it. People with everyday jobs have similar problems. If I said you were a high school teacher they'd be like 'sure! Of course he's scared shitless about people finding out.'"

Justin laughed a little. I had taken the exit and we were now on a small side road that was practically deserted. I pulled over and stopped.

"So you want to talk about it?" I said, turning off the car and turning to face him. "You want to go get something to eat or you just want to sit here and think for a bit? Or do you want to turn around and go back? I'm happy to do it. No one's going to be angry."

"You're Mom'll be disappointed," he pointed out.

"Well yes," I said, acknowledging his grin, "but she'll understand, and she'll get over it."

I could see him thinking.

"Justin," I said, taking his hand in mine, and then lightly stroking the top of it with my other hand, "it's totally up to you. And no one is going to think lesser of you or anything. So if you're not up to it, let's just turn around and go home? Okay?"

He sat there for a moment.

"I want to keep going," he finally said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure."

"Pretty sure?" I said, fixing him with a curious glance. "I want you to be sure. I don't want you to regret it later. I'm not going to push you to do this, but I am going to push you to make sure you know what you want to do. I don't want you blaming me for anything that happens because of this. I mean, I think everything's going to be just fine, but I can't promise that it will be."

"Let's keep going," he said, sounding more positive. "I'm sure."

"Okay," I said, starting up the car and turning around to go back to the highway entrance. "You've got until we reach the driveway to change your mind. After that you're committed."

"Committed?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"To the trip!"

My parents live a little way out of Poughkeepsie. It was a nice place to grow up, but once I was in my late teens I was itching to get out. I couldn't imagine living there again.

My parent's house is situated in a sub-division that probably would be classified as middle-class urban sprawl. Most of the houses were built in the 60's. It's not really that bad, but there's not a whole lot of character to the place. No swimming holes or interesting places to explore. Just blocks and blocks of houses.

At least our house has some character. I always thought it was the nicest one in the neighborhood. A large two story brick and wood building, with a large and well kept garden. My Mother loves to garden.

We turned onto my parents' street and I looked over at Justin and he smiled a nervous smile at me.

"This is your last chance Justin," I said. "Absolutely, positively sure?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I'm sure, I'm sure...let's get this over with Man!" he acted a little like he was wild and crazy as he said it, but I could see it was just an act to cover his nervousness.

"Let's get this over with? Doesn't sound like you're looking forward to it!" I pointed out.

"I'm not really... I'm worried they won't like me."

"They'll like you," I said, reaching out and squeezing his shoulder. "My Mom will love you!"

"Even though I'm your boyfriend, not your girlfriend?" he asked.

"My parents have known for a long time that I wasn't going to be bringing home girlfriends. Don't go thinking of getting an operation, I love you just the way you are!" and I put my hand between his legs and squeezed quickly and he leapt up and tried to grab my hand away, squealing a little.

"You need to calm down," I joked.

"Hey! Well if anyone's getting an operation, it's you! Wait until I do that to you!" he said, his hand coming out to grab at me.

"Not while I'm driving!" I said, pulling the car into the driveway and parking in front of the second door of the garage.

I looked over at him and he smiled weakly.

"Cover me, I'm getting out!" I joked.

I gave him a quick hug over the gearshift, and then opened the door and hopped out. Just as I was straightening up, the front door opened and my Mother came out smiling.

"Hello!" she called from the front steps, coming down to greet us. In her late fifties, with long blond hair that is now mostly gray, my Mother remains a very attractive looking woman. Tall, thin and fit, her features are a little Nordic; her grand parents came from Sweden, though my Mother doesn't speak the language and has never been there.

Justin was climbing slowly out of the passenger seat as Mom came up and hugged me.

"Welcome home," she said to me and then she turned to Justin and smiled. "And you must be Justin," she said smiling at him.

"Yeah, Mom, this is my...friend Justin Timberlake, Justin, this is my Mom, Ellen Thompson."

She didn't react when I said his name, which I wasn't expecting her to.

"Call me Ellen," she said walking around to him and pulling him into a quick hug, Justin giving her an air kiss.

"Yes Ma'am," he said, "thank you for inviting me to stay."

"Well you're most welcome," my Mother said and we stood there awkwardly for a moment. "Come on in," she said brightly, and we followed her as she led us to the house and then into the kitchen, and waved us to sit around the central kitchen counter.

"What can I get you to drink Justin?" she asked.


"I was going to make coffee," she prompted. "Would you like coffee?"

We both agreed to that, and Mom set about making us coffee as she asked how the drive up had been, and about the cute little car.

"So Justin, what do you do?" she asked after we'd settled in a bit.

"I'm in the music business," he said very quietly and seriously. I noticed that his pronunciation had become very clear and precise.

"Oh that must be exciting..." Mom said, offering to refill his mug.

"Yes it is, a lot," he agreed.

"So what do you do?" she asked.

"Justin does a variety of things," I interrupted, "he has produced some albums," which was true. It wasn't the whole truth but maybe it would distract her.

"You have?" she said, looking back at Justin. "This sounds awful put this way, but anything I might have heard?"

"Uh..." Justin began.

"Probably not Mom," I interrupted. "They're not really mainstream. I don't think you listen to the right stations."

"Well I'd like to hear some of them" she said.

"I can send you a disc" Justin smiled.

"That'd be wonderful," my Mom said, patting his hand. "So how did you two meet?"

"When I was out in LA," I began, "for that script job, he works for the record company that hired me."

"So you live in LA?"

"I have a house there. I travel around a lot..."

And so it went. After a little while Justin and I both relaxed as we talked about how we'd met and vaguely talked of the ups and downs of the relationship so far (leaving out the worst of it.) After an hour we'd finished the coffee and Justin asked where the bathroom was.

"I'll show you," I said, and I led him down the hallway and pointed at the bathroom. Justin looked a little nervously at me and I said "it's going fine" and hugged him quickly before going back to the kitchen.

When I got back to the kitchen Mom was putting away the dishes in the dishwasher and she looked up at me thoughtfully.

She was just about to speak but I jumped in before she had a chance.

"I know, I know," I began, "he's younger than I am and he lives all the way across the country, but we're just crazy about each other."

"I can see that," she said thoughtfully.

"You don't like him?"

"No. I was actually going to say that he was very sweet. I could see why you would fall for him."

"But?" I prompted, expecting the worst.

"But nothing," she smiled back at me.

I stared at her.

"So tell me," she continued, "what is it about him that attracts you?"

"Well," I said confidently, "he's cute, and funny and fun and I...and I just feel warm inside when I'm around him."

"Well," she said smiling, "that's probably enough to be getting on with."

I nodded.

"Though if you ask me," she continued, "I think he's probably pretty high maintenance."

"Hi maintenance?" I said, wondering exactly what she meant, and then I thought about the last couple of months and realized just how much energy I'd expended on this relationship.

Just at that moment Justin came back, still looking a little nervous, and walked tentatively into the kitchen. He stood looking from me to my mother, obviously noticing he had come in at the middle of something. I smiled at him and he turned and grinned at me and I just had to wrap my arms around him and hug him. Justin stiffened a little, embarrassed at the show of affection in front of my Mother, but I didn't care, and my Mother looked on with an amused expression.

I put my arms up and pulled Justin's head down to my shoulder and stroked his head and I looked at my Mom and said, "I think he's worth it though" and she nodded and rolled her eyes.

Justin pulled away from me. "I'm worth what?" he asked.

"Putting up with the fact that you live across country," I said, hoping that would satisfy him. I didn't really want to tell him that my mother and I thought he was high maintenance.

"So are we in the guest bedroom?" I asked.

My Mother fixed me with a look. "As long as you two don't get too rowdy you can share the guest bedroom tonight, as Simon's on a school trip, but officially Justin's in the guestroom and you're in your room, and that's where you better be tomorrow night."

"Aww why?" I groaned.

"Because the rule of the house is no one sharing bed's unless they're married."

"But we can't get married!" I complained.

"You know what I mean, anyway, that's the rule, at least until Simon's in college."

"But we're adults!" I persisted, "can't you just tell him there's no cohabitating until he's 21 or something?"

My Mother fixed me with a glare, "Since when has Simon ever taken age as a reason for not doing something?" she said.

She was right. Having much older siblings, Simon was constantly pushing the boundaries. Staying up much later than my sister and I ever did, doing things younger and sooner. He was in a constant race to catch up to his older siblings. Of course it didn't help that he was spoiled rotten by his big sister and brother, and also by Mom and Dad, who had a much more relaxed attitude about their last off spring.

The only problem was, it made it sometimes difficult to rein him in, and I saw Mom using every trick in the child psychology handbook to keep him in control now that he was roaring through the teen years. My sister and I had been read the riot act that we were never to expose Simon to drugs in any way. If he got the hint of the idea that we'd even thought about trying drugs we would catch it. I thought it was a bit of an over reaction, but then again, Simon was a real handful.

I turned to Justin. "Let's get the bags and I'll show you the guest bedroom," then I waggled my eyebrows at him and said in a loud voice, "maybe we better get in all the luv'in we can before the brat gets home."

"Don't call your brother a brat," my Mother said good naturedly, "and if I hear any screaming I'm calling 911."

"Okaaaay Mooooom," I said.

We went out and grabbed our bags.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said nodding.


" could have gone a lot worse," he said, and smiled.

"Well that's one way of looking at it."

"Just have to meet your Dad now," he said thoughtfully.

"Yeah...well come on," and I picked up my bags and lead him back into the house and down to the guest bedroom. When Justin came in I pushed the door closed and locked it, then wrapped my arms around him and started kissing him.

Justin laughed nervously, dropping his bags, "You sure it's wise to be doing this?"

"I don't care," I said pulling him close and kissing him hard. He hugged me tight and our mouths opened and our tongues danced together. I started grinding against him, and slipped a hand between us, running it up between his legs and squeezing his growing manhood before sliding up and pulling at his shirt and trying to undo his pants. Justin was trying to undress me as well, and we were panting together. I'd managed to undo Justin's pants and pull them down a little and I shoved a hand down the front of his underwear, grabbing a good hold on him as he purred in excitement.

"Boys!" came my Mother's voice from the other side of the door and she tapped lightly on the door. Justin yelped and we jumped apart.

"Yes Mom," I called.

"I'm just going down to the store to get a few things. I should be back in about an hour okay?"

Justin was frantically trying to hitch up his pants.

"Ah...okay Mom," I said reaching out for Justin and pulling him back towards me.

"Do you need anything?" she asked.

"No Mom," I said, putting my hand back into Justin's pants, gently squeezing what I found there. "I've got all I want right here!"

"Justin?" my Mother called.

"Ah...yes Mrs. Thompson?" he almost choked out.

"You need anything? Comfortable in there?"

"No Ma'am," he squeaked, "I'm fine!"

We managed to let off a little steam and take a short nap before my Mom came tapping on the door again to let us know that my Dad would be home in about half an hour. Justin, who'd been lying comfortably in my arms, immediately sat up, his eyes wide and panicked looking.

"It's okay babe," I whispered, but he was having none of it.

"I better shower," he said.

I thought about it for a moment, and it did seem like a good idea.

"Come on," I said and led him to the upstairs bathroom. I started up the shower and adjusted the water until it was comfortable and waived for Justin to get in. He stripped off his clothes and got in, and I stripped off and climbed in with him.

"What are you doing?" he hissed.

"Taking a shower, stupid."

For a second his eyes flashed. He hated being called stupid or dumb. I was learning that fast.

I kissed him on the nose. "Ask a silly question..." I said, and he smiled.

We took turns washing each other, not getting too excited, just having fun touching and running our fingers over each other. I spent a long time washing Justin's hair, even though his hair is shorter than mine. I wish his hair was a little longer. I don't like it long; I've seen pictures of it and the curls get out of control. I don't like it shaved off either, I just want an inch or so of nice curly hair to run my fingers through. He accepted it with good grace, as he usually does, but finally had to tell me to stop.

By the time we were done it was pretty misty in there, and I wrapped a towel around myself and handed one to Justin. He was just finishing wrapping the towel around his middle as I opened the door and found my Dad walking past.

"Hello Ethan," he said brightly.

There was a loud thump and I heard Justin yelp and I turned around to see Justin sprawled out on the floor. I guess my Dad's appearance had surprised him.

Fortunately, the towel was still covering him, but it had slipped a lot and you could see a good bit of pubic hair and some thigh. I jumped over to him and straightened his towel and tried to help him sit up.

"What happened?" I asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah...I'm okay," Justin said. He seemed fine, though he was rubbing an elbow.

My Dad, meanwhile, had followed me in and came around the other side of Justin.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

Justin looked up and his eyes went wide and he turned bright red.

"I...uh...I slipped," Justin said apologetically.

"Sorry, if I surprised you," said my Dad good naturedly, and he put out his hand to help him up. Justin hurriedly checked his towel, then reached out for Dad's hand, and I took Justin's other hand, and we pulled him to his feet. Justin popped up and his towel fell to the floor.

I guess I'd always hoped that the first time my boyfriend met my parents it would be something special. Something to remember.

I just hadn't imagined that it would involve full frontal nudity.

--- To be continued...

Next: Chapter 16

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