All The Right Moves

By moc.loa@wrcevalS

Published on Jul 11, 2002



All normal notices, disclaimers and warnings apply. What follows is a true story among two consenting adults who enjoy the world of bondage. Comments are welcome

All the Right Moves

First let me tell you a little about me. My name is Mike Black. I am 43, 6'3", 175 lbs, do some work as an athletic trainer and have the body to prove it. I have short salt and pepper hair and a moustache, a nice covering of body hair on my chest and belly, shaved nut sack and ass crack and a thick 7.5" cut cock. I am bi-sexual but prefer time with other guys, especially guys who like to be guys and be with guys. I also like to walk on the dark side some and play a little in the bondage arena. I live in a small mid western city with conservative values and little opportunity to meet the type of man I am looking for ..... so any resource is utilized.

I had recently discovered the wonders of Internet dating, but with limited success. Again, my location fails me. But I had posted an ad on one site that was specific for bondage and discipline. I was surprised to one day get an email from the site, that an ad had been posted by someone in my town. I mean I got posting notices all the time, but never someone in my State, let alone my town. So I checked out the ad....

(Risky74u) 37 yr old male, 6', dark hair and eye, defined body, average endowment, fit body .... looking for the same..... could be a dominant top or a sub pussyboy, would like to be controlled by a daddy and maybe try out a rack. "Wants to know he is with a man". I about shit my pants, I mean.... it said lives three miles away. I immediately responded to the ad and then waited in anticipation. I knew it was probably a sham, probably a 60 yr old fat, fart who likes to wear panty hose.

A day later, I got a reply, he had checked out my ad and was interested...... so I wrote back and over a course of a couple of days we started chatting online. I posed that maybe we knew each other, I mean a small town with just a couple of gyms and we both worked out..... so I let down my cover a little and told him I trained at three clubs in town (we have a total of 5), said maybe we had crossed paths. He wrote back he did not think so.... but it was possible. Turned out he does work out at one of the clubs where I train and he tells me he will be there the next day on his lunch hour if I want to come and scope him out..... I am like, wow, but as luck would have it, I was scheduled with a client at another club.

I wrote back I would not be able to make it, but told him that I would be teaching a class at his club the next night if he wanted to sneak into the gym and scope me out..... easy for him to do and I would know none the less.

I did not hear any more until the next night after class. He had to work late and did not make it by during class, but had been there at lunch and checked out the class schedule.... said he knew my name was Mike and that he was certain we had not met, but he heard several of the ladies at the club talk about me, my class, my looks and my body. I was a little embarrassed, but he said he defiantly wanted to meet me. Asked if I would be willing to do a blind date, public place kind of thing. I wrote back YES and we started plotting for Friday night at a local Bookstore/Coffeehouse/Gallery. Said his nickname was Wes.

Friday comes and the butterflies come with it. I try to stay busy and not think about the date.... but every now and then it pops into my head. I had just finished lunch when I got an email from one of the clubs that there were some problems with the equipment for a class I was scheduled to teach on Sunday evening, could I possibly stop by Friday afternoon and check things out.

Well, I needed to go to the bank and the market, "so lets go do all this now", I said to myself. Off I went. As I pulled up at the club I decided I would only be there a few minutes, no reason to fight the free parking lot for a space, there was a meter right out front. As I parked I noticed a really cute guy get out of the car in front of mine and dart into the gym. I was not even thinking, I looked at my clock, 1:15 PM, and it hit me like a ton of bricks that could be him. No, I thought you mind is playing with you...... Well this club has one of those ID card systems where you swipe your card, if you are good, your picture and name pops up and the attendant opens the door. So as I walk in I look at the monitor and before I swipe I check who had just gone in.......Wesley White. Oh shit. It is him. I am shaking as I walk to the gym. I check out what I need to and thought I bet he is still in the locker room. I will walk in and check him out, maybe holler Hi, but not engage in conversation and certainly not make myself known.

I walk thru the trainers door into the locker room. My locker is the first one.... and there he is right next to my locker, bent over looking the other way, pants around his ankle, baby blue briefs clinging his tight little ass. It took my breath away. I walk up and start keying my lock, he absently moves forward without looking. I say "Your OK, Wes, you are not in my way". He looks up and see's me with a strange look on his face. I smiled and opened my locker and quietly asked if he was busy later.......... he responded "Yes" in a real strange way. I looked over and started to walk away and then turned and said "See you later, buddy". I just about ran out of the club. I knew I had errands to run, but I had to be home by 2:15 when he said he would email me with final plans for our meeting.

I walked in to my house at 2:05. I logged on to AOL and there he was sitting in my buddy list just looking at me.... he was home..... I had mail from him.... just a subject, no text : "So you thought you'd surprise me........" I mailed him back and tried to quickly explain what had happened. Hoped he was OK with it and was still planning on meeting me...... the silence was deafening, no reply, I could tell he was not even reading my mail message.............

I start to panic, he was still sitting there on my buddy list so I take a chance and send an IM.... "I am sorry if I startled you!" I get a reply back, "hey, your cute, are we meeting later, I have been busy fixing lunch..... call me later" and he gives me his phone number. I waited a while and then called. He sounded really nice, upbeat, fun. We had a nice conversation. He laughed that I looked as startled in the locker room as he must have. He knew it was me right away since I was dressed all in black. We decided to forego the coffee shop and I invited him to my place that evening. We agreed on 7:15.

Right on the nose of 7:15 my door bell rings and there he stands, the most adorable thing I have seen up front in a long time. He looks down and says, "May I come in sir?". I respond yes boy and in he comes. As soon as the door is locked, I have his arms behind his back and rope around his wrists to restrain him. A small gasp comes from his throat. I walk him to a couch, sit him down and untie him telling him to make himself comfortable. He takes off his jacket and rests his foot on the base of a new St. Andrews Cross I had built last summer with the help of a friend. I tell him to take it easy, he will be spending a lot of time on the cross.

After a little ice breaking conversation I told Wes I want to see what I am getting and direct him to stand in front of me and strip....... my turn to gasp, a nicely defined chest and a flat belly .... followed by a nice thick 7" cock with a nice set of balls, bound in a cock ring.... nice thin thighs to hold it all up. Really the only body hair was around his cock, balls nice and smooth from being shaved. I knew he had some piercing from his ad, but saw none, turns out his nipples and his cock were pierced, but it knew I was not into it and so he was not wearing any jewelry. I played with his cock and then added a second cock ring and attached to by chain to a dog collar I put around his neck. A pull on the chain and his hard cock just bounced..... I reached down and got ankle and wrist restraints and placed them accordingly..... I then walked around to check him out.... nice smooth back, beautiful mounds of ass and a crack as clean and sweet as they come..... I unbutton my shirt and lean my hairy chest into his back, again a gasp from him as I start to nibble along his neck and reach around and play with his cock. I drop down to my knees and have go through a series of training stretches that bend him forward and spreads his ass cheeks. My tongue slides easily into the crack of his ass as his cheeks part as he leans over even more. He had told me he fantasied about being worked over by one of the trainers, I was making his dream come true as my tongue moved in and out, up and down.....

I stood back up and move back in front of him, standing there bare chested, for the first time he see's my hair covered pecs, his eyes go bright and his hand goes to his cock. I bat it away, "Not yet boy, you play with that when I tell you to....." I reach over and put two throw pillows at my feet and ask him"Know what those are for"? He responds by dropping to his knee's in front of me...... I start to unbutton my black 501's and they drop down to my thighs. There I stand in black boxer shorts, 501's around my knee's and cowboy boots. I pull his face towards my crotch and tell him to read my shorts..... Around the waist band is printed "Don't Panic".... and he reads it.... Down my left leg it states "I'm hear about the blow job".

With that he tugs my shorts down and my hard 7.5" cock moves to his lips. In one fast gulp he swallows me whole. My boy knows how to suck cock. We both start to moan as he moves up and down on my shaft. His hand again moves to his cock and I kick it away..... I pull away and tell my boy to take off my boots and jeans, and he does, reaching for my cock at every chance....... Now totally naked I walk back over to my boy, pull his head towards me and start to face fuck him. A nice slow pace of moving in and out, him moving up and down on my cock.

I slowly start to move closer forcing him to bend backwards..... I reach and hold him as he falls back on to my cross, my rack. I quickly fasten the restraints to the clip hooks on the four corners of the X. Now fully bound I want more. I take the rope and tie each restraint a second time, creating a box with an X. I pull the rope down and around his cock and balls and then back up and tie it off around his neck. My boy is now totally bound and totally mine. I reached for a blind fold and pulled it over his head. Now for the fun to begin.

For the next hour, I alternated stretches of sensory pleasure torture, use of a light feather, a luffa sponge, drips of warm water...... all over his stretched body..... there were times when I would silently walk away, never leaving the room, but letting him be bound in silence and darkness.... watching his cock twitch and pulse..... soften a bit and then get rock hard. His nuts filling up with sweet cream. I also took pictures with my digital camera to memorialize the evening.

After about an hour I slid down to the floor and started to lick and suck on his cock. Nice slow movements with my warm mouth. He was rock hard in a second and dripping sweet dick juice. I started to move my tongue action up his body across his belly to his chest and his sensitive nipples. I started to suck and lightly bite. I could feel his cock jumping and leaking on my leg. I continued on up and found his mouth and stuck my tongue deep into his throat, he responded with his own and we suck each others mouths .... all my body weight now on him and the cross, creating that much more tension and resistance.

I started move my body further up.... lifting my chest to his mouth and he sucked on my nipple. I moved further up and eventually put my cock back in his warm mouth and started to slowly face fuck my pussy boy..... moans and gurgles come from his throat as I started to unload my pent up load into him.... but stopping just short of going over the top....... I pulled out and removed the blind fold, once he adjusted to the light he laid there and looked up at me, both our bodied glistening from a mixtures of sweat spit and dick juice.

My boy, Wes, said his left hand was getting numb. I quickly released the left restraint and massaged his arm, hand and fingers, feeling the warmth come back. I placed his hand on his dick and added a squirt of lube. "Boy, beat off for your daddy" I said. I stood back over top of him and started to pull on my full meat as he start to pump his cock into his balls. I felt it coming close for both of us.... as he started to gasp, I knelt down over his chest, feeling the rhythm of his hand...... and then warm squirts of cum out of his cock onto his belly, my ass and my back. It as too much for me as my balls flooded over and I pumped a load of cum on to this chest and neck.

I leaned down and kissed my boy and again laid on top of his warm wet body. We laid in silence for probably 5 minutes, just the sound of our breathing in the room.

I slowly released his right hand and his feet and helped my spent boy wobbly to his feet. He fell into me, kissed me and said it as wonderful. I led my boy to the bathroom so he could clean up self up and take that much needed post cum piss. He came back and asked if we could do it again soon. Of course I said, just let me know when. "Maybe next time" he said, "you'll be the one on the bottom". "Maybe so boy, Maybe so...." was my sole reply.

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