All the Ways I Love You

By Jason Calme

Published on Jan 27, 2003


All the Ways I Love You

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 14

"You don't think you're gay Justin?"

"! I don't know..." Justin whispered. He sounded almost like he was in pain. "I'm attracted to men and women."

"Well then you're bi Justin. That's okay too," I said, reaching out my hand and putting it on his blanket covered arm.

" family wants me to be straight," he turned to me, his eyes pleading, "and the record company says I have to be publicly straight and so does everyone else...they want me to get a girl friend and keep the rumors of girls going on."

"I know," I said.

"The last week's been shit," he said, turning away from me and putting his head into his hands. "I don't know what to do. Music is my life. If it ended, I think I'd die."

I sat there and wondered what to do. Did I tell him he was being stupid? That he should ignore what his family said? That he could still have a career in music whether he was gay or straight?

And was that the truth?

And why had this come up now? Did oral sex mean he was gay? Surely not? Why couldn't he have brought this up before?

Well that was my dick talking. But my erection was already dwindling and I had to start thinking with my other head again.

"I don't know what to do," he repeated.

"Justin, I can't tell you what you should do," I said squeezing his arm. I looked at him and he stared back earnestly into my eyes. I looked away while I tried to think what else to say. "You think you are bi? That you're attracted to women and men?"

I looked back at him and he nodded slowly.

"So the idea of sex with Julie is still attractive to you?" I asked.

I could see him thinking. "Well, not with Julie maybe," he grinned and I smiled back at him. God we made jokes at the oddest times.

"You know, the advantage of being bi?" I said.


"You double your chances of getting laid," I joked.


"And if you're bi, then if you're going to be in a committed relationship, then you're going to have to give up sex with one of the sexes, right?"

"I don't follow..." he said quietly.

"Well...what I'm saying is...maybe you need to keep looking."

"Keep looking?" he repeated.

" know...find yourself a girlfriend."

He sat there for a minute absorbing what I had said. "You mean as a cover?" he said slowly.

"No Justin. I find a girl friend. A real girl friend."

"But what about us?" he asked, his eyes large.

"Justin," I squeezed his arm, "maybe there can't be an us. Maybe that's what your brain is telling you and you just haven't realized it."

"No...I...that's not what I want," he said, shaking his head slowly.

" just told me that music is the most important thing in your life..."

"No! That's not what I meant..."

"Let me finish Justin. Music is important to you. And so's your family. And everything you've spent the last few years building.

He shook his head and I hugged him.

"Listen," I continued, "I guess what I'm saying is that writing and my family are important to me too. I couldn't give those things up for someone...I just couldn't...and I don't think that means I can't love someone enough, it's just...I'm being realistic. And if I couldn't do it for you...then I would never ask or expect you to do it for me. What would that make me?"

"But you didn't ask me!" he said, his voice trembling.

"Justin, I know I didn't, but us being together, that's what you're being asked to risk, and that's...that's an incredible inequity. I'm risking nothing, and you'd be risking everything. It's...this is a recipe for disaster."

"No it's not!" he cried. I put my arm around him and hugged him to me, kissing the top of his head.

"Yes it is," I whispered. "Look at you. You're a mess. This isn't working out Justin. It's going to drive you to a mental breakdown. I can't watch that. If you're not going to end it, I am."

"What?" he pulled away from me. "What? You're giving up? You don't even want to fight to keep me?" He seemed angry.

"Justin! I'd do anything I could for you. I'd do anything to keep you! I love you. Please believe that. But I also love you enough to set you free."

"Set me free? This is my life, not some greeting card," he snapped.

"Sorry, it just came out. But you get the idea."

"No." he said, shaking his head. "No" he repeated, the anger passed as quickly as it came and now he was back to sad and morose. I sat next to him, my arm still around him, holding him close.

I waited a couple of minutes but he didn't say anything.

This was too weird. This had started with him saying he couldn't be gay, and ended with him angry with me for arguing we should end our relationship. Did that make any sense? It must be because he's tired. Or I'm tired.

"Maybe things will be clearer in the morning," I said finally. "How about we sleep on it and talk about this in the morning. I think we're way too tired to talk about this now."

"I love you," he said quietly, looking into my eyes nervously.

"I know you do Justin," I said quietly. "And I love you," I said staring into those blue eyes, "I do. But maybe it's not enough."

He sat there and the tears started flowing down his cheeks again.

I leaned over and hugged him.

"Shit Justin, please tell me what you want me to say. I love you and I don't want to hurt you. You're hurting so much now and I don't know what to do to make it better. I just want to make it better."

We sat there for a while, hugging each other. Justin quietly sobbing, then sniffing, and then sobbing again. I didn't know what else to say to him. I just held him and hoped he'd calm down.

"I'm okay," he said finally, trying to pull himself together.

"You are?" I said warily, squeezing him to me a couple of times.

"Yeah," he said and he tried a small smile at me.

"Want to talk some more or sleep on it?" I said.

He thought for a second. "Sleep on it," he said.

"Okay, come on, you," and I stood up, pulling him with me. The two of us, blankets still around us, walked slowly into the bedroom. I looked around for something for him to wear. I opened my drawer and pulled out some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Here Justin, why don't you put these on?" I said, and he turned to face me.

"It's okay," he said, but I held up the t-shirt to him and he put up his hands and I pulled it onto him. Then I held out the sweatpants and he dropped the blanket and stepped into them. I hugged him after pulling the pants up around his waist.

"They'll keep you nice and warm," I said, and I pulled back the covers and he climbed in and I pulled the blankets over him.

I went over to my dresser and pulled out a sweatshirt and pulled that on, then I went to my closet and pulled out a couple more blankets. I walked over to the bed and picked up my pillow. Justin was watching me and I smiled at him.

"Good night Justin," I said, and I turned and started to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked, puzzled.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch," I said, turning and smiling to him, "I'll be fine out there. I'll see you in the morning," and I turned and continued out the door.

I felt through the floor - more than I heard - the rumble of Justin jumping out of bed and running after me.

"Hey!" he almost yelled, coming up beside me and sliding to a stop so that he was blocking my way. "You're not sleeping on your own couch."

"It's okay Justin."

"No it's not!" he said.

"Yes it is Justin! Now go back to bed," I said and attempted to step around him, but he moved to block my way.

"No! I'll sleep on the couch," he said, his voice high and agitated.

"No! You're the guest. I'm sleeping on the couch."

"No!" he replied. We were grabbing hold of each other now and pushing and shoving at each other. I was just about to give him a good strong shove against the wall when the ridiculousness of it all hit me. I stopped and grinned.

"You're being stupid," I said and almost laughed.

"You're stupid," said Justin, tuning in to how silly we were and grinning back at me.

"No you're stupid."

"No you're stupid," said Justin.

"No you're stupid."

"No you're stupid."

"No I'm stupid," I said.

"Yes, you're stupid," agreed Justin. A huge smile on his face because he hadn't been tricked. I rolled my eyes. "See, I'm not twelve," Justin smirked.

We stood staring at each other for a moment.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?" I asked.

"We're going to be adult about this," Justin said seriously.

"Toss you for it?" I suggested.

"We're going to go back to bed and sleep together," he said.

"That's being adult?"

"No sex," he said and he smirked at me. Our eyes met and he seemed so much brighter and happier now than he had just a few minutes before.

"That's being very adult," I agreed with a big smile on my face. Maybe my comforting techniques needed to change. Instead of holding and cuddling him, maybe I should have just chased him around the apartment?

"We could pretend we're married," Justin smirked.

"Okay," I said, "but you're wearing the dress, you've got nicer legs."

"Huh!" he snorted.

We turned and went back into the bedroom. Justin climbed in slowly, watching me as though he thought I might suddenly run out.

I dropped down my pillow, threw down the extra blankets and climbed into bed, pulling the covers over me.

We lay there, rather stiffly. Justin on his side of the bed, me on mine. I lay still, trying hard to get to sleep. It reminded me so much of the first time we'd shared a bed.

After about ten minutes of fidgeting and trying to get comfortable, I felt and heard Justin slid over towards me. I turned my head to see what he was up to and there was his face, right next to mine, and it was just like when we had been at Abby's.

Justin looked at me, his eyes seeming to search my face for something. He pursed his lips for a moment.

"Do you think Tony left something in the night table for us?" he asked.

I smiled back at him. It was hard for me to feel anything but love for this cute funny guy lying next to me. I so much wanted to hug him close to me and tell him how much I loved him.

"Would it..." he started, looking down a little in embarrassment, then looking back up at me, " you think it'd be okay if we held each other for a while?"

I looked into his eyes. It wasn't sex he was looking for, just some companionship and support. Which was what I was looking for at that moment too.

I nodded to him. "Sure Justin, I'd like that very much," and I rolled onto my side and he slid against me and we put our arms around each other and hugged for a few minutes. Then he turned away from me and I put my arm over his chest and pulled him close and we lay there together silently, and fell asleep.

I awoke to an empty bed. I wasn't that surprised. I almost expected it. I figured Justin would leave in the morning. Whether we'd talk first or not, I'd had no idea. Now I had my answer.

"You ready for breakfast?"

I looked up and Justin was standing in the doorway with a tray. He was still wearing the sweatpants and t-shirt of the night before.

"Sure," I said, sitting up and rearranging the pillows so that it was more comfortable. Justin brought the tray in and set it down on my legs. Then he scooted around and climbed into bed next to me. I looked at the tray. Two bowls of cereal and two glasses of orange juice. I guess Justin hadn't figured out the coffee maker. Oh well.

I looked at him and he was looking so pleased with himself I had to smile at him to let him know I was really happy that he was here and that he'd 'made' breakfast.

I handed him a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice so he could put it on the table next to him, and I picked up my glass, took a drink, then placed that on the table next to me and pushed the tray down the bed between us. Taking the cereal bowl in my hand, I took a mouthful of cereal and sat there chewing.

Justin was eating and we sat there for several minutes, and I was wondering what was going to happen next. Were we going to talk about it, or was he just going to leave? I didn't know. I was just trying to brace myself for the moment.

And then the leaving. That was going to be hard. What was I going to do once he left? Maybe I'd go home. They were expecting me this weekend. Maybe I'd just turn up early.

"So I've been thinking," Justin said.

I turned to face him.

"Yeah?" I said. I guessed this was it. Let's just keep it short I thought. Just go Justin. Let's not drag this out all morning. I'm not strong enough to do this. I didn't get enough sleep last night. I kept waking up with you next to me and pulling you close to me, and listening to you breath, and smelling you, and knowing that you'd be leaving me.

"I figure that I don't really know if I'm bi."

"Oh," I said. I figured he was trying to find a way of convincing himself he was straight. That's fine. Just play along. "Maybe you're not," I agreed with him.

"I mean," he went on, "maybe I'm straight and just confused."

"Sure," I agreed. "Maybe you are."

"I mean I could be gay..."

"Well, but then you wouldn't be attracted to women," I pointed out.

"Well the point is I don't really know. I mean there's no real test right?"

"Uh...I don't think so," I said, a little confused. Hurry up Justin, just get to the point.

"So I just have to find out for myself," he said, looking anywhere but at me.

"Uhh..." now I wasn't sure where he was going.

"See now I see where I've been going wrong," he went on.

"You do?"

"Yeah. My Mom says I'm just experimenting," he began, and I got the feeling these were lines he'd been rehearing in his head. "But the problem is I've been too hung up on things, too worried about what might happen. So I haven't been able to experiment properly."

I looked at him warily.

"So I think I need to do a complete experiment to see what happens."

"A complete experiment?" I asked suspiciously. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, have a relationship with a guy, someone I love," he flashed a nervous smile at me, "do the whole sex thing, and see what happens."

I sat there for a moment, trying to digest what he was saying. Justin was looking at me, a hopeful expression on his face. Did he honestly think I would buy this?

"But what about your family? Your career?"

"I'm just experimenting see!" he said, sounding as though it was perfectly sensible. "I do the experiment, then if it doesn't work out, I just go back to being straight."

I'm not sure if I liked being classified as an experiment. And what does he mean by 'doesn't work out?'

"And what if," I began slowly, "the experiment doesn't turn out the way you want it to?"

"Well, some experiments take a long time to complete," he said, smirking. "It could be years until I get the results back. Until then, it's just an experiment." He looked at me with a huge, hopeful smile on his face.

I put down my cereal bowl on the nightstand and turned back to face him.

"Justin, this isn't a solution..."

"Yes it is Ethan," he interrupted, sliding close to me, "I spent a lot of last night thinking about things, and everything I came back to is that I've never been happier than when I've been with you." He looked nervously into my eyes, perhaps worried about what he would see there.

"It's's like a permanent high," he went on. "And sleeping with you is..." and he looked at me earnestly and seemed lost for words. He blushed, and I felt myself blush a bit too. "I thought about losing everything else and then I thought about losing you and I just can't lose any of it. I want it all. I just want to be greedy. I figure my family will adapt eventually. I figure my career...well Elton John has survived, so maybe I can do it too. Or maybe I'll fade away before anyone finds out."

I sat there staring at him, trying to think of what to say.

"That is," he continued, "if you still want me."

"Oh Justin," I said, putting out my hand and stroking his arm. "Of course I want you. But you were just so upset last night." He went to say something but I continued, "And it's not the first time. This is obviously tremendously difficult for you. I can't bear to think that I'm causing you that much pain. I don't want to lose you...but I don't want to hurt you either, and that's my greatest fear."

"You know, anything could happen," he said quietly. "It's my decision to make. I'm willing to make that decision. That's what I want. That's what I've decided. If you'll have me."

And against my better judgment I opened my arms and we grabbed at each other and hugged tightly.

We didn't talk about it any more that morning. Justin seemed committed to his decision and I didn't push him. Somehow I knew it would come back again, and we'd have to deal with it again.

And I also decided to pull back on the oral sex push. At least for the moment. We still had a lot of intimate fun, and I kept hoping for a break through, but I knew it would have to come from him.

We finished breakfast and took showers. By the time he came to find me in the kitchen he was acting like nothing had happened. He grabbed me in a big bear hug and kissed me and then reminded me that he wanted to find a gym that he could use. He had said the night before that if he was going to be visiting frequently he needed a place to work out.

I was still not convinced that he would be coming back, but I didn't like to say it. I just decided to go with the flow and see where we ended up.

Justin wanted to find somewhere that was select and safe; where he wouldn't be bothered too much by fans. He would probably still end up taking a security guard he explained, unless it was really exclusive.

Somehow Justin had put together a list of places, and we spent the morning going from one to another. I was no gym rat, so I couldn't tell if one was better than another. Certainly I noticed the differences in the decorations, but that was about it. Justin, however, carefully checked out the facilities and the equipment. At the same time he kept trying to get me interested, occasionally hinting that I should think about working out with him. Telling me how much fun it would be to do it together.

I started getting defensive. Was he suggesting I needed to work out? That I wasn't in shape? Well of course I wasn't! He was in incredible shape and the most exercise I got was walking to the corner to get groceries. I'd never been overweight or in bad shape, but I'd never been into sports and never done anything athletic. I was just a bag of bones with some skin over it.

I had never been concerned. I was pretty much a 'take me as I am' kind of guy, and I wasn't going to change for anyone. Maybe I was a little self-conscious sometimes, but never enough to consider doing anything about it. Still, having your boyfriend point out your physical abnormalities and shortcomings can be a blow to the ego.

Half the places we went to I would consider 'middle of the road.' The prices were about the same, equipment and decorations similar, and the people there seemed kind of middle class. Often it was one big room, filled with equipment and sweating people. Three walls would be covered in large glass windows, and the fourth would be covered in mirrors. Obviously these people were really into looking at themselves.

These places all had a similar looking counter with similar looking staff members standing behind it. It all seemed very...similar.

The other half of the places we went to were expensive and exclusive clubs. These places had much nicer decorations, more expensive looking equipment, and fewer, but obviously wealthy patrons.

At one of them Justin was checking out the equipment and reading the literature and I idly looked at what they charged to join and said that my apartment didn't cost that much. Which wasn't really true, but it was closer to the truth than I had imagined.

Justin grinned.

"Maybe we should just rent another apartment and deck it out with gear," he said.

"Huh!" I snorted at him.

"Anyway I'm paying."

"Uh...yeah," I said absently "you certainly are."

"No...I mean I'll pay for you."

"What?" I said looking at him and waiting for the joke, "I'm not joining."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to join a place like this!" I said.

"I thought we could work out together," he said again.

"Justin, are you saying this body is out of shape?" and I struck a stupid body builder pose.

"No! No you're in great shape," he said in an exaggerated tone, trying not to laugh.

"Huh!" I huffed. "If you're not happy with the goods, you can always go shop somewhere else," I wasn't really mad, just letting him know I was mildly irritated.

Justin's smile evaporated. "Oh Ethan!," he began. "It's not..." he stepped closer, "I love you just the way you are...I'm not trying to change you, really...I just...I thought it'd be fun to work out together."

I fixed him with a glare, but he was looking so sorry I had to cut him some slack.

"Well, maybe I'll give it a try. It'd be fun to do it with you. But this place isn't my style," I said, waving my arm. "I liked the place a couple of blocks from the apartment, and I'm more likely to go if it's close." And I could pay for it myself too, I thought, but I didn't say that.

Justin frowned. "Well," he said, "that place was okay..."

"What was the matter with it?"

"Well, the thing is, you know a place like that I'd have to take someone with me..."

"I said I'd go with you," I interrupted, then I realized what he meant.

"I just...a place like this I probably wouldn't need security. So, you know, the price difference isn't as much of a factor, and it'd be more relaxed without security around."

"Okay," I said, though really I was annoyed. Security, security, this security stuff was becoming a drag. And was it really that necessary? We'd always been joking about 'being ready to run' but so far we'd never had to do so.

The next place we went to was another lower price place. It was still very nice. The people looked 'good' and it was exactly the kind of place I'd have joined.

Justin went off to look at the locker room while I idly studied some weight equipment. I was busily trying to figure out what all the wires did, when a guy walked by and sat down on the bench and started working with it. I watched the machine, seeing how the bits and pieces worked, and only after a minute or two did I look at him and realize he was staring at me.

I nodded at him, a little embarrassed.

He grinned and said, "first time here?"

"Uh, yeah...just checking the place out. I've never used equipment like this."

"It's great for your arms," he said, and I looked at his arms and saw they were huge.

I studied the rest of him briefly. His hair was dark and cut short and his face was very masculine. He looked like a stereotypical Marine. He could have come off a recruiting poster. There were even tattoos on the arms. I looked away before he thought I was staring.

"You need to work on your upper body," he said between breaths, working hard, a sheen of sweat building on his body.

"Yeah, and every other part of me too," I joked.

"Huh," he grunted.

He looked over at something and his eyes narrowed, and I glanced over and saw he was looking at Justin. Justin had his sunglasses and hood off, and if you knew what he looked like it was obvious who he was.

"Who's that?" the guy asked.

"Who?" I replied noncommittally.

"Over there. Isn't that that kid from that group? Was dating Britney Spears?"

I looked over at Justin and then back. "Uh, I don't know," I said.

"We get them in here sometimes," he said.

"NSYNC?" I asked, curious now.

"Celebrity shits. The pricks from MTV, they're all the same."

"Oh," I said.

"Little shit wouldn't know what to do with a woman if she striped and sat on him." He was on a roll and I was trying to think of a way to get away from him. "Hey, didn't they say they dated and never fucked?" he said.

"Uh, I might have read that somewhere," I said.

"Yeah..." he went on, "he's a cocky little bastard, I saw him on TV once," and he was banging hard at the equipment and somehow I had this feeling he was imagining crushing Justin's head as he worked.

"So, you going to join?" he asked.

"Uh, still thinking about it," I said, snapping out of my thoughts. "Ah...thanks for letting me watch, I always wondered how this worked."

"No problem," he said smiling a friendly smile.

I turned away thinking about the guys attitude. He didn't really seem like a big bad tough guy. I don't think he had it in for Justin. But at the same time, I could imagine him giving Justin a little shove if he happened to walk past him. Kind of like the school bully. My imagination ran wild and I imagined Justin bouncing off the locker doors and falling to the floor, blood spilling from his nose and mouth as this big jerk stood over him, laughing.

Not that I saw Justin as some small defenseless little baby. Far from it. He had more muscles than I did, and I figured he could probably give pretty good. But that wasn't the point. There was always someone bigger just around the corner, and if they had the element of surprise...

I saw Justin walking toward me and I hurried over, dragging him out the door.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said. "I don't like this place, let's look at something else." I was on a mission now. I had to find somewhere safe for Justin.

The next gym on the list was another very expensive and exclusive place and suddenly I was looking at it through a different set of eyes. Justin would be safe here.

And I was going to keep Justin safe.

But Justin hadn't realized I'd made a 180-degree turn, and he was still apologizing for looking at these places.

"I know, it's a pain," he was talking on at one point, "but I've worked out in regular places and it's...most people are nice but sometimes you run into a jerk."

I looked at him and nodded. I didn't want to tell him about the earlier encounter.

"It doesn't happen much," he went on, "but it happens, and I never know where or when, so I'd have to have security there. I'm sorry. I mean, we can do it. I can arrange security if that's where you want to go."

I patted Justin's shoulder. "It's okay Justin," I said, "I think you're absolutely right. I'm sorry I was a jerk before."

"Don't be."

"No, I am. I should be more sensitive to the pressures you're under, and security is one of them. You know, you should join this place. The reality is, I probably will only come once or twice anyway and then stop going."

"You kidding?" Justin grinned. "I'm gonna drag your lazy ass down here every day."

"Just try it!" I said.

"You think you can take me huh?" He said laughing and stepping back and striking a sparring pose.

We were in the weight room and it had been deserted, but the door suddenly opened and we both looked up and saw the young woman who had been giving us a tour. She smiled as she came in and walked over to us.

"Is there anything else you would like to see?" she asked.

" you," said Justin. And he glanced at me and leaned close.

"So what do you think about this place?" he whispered.

"Hmm...well it probably is the best we've seen. Aren't there two more on the list though?"

Justin shrugged. "I'm getting bored with looking at all these places. They're starting to all look the same. I like this place, and it's not too far from the apartment. The other two are much further away."

I nodded to him.

Justin turned to the young lady. "This is great," he said, "we want to join."

"Oh wonderful. Do you want to come down and fill in the application now, or shall I give you them to take home and you can send them back at your convenience?"

"We'll fill them in now," Justin said.

"Please come with me," she said, and set off.

I grabbed Justin's arm.

"What?" he said.

"I'm not joining," I said.

"Yeah you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yeah, you're my personal trainer," and he smirked at me and walked off quickly, with me running to catch up to him.

At the office the woman pulled out forms for us to fill in. We were supposed to get a health check-up or be checked out by their staff physician before we could make full use of the equipment. They'd also arrange for us to be shown how to use the equipment on our first visit.

She pulled out some forms from her drawer.

"Here are the forms for you," she said handing some to Justin, "and for your personal trainer," she said and she handed some to me and smiled. "I'll be back in a minute," and she went out.

"Justin, I'm not going to be your personal trainer."

"Yeah you are," said Justin smirking.


"Look at it this way, I'm gonna pay you to come with me and make sure I do my work out. You're doing me a service."

"But I can't be your trainer," I said in exasperation.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I've got one in LA. You're just to make sure I keep working out. I can put you in touch with my trainer so she can tell you what I'm supposed to be doing."

"She?" I said.

"Yeah," he smirked. "Don't worry, I don't fancy her."

"But this is..."

"It's a tax deduction. We write off your membership, I pay you for keeping me company, you work out, I work out, everyone's happy. I don't see the problem."

And he went back to filling out the paper work.

"You sure that's legal?"

Justin looked up at me. "I'll have my accountant call you, okay?"

"Okay," I said, resigning myself to the fact that I was going to be railroaded into this whether I wanted to or not. Justin had made up his mind. I could accept it with good grace, or argue with him for the next two days and still end up doing it. I smiled at him to let him know I was capitulating and he smiled back and went back to writing on his form.

That afternoon we bought a Frisbee and went down to the park and threw it back and forth for a little while. I wasn't as good as Justin, but at least I didn't embarrass myself, and we had a lot of fun. Then we went back to the apartment and just hung out. Justin went to take a shower and I checked the Internet.

I was sitting at my computer, checking email and wasting some time when Justin came out of the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and another he was using to towel down his hair vigorously. I turned to stare at him. The muscles in his arms and chest rippling nicely.

He lowered the towel and saw me looking at him. He smiled at me sheepishly and I grinned at him.

"What?" he said a little nervously, as though he might have some toilet paper stuck to his foot or something.

"Nothing, just looking," I said, smiling happily.

He gave me an exasperated look.

"What?" I said, "I can't look?"

"Yeah, yeah," he said.

I got up and walked to him. I put my arms around him and hugged him tight and started kissing him. Kissing him and rubbing against him. He started rubbing his arms up and down me chest and I put my hand down and squeezed his thickening member through the towel. He started to purr and I reached up and ran my hands around the top of the towel, slowly pulling at it until it came loose and fell away from him. Justin stiffened a little, but I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closely to me, hugging him tightly.

"Baby, you're beautiful," I whispered into his ear and he groaned a little.

"I just got all clean," he said quietly.

"Well you feel like you want to get dirty," I said, squeezing his erection. I felt him shiver under my touch.

"You little shit," he snickered.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 15

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