All of It

By Shaun Duncan

Published on May 15, 2006


And so the semester continued on, and Tom and I had plenty of fun every day. Which was nice, because the work load from my classes really put a major strain on my free time to go out and try to meet someone. Sure, I would eventually want to meet the right guy and develop something more, but as an 18 year-old guy, as long as I was getting sex every day, there was no rush too find a "relationship". And who knows, I thought, maybe Tom would one day wake up to his real desires, it isn't like he was doing all that much to find a girlfriend, regardless of all his talk. I his study schedule didn't seem to be a roadblock for that, I'm not really sure what he was taking for classes, but I don't ever remember seeing him with any books.

Our little pact was fantastic, and I really felt myself looking forward to the end of each day (and many times the beginning of each day as well, plus one or two lunchtime blows). I met some of his other friends and none of them had any idea what was going on. I was just the nerd he was "stuck" rooming with, many of them assuming I was cramping his style. Sure a couple times I heard them refer to my as "gay" or "faggot" but not in a way that let me know that Tom had told them about our deal. Just in the typical jock way of referring to anyone weaker than them. I figured Tom understood that it would be a deal breaker to expose my desires to his friends, he had as much to loose from it as I did.

But by the third month of class, one of his friends, Kevin, was let in on our little secret. It wasn't planned, just one of those things that happens on a Saturday night, when the beer smuggled into the dorm room starts flowing, and the topic turns to sex then porn and guys need to "unload".

No reason to bore you with the details of the early part of the evening. Kevin was over, we were drinking beer watching regular movies, R rated though, little flashes of nudity, and by the end of the second one Kevin said he really needed to see some major skin and pulls a porno out of his backpack. Nobody complained, hell, I figured that I could watch the guys, let them watch the girls, and soon, we would all be nice and happy. But seeing as how I had never viewed porn around a group of guys, I didn't know that Tom and my pact would soon face an important test.

So I was just happily watching along with the first scene, sitting in between Kevin and tom on the ratty old sofa we had drug off some curb a month back. I really enjoyed it. It was a girl deep throating this guy. Most the images were of his rock hard dick sliding in and out of her mouth. It was a wonderful image and I quickly was seeing myself in her place. I was pretty sure the other two were imagining themselves as the guy, but to each his own.

I was getting pretty hard, and from the squirming and adjusting going on around me, I wasn't the only one. I was thinking that once Kevin left, Tom would really have a big fat load to give me, and I was watching the movie closely, trying to see if there was anything I could learn from it. The scene ended with the guy pulling it out and squirting on her tongue and face as she sat there, obediently waiting for it. I knew how good that felt, and was getting even harder. Straight porn like this wasn't so bad, but I would have liked to have seen a guy in her place instead. The next scene was pretty mush the same thing, looked like the whole tape was nothing but blow jobs, which was fine with me.

But shortly into the second scene, Kevin said, "that's it, I can't wait anymore." And with that he undid his pants and slid them down to his ankles and pulled is dick out of his boxers and started slowly playing with it. I was mesmerized. I couldn't believe he had done that, not that I was complaining, I liked what I saw. Not as long as Tom's, but thick, very thick and full. Before I knew it, Tom was shedding his pants and beginning to follow Kevin's lead. Now I was a little uncomfortable. I was really horny, really hard, and also a little afraid of what Kevin would say if Tom made me stick to the pact and clean up his mess in front of Kevin.

Tom started talking to us as he jerked off, "I love watching a good blow job, it is almost as good as getting one, and I love getting them."

Kevin replied, "Yeah, a blow job is the best."

Tom had noticed my silence and stated of non-undress, and added, "Dude, you can drop them if you want. I'm sure you are thirsty for some attention." I got his little remark, but assumed Kevin would miss it. I figured if I started to protest, that would simply lead Kevin to think perhaps I really was gay, so I got undressed and started jerking along with them.

"That's better," Tom said. "I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? Between two naked guys beating off? Why would I feel like that?" I asked slyly.

Kevin was quick with a response, "It's perfectly normal. We all do it, so why should we hide it?"

"That's right," Tom added, "Plus, if you can't have fun with your friends, what's the point?"

"My friends and I used to do this every Saturday night in high school," Kevin added. "We would steal a porno from one of our dads and meet at a different house each week and just watch and jerk off all night."

"Sounds like a lot of fun," I said, imagining the site of a group of naked teenage boys jerking off in front of each other.

"I don't know, every week?" Tom said. "Didn't you guys ever get dates? Jerking off is fun and all, but nothing compared to a blow job."

"Well..." Kevin began, then lowered his voice, "let's just say that there was some blow jobs going around."

"Really?" Tom said almost in a whisper, but clearly smiling. "One of the guys bring a girlfriend? Or a sister?"

"No, but there were a couple of guys, well, they lost a bet once and had to blow everyone. And after that they didn't seem to mind it and would do it whenever asked," Kevin explained.

"You've had a guy blow you?" Tom asked. I was suddenly getting even harder than ever, knowing where this night was suddenly heading.

"A mouth feels like a mouth," Kevin said. "It doesn't matter if it is a girl or a guy, a blow job is a blow job."

"So if I were to blow you...wait no, let's say if Shaun here were to ask to blow you, you would say it was ok?" Tom asked.

"Fuck yeah," Kevin answered.

"Good, Shaun, ask him," Tom said. I stopped jerking on my cock and looked down at Kevin's. I just reached over and began to stroke it softly, Kevin released his grip on it and sat back. "Ask him," Tom repeated, "say the words."

"May I suck your dick?" I asked Kevin.

"Fuck yes, suck it all you want," He replied and so I got up off the couch and kneeled in front of him and took his dick in my mouth. Over the years, I've been amazed at how different, and yet the same dicks taste when you compare them. And I have especially found that my favorite is the taste that jocks have. There is something about athletic guys that gives their dicks a wonderfully male taste, even more so than anyone else. It could be the layers of sweat that builds up on them, or the testosterone from their workouts. Whatever it is, I love it. And Kevin's while different than Tom's, was just as nice tasting.

I started slowly enjoying it, but after four beers and 20 minutes of porn, Kevin was not in the mood for slow and soon had a hold of m head and was forcing it down faster and harder. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tom beating off watching us, not the porn tape, and with his free hand he was pinching his nipples.

I didn't mind Kevin forcing my head like that, in fact I loved it, much like my love of feeling cum land on my face, this forced sucking feeling made me feel nasty and dirty, I love mild submission, just being used to please a guy, it gets me hard. And from the feeling of his ever growing cock, Kevin liked being on the other side. In fact, he couldn't last more than two minutes before his cock was filling my mouth with warm cum.

You of course don't have to ask what I did with it. I swallowed it down and was milking it for more, kneading his balls to make sure they were spent. Once I was sure there was nothing left, I turned my attention to Tom. I had his dick deep in my throat, trying to do what I had seen, Letting it stay deep for a moment before drawing it out and plunging it back in. And like Kevin, it wasn't long before I could tell he had to shoot his load. This time, I slide it as far down as I could, I wanted him to shoot directly into my throat. And I nearly came myself as I felt the heat of him cum explode in my throat and run down to my stomach.

I pulled Tom's dick out, made sure there were no drops I missed and sat down between them on the sofa. "Fuck man, thanks a lot. You really give great head," Kevin said.

"He enjoys it," Tom said. He sucks me every day.


"Yes," I said. "And to answer your question, yes, I'm gay."

"Well, I kind of figured," Kevin said, "I don't mind, like I said, a mouth is a mouth."

"And Shaun's mouth is the best, "Tom said, I actually started to blush a bit. "Should we tell him of our deal?"

"Why not, he knows everything else," I replied.

"What deal?"

"Well, Shaun here has agreed to swallow or lick up every drop of cum that gets spilled in this room." Tom explained. "Even his own."

"Fuck, let's see," Kevin said. "He's the only one here that has yet to cum."

"I'm not sure I can perform in front of an audience," I said, not that they would believe me as hard as my dick was right now.

"Would it help if I rolled over and let you shoot on my ass, you seemed to enjoy that before," Tom said.

"And he had to lick it up? Off your ass? Fuck, I would love to see that," Kevin said.

I thought suddenly occurred to both me and Tom at the same time, but Tom was the first to put it into words, "You were one of the guys that lost that bet and ended up sucking your friends off weren't you?"

"Ok, yes, I was one. But not the only one. But that doesn't leave the room ok?"

"You keep our secret, we'll keep yours," I said.

"Deal! Now, We still need to get you off," Kevin said. "So you want to shoot on Tom's ass again?"

Kevin stood up and Tom laid face down on the sofa, his ass directly in line with me. I moved in closer and began to jerk off. Sure I preferred to see dicks, but remembering the fist time I had to clean my cum off his ass, I was feeling pretty excited this way. I was focused on the end of my dick, aiming it at his slit. It was then that I first felt Kevin's hands on my body. Reaching from behind me to rub my chest and legs. Fuck it felt good, very sensual. It was certainly making me get closer to cumming.

"I'm going to cum!" I said and as I did, Kevin placed his hands on my dick and helped me point it at Tom's ass. He then kissed the back of my neck. This send the first stream flying. I must have shot ten times, just unloading more and more each one seeming stronger than the last until it finally came to an end.

I kneeled down and slowly licked up my handy work while Tom moaned in pleasure and Kevin slowly started beating his dick again. When I was done, I stood up, and Kevin grabbed my face and kissed me hard. I could feel his tongue enter my mouth and search for any traces of cum remaining.

"Sorry," I said breaking the kiss, "it's all for me. Maybe if you are good, Tom will let me share."

And Tom agreed, but that is for the next part of the story.

Thank you to everyone that has written about the story so far, I really get off on hearing how much everyone has been enjoying it so far it so far. Please, keep it up! email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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