All My Dreams Pass Before My Eyes

By jacklynch945

Published on Mar 17, 2024


All My Dreams Pass Before My Eyes

By Jack Lynch

Author's Note: Readers of my past work on Nifty will recognize some portions of this work drawn from other stories. They have been recast here to tell a different narrative. I welcome your feedback. Write to me:

As always, I greatly appreciate Nifty. I hope you'll join me in supporting them so that free expression can continue to be enjoyed by all.

Chapter 19


Saturday. Party day. Another beautiful day in paradise, following another blissful night of sleep and a morning blow job.

This time, he hadn't even had a chance to get out of bed. He'd just given himself a big yawn and stretched his arms high overhead when CeeCee magically appeared and crawled into bed with him.

She got on top, grinding her hips and her pussy into him. Kissing him hard, forcing his mouth open. Throwing the covers back, she first licked and bit his nipples, which drove him nuts. Scooting down further, she kissed around his entire crotch before licking his very erect cock like a lollipop. Her teasing licks went on way too long. He had to cum so bad!

She dive-bombed him. Throwing his arms first back against the bed, then bringing them down to hold her head, Toby was in ecstasy. Feet jammed down into the mattress, hips thrust upward, her hands holding his butt cheeks to keep him steady. When he came, it was an orgas--ma-stanza.

"Now, me!" CeeCee half-whispered, half squeaked.

Toby was still trying to catch his breath when she pulled herself back up to him, straddled his face, and pushed her pussy right into his mouth.

What am I supposed to do, Toby thought? This was a first. She had him in a headlock with her thighs. He was having trouble breathing. First, he couldn't breathe through his mouth because it was filled with her pussy. Second, when he tried breathing through his nose, it was filled with her pungent smell. There was so much pussy juice, his cheeks were literally wet.

In the end, he figured out what to do. Swirling his tongue around inside her, he finally found her clit. Flicking it up and down made her spasm as if she was getting an electrical shock. It felt like an hour but it was probably less than two minutes. She shuddered and gasped as she came. Thank God, Toby thought.

When she finally got off him, she didn't kiss him. Who would kiss that face, anyway? Instead, she just pinched his cheeks.

"You are just so cute!" CeeCee smiled with a giggle.

And she was gone.

Toby was in a total fog but he somehow managed to make it to the shower. Midway through, he started to feel better. Just before he got dressed, he appraised himself in the full length mirror.

"I don't get it." Toby actually said that to himself out loud. He was so-o-o average. Light blue eyes against his very pale face. Maybe some people found that attractive. He just shrugged his bony shoulders. Eyebrows way too dark and thick. His nose was ok; at least it wasn't a big honker. Those thin pink lips were disturbing, he thought. His hair framed his face ok but he could never get it to lay right. It was always too long or too short. Right now, it was too long, especially in the back. He wondered what one of those really expensive haircuts would do for him.

Skinny, muscles on his arms and barely any definition to his chest, those tiny pink nipples. Ok, his stomach was sort of tight. But, he was only eighteen so that didn't mean much. His lifeless, now aching and sore, dick was neither here nor there. Only about three inches at the moment. It reminded him of a raw chicken leg. He turned to the side. Ok, his hips and his flanks were nice. When he turned around further and caught sight of his butt, he kind of liked what he saw. What was the fuss, though? It wasn't that great.

How did he garner this kind of attention? First, from CeeCee. Then Day. And then, for fuck's sake, from CeeCee's mom! He audibly groaned.

When Toby reached the main floor of the house, he found it abuzz with activity. The front door was wide open as people shuffled boxes and rolling carts through it. Just outside, people were off loading three vans, each emblazoned with the sign, "Suzuki Eats." Underneath, "Serving Queens and Long Island." When he sat down on a stool at the kitchen island, he watched as five people scurried around with pots and platters. Carlotta was nowhere in sight. Who was going to get him breakfast? What a wuss, he thought. Just a couple of days and he was already a spoiled brat waiting to be served.

A hand on his back was followed by the presentation of a fresh cup of steaming coffee placed directly in front of him. When he turned his head, it was Kaito. Eyes down, he stepped back and quickly bowed his head.


Another bow.

"Ah...good morning!"

Yet another bow.


Ohio? What about Ohio? Toby had to think. Oh, not "Ohio," but "Ohayo." Japanese! One of the very few words he knew.

Kaito shook the hair out of his eyes. They stared at each other. Toby's breath caught in his throat. This boy, man, whatever, was so beautiful! His perfectly shaped face, thin neck. He wore the same black wife beater but without the shirt over it. Smooth brown skin, not one blemish, almost shiny. Narrow shoulders and chest. His nipples clearly poking at the fabric. The same shorts and sandals.

A sudden crash diverted Toby's attention. One of the workers had dropped a pot. Yelling and screaming, mostly in what he figured was Japanese, some in English. When he turned back to Kaito, he had vanished.

Sipping at the hot coffee, he looked out to the swimming pool where Ichiro was directing other men to set up small round cocktail tables. Two men rolled a portable bar into a far corner of the deck. From nowhere, a piano suddenly appeared on the other end of the deck. One man pulled the bench off the top of it while another man set up a large umbrella over it.

As he put his coffee cup down on the counter, a small tray appeared in front of him. Kaito again, with his breakfast. Steaming white rice, a bowl of soup, some finely sliced salmon, and vegetables.

Toby stared down at the set of chopsticks on the tray. This was going to be a problem. The few times he'd ever tried using them, he was all thumbs. Sensing his predicament, Kaito reached over, pulled the chopsticks out of their sleeve, and deftly plunged them into the rice. Looking first at what he was doing, Toby turned his head to look at him. Kaito pulled a chunk of rice out of the bowl and held the chopsticks up to Toby's mouth. Toby took the rice off the chopsticks with his mouth, chewing and looking at Kaito.

Back and forth, Kaito patiently fed Toby. He expertly separated fine pieces of the salmon, combined it with the rice, and plopped it into Toby's mouth. It was delicious. Moreover, he loved how it made him feel. In one way, he felt like Kaito was his servant taking care of all of his needs. In another way, it made him feel like a little boy who needed to be fed by someone older and more able. Either way, it was incredibly erotic.

Kaito pointed to the traditional ramen spoon sitting next to the soup. Obviously, Toby knew how to use a spoon but he decided to wait for direction.

Kaito pointed at the spoon. "Renge," he said in a quiet voice.

Picking the spoon up, Kaito put a finger on Toby's chin to turn his mouth to him. They looked each other in the eyes. Kaito slowly fed a spoonful of the soup to him.

"Miso," he said, nodding with a smile.

"Mmm...yeah. Good."

Toby sat obediently while Kaito fed him spoonful after spoonful. He heard all of the bustling around him but his eyes stayed riveted on Kaito's.

When he was finished, Kaito took a starched linen napkin that had been sitting on the tray, unfolded it, and wiped Toby's mouth off. He gingerly and very slightly pulled Toby's lower lip down with the napkin. Toby thought he would cream in his pants there and then.

Kaito took a step back, bowed his head quickly, and then stepped forward. He grabbed the tray and he was gone. Toby didn't even have a chance to say thanks.

A few minutes later, just as he slurped down the last of his coffee, Toby felt a hand on his back again. This time, it was Day, a smile on his face, sunnies covering his eyes.

"Wanna go shopping?"


"The powers to be think you need a new outfit for the party."

"How do you know that?"

"I got a message from CeeCee to take you shopping."

"Well...I've got clothes to wear."

"Yeah? C'mon! It'll be fun," Day chuckled as he pulled Toby to his feet.

Adam Mar was a small shop located in a converted house near the center of Montauk. Amidst a scene of clamor and congestion, Day managed to find a narrow parking spot nearby. The corner where the store was situated lay across the street from a local eatery, Trails End. Apparently, they must have been giving the food away because every picnic table outside was filled. People stood in groups everywhere, even spilling into the street, waiting to get a spot for breakfast.

In comparison, the store inside was an oasis of calm. White washed walls, most of the apparel presented in beachy colors of nautical blue and white. Bright colored garments, interspersed here and there, hanging or attractively laid out on tables. It looked and smelled expensive.

"Cheers!" A round shaped man said in a high effeminate voice.

"Hey, Don!" Day said with a smile.

"What brings you boys in on this lovely morning?"

"My bud Toby here desperately needs a freshen up."

Toby looked down at his faded t-shirt. Don looked too, with a slight grimace.

Don nodded affably, "Of course! You have GOT to see these Eidos shirts. They're fa-a-bulous!" He squealed.

Don drew them over to a table where some brightly colored silk shirts were laid out. While Toby just stood at the table and stared, Day leaned over, touched one, and quickly pulled a tangerine colored shirt off the table.

"Try this on."

Toby took it from Day, held it up, and shrugged.

"This way, you gorgeous thing," Don chuckled.

Showing Toby to a dressing room, he drew the linen curtain shut.

Toby had just pulled his t-shirt off and was unbuttoning the silk shirt when the curtain was brushed aside and Day was in there with him.

"What are you doing?" Toby asked in alarm.

"Thought you might need some help," Day said as he cupped one hand over Toby's chest, tweaked a nipple, and grabbed his crotch with the other.

"Cut it out! He'll see!" Toby whispered through his teeth, clearly annoyed.

"Dandy Don?" Day chuckled. "If he could get away with it, he'd be in here with us."

"I don't care! Get the fuck out!" Toby said sternly, half smiling and half giggling himself.

After Day swept back the curtain and left, Toby shrugged into the shirt and started buttoning it. The price tag, hanging from a string, fell out of one sleeve.

"Holy shit!"

It read $395.00. He broke into a cold sweat. Nevertheless, he finished buttoning it up and stepped out to the mirror. Day and Don stood there admiring him.

"Day! I can't afford this!" Toby was almost in a panic.

"Don't worry about it. The Turner's have ya covered, Mr. Clueless." Day smirked.

Toby shrugged. Well, it did look kinda nice. The tangerine color actually looked pretty damn good. The lay-back collar and the way it was cut together with his complexion and dark hair made him look, Toby searched for the word, handsome.

Some $700 later, they walked out of Adam Mar with the shirt and a new pair of sandals.

"Ya gotta have these great sandals, Toby, me boy," Day said in a faux Irish accent. "Don't ya know? The first thing people look at is your face. The second thing is your feet." Pausing with a squirrelly look on his face, "And the third thing is your butt." Then, with a chuckle, "Isn't that right, Don?"

Don stared at Toby with a slight leer. "I don't know if it's the third thing."

As he put his purchases in a bag, Day told Don, "Put it on Nat Turner's account, will ya?"

As they approached the house, a valet stand was being set up. The catering trucks had disappeared. Large pots of fresh flowers adorned the entrance. It was clear this was going to be more than your average summer party.

Next: Chapter 20

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