All the Myriad Lays

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Mar 13, 2022


All the Myriad Lays Chapter 6: The Next Step of Submission Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

The characters in this story are based on characters belonging to and trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. This story exists outside of any DC continuity I'm familiar with. The villainess, Glory Hole is based on AMG personality Glory Holden.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either the original characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

And by the way, if you have not read Larry Niven's All the Myriad Ways, read it.

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When Lobo released the heroes from their stalls, Batman and his boys stumbled out and stretched, trying to get their standing and walking legs back after their marathon glory hole session. Red Hood couldn't help but notice that they all not only wore masks of cum but that all their costumes all dripped the sperm from the many men they'd sucked off, but fucking hell, how many men had they serviced? From the sheer amount of jizz, it looked like it had to be hundreds. Come to think of it, how long had he been in that stall? He had no idea. The heroes' collars were leashed together again, and the Lobos formed up around them as escorts and guards.

"Back to the classroom!" the lead Lobo called, and the six broken and defiled heroes numbly followed him out of the seedy men's room.

As always, the in-between spaces of Glory's establishment were dark, but the humbled heroes stumbled along after their minder without comment or question. They were so deep in shock that the extra corps of Lobo guards seemed superfluous.

When they arrived at the next "classroom", Red Hood noticed that his cum-stained and dripping costume had disappeared (not that he had felt it removed) only to be replaced by a classic white jockstrap. But not a new one. No, this jock had seen some use, and their stained pouches had previously been stretched to such an extent that it could barely contain the antiheroes' junk. He looked around, noting that his fellow captives were dressed then same way, and then the missing element struck him. Fuck, this time their masks were gone too-- even his hood and Batman's cowl. They weren't heroes right now. They were just plain old Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Troy, and Duke.

The illuminated area contained nothing but a circle of six padded torso-wide benches with fenders half-way up on either side, and Jason had a sinking suspicion he knew what they were going to be used for and why the jock was the chosen outfit for this lesson.

"Okay, boys, everybody climb up on one of those fuck benches and get on your hands and knees," Lobo said, "Time for your asses to get into the game too."

Yeah,' Jason thought, Just what I supposed. I hate being right.'

Each captive approached a bench, cautiously, and climbed up onto it, tentatively, all facing into the middle of the lit space. The central support held their bodies (and especially their asses) at just the right height to afford Lobo easy access, and the fenders kept them submissively in doggie position.

"Ready for your next lesson?!" the Lobo in charge said brightly.

A hand slapped Jason's butt, and the young hero yipped in pain before looking over his shoulder.

"Responsive," his grinning Lobo said, "I like that. We are going to have lots of fun, you and me."

Jason growled at the perv, which brought a smile to the grey face.

"Still riding that anger, cunt? Even better. This promises to be more fun than I'd counted on."

The bounty hunter dropped to his knees and kissed the firm muscle of Jason's butt that was even now blushing red from the slap. From there he wandered into Jason's ass-crack, kissing and licking his way closer to the hero's pucker.

Jason screwed his eyes shut and said, "Just get on with it, you fucking bastard."

"Don't mind if I..."

"Ah!" Jason moaned when Lobo's tongue found his sphincter and started to tease the right muscle. "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Jason had never stopped to wonder what getting eaten out would be like, but he would never have imagined anything like this. Around him, the other five heroes had taken up moaning, too, so Jason figured everybody else must be getting rimmed just like he was. He couldn't trust himself to look up and find out. Lobo tried to stick his tongue through Jason's tight muscle, but it fought back automatically.

"Relax your hole, Jason," Lobo said, and he tried again, with no more success. "Or don't, if that's really the way you want to play it. I cleared all my appointments to help get this hole open today, and I'm a patient man."

The bounty hunter munched away on Jason's ass like it was an all-you-can-eat buffet. He licked the crack from top to bottom; he pressed French kisses on Jason's pucker; and always he sucked. Jason's body slowly took over, and as it did the antihero began to let loose a fine whorish moan every time Lobo took him to a new sensitive high.

"Ooooooooh!" the young man gasped when the villain left his hole for a moment and started licking the sensitive flesh between his ass and balls. Lobo reached up to the pouch of Jason's jock, rubbing at the boy's junk, and Jason was surprised to discover he'd thrown wood.

"Fuck," Jason gasped as Lobo maneuvered the hero's straining 8 ½ inches out of the jock and started stroking it.

"Later, bitch," Lobo laughed, "I've got to get you open, first. Unless you want to make my job easier and open that hot ass for me."

"Your mother," Jason gasped.

Grinning, Lobo moved back to Jason's ass and timed his licks to coincide with his stroking of the boy's shaft. Slow strokes with long licks up his ass crack, and quick stimulation of his frenulum and coronal ring for flutters of the tongue over his sphincter. The coordinated attack slowly overwhelmed the young hero, and he pressed his head into the padding so that nobody could tell from his face how his body was betraying him. His voice, on the other hand, was giving everything away, and from the sounds he was hearing around him several of his brothers in captivity were succumbing to the Lobos' lingual expertise as well.

"You are so tasty, and so hot," his Lobo told Jason. "I wonder if your ass is still screwed up tight?"

With no other warning, a finger tried to insinuate itself into Jason's guts.

"Ugh!" Jason groaned as the Czarnian digit slid through and filled his butt. Apparently his guardian sphincter had given up.

"Real tight still," Lobo smiled. "We'll have to take care of that."

The great grey digit delved into Jason's guts and professionally took inventory of his anatomy.

"Fuh. Fuh. Fuh," Jason groaned, but he screamed, "Fuck!" when Lobo discovered his prostate and began to torment it.

"Fuck yeah, Lobo! Fingerfuck my hole!"

The sensation was unlike anything else in Jason's experience. Every external lick, every teasing stroke, was now magnified thanks to the bounty hunter's massaging of his love nut. Though Jason couldn't see it, his Lobo was beaming at his success. They'd told him this boy would be the hardest of the lot to break to anal, but here he was, putty in the Czarnian's hands.

When Jason had writhed in torment for what Lobo thought long enough, the villain asked, "Are you ready, Jason? Is your hole hungry for my footlong now?"

The defeated Jason could only whimper in response.

"Good. Then let's get this over with."

Lobo stood and pulled out his grey monster.

"Here he is, boy. All hard and slick. He wants your hole, and he wants it now."

Jason whined as Lobo began to rub his ramrod across Jason's muscular butt and up and down his crack. Finally the villain took aim and tried to push inside what he thought was a willing hole.

"Aiyee!" Jason cried, and his ass immediately slammed into shutdown again. The finger may have been okay, but the real thing was too much for his muscle memory.

When Jason had rocked the Robin threads, he had not been made the target of as many boy hostage scenarios as Dick had, and especially not the ones that had escalated into sexual domination-- except for one time, that one final time. Before the Joker had killed Jason, the fiend had made a point of completely dominating and utterly degrading his young body, and the Clown Prince had been neither gentle nor subtle in how he'd gone about it. Nor did he rush his sadistic pleasure. Many of the details were lost, erased from Jason's conscious mind by the Lazarus Pit, but his subconscious mind still recognized the fatal potential that went along with a blunt cockhead pressing against his aperture. After Jason had risen from the ranks of the dead, fucking (with anybody) had been as far from his mind as anything could be. In time, though, that had changed, and he began to explore sex again. He still jerked off now and then remembering his first time with the ginger ex-Titan, Arsenal, but that encounter was easy because Roy was the one eager to get penetrated during their lovemaking. The Emerald Archer's former sidekick, happily, turned out to be a total pig bottom who never for a moment considered fucking Jason in turn. The only thing that ever happened during their affair was Jason breeding Roy's hole, something that satisfied both of them—until it didn't. After they broke up at last, Jason found that sex got easier, just so long as he was on top of the encounter.

Lobo prodded a couple of more times and then reassessed his approach. He bent over the prostrate male body and began to massage Jason's shoulders.

"Relax, boy," the bounty hunter said, "Whatever it is that's got you so wrought-up, let it go."

Jason felt the knots in his shoulders grudgingly give way, but he sobbed, "I can't, Lobo. I can't."

"Of course you can."

"The Joker. Ah."

"The Joker's not here, Jason. There's just you and me (which Jason's ears told him was a lie) and I have no plans to hurt you (which was another lie, but Jason didn't realize it yet)."

"Hurt," Jason sobbed. "Ass."

"Nobody's going to hurt you, you sweet boy," Lobo said. "But I am going to take your ass and show you how good giving up your man-cunt to a big dick can be."

"But... But..."

"Just trust me, Jason. Relax your hole and let Lobo in."

Jason relented, called up all his training, and overpowered his heroic anal muscle. It took a while, but Lobo was finally able to slide the fat head of his cock past the guardian and into Jason's warmth.

"Ah!" Jason cried as Lobo began the gentle but methodical conquest of his guts. Short thrusts and withdrawals, no more than an inch or two to start with, gradually increased, and more and more of the great Czarnian fuck-engine took control of Jason's ass.

True to his word, Lobo did his best not to hurt his buttfuck student, and he was at length rewarded by feeling Jason's body stop fighting and join in the fucking.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Jason gasped into the padding as the big prick churned in his butt.

Jason's head was still bent down, and Lobo grabbed a handful of the boy's dark hair, pulling his head up and his chest off the bench.

"Don't hide it, Jason," Lobo ordered. "Let everybody see how much you love getting fucked in the ass."

Jason continued to grunt, "Ugh. Ugh. Ugh." as the bounty hunter's length measured his guts in this new position, but he opened his eyes and looked around.

To his left, he could see Bruce, also up on his knees, eyes squeezed shut, taking dick valiantly. If you knew what to look for, you could see that he and the Lobo fucking him were not active and passive as you'd expect in a rape. Rather, they were two active personalities working towards a common goal, just using different tools. It was like martial artists sparring, or capoeira dancers in Brazil playing off of one another, and it was astounding to see.

Dick, on all fours still, writhed under his own anal assault. Jason could easily see that his brother wasn't fighting his fucker at all, nor was he involved in some grand ballet of the fornicative arts. He was passively, but enthusiastically, accepting the presence of the dick inside him, drilling his guts open. From the look of fulfillment on the former Boy Wonder's face and the eager warmth smoldering in his eyes, it was as if Dick's ass was happily getting reacquainted with an old friend.

On Jason's other side, Tim was thrusting his hot young ass back on his Lobo's cock with almost as much gusto as Lobo thrusting into him. Lubed flesh slapped against lubed flesh, and the young man's sighs and squeals only confirmed the fact that Tim was discovering himself on the bench and finding that he was an eager ass-slut. Jason felt his own cock jump when Tim's 8 incher belched out a wad of sperm without even being touched.

Troy looked like a boy who knew he was doing something terribly naughty, something that he'd get in trouble for if anyone caught him doing it. His face said he knew shouldn't be doing this, but it felt so good that he couldn't resist. Getting fucked was a great new game for the jock, and Troy was clearly resolved to get the most out of it he could before it was taken away from him. If Jason had to guess, the blond stud was currently praying that they never got rescued.

Duke, the last of the bunch, was pressed into the bench by his Lobo who had clambered up onto the bench and, balanced on the balls of his feet, was currently pounding the black boy as hard as he thought he could get away with. All Jason could get from Duke's face was disgusted resignation. It all but screamed This is what I get for playing along with these dudes' with just a hint of What was I thinking?' and a jigger of `Fuck yeah, hit that again!'. While Duke might have been resolved not to enjoy giving up his ass, he was nevertheless starting to groove on getting his virgin hole pounded out.

"See," Lobo said, "You are all so hot. We never had a scene as hot as this before."

Jason's hormones were percolating, so he missed the `before'. Instead he gasped, "Fuck! I'm gonna cum, Lobo! Fucking make me cum, man!"

A grey arm encircled Jason's chest, pulling him back into his muscular chest.

"Jerk it," Lobo said as he pumped the tight ass. "Milk yourself into my hand!"

Jason grabbed his nuts with his left hand and pulled them tight in their sack while his right hand went to work on the sensitive flesh around the head of his dick.

"Cuh. Cuh. Cuh. CUMMING!" Jason screamed.

Lobo caught every spurt and every drop that escaped Jason's shaft, and the boy collapsed back against the chest of the man who was still fucking him.

"Look at that!" Lobo crooned. "Who knew my sweet boy could shoot such a big load."

The grey-skinned barbarian licked some of the white man-goo from his hand and then offered it to Jason.

"Taste your seed, Jason."

Without taking his eyes from Lobo's face, Jason stuck out his tongue and lapped up a teaspoon or more of his own sperm.

"Nice, huh?" Lobo quizzed.

Amazingly, it was. Jason had no idea what jizz ought taste like, but he always thought his would have been saltier and more bitter than other men's. Life as one of Glory's boys appeared to come with some bizarre advantages.

Jason nodded agreement, and Lobo pulled him back off the bench and onto his feet. Together they licked the remaining cum out of Lobo's hand and shared a warm salty kiss.

"Now," the slave trainer sighed, "For the other positions."

"Other?" Jason said. "Positions?"

Lobo said nothing in return but lifted the hero up into the air. Jason grabbed at Lobo's thick neck and tried to wrap his legs around the bounty-hunter. Holding onto the boy's ass-cheeks, Lobo took aim at Jason's hole with his monster, and there was no further time for small talk.

"Oh fuck! Oh yeah! Other positions!" Jason cried as he began to bounce up and down on Lobo's steadying cock. "Fuck me, Lobo! Show me all those positions and FUCK MY ASS!"

Next: Chapter 7

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