All My Children

By Steve Griffin

Published on Oct 15, 2002


AMC belongs to Disney and ABC. None of these characters belong to me. This is all a big fantasy which I am not profiting from. Please don't archive or distribute this without asking my permission first.

If you have ANY comments, e-mail me at


As Leo noticed the shadow towering over him, he wiped at his red eyes with the back of his hand. He wasn't going to go down without a fight. He would make the asshole that killed Ben pay.

"Oh, Leo. Oh my goodness, my sons, my sons..."

Startled, his neck shot up as he realized Vanessa was standing over him. This all made way too much sense, in the twisted way that all of Vanessa's crimes made sense. Shaking his head, he began laughing, a hollow, frightening sound from the once-carefree man.

"You wanted me dead, you lured me here...and my brother is dead because of you. I guess I'm next, huh?"

Hurriedly shaking her head and wheezing, Vanessa pointed to the corpse of the shooter.

"No, dear. I saved you. That goon was going to pull the trigger again, but I stopped him. Vanessa did all of this. She came back, and I've never been able to fight her. She wanted you to pay for being with Greenlee, for defying her. She knew you could never fully be her son again, and this was her way of preserving her memories. I tried to fight, but only when I saw poor Ben being killed did I gain control. I had to stop that terrible man from killing another of my sons, and I did."

She stared down at her hands.

"I-I've never harmed a creature in my entire life, but I had to stop him, Leo. Forgive me. You've had to forgive me for so many things. You must hate me; I wouldn't blame you a bit."

He could have raged at her, told her she was to blame for decades of torment and death. He could have told her he didn't believe she was really Nessa, that Vanessa was simply lying and conning again, pushing all his emotional buttons as she did best. But he saw the blood staining his hands, his clothes, the street, and he saw Ben's lifeless body beside him. Ben would forgive Nessa, he'd give her another chance no matter what. And Leo was too tired to disagree.

"I don't hate you, Nessa. I never could."

Sighing, he stood up, not wanting to look back at his brother's body, but doing so anyway. He knelt back down, running his hand over Ben's cold features, imprinting the touch into his memory, remembering how that warm, taut body felt on top of him. Then he stood up again, walking towards the warehouse.

"Leo dear, that boy is still tied up inside. Go help him."

Leo paused for a moment, trying to decide if she should be left alone, but finally ran into the building to free Tim. As the police sirens began to echo in the distance, Vanessa stared down at what remained of her son. Choking on tears, she sank to her knees, cradling her baby boy and singing to him for the final time.


The first question Aidan had was where he was. The second question was who owned the hot tongue tracing his six-pack so thoroughly.

All questions fled his mind as another tongue, longer and even hotter, slipped into his hole.

"Ugghhhhhhhhhh" Aidan moaned, before his morning breath was cut off by a long tube of flesh filling his mouth. Remembering the two men he had shared such a torrid afternoon with, Aidan grasped JR's tight cheeks, deep-throating him effortlessly. JR whimpered at the expert suction of his shaft, eagerly drinking in the sight of his father placing Aidan's legs against his chest and easing his girth inside the Britass.

"Fuck, you're one tight motherfucker," Tad grimaced, stopping to let Aidan relax before pushing a few more inches in. Aidan groaned at the intrusion, tossing his head back and suckling more of JR's pre-seed as JR worked his hair-dusted nipples. One hand flicking the erect nubs, JR's other hand snaked to Aidan's horse endowment, sliding the foreskin back and forth. Muttering unknown sounds, Aidan bucked at the friction between sheath and pink mushroom head, exposing more and more of the slimy crown with each pump. With each stroke Tad settled more of his cock inside the tight hole, until all three had worked up a back-and-forth rhythm. JR came first, and Tad next, unable to survive in the impossibly tight and humid grip. Aidan was last, screaming his orgasm as a never-ending mixture of semen and piss escaped his erection.

"Guess we have to change the sheets," Tad panted, collapsing on the nearby pillow. Aidan stood up, stretching his beautiful shoulders. He was halfway through a yawn when he broke out into a full, throaty moan, his entire body quivering as JR sank his mouth over Aidan's leaking asshole. When JR finished the ambrosia, Aidan tousled his hair, winking at him as he headed to the kitchen.

JR fell back onto his own pillow, grinning lewdly, licking his face clean. Only when he turned his head did he notice Tad's shocked stare.

"My God JR, how much do you know?"

JR blushed.

"Aidan...taught me a lot. He was so patient, giving, but tough too. him almost as much as you, Dad. I've only known him for a few weeks, but I feel more...I dunno...complete when he's around."

Tad nodded, lost in thought. A few minutes later, JR carressed Tad's bare hip, trying to maintain their intimacy, trying to surprise Tad into being more open with him. It worked.

"What's wrong?"

Swallowing pensively, Tad looked down at the sheets.

"I just keep wondering what Dixie would say about us doing this."

Pressing their foreheads together, JR stroked Tad's chin, moving down to explore his chest.

"Mom would be glad that we're happy. For so long, I was doing drugs, you were on all those vendettas against Adam and David, and we were miserable. This has connected us. This is right. I love you, Dad."

Smiling somewhat sadly, Tad cupped the back of JR's head.

"I love you too."

Their lips met in a gentle kiss of acceptance, of moving into the future while not forgetting the past. They were interrupted by the shifting of the bed. Aidan smiled at them sheepishly, handing them a few oranges.

"Sorry to spoil the party, guys. Listen, I just gotta find my clothes and then I'm going back to the Pine Cone. I got a lot of packin' to do."

Before Aidan could even move, JR was practically on top of him, straddling his lap to keep him from leaving.

"You can't go. Move in with us. I love you Aidan. Your body, your face, your accent, your mind, your big cock, your heart...I love everything about you."

Smirking, Aidan nuzzled the boy's neck affectionately.

"I don't like to stay in one place long. And you and your dad her have got stuff to catch up on."

Between bites into his orange, Tad watched the two men work the issue out. JR could be very persuasive when he wanted to be. As Aidan realized due to the hands running all over his furry chest.

"We're fine. Move in with us. Dad can just say that you needed a place to stay and he gave your a room because you helped him with Hayward. You don't even have to pay least not in money."

Aidan chuckled, shaking his head in wonderment at this fascinating creature before him. Finally, he shrugged.

"I can't fight this battle. I give in. But I think you're gonna need a much bigger bed."


"LEO! LEO! I heard on the radio that..."

"Ben's dead. Just don't tell me how great this is, OK?"

Greenlee had rushed home upon hearing the news, and when she walked in the front door, Leo was sitting on the couch, head in hands. His eyes were swollen, his spent body covered in a terrycloth robe sticking to his damp skin. Greenlee sat down beside him, trying not to say the wrong thing for once.

"Leo, he was your brother, no matter how much I hated him. I'm sorry you lost him."

Leo barely heard her.

"He saved my life. Did you know that? He saved my life. Now Vanessa is in custody, and they're shipping her off to some place in Switzerland. No visitors. I barely had time to say goodbye to her. I just keep thinking - why did Ben want to save me? What did I ever do for him?"

Greenlee squeezed his leg gently.

"You loved him, Leo. He never expected that. I didn't want to, but I saw it in his face when he'd look at you. He wanted to change; it wasn't just a con. And he did change. If not for him, I would be a widow now, and I'm going to be grateful to Ben, Trey, whatever his name was, for the rest of my life."

Blinking away a few tears, Leo muttered, pulling Greenlee into his lap.

"Greens...I'm not sorry for what I did with him, but I'm sorry that I hurt you."

Greenlee stroked his hair, clearly trying to remain calm and tactful.

"If I walk in and see someone porking my husband, of course I'm going to be mad. I said some really bitchy things. We've both made big mistakes. That's all over now. Take me to Paris, after the funeral of course, and all is forgiven."

Leo sighed. Leaving David, leaving Pine Valley. He still had so much to deal with regarding Trey.

As he weighed the pros and cons, he glanced out the window. For a moment, a fraction of a second, he saw Ben looking in at him, smiling. Telling him it was OK, to leave while he could, and to make sure Leo knew that he was in a better place now. Leo mouthed 'goodbye', and the figure smiled back wistfully, the smile the last part of him to fade from view.

Tears running down his cheeks, Leo reached for the phone.

"Paris it is. I'm ready for a few new adventures."


Well, that's the end. I know I am not a writing genius, but I did my best, and I hope you enjoyed what you read. I am now taking a hiatus from AMC, due to some upcoming casting changes and storytelling decisions which bother me and will only worsen as time goes on. If any of you feel the same, or do in the future, don't forget to write or e-mail ABC with your complaints, or your praise for certain actors. Our voices matter. Never forget that.

Thanks to those of you who gave me feedback, especially the one or two who did so consistently. I don't know if readers realize how much responses mean to the writers, but it means a lot. I couldn't have done this without you guys.

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