All the Myriad Lays

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Feb 26, 2022


All the Myriad Lays Chapter 4: Collared and Broken Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

The characters in this story are based on characters belonging to and trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. This story exists outside of any DC continuity I'm familiar with. The villainess, Glory Hole, is based on AMG personality Glory Holden.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of any of the original characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

And by the way, if you have not read Larry Niven's All the Myriad Ways, read it.

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The Troy Wonder had either passed out or fallen into a face-fucking trance. When he tried to remember later it was all a blur of fat grey cock pummeling his throat into utter submission. When he came to, god alone knew how much later, he was still on his knees, but he was all alone under a spotlight in an otherwise dark chamber. Or so it seemed.

Troy's bondage was gone, except for the collar, but his briefs had changed from Robin green to a clingy lurid red. The only other thing he wore was an ankle cuff that was chained to a ring in the floor. The big blond jock tried to pull the ring loose from the floor, and then the chain from the ring. Finally he tried to see if he could do anything with the lock on his ankle-cuff. No matter what he did, though he was just as much a prisoner at the end as he had been when he started. He slumped into a seated position.

`Fuck. Well, what now?' Troy thought.

"Are you done with the muy macho act, boy? Or should I say, Troy?" Lobo (or a Lobo) asked as he emerged from the darkness. The bounty hunter was completely naked now, save for a black posing pouch. An obscenely distended black posing pouch.

"What do you want?" Troy asked. He tried to sound gruff like Batman but ended up sounded more like a whiny bitch.

"It's time for your next lesson. Cocksucking."

"We already did that," Troy said flatly.

"No, that was face-fucking, and you caught on fast. Cocksucking involves slightly more input on your end of the exchange, but from what I saw it should be an easy step for you to make."

Troy blushed. As far as he was concerned, it was a terrible thing to be praised for, going down on a guy. In school, he was the popular guy, tall, muscular, blond, and handsome, but popularity came with a cost. Yu had to be constantly on guard for things that could unseat you, and one thing that could definitely topple him from his perch was being accused of sucking dick on the sly. Not that he'd ever been a jock-sniffing perv. No, Troy knew the unwritten rules and had lived up to those hypermasculine jock standards. He'd been a brute on the football field, he'd wrestled dozens of men into submission, and he'd done his best at pentathlon. (He'd wanted to try mixed martial arts, but his mother had had a conniption and put her foot down.) Troy even had a few gossipy girls whom from time to time he had favored with his sexual prowess. He was, as far as anyone knew, a real man's man. Deep in his subconscious, however, Troy was aware of a little voice that occasionally whispered deliciously subversive things to him. He wondered what that jock did smell like. When he got tackled, he was aroused by being dominated. When he rode a guy on the mat, he wanted to solidify his dominance over the guy by drilling his hole. When he gasped for air at the end of a race, he imagined the cute medic giving him mouth to mouth. And when he looked into the ecstatic face of a girl he was fucking, he wondered what face he'd make if a dick was lodged in his ass. Could this be his chance to really let go?

"So," Lobo said as he watched Troy process the information, "As I said. Cocksucking, specifically you, sucking my cock. Today, you will voluntarily use that pretty mouth of yours to worship my fat dick. You will kiss, lick, and suck it, and swallow my load when I cum." He looked at the captive young hero and added, "Or loads. And if you're really good, I may even let YOU cum. How do your balls feel about that?"

Troy hadn't even thought of that, but now he realized his balls were full and aching and, fuck, his shaft was rock-hard.

"And if I refuse?" he asked, not that he was about to.

Lobo grinned. The boy was trying to save a sliver of his former macho persona, but he needed to know he was always going to be at the bottom of the totem pole in Glory's realm.

"You don't want to do that for two reasons. First, if you do that, I'll have to send you back to repeat the previous lesson, and, believe me, the repeat session is always harder than the first." Lobo paused and said, "For example, you hear that?"

Troy cocked his head and nodded. He did hear a furious bout of squelching and gagging not that far away.

"That, if I'm not mistaken, is your sort-of buddy, Red Hood, getting his face raped-- again. He's riding a load of anger, that one, resisting for all he's worth, but that anger'll give out eventually. It always does. And until then, well, we've got a lot of Lobos waiting for a chance to fuck that pretty face."

"It always gives out?"

"Trust Uncle Lobo," the bounty hunter said with a leer. "Secondly, you'll do it because you're curious."

"Fuck you, I'm..."

Lobo held up a hand.

"Don't lie to me, Troy, and don't lie to yourself."

He walked up and pressed a booted foot pressed against Troy's groin. It hurt as Lobo applied pressure to the young man's raging erection, but at the same time the young hero was getting off, again, at the thought of being dominated, again.

"Back home you can play the macho stud all you want," Lobo said, lying for all he was worth, "But here Glory commands, Lobo enforces, and you do. Your dandy piece of man-meat is saying `You might as well make the most of it'. And meat never lies. Now, sit up."

Troy got up onto his knees and looked up Lobo's muscular body to the cruel face.

"Fuck," Troy thought, "That's the kind of build I always wanted to have myself, and the kind of hunk I wanted to take me. Maybe..."

Troy licked his lips, and, with a laugh, Lobo pulled the straining fabric of his pouch aside, letting his beast fall out to slap against Troy's face.

Fuck yeah!

"Rub your face against it, Troy," Lobo said, "Get to know the `lay' of the land."

Troy rubbed up against the near foot of ashen fuck-shaft. The feel, the smell, they were intoxicating, but it wasn't enough. The young hero reached out with his tongue and tasted the silken skin of Lobo's dick for the first time. Troy's face fucking him didn't count, he decided, all he'd done then was get raped. Now, however, he was in nominal control of this ramrod. He could take what he wanted from it.

Troy licked up the shaft on one side, and back down the other.

"Now, use that tongue on my balls," Lobo said.

Troy deployed his tongue on the heavy testicles and grinned when Lobo purred. Someone liked getting his balls played with.

"I wonder..." Troy thought, and he took one, then the other, and finally both of Lobo's testicles into his mouth. Using his tongue, he toyed with the heavy glands, sucking on them as he did.

"I'm gargling gonads," Troy realized with a smile.

"Fuck, Troy," Lobo sighed, "You are turning out to be more of a champion sex-pig than I imagined!"

Finally, before Lobo tired of the ball-sucking, Troy let the precious orbs fall from his mouth, and he started to lick his way up the spongy bulge of the villain's urethral tube. Lobo's fingers hooked into Troy's blond hair when the boy at length reached the frenulum. The jock played a tongue-staccato on the sensitive flesh there and heard Lobo gasp in pleasure.

"Fuck, Troy," Lobo breathed, "I don't know where you learned to work a dick like that, but I thank the powers that be that you were a good study!"

Troy in his turn thanked the internet and took his time exploring the tip of this mountain of cock. Eventually, he'd have to move on to really sucking Lobo's meat, but for now he wanted to take his time and enjoy.

Lobo, looking down, was pleased at what he saw. He'd read this macho-acting boy right. The stud had lived perpetually covering up a deeply-buried desire to explore the forbidden pleasures of man-sex. Well, let him take his time with the preliminaries. When they got to the real dick-work, Lobo was certain this musclebound stud would perform up to Glory's exacting standards. He might even exceed them. Right now, the blond piglet was focused on the bounty-hunter's piss-slit and the string of pre-cum that was leaking out it. Of everything the boy had set his mind to so far, this seemed to be what he enjoyed most, and Lobo decided he was going to be the positive reinforcement fairy today.

Lobo let the boy load up on pre-cum for as long as his Czarnian libido would allow; then he said, "Take the whole head into your mouth at once, Troy. You've done it before, so you know you can. Take it and suck it just like you did my balls."

Lobo was right about the blond's capacities, of course. Troy relaxed his mouth and let the spongy head fill him up. The taste of precum was still there, thankfully, and the pressure of cockhead against his cheeks struck a chord with the jock. The young hero reached down and rubbed at the distended pouch of his own briefs.

Lobo was about to correct the boy, but he suddenly noticed that when the boy rubbed himself his cocksucking skills took a turn for the `Jesus fucking god'. So he let it pass.

"You like how Lobo feels in your mouth, boy?" Lobo asked, teasingly.

Troy hummed an affirmative.

"Then take more," Lobo said, "In the end I want you deep-throating all that monster-meat."

Slowly, the Troy Wonder gave in to his subconscious desires and swallowed more and more of Lobo's mighty shaft. When he bottomed out, he wanted to cheer, but there was too much dick in his throat, silencing him as well (or better) than one of Folsom Street's finest silicone toys. (Don't ask how he knew about those.)

Lobo spread his legs and braced himself as the hero sucked him close to the edge. The boy had done well, and it would be churlish for Lobo to deny him his reward. With his nose in Lobo's pubes, Troy managed to use his tongue on the most sensitive parts of the conquering and conquered staff when he pulled back, and that decided his trainer.

Lobo grabbed the boy and began to pound the hot sucking mouth. Troy was still able to use some tricks on the frantic Czarnian's meat, but he knew that Lobo was back in control. In a way, that comforted him, and he gave the villain full access.

Lobo's fingers in Troy's hair pulled the boy's head back so that the head of his cock only lay on that oh so talented tongue, and the bounty-hunter let loose a howl as he dosed the jock's mouth with the first of several wads of cum. Troy swallowed the first blast, but he let the next few pool in his mouth, savoring the taste while some of the white hot goo dribble out around Lobo's cockhead to drip down onto his chest. Lobo pulled out, and as Troy sat back on his haunches he was faced with a question. Did Lobo's cum taste better than his precum had? Troy wasn't sure. He'd have to pay better attention next time. He felt sure there would be a next time.

"Jerk off, Troy," Lobo said. "You've earned it."

The Tory Wonder looked up across the acres of Czarnian hunk and stroked his 7 inches. Sucking the Czarnian cock had brought him close to the edge, and it only took a few minutes dedicated `work' until he felt the sap rise.

"I'm cumming!" Troy cried.

A flood of rich sperm-cream pulsed out of Troy's cock, and the young hero gasped as he just kept on spewing. Fuck. Would this obscene pleasure never end?

Lobo grinned at his freshly minted cocksucker.

"Good boy," the villain crooned, "Now lick up that cum pool."

Troy bent over and licked the floor clean.

"I need to see," Troy thought, "Does my cum taste better than Lobo's?"

And he reached out for the Czarnian's once-again chubbing fuck-meat.

"Right, Troy. Suck, and suck, and suck some more. Get used to sucking dick, `cause you're going to be doing it a lot."

Next: Chapter 5

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