All the Myriad Lays

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Mar 21, 2022


All the Myriad Lays Chapter seven: The Whole Nine Yards Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

The characters in this story are based on characters belonging to and trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. This story exists outside of any DC continuity I'm familiar with. The villainess, Glory Hole is based on AMG personality Glory Holden. The inspiration for the additions to the Lobo squad are Sheamus (wrestler), Erik Everhard (porn), Prince Ultraa, Brian Cage (wrestler), Rush (wrestler), Chris Hemsworth, Jason Momoa, Bobby Blake (porn), and Tommy Gunn (porn).

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of any of the original characters or of the actors.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

And by the way, if you have not read Larry Niven's All the Myriad Ways, read it.

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Every member of Batman's team had given up his mouth at Glory's command (even going so far as serving in her gloryhole automat) and now his ass to the expert training abilities of her big-dicked henchmen. (Or should it be henchmans, since the Lobos were all the same person, just from parallel timelines?)

Batman, or Bruce since he was out of costume. Had been fucked on his knees, and then taken more of the same, getting royally missionary fucked as he lay on the fuck bench. Now he knelt, staring up at his Lobo's monster cock, waiting for the villain to finish jacking off and giving him a spermy face-painting. The masturbating Lobo, right on the edge, smiled at the whorishly eager look on Bruce's face. This bitch really wanted his jizz. Obligingly Lobo pressed the right buttons, grunted, and blew his load. The white gold hit the playboy square on the nose, and as it ran down both sides of his face he reached up and scooped the salty goo into his mouth. Lobo watched, grinning. This one had totally broken and was ready to go into heavy rotation. Glory would be pleased.

"Okay, bitches," Lobo called out, "Do you think you got that lesson?"

The six deeply-fucked heroes nodded, and Lobo said, tritely, "I can't hear you!"

"Yes, Lobo," Bruce said. "I got the lesson."

One by one the other heroes echoed Bruce's affirmation.

"We'll see. Troy, what was the lesson?"

The blond jock looked up confused.


"Come on, boy. Use your words. What was the lesson?"

"Fucked," Troy said, "Uh, we get fucked up the ass. Sir."

"By whom?"

"Uh, by you, sir," Troy stammered uncertainly.

"So close. Oh well, if the body's by Nautilus the brain's by Mattel. Dick, what did he leave out?"

"We get fucked. Period," Dick said. "Just like we suck cock. We suck whoever's there, so we get fucked by whoever's there, too?"

"Good boy," Lobo beamed, "Well, it's time to see you put that into practice."

"Practice?" Jason said flatly.

"This would go a lot faster, Jason, if certain people would stop repeating me. From all the jizz running down your legs I think you can guess perfectly well what I mean by `practice'."

Oh. The realization of what was about to happen wrote itself across each hero's face, though the specifics varied from one to the next, from resignation to eagerness.

"Right! Up and at `em, bitches!"


Lobo led the heroes out of the ass-fucking lesson area and through the dark to what looked, for all intents and purposes, like a hardcore sex-club or he-man-cave. Broken-in leather furniture was grouped more or less into an island, but that was it, so far as the former heroes (back in their original costumes now to nobody's surprise) could see.

`Nobody's here. Who the hell are we supposed to be servicing?' Batman wondered

"In a row, over there," Lobo directed, and the heroes followed his direction, forming a nervous line in the midst of the furniture.

"Okay," Lobo yelled, "The fresh meat's here, boys!"

"About time," a gruff (but not Lobo) voice answered from the dark. The heroes all glanced in the direction of the speaker but couldn't see anybody.

"Okay, that's Warrior here," Lobo said. "Who else showed up to get in on this action? Hard, Ultra, Cage, Bull, Hammer, Shark, Take, Gun?"

"All present and accounted for," another voice, gruff with lust, said.

Red Robin looked confused.

"Wha...?" he started.

"Get with the program, Timmy," Jason said. "I thought you were the brainiac."

"Tim, if Glory can pull Lobo out of several timelines..." Batman started.

"...Then she can also pull Czarnians from timelines where Lobo didn't kill off his entire race," Nightwing finished.

"Other Czarnians?" Signal said.

"Bingo," Lobo answered. "Now, get an eye-load of this muscle parade, bitches."

Nine men, clearly Czarnians sauntered into the light. Each was naked, of course, and hard. Their big dicks swung from left to right as they wandered in, but aside from being monster-hung, they were all different, from Lobo and from each other. Though they had Czarnian grey skin, raccoon eyes, and big dick, there was no way any of this lot could be mistaken for the Czarnian of their nightmares.

  • Warrior had a mohawk of copper hair and a trim copper beard that followed his jaw down to a cleanshaven chin where it rose to meet in a mustache. * Hard had blond hair that hung almost to his shoulders. A beard followed the jawline all the way around, stopping just long enough to outline his mouth with a goatee. * Cleanshaven Ultra had an unruly head of russet hair. * Cage sported dark spiked hair and wicked sideburns. * Thickset Bull had long curly black hair hanging to his shoulders and a chin beard. * Hammer's blond hair hung down past his shoulders, and his beard was totally metrosexual in its groomed restraint. * Shark's muscled chest and arms were covered with geometric tattoos. His dark brown hair fell well past his shoulders. His beard was longer too, bordering on scruffy. * Take had the darkest skin of the lot, and he had no hair at all on his head, save for a dark stubble of beard on his jaw. * Gun, the last, was like an older, shorter Lobo, and just as cocky, but he had short dark hair and a beard trimmed into a wicked goatee.

Unsurprisingly, the heroes all felt their cocks getting hard again.

"Damn," Batman thought to himself as his dick pressed out against the fabric of his trunks, "Are all these guys going to fuck us, or..."

"Brothers, teams of two. Chose a bitch and lay into him," Lobo said, answering Batman's question for him.

Batman nodded. Two, of course it would be two. Their training was definitely escalating, and he was afraid to wonder what would come after this, assuming they weren't fucked to death.

The Czarnians divided into five teams (Bull chose to team up with Lobo) and headed towards the awe-struck heroes. Warrior and Gun chose Signal; Hard and Take took Nightwing; Ultra and Shark grabbed Red Hood; Cage and Hammer rounded on Red Robin; and Bull and Lobo snagged Troy. Each team grabbed their sex-slave (There was no more disguising that's what they were,) and started kissing the shit out of the man and groping the hard cock inside his costume. Their training held, and each sidekick began to respond to their manipulation. Of the fellowship, only Batman was left alone, with an immanent case of blue balls poking at his brain.

"Uh..." the Caped Crusader started, as his crew's costumes started to come off.

"Don't worry, Bat-fuck," one of the Lobos that had plopped himself down in an easy chair and was stroking his meat said, "You haven't been forgotten. Look."

From out of the dark, another cadre of the same nine horny Czarnians emerged, and out of them the new Hammer and the new Hard bore down on the Dark Knight.

Fuck,' Batman thought as the two megastuds bracketed him and began to explore his costumed body. Hot and cold running...' and here he fumbled. These men weren't lovers (although if they kept this up...), and this lot hadn't been part of his training team. Did they count, therefore, as rapists? Maybe, even though he was making no move to get away from them and was in fact responding eagerly to their attentions. As Warrior licked Batman's throat, Hard tore open the hero's bodysuit and attached lips to the now-exposed left nipple. Batman reached out, using the muscular studs as supports as his legs got suddenly weak.

So much muscle,' Batman thought, and then he remembered a line he'd heard, Acres and acres of Man, and it's all mine!'

All mine!' Batman thought as Czarnian hands explored every part of his costumed body, Or am I all theirs?'

"You want it, don't you?" Hammer asked as he pressed a kiss on the Caped Crusader.

The touch of the Czarnian's lips on Batman's own sent a shuddering rush through his body, a rush that was repeated when Hammer gave over to Hard who pressed an even more insistent kiss on him.

"Mmmm," Batman moaned as his tongue fought with Hard's.

He could melt into this, but hands were still teasing his body, urging it towards a plateau he'd never encountered.

The Czarnians' hands took control of Batman's head and took his mouth on a tour of their two bodies. First he kissed his way down Hammer's throat and worshipped his muscular chest. Then Hard took control of the Dark Knight and drew him to his own chest.

`Fuck,' Batman thought. The play of muscles against and under his lips was addictive, and the Dark Knight started to wriggle as he worshipped one chest and then the other. He could feel his own nubs abraded by his costume and he grazed back and forth.

"Kvark!" Hard swore. "How did Lobo have time to teach him all this?"

"He didn't," Hammer said, gasping under the raspy touch of Batman's tongue. "I think our Batman here must have begun to anchor himself to this reality, and to all that entails."

Batman was so busy with his lovers, his hands intent on a teasing exploration of the Czarnian bodies, that the import of the Czarnian banter was lost. Instead, he kissed his way back up to his trainers' lips.

"Good boy," Hard said, "It's time for you to use that tongue on some other Czarnian muscle.

They gently pressed on Batman's shoulders and urged him to the floor. Reaching his knees, Batman looked up the paired lengths of long man-meat. He met their eyes and wait for the inevitable order.

"Get to work, Bat-cunt," Hard said.

"Yeah," Hammer said, "Show us what Lobo taught you about sucking big dicks."

Batman grabbed the two cocks at the base while he tried to decide which one to suck first. Playing for time he kissed the little mouth in the end of each cockhead, relishing the contrasting taste of their precum. Czarnian juices were almost like humans' except for an enticing scent and taste that this human at least was finding irresistible. Batman was sure he could easily become addicted to it. Hammer's dick was long and perfectly proportioned from base to crown. Hard's on the other hand, though it ended in a regular-sized cockhead (`Thank God,' Batman thought), thickened right behind the corona. The deceptively-sized length surprisingly did get thicker as it approached the Czarnian's pubis. Giving Hard a good blowjob was going to require that Batman got his mouth all warmed up first, so Hammer it was.

The Caped Crusader leaned in and swallowed Hammer's cockhead and the first few inches of his shaft.

"Yes!" Hammer sighed. "Like that!"

Batman applied a little tongue action as he pulled off, making certain he rasped across the frenulum when it got back in range. He then dove again, taking more than half Hammer's length this time.

"Keep going, Batman," Hammer said. "Swallow all that dick!"

Inch by inch, Batman conquered the Czarnian cock until he felt his lips press against Hammer's crotch. He made sure his throat was properly loosened up and then began a session of serious deep-throating.

Hammer's fingers caught hold of the cowled head and took control, skull fucking the compliant Dark Knight like a blow-up doll. The trainer only stopped when Hard cleared his throat.

"Uh, brother, can you spare a little Bat-mouth for me?"

Hard's dick, true to Batman's assessment, proved to be more of a trial, and Batman approached this monster cock cautiously. Again, he didn't worry about the whole dick, but took each inch as it came. The Dark Knight's throat was thankful for all Lobo's previous training, and Hammer's warm-up. Eventually Batman had the whole fat shaft in his throat, and that was the first and last time he gagged. Hard was obscenely huge, but he, the Caped Crusader, had swallowed it to the root! And he would again! Batman's eyes opened wide in surprise when Hammer took hold of his head and steadied him for the vigorous face-fucking that Hammer had treated him to. Fuck! At least they weren't trying to both fuck his face at the same time.

"Well done!" Hammer cried as he pulled Batman's cowled head off Hard's cock after several minutes of raucous skull-fucking. Once again, the trainers lifted the exhausted Dark Knight to his feet and pressed kisses on his hard-used mouth. The catch of his cape was undone, and the length of satiny material fell to the floor. As the Czarnians kissed their bitch, their hands made a careful assessment of his ass.

"Full," Hammer breathed in Batman's ear, and Hard added, "Firm."

Somehow a tear manifested in the seat of Batman's trunks, and Hammer's finger slid inside the fabric and made its way towards his fuck hole, still lubed by Lobo's cum. Hammer's finger made an easy entrance.

"Mmmm!" Batman groaned into Hammer's mouth as the stud's finger began to explore his depths. The hero's body ground against the intrusion.

"Somebody knows what he likes," Hard laughed.

The heavily-built stud ran his hand across Batman's butt and added a second finger to the anal action.

"Fuck!" Batman moaned.

"That is the general idea," Hammer said.

"And once again, you have a decision to make," Hard said. "Which one of us is going to fuck you first? Me or Hammer?"

Batman tried to force his brain to grapple with the question, but the continuing kisses, the delving fingers, and the groping of Batman's own man-meat befuddled him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Come on, Batman," Hard said, "Choose!"

"Hammer!" the Dark knight gasped, reporting to the same logic as when he had to choose which stud to suck first. Hammer's thinner cock would be easier to handle, unless of course he was one of those self-centered fuckers.

"Smart," Hard said, smiling. "Taking me first would probably have maimed you for life, and glory would put me in the rotation in your place. Let Hammer stretch you open for me."

The two Czarnians pulled back, and Batman's hands went to the neck of his costume, ready to pull it off, but Hammer's hand caught him and stopped him.

"No, leave your suit on."

"What?" Batman asked.

"You don't get it, do you?" Hammer said as he greased up his cock.

"Look; while I can't wait to ram my cock into your man-pussy, it has to be Batman I'm fucking, not you. You have to understand that that's the whole purpose of the enterprise here. Our customers pay to fuck the fantasy," Hammer said.


"Yeah," Hard continued, "Why do you think Glory went to all that trouble to trap you and your boys when she could have just scooped up a truckful of rent boys? She wanted you specifically. People will pay big bucks to fuck Batman, much more than they would to fuck some emaciated nobody."

"And that's why I'm going to fuck you in your costume," Hammer finished, "Now get up on that hassock and show me your hole, Bat-slut!"

Batman, not entirely understanding, got on his knees on the indicated hassock and, turning his butt towards the gold-haired stud, went down on all fours and waved his ass back and forth invitingly. Hammer stepped up behind him and pressed the head of his cock against the Dark Knight's pucker.

"Hope you're ready, Batman," Hammer said, "'Cause I can't wait," and that said, he pressed into the Caped Crusader's body.

"Fuck!" Batman gasped.

"Fuck yeah!" Hammer replied, "So tight and so hot!"

Yuh! Yuh! Yuh!" Batman barked as the Czarnian rammed him.

Hard bent over and pressed a kiss on the hero before presenting his thick cock for some concurrent oral service. Batman, on autopilot, opened both his holes, taking each man's length in its entirety, and the threesome fucked this way until Hammer and Hard changed places. In the seconds between invasions, Batman looked over and marveled to see both Tim and Troy getting into position to take two cocks up their ass at one time. His eyes went wide, and Hard looked over to see what had gotten his ass-whore's attention.

"Oh," the Czarnian said as he applied more fuck-grease to Batman's crack, "You like that idea, taking twice the cockage? Well, I'll tell you what; after Hammer and I are sure your ass is ready for that sort of scene, we'll double stuff the shit out of you too. You good with that?"

Batman, who already had Hammer's cock in his mouth, nodded vigorously, but a second later he wailed around the rod of fuck-meat as Hammer forced his thick tool up the bat-chute. Taking Hard was a slightly more demanding proposition that taking Hammer, in part due to the greater girth of this trainer's tool, but also because Hard took no prisoners when he dove into fornication.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Hard screamed, and he screamed fast because he fucked fast. Batman could only reply with a sound halfway between a scream and a gurgle until his ass adjusted, which it at last did, but as the hero rocked back and forth between the two men using his body he worried. Could he really take these two in his ass at one time?

A half hour later, the Czarnians abandoned Batman's holes, and Hard sat down on the sofa, spreading his legs. Without a word being spoken, Batman crawled up and, straddling the hunk, parked himself on the cock and a half.

"Ohh!" Batman moaned as the trainer bottomed out.

"Nice, Bat-cunt," Hard said, "Now do you think you're up to following your boys' lead? Are you ready to get DPed?"

Batman look over his shoulder to where Hammer was greasing up his own cock generously. A moment of fear washed over him, but he glanced at Nightwing who was now sitting on two dicks and jerking two more off, one in each hand. If Dick could do it...

The Dark Knight screwed his eyes shut and said, "Do it."

Hammer leered and stepping up pressed his dick up where Hard had already pierced Batman's ass. He applied pressure and finally slid several inches in alongside Hard's monster. Inch followed inch until both Czarnians were entirely sheathed in hot bat-ass.

"Argh!" Batman cried out as his trainers began to fuck. "Fuck! Argh! Fuck! Oh! Fuck!"

In short order, the dark Czarnian, Take, stepped up and offered the hero a hard meat pacifier to suck on, and things got slightly quieter. Slightly.

Over the next few hours, the six heroes learned the fine art of making love to multiple men in a variety of positions. They got fucked orally and anally at the same time; they took cock up their ass while being blown; they got cast as lucky Pierre in both daisy chains and line-up fucks; they took two dicks into their hot mouths at once and two cocks up their tight-again asses in a simultaneous fucking. They also perfected the gentle art of serving as cum-dumps for a gang of hot horny men. Then even more Czarnians appeared, and the heroes found themselves now tasked with satisfying three men at a time, and then four. The hero in each of them bowed out and retired, and each one's inner pig-whore came to the surface.

From her divan, Glory (who had just popped in to see how things were progressing) watched intently. Lobo's idea to train these men step by step, in small increments (although she'd never be stupid enough to call Lobo a `small' increment) into a state of sexual slavery was working. If you threw a fifth cock at her new Batman, who was currently, as Nightwing had done earlier, riding one Lobo, sucking another, and jerking off two more, he would take the whole thing in stride without a word of complaint. (And that might be an interesting exercise for later.) Looking over the rest of her new acquisitions, she was pleased with the general level of submissive slutishness she saw in them. Hmm, except for Red Hood. That boy was definitely going to take a few more sessions with Lobo and his friends to lose what remained of his lingering resentment, fear, and anger. But even given all that baggage, the boy was obediently giving his body to every cock that came his way. Her heroes' descent into man-whore slavery was all but complete.

"Look at them go, Lobo!" she crowed to the bounty-hunter standing beside her, "I knew there were some prime slut pigs hiding under those clinging costumes. I just didn't realize how prime. You've done a bang-up job (literally) introducing them to the program."

Lobo, exhausted, nodded. Of course he had. He'd only recently emerged from the free-wheeling orgy now in progress, and while he knew it was a success, he was not sure Glory would agree. She could be difficult to please occasionally.

"So, what do you want to put them to next? Tableaux or interactives?" he asked.

"Tableaux," the siren said, after some reflection, "It'll be fun to see them use what they've learned here on one another before we escalate. We can introduce them to interactives after they're comfortable fucking on stage."

"Tableaux it is," Lobo acknowledged. "I already know the first two scenes I want to throw them into."

"Good," Glory said, "Send me the details, and I'll get the ads out."

Next: Chapter 8

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