All the Myriad Lays

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Apr 6, 2022


All the Myriad Lays Chapter Nine: Interactive Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

The characters in this story are based on characters belonging to and trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. This story exists outside of any DC continuity I'm familiar with. The villainess, Glory Hole is based on AMG personality Glory Holden.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either the original characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

And by the way, if you have not read Larry Niven's All the Myriad Ways, read it.

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Dick Grayson, Nightwing, after a return visit to the seemingly perpetual orgy of the man-cave, now found himself being walked down the corridor of tableau sets. His iconic skintight black bodysuit left no secrets, and every least contour of his tight body was visible, especially his cock and balls. The trip this time was different, though. The doors that had been blacked-out last time now showed illuminated sets where members of the Bat Family were contentedly fucking away.


In the first one, a naked Jason (`Wait, wasn't he getting DPed by Gun and Shark back in the man-cave?' Nightwing thought) struggled against a massive monster in what had to be the Lazarus Pit. The monster writhed with tentacles, and Nightwing's brother was frantic as the rubbery appendages, one limb after another, ensnared him, taking control of his body and spreading his legs wide apart.

"No!" the young man cried out as a massive tentacle put his asshole to the test. "Not again! Not my asshole! Don't fuhhhh...!"

Jason howled as the tentacle forced its way inside him and began to pump his shit-chute.

"Arghhhhhh!" Jason managed to scream out his horrified defiance until another tentacle found his mouth and gagged the young hero.

"Mrghph! Mrghph! Mrghph!"

"Fuck," Nightwing murmured as he absently massaged his crotch.

"Yeah, pretty impressive tableau, ain't it?" Lobo smirked. "Glory's a peach when it comes to shit like this. She can pull up almost any set and people it with whoever and whatever she wants. This customer has been waiting for an all-but-virgin Red Hood to get tentacle fucked for a while now. But if you think that one's hot, get a load of the next. All the tableau rooms are up and running today."


Behind the next window, Batman lay on his back in a sling, his legs high and spread and strapped in place, the ass of his costume torn wide open. Next to him, in another sling but facing the other way lay a black man in what looked like a Bat Family costume. Nightwing thought it might be Batwing, but Batman's body hid the other's face. His butthole, however, was similarly bared, and the reason for this elaborate bondage became immediately apparent. The black man's gloved hand, squeezed into a fist of fingers and drooling lube, approached Batman's open hole and forced it's way inside.

"Fuck!" Batman screamed, and he plunged his greased fist into his fuck-buddy's hole.

"Holy fist-fuck!" Nightwing gasped, as the two men plowed each other's cunts up past the wrist.

He'd never seen anything like this. Neither his Boy Hostage scenes nor his gangbang with the horny Czarnians had gotten anywhere near this fetishy.

"Fuck me, my friend!" Batman screamed. "Use that hand on my hole!"

"Yeah, you know it, Bats," the built black man said. "So long as you keep fucking me!"

`Definitely Batwing," Nightwing said, recognizing the voice.

"Ah! Oh! Yeah! Fuck! Deeper!" the two fisting heroes roared as they forced the ultimate violation on one another. Clearly turned on by this extreme of ass-violation, they in short order each had also torn open the pouch of his own trunks and was beating off with his previously uninvolved left hand.

Nightwing could only stare as his mentor and a man he had fought alongside several times finally brought each other off. The young hero could see Batman's sphincter clutching at Batwing's wrist as his 10 inches spewed a geyser of rich sperm. Just after that, Batwing fired off his volley as well, and the two slumped in their bondage, all but unconscious in afterglow with a hand still lodged in their partner's ass.

"You're drooling," Lobo whispered in Nightwing's ear.

"Was that...?" Nightwing asked.

Lobo didn't answer in words, but instead pointed to assign over the window that said `Tableau'.

`So they are both the real thing,' Nightwing thought. And then he realized that he had had the privilege of seeing Batman fist-fucking and getting fist-fucked at the same time. Wow.


In the next window Batman knelt between his, Dick Grayson's, spread legs fucking him missionary style on the floor while a gang of criminals watched and waited their turns.

"Hold on, I thought Batman..." Nightwing started in surprise, "And hey, why am I wearing Batman's costume?"

"Hmm?" Lobo said, staring nonchalantly at the show. "Oh, that's Batman and Batboy."

"Batboy?" Nightwing asked.

"Batboy," Lobo said. "From Earth 23-Omicron. Come on. Did you never wonder what might have happened if things had been just a little bit different in your world? You could easily have been a Batboy too, instead of Robin. And Batman might have spent your puberty fucking you silly."

"But Batman was in that other scene. The fisting fantasy," Nightwing said, clearly confused.

"And here he is again. Pretty damned versatile for an old guy, don't you think? Of course once the gang members get into the act and start filling bat-holes with their cocks, he'll be even more spry. But we don't have time to wait for that. Come on."


In another window, Nightwing saw a redhead youth in the male version of Batgirl's signature purple bodysuit. This hero was spread-eagled on his back, tied to a table, while his guts were rearranged by one of Clock King's infernal clockwork rape-robots.

"Fuck! No!" the redhead screamed as the fly-wheel powered rape-rod delved into his guts.

"Fuck yes," the mechanical mastermind smirked from where he sat in his gear-chair.

"What the hell...?" Nightwing started.

"Batboy," Lobo said, "Another Batboy that is. I think this guy in real life was Rob Gordon, the commissioner's son. This scene is riffing off Rob's habit of patrolling alone—and getting caught and tortured. Probably Batman'll be along soon to rescue him, but the audience likes this tableau, so he could be getting machine fucked for a while yet."

"He's being tortured!" Nightwing protested.

"No, he was tortured the first time he face this tableau, but now he's an old hand at it."

"Fuck," Nightwing breathed as a wet spot appeared in Batboy's trunks. "You mean...?"

"Pretty damned good actor, isn't he?" Lobo said, and he pushed Nightwing away from the window.


Behind the next, a hot stud that looked like a younger Bruce Wayne (long black hair, goatee, black body suit and purple trunks that clung to his fat ass like a Jimmy Olsen to Superman) had an adult Dick Grayson, in a Robin costume, bent over the Bat-cycle pounding his ass out.

"Fuck me, Hunter," Dick gasped. "I need that cock!"

"Wait, that's me!" Nightwing said. "Or, me again! Or...?"

"Of course it is," Lobo said, "Earth 72-Iota you, at least. Use your brain, Dick. Glory has a lot of customers with very specific tastes. And there've been a lot of worlds `cancelled' by the Powers that Be. We've got several Dick Graysons in the stable."

`Dozens, actually,' Lobo thought. He might mention that fact later, but Nightwing was already boggling under the revelations. Dick Grayson, no matter what incarnation of him you trotted out, was a popular choice for both tableaux and interactives.

"And Hunter is?" Nightwing asked.

"Hunter's Batman's kid by Catwoman. And what a stud he turned out to be. Just look at that ass go!"

Nightwing stared at himself thrashing, moaning like a slut, and begging this Hunter guy to fuck him into next week. Absently, as he rubbed his distended crotch, Nightwing wondered what the chances were he might someday be cast opposite this studmuffin. Nightwing was slowly coming to grips with the idea that there were several iterations of the Bat Family serving in Glory's personal stable of porn actors and whores. He just walked along, refusing to look in any other windows, until Lobo stopped him in front of one labeled `Interactive.' Behind this window, a real person (or people) was waiting to fuck him.

"Here's your scene, Nightwing," Lobo said, "Break a leg. Or bust a nut. Or, you know, whatever."

That said, the bounty-hunter pushed the Titan through the window and into a his first interactive. His first sex with a paying customer in the full flesh.


The rooftop, like the one in his tableau with Red Hood and Red Robin, was dirty but otherwise nondescript. The question of where it was located was unimportant compared to who was there and what had clearly just happened. The unconscious body of the Caped Crusader, Batman, lay belly down, draped across a pipe. The seat of his trunks had been torn out and his hole dripped with several loads of deposited sperm.

But Batman never got fucked (at least not before they ended up here),' Nightwing thought. He did the fucking. And always with women.'

As Nightwing gawked, he suddenly felt strong arms encircle his chest, pinioning his arms to his torso.

"What the hell?!" Nightwing cried as he struggled to get loose.

"Dick," a familiar voice said, "Quit fighting. It's just me."

"Superman?" Dick said, and he wrenched his neck around to see.

"Boo," the familiar smiling face of Clark Kent, Superman, said.

"What the fuck, Clark? What's going on here?"

"Bruce and I had a little disagreement," the Man of Steel said,. "I had to show him that I was right and he was wrong, and I had to do it so that we never need to have that discussion again."

"Little disagreement?! What kind of little disagreement leaves the Caped Crusader fucked into a coma on a rooftop in Gotham City?" Dick demanded.

"The kind that revolves around you, Dick," and Clark's right hand strayed south towards the bulge in Dick's Nightwing costume.

"Hey, what are you..? Clark, what do you mean, around me?!"

"You, plain and simple. Bruce said he thought I'd been paying too much attention to you recently, and we had a territorial dispute."

"Territory? What do you mean? I'm not anyone's... Ah!"

Clark's hand had taken possession of Dick's package and was reenacting the old magic fingers trick. Moving at superspeed, Clark's hand was doing unimaginable things to Dick's enlarging sex.

"Clark..." Dick warned, his eyes wide.

"Hmm," Clark hummed as he licked the Titan's ear, "Oh yeah, there's the 9 inches of man-meat I jerk off fantasizing about. Fuck, what a sexy beast you are, Dick."

Dick was gasping now. Clark's little trick was pushing him into now familiar territory. What with Superman restraining him and teasing his sex, the Man of Steel was speedily taking Dick to the point where he not only wanted, but needed to be fucked.

They fought over me, and Bruce lost,' Dick thought as he groaned, So that means Clark...'

"You've always wanted to be my bitch, Dick," Superman husked in his ear, "Admit it. Bruce there might be your mentor, he might have raised you, but when you had a right-or-wrong question who did you come to? Me."

Dick mindlessly started grinding against Clark's hand. The Man of Steel had a point. Superman had always possessed a straightforward moral compass that the Dark Knight occasionally lacked. Bruce was never evil, but from time to time he'd been, well, maybe too expedient for Dick to be comfortable with. God, and yeah Nightwing had more than once brought Superman and his sexy red trunks into his masturbatory fantasies.

"Superman..." Dick said, trying to reassert normalcy.

"Clark. Call me Clark, sweet boy."

"Clark, I can't..."

"Yes, you can, and yes, you will," Clark said. "Bruce decided to fight me and put your ass up as the stakes. I won, so technically this ass is mine." And he ground a sizable hard cock into Dick's much-lauded bubble-butt.

"But Bruce has no right..."

"Has that ever stopped him before? And besides, fuck that; it doesn't matter. This dripping hard-on is talking for you. Hang on tight!"

The pair lifted into the air and flew north as the sun peaked over the horizon and illuminated Bruce's shame.

Cautiously, Superman twisted Dick around in midair, so that instead of flying like an ambiguously gay duo, nothing was left to a witness' doubt. Clark held the clinging Dick in his arms, face to face, and planted a super kiss on him.

Dick resisted, but only for a second. Relaxing, the Titan kissed his idol back and ground provocatively against the ramrod that tented the famous red trunks. Dick reached down and with a skill he was sure he hadn't had a week ago (Week? Month? Time in Glory's place was confusing) he managed to work the Man of Steel's hard cock free from his trunks before starting to pump it manually.

"Clark," Dick gasped, "I really think I need... Argh!"

Clark had just ripped a hole in the butt of Dick's costume and had started to fingerfuck his prize stud.

Holy ass toy,' Dick thought to himself, Clark really knows exactly what to hit inside me and how. Is he just that much a master man-fucker, or has he maybe been spying on me with his x-ray vision? Fuck, who cares?'

To give Clark a better purchase, Dick wrap his legs around the Man of Steel's hard body and held on for a rough ride.

"Clark," the Titan begged, "I can't take it any longer. Fuck me!"

Clark grabbed Dick's ass cheeks with both hands and held him in place as he rammed home in the young hero's ass with the super cock.

Clinging to one another, the fornicating duo sped through the sky. Clark brought Dick off several times, nearly gluing their costumes together in the process, but he held off on his own orgasm until they reach the Fortress of Solitude. (At superspeed, that wasn't that great a deferment.)

Clark swooped down into the complex of green crystal and into his big bedroom. (Clark liked a lot of room to work in when he fucked.) With his dick still lodged firmly in Dick's ass, he lowered the Titan onto his back on the bed. In seconds, the young hero's iconic costume was no more, and, naked, Dick stared up at his newly-found lover.

"Fuck me more, Clark!" the horny Titan begged.

Clark made a show of stripping out of his own costume, and when he was totally naked, he threaded his fat cock through a cock-ring. A flash of green told Dick that the cock ring had a tiny sliver of green Kryptonite built into it.

"Kryptonite?" Dick asked.

"Just enough to keep my super strength in check, DIck. Even my body's automatic functions are dangerous. With this in place, I won't accidentally gut you while we fuck, and when I cum I won't simultaneously crush you and blow your brains. Win / win. So tell me; how do you want it, Dick?"

The Titan rolled over onto his hands and knees and presented his bubble-butt to the Man of Steel.

"Fucking take me like a dog, Clark. Breed me like your bitch!"

The Man of Steel took careful aim and said, "Say woof, honey," just before sliding inside.

"Woooooooooof!" Nightwing cried.

For nearly a day the crystals of the Fortress vibrated with the grunts of fucking men, the groans of fucked men, and howls of men orgasming. Then, finally, both lovers reached the end of their endurance and fell asleep in each other's arms.

When Dick woke the next morning, he found Clark looking at him, smiling.

"Good morning," the Man of Steel said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Clark, I never had a night like that. Can... Can we ever... I mean I know that this whole set-up is..."

"Hush, love," Clark soothed. "Of course we'll fuck again. I'm Superman; I can squeeze raw carbon into diamonds. Money is no obstacle."

"Good," Dick sighed, and he snuggled up against his lover, "Just remember, ask Glory for 69 Lambda. I'll be waiting."

Next: Chapter 10

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