All the Ways I Love You

By Jason Calme

Published on Jan 21, 2003


All the Ways I Love You

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 11

We both lay there for a few moments. Not saying anything. The silence was killing me. Finally I decided I had to do something.

I slowly turned to face him, and could see him turn to see what I was doing.

"Justin," I said quietly.


"I'm glad you came up today. I'm sorry I took off without giving you a chance to explain."

"That's was kind of awkward for you there. It must have been hard not knowing what you could say to who. I'm sorry."

"Well, thanks."

He smiled back at me. "You're welcome," he said.

We lay there, facing each other, not saying anything. I glanced down at his chest, but there wasn't much to see with the blankets pulled up.

"So..." I said trying to sound casual, my eyes traveling back to his. "I was trying to figure out what date this is."

"What date this is?" he said, his brow furrowing.

" this our fourth? Or do the first two days in LA count too? And if they count, were they one date or multiple?"

"Uh...I don't know," Justin smiled, "is it important?"

"Well I seem to remember someone saying something about first dates, and how there'd have to be a few more before they did certain things."

"Oh," Justin said, and the smile vanished.

"I'm joking Justin," I said hastily.

"Okay," he replied, but the smile didn't return and he just lay there.

I moved over slightly towards him, getting up on my elbow. He glanced at me and his eyes widened a little. It almost looked like panic.

"Justin...are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine," he said, sounding anything but.

"Listen," I said softly, not moving any closer to him, "we don't have to do anything tonight. You know we hardly know each other. It's...if you just want to stay at the kissing and hugging stage for a while we can do that. There's no rush."

He looked away for a moment and then he looked back at me and his eyes looked glassy, as though they were watering or he was on the verge of crying.

"Really?" he said, his voice high and tight.

"Yeah. Of course. I want you to be comfortable. I want you to do things when you're ready to do them."

"But we already did some things," he said softly.

"Sure, and that was great and really special to me, but I think that know they happened at a certain time and place for you and you were kind of trying to smash the door on your closet open and maybe you smashed it a little harder than you intended to. Doesn't mean you have to bang your head against it every time."

Justin stared at me for a moment and then giggled. "You come up with some of the weirdest analogies sometimes!"

I sat there looking serious. "Well I'm a writer, I usually like to take a couple of days to craft my response, but I'm having to make this up as I go along."

Justin laughed again.

"You okay?" I asked, grinning at him and joining in the joke.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I'm just a little nervous...I haven't done much."


"With a guy."

"Oh...well if you don't mind me asking, what have you done?"

"Ah..." and I could see him blush, "well I've..."

"You don't have to..."

"Blow jobs and touching," he said hastily.

"Just received?" I asked.

"Blow jobs? Yeah."

"And you've touched someone other than me?" I asked, remembering that he'd touched me, and wondering if that was it.

He nodded slowly.

"So you're sure you're gay?" I said, and Justin's mouth opened in surprise. "Just joking," I added.

"I want to do other things," he said, "I just..."

"It's okay...we'll take it slow."

"You know I've..." he began, and then he paused.

I stared into his eyes. "What?" I asked, but he looked away. I ran my fingers up to his chest to his armpits and tickled him and he giggled.

"Stop that!" he laughed.

"You've got to talk to me...I'm not a mind reader."

"You know I've...I think I've always been attracted to guys, but kept telling myself it was wrong, you know?"

"Yeah," I said.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why? Lots of people go through that."

"Well it's just been...with my career and everything, it's just...I couldn't do know."

"It's okay."

"And women has been all fucked up too because of who I am, and being in the public and I..."

He was breathing hard and getting himself upset.

"Justin, Justin, calm's okay. I'm not going to judge you or anything, okay? This isn't the Gay Olympics. Okay?"

He laughed a little, smiling at me. "Okay," he said quietly.

He breathed out and I gently ran my hand over his chest, waiting for him to calm down.

"So you think you'd be comfortable with what you've done?"

"Yeah..." then he blushed, "well not the oral..." he said quietly.

"You mean you don't want me to blow you?" I said in as sexy a voice as I could manage.

"Uh," Justin looked worried, "I...we should get tested."

"We can use condoms," I pointed out.

"I'm not...I'm, not sure's not fair."

"Justin...I'd love to blow you, and you don't have to blow me. You can help me get off another way."

"It's just..." and he paused.

"You've had blow jobs from other guys. Why's this different?"

"They weren't my boyfriend!" he frowned. "They were just a mouth, I wasn't going to do them!"

"But Justin, you don't have to do me!"

"No," Justin shook his head, and I saw this was getting him upset again.

"Okay baby," I said softly, "if that's what you want, that's fine. That's really fine. Okay?"

He nodded.

"So," I said softly, trying to get us into a different mood, "you know it's all rather moot here anyway. We couldn't get up to much on this damn bed anyway."

Justin looked at me and smiled a little nervously.

"I mean one good thrust and this thing would collapse under us," I whispered to him, leaning in close to his ear. His smile widened and he glanced over at me.

"So Justin," I said, whispering as seductively as I could, "how about we just do a little light touching tonight? Would that be all right? Could I just run my fingers over you for a little bit and feel you all over? Nothing more than that, and you tell me to stop if you're uncomfortable. Would that be okay?"

He nodded, not saying anything.

"I'm going to enjoy this," I whispered, "I've so much wanted to touch you," and I slowly moved my hand up and gently brought it up to his face so that he could see it and gently touched his nose and then ran my fingers down the side of his nose to his mouth and he kissed and licked my fingers as I lightly slid them across his lips. And then I ran them up around his forehead and gently through his hair before bringing them back down over his ear, and down his neck, and then up onto this chest. As I ran my hand over his chest I slowly spread out my fingers and pushed a little harder against him. Felling the muscles in his chest.

"Oh God you feel so nice" I whispered and saw him smile. He was holding his breath and his eyes were flicking from my face to my hand and back.

"Don't forget to breath," I whispered.

"Uh mmm" he gasped, and took in a deep breath, followed by another couple of forced breaths. As he did this I pushed down on his chest more firmly and slowly ran my hand up and down. I felt him shake a couple of times.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah," he whispered back to me, turning and smiling.

"Think it would be okay if you took off your shirt?" I asked.

He turned and looked at me, and smiled and nodded, and I pulled back the blankets a bit and he sat up. I put both hands out and grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and he put up his arms, watching me as he did so, and I pulled the shirt up and off him, throwing it onto the floor.

"Your turn," he said, before I could reach out to touch him, and he leaned forward and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and I raised my arms so he could pull it off. He tossed it to the ground and turned back to face me and we smiled at each other, both a little nervous, and took a long look at each other's chests. He was so beautiful. I felt so pathetic next to him. I wanted to hide under the covers, but then he'd do the same so if I wanted to drink him in like this I had to just sit there and let him do the same.

We both slowly reached out to each other, one hand touching the others chest, and like a mirror image, slowly moving the hand up to the opposite nipple and rubbing it with out fingers.

I leaned towards Justin and he leaned towards me and we kissed. It was a slow sensual kiss, as we continued to rub and explore each other. The kiss became longer and harder, our tongues starting to thrust back into each other's mouth. Our lips were squirming and chewing and we were pushing against each other. Justin gulped and then pulled away, breathing heavily and looking at me with fire in his eyes, seeming to try and recover his balance.

I slid over so that we were touching. Our legs, thighs and chests all making contact, and I put my left arm around his back and my right arm came around his front to pull him against me and he turned back to face me and we kissed again. Stronger and harder. He had brought his right arm up around my back to hold me, and we were both exploring each other with our free hand. I was rubbing all over his chest and then up his neck and through his hair and Justin was doing the same, but his hand went lower, down over my shorts and then tentatively over my erection. Lightly and quickly touching, and then moving away for a moment before coming back again.

I groaned into him to let him know it was okay, and that I liked it, and his hand came back to explore some more, and I brought my own free hand down tentatively and ran it over his cloth covered thighs to his legs, wary of touching his groin. But as he grew bolder and more insistent, I started to move my hand up his legs, over his shorts until I was just touching the base of his erection. He shook and murmured, but didn't pull away. In fact, he opened his legs a bit, an invitation for more exploration.

He was already ahead of me. I felt his hand sliding inside the wasteband of my shorts, and I pulled away and smiled at him, and then quickly reached down and pulled my shorts down under the covers, slipping them off my legs and throwing them onto the floor. I turned back to face him and he was sitting there staring, obviously unsure of what to do. I started to lean back against him, wanting him to know he didn't have to go any further than he wanted to, hoping he wouldn't suddenly panic at this point.

He grinned a little nervously, and suddenly he was sliding off his own underpants, being careful not to uncover himself from the blankets. Throwing his underpants on the floor, he turned back to face me and we slid together back into the embrace, our hands slipping back into position, and we lightly explored our nakedness.

God this was good!

I wanted to feel more of him against me, and I started to gently lie back, pulling him with me. At first he seemed unsure, but then he went with it and lay back, and I turned to face him and he turned to face me so we were face to face and chest to chest. I slinked my arms around his chest and pulled him to me and we rubbed together, our legs intertwining, our groins sliding together and our mouths latching together. We both groaned and pulled at each other harder. This was what I'd been waiting for. This is what I'd wanted to do again since we'd been together that one night at Abby and Tony's. He was here beside me, we were touching each other as much as it was possible, and we were both in love, or as in lust, as it could be. Sure it was new love. The passion of exploring each other for the first time. But we were both totally into it. We kissed and rubbed and thrust and groaned against each other, hands running over each other, our bodies starting to glisten with sweat. We were getting hot and had to kick off the blankets and lie there under the sheets, frantically helping each other to orgasm.

Justin came first, screaming in my ear, his body taught, then jerking and kicking against me. In a way I was glad I didn't come when he did. I could watch him, lost in orgasm. Hear the noises he made and watch the expression on his face as he lost control. Feel the liquid spurting from him, coating the both of us. Then he was gasping and on his back, breathing heavily and lost in the moment, trying to recover himself. After a couple of minutes he seemed to come too and looked at me, a little embarrassed about what had happened. I smiled at him.

"You're beautiful when you cum," I said to him and meant it. I think he thought I was joking, but I fixed him with a glare and leaned in and kissed him.

I was lying there, stroking myself slowly, but I knew I needed to cum soon. I started to increase the speed of my strokes as he reached out and placed his hand over me, trying to get me to let him do it. Reluctantly I let him do it; sometimes when your close and your lover takes over, their stroking is too slow, or not fast enough, or not the right pressure and you find yourself back at square one. I didn't want to go through that, and maybe I was nervous about having to tell him to go faster or harder, but it turned out I didn't have to worry. Just his touch was enough to get me boiling again, and after only a minute or so I was flying and squirting all over him, squeezing his shoulders as I moaned.

Laying back I was surprised as Justin leaned out and grabbed a t-shirt from the floor and started cleaning us both up. Once he'd finished, he carefully tossed it back on top of the other clothes on the floor and then turned back to me.

He leaned in close to me and hugged me, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you," he whispered.

For a moment I was shocked. Didn't expect him to say something like that. Justin kept slipping the word love into the conversation, but I always felt it was too soon. I knew I was a hopeless romantic; I'd tell people I loved them after a first date. But I kept telling myself not to do that, because I knew saying 'I love you' to some people too soon would frighten them.

But here was Justin; throwing the words at me, and I kept ducking.

He was staring into my eyes. I felt like he was waiting to see what I would do.

I smiled at him. Maybe it was too soon, but I felt the same way about him, and I wanted to tell him. "I love you Justin," I said, and he smiled back at me and hugged me tightly.

We lay back down, still hot and a little sticky, but we lay together for a while, and then he turned away from me and I thought he might pull away from me. Instead he tentatively pushed back against me, glancing back over his shoulder. I slid up against him and put my arm over him, pulling him back and kissing him on the cheek and he giggled a little.

"I really like this," he said.

"Me too," I said, and we lay there, feeling each other's presence, and slowly falling asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, not sure where I was. Then I remembered. And I remembered who was lying next to me, and I felt so warm and cozy and happy. I just lay there smiling for a few minutes.

But there was a reason for my waking.

I hate having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The getting out of bed, mad dash to the bathroom, and the cold floor, all conspire to wake me up too much. Sometimes it takes me an hour to go back to sleep afterwards.

But I had to go to the bathroom.

Justin was lying a little way away from me, so I slowly got out of bed and crept down the hall to the bathroom. When I came back Justin was lying there with his eyes open.

"Did I wake you?" I whispered.

"It's okay," he said, and he got up and went down the hall to go to the bathroom too. When he came back I got a great view of him naked, coming down the hallway. I watched him as he came back and, looking quickly around, grabbed up the blankets and threw them onto the bed.

"Good idea," I said quietly, though I was mainly watching his body. I'd seen him naked before, and touched him, but this was really the first time I'd got a good chance to see him completely naked standing in front me. Admittedly it was dark, but I could see a lot, and my imagination was filling in everything else.


Justin pulled back the covers to climb in, but then looked up and noticed that I was staring at his dick and he kind of startled a little. He turned away from me as he got in, trying to hide himself without being too obvious about it. It made me smile.

"Hey!" I said in a tiny whine, "I don't get to look?"

"No touching either!" Justin laughed quietly, pulling the covers over himself.

"Now come on!" I said, "we're dating each other, and we've seen each other. I think I should get to take a good look."

"In your dreams!" replied Justin.

"Maybe I'll have to wait for yours then," I said, and sat back and crossed my arms as though I was going to stay awake until he fell asleep.

Justin looked at me. "Oh come on!" he groaned. "There's no peaking while you're asleep. And anyway I'm a light sleeper so you're not going to get away with it."

"Then let me take a good look."


"Why not?" I argued.

"! Come on, I want to get to sleep."

"And I want to see my boyfriend...all of my boyfriend. No touching. Just looking. I think that's fair."

Justin sat there, thinking for a moment. He looked as though he wanted to argue it, or grumble about how unfair it was, but he finally just sat up and said, "Okay, a quick look. But no touching!" and he pointed his finger at my chest. "I'm too tired for anything right now."

"Fine by me," I agreed.

"I'm only doing this because I'm tired and want to get some sleep," he grumbled.


He started to pull down the blanket, but stopped.

"You first," he said.


"You heard!"

"I thought you didn't want to do this anyway?"

"Well now you've got my interest," he said smirking. "Come on," and he pointed at my groin and I shrugged.

I pulled back the blankets and sheet and exposed myself. Justin leaned forward to look at me.

"Open your legs," he instructed.


"I want to get a good look too!" he said sniggering.

I rolled my eyes and opened my legs further and tried to ignore the fact that he had turned in the bed and was looking at me closely in the poor light. He was only a few inches from me, and I was grateful we hadn't turned on a lamp.

Justin was watching closely, and it was turning me on. I was starting to thicken, and he began to grin. God! This was embarrassing. How'd I get myself into this?

Oh yeah, seeing my boyfriend naked got me horny.

"Okay," I said, reaching for the covers, "you've seen enough..."

"No wait!" he said, his hand landing on mine and keeping the covers down. He didn't move, just kept his hand on mine, but we both watched as my penis continued to grow, harder and harder, pointing skyward, bouncing a little as it filled with blood. Justin had a curious expression on his face, but a big smile, and I was kind of curious about what was going to happen too. When I was completely hard, and sticking straight up, I felt I'd gone above and beyond the call, and I pushed his hand away and covered myself up. Justin didn't protest.

I was glad that was over. Justin looked up and smiled at me and then slid back and pulled the covers over himself, starting to lie down.

"Hey!" I said, suddenly realizing what he was doing.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Your turn," I said.

"Dude! You didn't think I was actually going to do that do you?" he said smugly, turning over onto his side and away from me, giggling to himself.

I jumped on top of him and pushed my hands under his arms, trying to tickle him.

"Okay! Okay!" he giggled, "Just joking!" and he struggled to get away from me.

I let go of him.

"All right, but you better do it!" I said, poking him.

He turned back to face me and sat up and tentatively pulled down the blankets and uncovered himself.

"Apart," I said clinically, reminding him of what he'd had me do. He moved his knees apart and now I could see his balls, penis and the bush of pubic hair. I just stared at it all, taking it in. I so much wanted to touch and lick it, but that wasn't part of the deal - yet. I looked up at Justin and he was watching me, looking a little nervous.

"You're beautiful," I said to Justin to reassure him, though I wasn't sure he really needed any reassurance. He blushed and started to cover himself up.

"Hey!" I said.


"That wasn't long enough."

"Yeah it was about the same," he objected.

"But you didn't..."

"I didn't..." he paused, "that wasn't part of the deal!"

"Yeah it was..." I argued. "You made it part of the deal when you wouldn't let me cover up."

"I just made it a little longer. You can have another couple of minutes, then we're even."

"Uh uh," I protested, "you have to get it up! Then we're even."

Justin glared at me, a hint of frustration playing across his face. I was joking about and he knew it. I was pushing him a little, but I wasn't going to push him too far. I figured he could do this.

"Come on Justin, just get a woody for me and we'll be even. I just want to see how great you look...and fair's fair."

"Um...I'll try...but if nothing happens..." he negotiated.

"I can help," I suggested, leaning closer.

" touching," he protested, laughing a little. "That's definitely not part of the agreement."

"Okay," I said.

He uncovered himself and sat there, looking at anything but me, as I watched him closely. I could see him trying to think of something, but nothing was happening. I knew he wouldn't let me touch him, and he didn't seem to want to touch himself. It looked like I was going to miss out.

Then I had an idea. I pulled off the blankets so that I was naked again, and I moved so he could get a good view of me. I even ran my hand up and groped my balls, and then ran my hand up and down my shaft a couple of times. Sitting there naked, looking at Justin naked, and feeling myself up, I started to get hard again. Justin was watching me, his eyes wide, and bingo! His penis bounced a little and slowly began to thicken. I watched in fascination as it became thicker and harder, and straightened out until it was pointing up proudly.

I was salivating, just wanting to suck it into my mouth.

We were both hard now, and breathing heavily. If it had been up to me we would have gone at it again right then, but Justin suddenly grabbed the covers and pulled them over both of us, lying down and looking like he was going to go straight back to sleep.

I lay down beside him dejectedly. I was a little frustrated. It looked like Justin was going to be a major tease for the next few weeks. This could mean a lot of frustration. It might be bad; or it might be very, very good! Either way, getting mad with Justin wasn't going to improve my sex life. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply a few times to calm down. Then I relaxed.

"Thanks Justin," I whispered, and meant it.

"Okay," he said quietly. He lay there for a second or two, and then he slowly slid back towards me until he was touching his back to my chest. I put my arm around him and slid up so that we were back the way we had been before, and I reached up and kissed him on the check. My dick, no longer completely hard, was rubbing against his butt. He didn't say anything.

"I liked it too," he whispered. Then after a second he added, "I just...I want to take it slow...I can't deal with this all at once."

I got up on my elbow and could see that there were tears in his eyes.

"Oh Justin," I said, hugging him to me, "I'm sorry. I told you to tell me to stop if you didn't want to do something...I'm sorry...I just kind of thought that you were into it and just needed a little pushing."

"I was!" he sniffed, "it just...up to a point...but I had to stop it...I'm sorry, I'm being a prick tease. God! I can't believe it."

"No you're not Justin," I assured him. "You've just got to let me know what you're thinking. You comfortable you are with things. I guess the thing is...Justin, it's...sometimes when you're thinking with your dick all you hear is 'No, but do it anyway.'"

"Guys are jerks," Justin said seriously and we both laughed.

"I mean, were you okay with what we just did?" I asked him.

"Yeah," said Justin, exhaling, "it was fun, but...but I'm really tired and this is all so...I couldn't go any further right now...right at the moment...but I know you wanted to, and then you were upset."

"I'm sorry I got upset Justin."

"No, it's not your fault, I shouldn't's just," he paused, obviously trying to figure out how to say something, "you know...I've done lots more with casual one night stands...and I've done it all with girls..."

"Really?" I said. This was getting rather odd. Here he was telling me he'd done everything with just about anybody, but he didn't want to do much at all with me.

"That didn't come out right," he said, pausing, and I had no idea what he was trying to tell me. So I waited.

"But it's different with someone you care about," he began, "and...and I kind of feel like a virgin," and he blushed. I watched him, but he seemed unable to look me in the eye. Finally he took a breath and began again. "I just want everything to be right and...I don't want it just to be getting off...I want to get tested and..." and he looked at me earnestly and then looked away, "and I'm just talking crap!"

I hugged him, "Oh Justin, that's sweet."

"I don't want you to think I'm some..."

"Shh...Justin, shh, it's okay...I understand. It's okay. You keep making me fall in love with you more," I said hugging him and smiling down at him.

"I feel like a jerk."

"No...come on...I think you're great! I do. We just need to be able to communicate. I had a great time just now...yes I wanted more...but I can wait. I'm not angry with you, honest. Okay?"

"I fell so dumb," he said, and he really looked embarrassed.


"I don't know. I should be okay with all this, right?"

I shrugged. "Why do you say that?"

He half laughed. "Dude, I'm...I lived with Britney Spears, I've slept around! I'm not some teenage virgin! Here I am bi-sexual, with a boyfriend, and I'm scared shitless about going down on him!"

"You're scared?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know what I am. I don't know what I want. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Come on, we're dating here. Getting to know each other. I agree with you, going all the way on the first date is a bad idea. I don't mind you being a tease for a little while," and I tickled him. "Actually, I kind of like it." I reached out and hugged him close to me and he smiled and laughed and then he hugged me back and we kissed. And we hugged each other and it felt so wonderful. I just wanted to keep hugging and kissing him. It wasn't sexual, it was just loving.

"I do want to do it," he said quietly.

"Do what?"

"Suck you," he said, a shy grin on his face.

"You do?"

"Ah...after we're know."

"Well that's something to look forward to..." I smiled.

He grinned.

"For both of us!" I added and he laughed. "I love you Turbo," I whispered into his ear.

He grinned at me. "Are you going to keep calling me that?"

I smiled at him, and then ran my hand up through his hair. "Yeah," I said, "you're my Turbo. That's just a name for us."

"Huh" he grumbled.

"You no like?"

"I don't know. Why do I get all the nick names?"

"It's a pet name. There's a difference. It's a name I get to call you that no one else can use. So I know you're mine and you know too," and I gently shook him and he smiled.

"Well, I'm going to think of a name for you too," he said.

"Yeah? Okay. You get a team on it and let me know what you come up with," and I playfully shoved him.

"Kay," he said thoughtfully.

We hugged and kissed again.

"Everything okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he nodded, smiling.

We kissed a couple more times, then he turned away from me and I spooned up against him and we fell asleep.

The next morning Dave was in the shower when I woke. I got up, wondering if the living room smelt of sex. It probably did, but I couldn't tell. I got up and gathered together our underwear and threw them into an empty plastic bag I'd got when I bought some postcards yesterday. I tied the top together and threw the bag on top of my bag, then I pulled on some sweat pants and went over and opened a window just a bit. It was warming up outside and hopefully some fresh air would hide the evidence.

I looked over and saw Justin move, and knew he was awake but not ready to get out of bed. I walked over and bent down and kissed him on the cheek, holding the kiss and chewing lightly for several seconds. He continued to pretend to sleep for about ten seconds, then kind of snickered and turned so that we could touch lips. We kissed and then I pulled away and he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"You want some cereal?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"You stay here," I said, and he nodded and I padded into the kitchen and found a couple of bowls and a couple of glasses. Dave didn't have a huge cereal selection so I went with corn flakes. He had an almost empty orange juice carton so I poured out two glasses, being careful to leave some in the carton for Dave.

"You can finish that," I heard Dave say and I looked up. He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, a towel around his middle and another towel drying his hair.

"Sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. I usually have coffee."

"Okay," I said, pouring the rest of the juice into the two glasses.

"Everything okay this morning?" Dave asked, a strange expression on his face.

I looked at him as he went over and started to fiddle with the coffee maker.

"Yeah thanks," I said, thinking there was something else coming.

"Get enough sleep?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I paused, and saw he was grinning at me. "Did we...did we wake you?" I asked, a little embarrassed. Maybe my going to the bathroom had woken him up.

"Oh it's fine..." he paused, then in a conspiratorial whisper he added, "were you going at it all night?"

"What?" I said, a little shocked.

He laughed, "It's know this is something only your cousin would tell were fucking noisy last night. Or noisy fucking. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't keep the whole building up!"

I was so shocked my mouth hung open.

"Gotcha!" he said.

"Oh shit!" I breathed out.

"It was probably just half the building!" and he laughed again.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying that the two of you are both screamers man."

I was bright red at this point.

"Well," Dave finally added, "the walls here aren't that thick, but just for future reference, you and the boyfriend out there are pretty loud. And what were you doing later?"


"Yeah, when you got up?"

"Shit! You heard us then?!"

"No! Just teasing you. I didn't hear anything except you using the can!" and he smiled a shit-eating grin and went off to his bedroom, leaving me standing there wondering exactly what he had heard.

I found a tray and put the cereal bowls, juices and a couple of spoons on it and went back into the living room. Justin was still in bed, but sitting up and I noticed he had on a pair of boxer briefs.

I put down the tray and handed him the cereal and spoon.

"It's all he had," I shrugged, but Justin smiled.

"What's the matter?" he asked

"Nothing," I said, but then I had to tell him, "Dave said we were...a little rowdy last night."

Justin looked at me his eyes going wide and his face turning red. Then he started to laugh.


"It's funny!" he snorted, and he spooned some cereal into his mouth, a huge smile on his face and his eyes shining.

I looked at him, and then I smiled. "Well," I began, "he said you were a real little screamer," and Justin half laughed, half snorted the mouthful of cereal all over the tray.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 12

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