All the Myriad Lays

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Feb 11, 2022


All the Myriad Lays Chapter Two: Who's Johnny? Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

The characters in this story are based on characters belonging to and trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. This story exists outside of any DC continuity I'm familiar with. The villainess, Glory Hole is based on AMG personality Glory Holden.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of any of the original characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

And by the way, if you have not read Larry Niven's All the Myriad Ways, read it.

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The next thing Batman knew, he was standing on a bleak plain. Dark overcast skies flashed with red lightning, and assorted boulders littered the landscape. And the wickedly grinning Glory stood in front of him in all her tawdry grandeur.

Batman himself was still trussed up in his miraculously repaired costume, but the red cords were now woven in a crisscross pattern over his powerful chest and taunt abs. A ball gag filled his mouth once again, and a tight leather collar hugged his neck. His hands were cuffed to leather bands around his upper thighs, and his ankles were hobbled. The most outlandish part of the bondage, though, was the way the cords wrapped around his waist and between his legs, encircling his package, drawing attention to the already prominent bulge, and forcing his sex front and center. Behind him a young man moaned.

Batman turned his head and saw Nightwing there, tied up just as the Dark Knight was. Beyond the former Boy Wonder, Batman could see the rest of his partners in crimefighting. The whole row of captive heroes had leashes connecting their collars, so that even if one of them managed to slip his own hobbles, to escape he'd have to drag the men next to him along, and then the rest of the line.

"Well, boys," Glory beamed, "Now that we're all in our Funday best, let's go see the boss."

"Boss?" Batman thought.

The siren took a few steps and then looked behind her. None of the captive Bat Family had taken a single step.

"You men," Glory tittered, "Always so stubborn. You just HAVE to do things the hard way."

She looked into the dark and called, "Oh, Lobo!"

The ash-skinned Czarnian bounty hunter, last of his race, bane to the galaxy, stepped out from behind the nearest boulder and said, "I told you they'd do this."

"So, you were right," Glory complained, "What do you want? Egg in your beer?"

Lobo stood there grinning.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get them moving. We're late for our appointment."

Lobo took a few steps towards the captives, flashing an evil smile.

Not all of the captive heroes had had dealings with the bounty hunter before, but the three most senior certainly had. This was not like any Lobo they'd ever seen, and it was mostly due to his new outfit. Skintight black leggings hugged him from his waist down to the sleek boots on his feet. A leather vest was doing a poor job of hanging off his shoulders. Open in the front, it did little more than frame the expanse of pectorals and abdominals Lobo was famous for. The other thing he was famous for was being contained, barely, in a codpiece that left little to nothing to the imagination. The villain simply oozed menacing raw masculinity

Lobo pulled a cattle-prod, out of thin air it seemed to Nightwing, and applied it to Batman's bubble butt.

The Dark Knight, howled around his gag, and stumbled forward.

"Follow the nice lady, Batfuck," Lobo said. "I can keep shocking you for as long as it takes." And that said, he applied the prod again.

Batman stumbled forward, dragging the rest of the line with him.

"And if any of the rest of you decides to pull attitude," the villain was looking at Red Hood when he said that, "I'll have to keep on giving Batman the juice. Do we understand one another?"

The younger heroes nodded, and the bondage parade stumbled along in the direction of a great tower that loomed in the distance.

"I don't understand," Glory was complaining as they walked, "Why we always have to muster out here. It would be sooo much easier if I could just drop straight into the throne room. But no. He always has to do his precious Wizard of Oz act."

Lobo grinned.

"It's a dominance thing, sweetie," he said. "He's messing with you, reminding you where you figure into the greater multiverse."

"You're probably right, but it's still damned inconvenient."

"He?" Batman wondered. "Who is `He'?"

The Dark Knight risked a glance back at Nightwing who shrugged his shoulders.

Soon, they stood in front of a great gate in the black-grey stone of the tower.

"Alright, darlings," Glory trilled. "Last looks!"

She wove around her captive studs, brushing nonexistent dust off a shoulder here and moving a glowing cord a half inch to the left there. Every one of them, though, had their junk cupped for just a moment. Just long enough to stir the man's hormones and get a better bulge as their shafts chubbed up.

"Follow me, boys. It's time for the big show."

The tower was hollow inside, hollow except for a dais that stood head high above the floor. On that, on a brazen throne sat one of the more bizarre people Batman had ever seen. An improbably large round head balanced atop an incongruous stick figure of a body, and the person's face was curiously blank, as if he were deep in meditation. The tuft of blond hair on the top of his skull was so out of place that even Batman was confused.

"Yoo hoo! Hey, Johnny!" Glory called up to this mockery of a Buddha. Insolence seemed to be her stock in trade, but as Johnny turned towards the group she fell to one knee, bent her neck, and spread her arms in supplication.

"Glory?" Johnny said as he emerged from his contemplation.

"My Lord!" she said, cheerfully obsequious.

Batman watched as Johnny (What sort of a name was that?) raked Glory with his eyes. Then he turned those same eyes on Lobo (only for a second), and finally on the bound heroes (for much longer).

"What have you brought in today, Glory?" Johnny asked. The tone was bored, or just shy of it.

"My Lord," the siren said, "These are the Batman and his proteges of Earth 69-Lambda."

"The fuck?" Batman thought. "69-Lambda?"

"Ah, yes," Johnny said, "69-Lambda. Most unfortunate. I thought the story potential was sufficient, but in the end it's not my call to make."

He looked at the heroes again and finally said, "Your petition is granted and is recorded in the Great Continuity, Glory. You may start with your new toys at your discretion."

"My Lord is toooo generous," Glory smarmed, "As usual."

"Take them away, Glory. I have more important things than your fawning to pay attention to."

After Johnny turned away, Glory came back to her feet. Walking to Batman, she started caressing his bound sex again.

"Well, thank the powers that be for that," she whispered. Batman groaned as his cock really began to fill out. "He was in a good mood, for a change, but that's the paperwork all done. Now, let's get you boys home so we can get you started."

Still holding Batman by his junk, she led the parade of heroes back outside.

"This is going to be such fun. Don't you think so, Lobo?" Glory asked as she walked along.

The Czarnian was now rubbing his own distended codpiece.

"Fuck," Batman thought, "He's huge!" and the Dark Knight felt his recently violated asshole cringe in terror.

"You said it, boss," the bounty hunter said. "I can HARD-ly wait."

Glory let go a trill of laughter at the lame joke and, still holding Batman by his package, led the whole kit and kaboodle in a crimson door-shaped hole that opened in midair right in front of them.

"Come this way, my stud-muffins!"

"And she does mean cum," Lobo murmured in Red Robin's ear before they all entered the scarlet vortex.

Next: Chapter 3

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