All the Ways I Love You

By Jason Calme

Published on Jan 22, 2003


All the Ways I Love You

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 12

After Dave left we both showered; separately. I went first, and then while Justin showered I tidied up the kitchen and living room, folding up clothes and the bed.

I was just finishing folding the bed back into the couch when Justin padded into the room. He was barefoot, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, a towel around his shoulders, his hair still wet. He stood watching me and I got up and walked over to him. Taking the towel from around his shoulders I started to dry his hair, feeling his head through the towel. I started rubbing faster and Justin began to giggle. I moved towards him, but he kept backing up until he was up against the wall. For a moment I considered pushing this further, but then decided that wasn't the right thing to do. Better to let him lead. So instead I pushed the towel back onto his shoulder and with my hands grabbed his head and pushed him down gently and kissed him quickly on the top of his head. He laughed and I released him. When he looked up at me he had a large smile on his face and his eyes were bright.

I smiled back at him, sharing the moment, and then he quickly leaned forward and gave me a short, chaste kiss on the lips. He pulled back to see what my reaction was and I smiled at him and gave him a quick hug.

"So you want to go down to the Mall today? Take in a museum or two?" I asked him, whispering into his ear.

"Yeah," he whispered back to me.

"There's a bus that runs down there," I said, turning around and going over to the coffee table where I'd dropped the little guide book I had.

"What about the car?" Justin asked.

"Parking's a drag," I said.

"I'll pay," he said.

I shrugged. "I'm a little worried about it getting damaged, and the bus doesn't take long. It's kind of fun..."

I looked up at him and saw that he was looking uncomfortable.

"You nervous about the bus?" I asked.

He shrugged, looking away.

"How about if we catch a cab?" he asked.

I thought about it for a moment. It seemed like a waste of money, but then I figured it was his money and why not keep him happy?

"Sure," I said.

"Great," he said, turning back to face me and smiling.

"So you're gonna be okay out in public?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I'll just wear my sunglasses," he smiled.

"And I'll be ready to run!" I said. He laughed along with me.

I called the cab company, and we cabbed it down to the Air and Space Museum. It took a while for the cab to come; we probably could have caught the bus and got there in about the same time. I didn't say anything to Justin though.

Before climbing out of the cab Justin put on his cap and sunglasses, and pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt. As we got out Justin was looking around, trying to get his bearings, and I took a moment to look him over. In disguise he looked kind of 'normal.' As long as no one got a really long look at him they probably wouldn't figure out who he was. We just had to move quickly and make sure that he was always facing into corners and walls.

I suddenly realized that he was staring at me. I'd been lost in thought and I grinned at him.

"Okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Let's go!" and we bounded up the stairs and into the building.

I'd been to the Air and Space Museum yesterday, but had really only gone to the gift shop. I hadn't been in the mood to look around or go to one of the shows. But now, with someone to do things with, it was a completely different experience. We took our time and looked at most of the exhibits, Justin was perhaps more intrigued than I was by the planes and spaceships. He checked everything over closely, his eyes wide, sometimes his mouth hung open in awe. He's such a boy. But we both had a blast.

Funnily enough he's a bit like me; fascinated by the equipment, but scared of flying. I'm not sure why that is. I keep telling myself that it's a silly irrational fear; that it's safer than driving. But that just doesn't seem to work.

We had lunch in the cafeteria, being careful to sit at the side with Justin facing the wall. Justin had a huge grin on his face that hadn't faded since we arrived, and I knew I had a big goofy grin as well. We made little jokes to one another and giggled for no reason.

After lunch we went to an Imax movie and to the Planetarium show as well. It was late in the afternoon when we finally left and walked down the Mall to the Lincoln Memorial. Though we'd run around the museum together, we'd been careful not to actually touch. Just the occasional pat on the back or slap on the arm. But as we walked down the Mall Justin took my hand in his and we walked hand in hand. He had on his hooded sweatshirt, cap and sunglasses disguise, and I had on my sunglasses, so I felt a little like we were hidden away. I still noticed one or two people looking at us like we were some kind of space aliens, but I ignored them, and Justin did too. He even hugged me quickly a couple of times; once when we were waiting at a crossing for the lights to change.

At the Lincoln Memorial we walked around and I took some pictures with my digital camera. An older couple was taking pictures of each other in front of the monument and I offered to take one of both of them. Then the man offered to take our picture. Justin wasn't into it at first, but he agreed after a tiny bit of prodding from me, and I gave the man my camera and showed him what to do.

As I stepped back to Justin, I took a quick look around. There were very few people around, and no one really looking at us, so I pulled off his sunglasses and pushed down his hood. He went to complain, but then he changed his mind and pulled off the cap as well and smiled at me. I put my arm around his shoulder and he put his around mine and we faced the camera and smiled.

I asked the man to take a second picture; just in case. Then I ran over and took back the camera, thanking him for taking the picture. I pushed the view button on the camera as I walked back to Justin; who was hiding himself away again. The second picture wasn't good and I was disappointed. Justin had moved and I had my eyes closed. Yuck!

I pushed the previous button and the first picture appeared and my heart literally stopped for a moment. It was just the picture I had imagined and hoped for. We were both beaming into the camera with matching smiles, our eyes almost sparkling, and with the warm afternoon light we just seemed to be glowing. I felt warm all over.

Justin came over to me. "It come out?" he asked casually, still straightening his cap how he wanted it.

"Yeah! One did. Look at this" I said breathlessly, and I held the camera out to him. He cast his eye over it casually and then turned to me.

"It's okay. So what do you want to do now?"

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Come on," he said, and started walking off.

"You didn't like the picture?" I asked him sadly.

He stopped and stood still for a second, then he turned and he looked like he was fighting to keep a straight face.

"It's can't really see the monument though," and he held my glare for about half a second and then snickered and dissolved into laughter and I knew he was conning me.

I ran up and punched him playfully.

"You shit!" I hissed at him.

"It's good!" he laughed.

"Asshole," I said, poking him in the ribs and rolling my eyes.

"Let me take another look," he said laughing and jerking this way and that to avoid me.

"Fuck you. You're never seeing it again," I said ceasing my attack and stepping away from him.

"Oh...come was too good to resist," he laughed. "You should have seen you when you were looking at it."


"It was so funny!" he laughed, and then he started to pantomime me holding the camera. "You were like..." and he pretended as though he was pushing the buttons on the camera, "and then you went 'oh damn'" and Justin made this funny face, "and then..." and he pantomimed pushing the camera, and he made this 'oh my God!' kind of face and burst into laughter, bending over and clutching at himself as he did so.

"Funny!" I protested. "It wasn't like that at all," and I stomped off, but Justin ran up beside me and put his arm around me.

"You're too cute!" he laughed, and he kissed me.

"You know I've been trying to get a nice picture of you all day!" I said a little defiantly.

It was true. I'd been taking pictures throughout the day, and many of them were of him, but he nearly always had his sunglasses and cap on.

"If you want a nice picture of me I'll have promotions send you some. They've got hundreds of thousands."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"That's not what I want," I snapped.

"Okay, Okay," and he suddenly grabbed my arm and started dragging me across the grass to a quiet place among the trees. He let go of my hand, then called "Come on!" and pointed at the camera. As I watched he took off the sunglasses and cap and put down the hood and then kind of rolled his shoulders to loosen them up and ran his hands through his hair. Then he turned and faced me.

"How do you want me?" he asked in a sexy, if rather silly sounding voice.

I grinned and rolled my eyes.

"Just stand there," I said turning on the camera and starting to take pictures. He was smiling at me and I teased him to get him to laugh, taking pictures as I stepped closer and closer until I was only a few feet away from him and his face was filling the viewfinder. I had him turn to the left and right and then turn around so I had his head from all angles. Then I pushed him down on his knees and took some pictures of him looking up at me. The first couple of these he was laughing at the ridiculousness of it all, but then he got serious and he stared into the lens, seeming to look through the camera at me, and his eyes were smoldering. I could feel myself starting to harden.

I took two more like that and then put the camera down and looked into his eyes.

"Got enough?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah...for now..." I said smiling.

"Give it here," he said, and he took the camera out of my hands. Still kneeling below me he took a couple of pictures. I smiled down at him, feeling self-conscious, but I knew I couldn't complain after bitching at him. When he was done he put down the camera and grinned at me, and then silently mouthed "Love you," and I did the same back to him.

I put out my hand and took his and helped him up. He stood and we stared at each other for a moment face to face. I wanted to hug and kiss him, but then I noticed some people looking at us with some interest, and I wondered if they had noticed who he was.

"We should...we should get going," I said a bit breathlessly.

"Yeah," he said, casually putting on the sunglasses. He went to put on his cap and I stopped him.

"Don't cover up all at once," I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"It looks like you're trying to hide who you are. Come on, let's go. Put the cap on in a little bit, then pull up the hood."

"Kay," Justin agreed.

"You want to get a cab back or take the bus?" I asked him.

"Ah," he paused, "we can take the bus," he said.

We started off again back down the Mall to where we'd catch our bus. After we'd gone about forty feet Justin whispered "Anyone following us?"

I looked around quickly.

"Can't tell. Don't think so."


By the time we got to the bus stop Justin was back in disguise and I was certain no one had bothered to follow us. We stood at the stop, both a little nervous, glancing at each other now and again and smiling shyly. I don't know why, but I wanted to take the bus. I thought it would be fun. If I had thought someone was following us I would have gone for the cab, but it didn't look like we needed to worry.

When the bus came we got a seat about half way back. Justin asked for the camera and I made him promise not to erase anything. He took the camera and looked at the pictures on the tiny LCD screen while I looked over his shoulder.

There were quite a lot of pictures at the museum. Of planes and things. And of Justin. Justin in the entrance. Justin by the Apollo Command capsule. Justin eating lunch. Justin by the water fountain. Justin staring off into space. Justin making a face at me. There were also a few pictures that Justin had taken, including a couple of me.

Then he came to the one of the two of us at the memorial and he stopped for a good minute to look at it. He glanced over and smiled at me and I pushed my shoulder against his and we both laughed together.

He then quickly moved through the pictures I'd taken of him alone. I liked them, but he quickly paged through them; probably tired of seeing pictures of himself. He stopped, for just a second longer, on a picture of him kneeling, looking up at me. I touched his elbow and he looked at me.

I leaned into him and whispered. "I call that one 'I want you so bad.'"

Justin smiled at me.

"I do," he said, and he moved on to the pictures he'd taken of me. One of them the exposure was wrong, but the other was really nice.

He leaned over and whispered, "I call that, 'Writer hoping for sex tonight'" and he laughed.

I nudged him in the ribs and he handed the camera back to me. "So you got enough pictures of me today?" he asked.

"No," I said cryptically.

He looked back at me and rolled his eyes. "You need more pictures?"

"You forget...this is a 'digital' camera..." I said. Even though he had on his sunglasses I could see he was puzzled. "Perfect for intimate photographs..." I added and I wagged my eyebrows.

Justin rolled his eyes skyward. "No way!" he said.

We were tired when we got back. Sight seeing can really take it out of you. Dave arrived home and we ordered pizza and just hung out. After dinner Justin was stretched out on the couch, his head in my lap, and I was absently running my fingers through his hair. Dave was trying hard to ignore us. About 9 the phone rang.

"Hello?" Dave answered. "Oh, Hi there Aunt Ellen,"

Oh shit! It's my mother.

"Yeah...I'm good..." he continued. "No I'm going to...I'll see you at Thanksgiving...yeah it's going good. Do you want to talk to Ethan? Yeah he's here. Okay...I'll see you then...I will." Dave turned and held out the phone to me.

I groaned. I was so happy sitting there. Just as I was about to get up, Dave walked over and handed it to me and I realized it was a cordless phone. Justin, lying with his head in my lap, looked up at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Mom" I said pleasantly.

"How are things going, dear?" my Mothers voice came through loud and clear.

"Everything's great. We went down to the Air and Space Museum today. Had a great time."

"That's good. Did you go with Dave?"

"No he's was just me and Justin," I said, figuring that was the answer she was fishing for.

"That's good. You know Abby called, she's been dieing to hear what's happening."

"And you haven't?" I asked playfully. I looked down at Justin. I was slowly stroking his hair with my free hand and he had his eyes closed and was almost purring. This was nice.

"Well Ethan, when you're chasing one another from state to state, it does arouse a little interest."

"We weren't chasing one another," I pointed out. Justin's eyes opened briefly, obviously curious about what I was saying. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Pursuing then?" she prompted.

"Ah...well anyway," I said trying to think of something to change the subject.

"So what are you planning to do the rest of the week?"

"I don't know. Maybe the zoo tomorrow?" I looked down at Justin and he smiled and nodded a little, not opening his eyes. "Probably the zoo," I confirmed.

"And you're going to stay there the rest of the week?"


"And Justin too?" my Mother asked.


"Now what kind of Mother would I be if I didn't worry about my baby, even if he is twenty-five and thinks he's all grown up!" She accented the word thinks. Mom's can be such a pain sometimes.

I snorted. What was I supposed to say to that?

"Well have fun," she said, laughing.


"So is Justin there?" she asked.


"Is he there? Can I talk to him?"

"Mom!" I whined.


"You can't talk to him," I hissed. Justin opened his eyes and looked up at me curiously and I rolled my eyes. He made a 'what?' face and I held my hand over the headset and in a 'you won't believe this' voice I said "She wants to talk to you!"

My Mom was saying something in my ear but I couldn't make it out.

"What?" I said to Mom as Justin held up his hand.

"I'll talk to her," he said smiling.

"You don't have to," I whispered to Justin, then I talked into the phone, "Wait a minute Mom," as she was still talking and I couldn't process it all.

"I want to," said Justin, and he took hold of the phone and started pulling it down.

"Uh...uh...Mom, it seems he wants to talk to you, here's Justin."

Justin took the phone and held it to his ear, still lying on me.

"Hello Mrs..." and he looked up at me.

"Thompson," I prompted.

"Thompson..." he finished, "this is Justin...Nice to talk to you too," he said nodding. He lay there, his brow furrowed. "Well things are great, we've been going around Washington and seeing all the sights...Yes Ma'am, we went to the Air and Space and we went to the Lincoln Memorial...Yes I have, but didn't see the same things then, and this has been other ways."

He paused, nodding as he listened to my Mom.

"I was born in Memphis, but now I'm, I have a house in LA but I travel a lot...I'm in the music business...not really. Yes Ma'am."

Oh great, I thought, she's giving him the second degree. I leaned down and whispered into his ear. "Just say goodbye," but he screwed up his eyes ignoring me. I went back to stroking his hair.

"Well I'd like that Mrs. Thompson...uh, yes Ma'am I mean yes...Ellen. Yes. Yes. I will. Thank you. It was a pleasure to talk to you too Ma'...uh Ellen. Yes. Goodbye."

He smiled up at me a little sheepishly, and handed the phone back.

"Hello Mom," I said warily.

"Oh Ethan," my Mom gushed. "He's charming."

"You think so?" I said rolling my eyes at Justin as he grinned up at me.

"When are you going to bring him up to meet us?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"Well don't wait too long. I want to find out more about him!" she said, and I wasn't sure if I should be worried. Probably I should.

"I've got to go Mom," I said, though I couldn't think of a good excuse.

"Okay dear. Take care of yourself, and Justin too."

"I will," I smiled.

"Good night dear."


I hung up and dropped the phone onto the floor. Justin was looking up at me with an expression that said 'well?'

"Okay," I said, pulling his hair a little and rocking his head back and forth, "you charmed the socks off my Mother."

He grinned.

"But now she wants to meet you!" I laughed and his smile tightened and he went a little red. "Hoisted on your own petard! Serves you right too!" I chuckled

We were really tired by the time it came to go to bed. I thought it might be a good idea to take a night off and just sleep together. After the excitement of the previous evening, and then the long day we had had, I felt like a night of just a little cuddling and sleeping was a good idea.

So I just told him.

We were in the bathroom brushing out teeth together and I turned to him.

"Hey Justin," I said.


"I'm kind of tired so I was thinking maybe we'd take it easy tonight. That okay with you?"

"Take it easy?" he asked.


"You sure?"

"Yeah," I said.

"It's not because of..."

"No, I just want to get some sleep tonight. Okay? Don't read into this anything more than that."

"Okay," he said.

"Of course, if you're really horny..." I said, licking my lips.


"You can jerk off in here!" and I tickled him.

After we got into bed we carefully slid beside one another, getting our arms around one another in a comfortable embrace and then engaging in a little mouth-to-mouth which got us both starting to thicken.

"We better slow down," I said pulling away from his lips and moving up to kiss the side of his face.

"I had fun today," Justin said.

"Me to," I agreed.

"It was great to just...go do something with you. I hardly ever get to do something like that."

"Tour around?"

"Just go out with someone I like. On a date or something."


"I don't really know what normal dating is like."

"Well, you're doing just fine," I said kissing him.

"I am?" he said, looking at me hopefully.

"You're a natural."

He laughed.

"Well, after the last couple of times we got together," he said, "I'm glad we could have a 'normal' day together."

"Me to," I said, pulling him closer to me and kissing him on the lips.

God I was tired, and as much as I enjoyed talking with him I wasn't really up for a long meaningful conversation. I just wanted to sleep.

Fortunately, Justin must have been tired too, as we managed to settle down and fall asleep not long after that.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 13

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