All Male Apartment Complex

By Obie

Published on Aug 29, 2022


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Obie and Sebastian, finally had the chance to get to know each other during a last minute venue change for the apartment complex' Saturday night happy hour. Due to severe weather in the area, the rooftop terrace bar, could not open for the evening. The bar was relocated to a hospitality suite which had been used before for the same purpose.

Sebastian and Obie hit it off right from the start and before daybreak, the two had become physically intimate. Obie also met several of the other residents and made mental notes on each of them for future reference. Sebastian eventually revealed to Obie that Jake, had given them his blessing to sleep over inside the suite, if the need for it would arise, which it clearly did.

Neither Obie or Sebastian bothered to consider going home to their respective apartments after their sexual encounter inside the 9th floor hospitality suite. Both were spent and wiped out after intense orgasms and simply fell asleep as they were.

Daylight arrived at around 7AM, waking Obie from his slumber. Sebastian was deeply asleep, on his stomach, completely uncovered, the bedsheets on the floor.

For the first time, and with the morning sun casting it's rays on his nude body, Obie began to take stock of the bartender's physical beauty. Laying on his stomach, meant Obie had an unobstructed view of his magnificent arse, twin globes of firm, round flesh, covered in a light dusting of dark hair.

His thighs were slightly parted, muscular and tanned, same with his calves. He noticed Sebastian's feet, perfectly proportioned to his height and frame. His long toes, begging to be sucked.

However enthralled as he was taking in Sebastian's nakedness, his eyes went back to his exposed bum. Compared to his suntanned back, legs and arms, Sebastian's arse was much paler, no less than 3 shades lighter. This was a stunning contrast that made Obie horny with a desire to devour that arse with his mouth and tongue.

Obie felt his cock rise and become totally erect, with his balls churning with lust for the sexy latin man just inches away from his own naked body.

It was then that Obie realised that Sebastian's uncut cock, was pointing down and totally visible between his thighs. Taking a closer look, he noticed that his cockhead was partially uncovered and a

bit moist with preseminal fluid. Obie figured it was part of the semen residue from the recent ejaculation just 4-5 hours earlier.

Suddenly feeling the need to take a piss, Obie quietly got out of bed to relieve himself, closing the bathroom door behind him. Once done, he proceeded to brush his teeth, splash some water on his face and wrap a towel around his waist.

Venturing back into the bedroom, Obie opted to step outside the balcony and take in the beautifully clear morning and the radiant sunlight,

Going back in, he saw that Sebastian was having some sort of dream. He was saying something that did not make much sense, however, it was clearly an erotic dream as he was beginning to hump the bed and gyrate his arse in the most perverted way. His cock was no fully erect and seeping copious amounts of preseminal fluid, most of it, spilling onto the bedding cover.

In silence, Obie stood at the foot of the bed and felt his towel drop to the floor. Without thinking twice, he grabbed hold of his now fully erect penis and proceeded to masturbate, while Sebastian continued his x rated dream. Within a few minutes, it was clear Sebastian was getting close to cumming. His cockhead was completely exposed, and clearly indicating an impending ejaculation.

Was Obie about to witness Sebastian having a `wet dream'? Obie did not wait and began fisting his cock with wild abandon, feeling his legs quiver, his breathing become laboured.

Just when Obie was a split second from blasting his load, Sebastian stopped and went silent. His breathing went back to normal and continued to sleep.

Obie stopped jerking off, but discovered that along with a substantial amount of precum, covering his dickhead and foreskin, there was also something thicker in the mix, quite a bit of semen.

Apparently, Obie was unable to stop the flow of things fast enough and had actually experienced a partial ejaculation.

The look, feel and smell of the combined preseminal fluid and actual semen, was enough to send Obie's sensual desire for sex through the roof.

He decided not to clean himself up and returned to bed. He must had fallen asleep for a good 20 minutes because he overheard Sebastian get up and use the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face.

Still groggy, he opened his eyes and was met by Sebastian's glacier melting smile.

"Wake up you slut, it's almost 830AM and I think we need to take care of some urgent business before we leave this hospitality suite", said Sebastian.

"What? Where, oh, I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep again. I woke up at 730AM, took a piss, brushed my teeth and after a bit, came back to bed", declared Obie.

"Yeah, I figured you did. But I think you also woke up horned up, I see your cock is half hard and soaked in what looks like precum and even, wow....Obie, did you jerk off while I was sleeping? It looks like you actually shot your load, there's traces of cum all over your cock", exclaimed Sebastian.

"Well, to be honest man, after I came back from brushing my teeth, you started having some kind of sex dream. You were humping the bed, mumbling some words I could not make out, your cock went

totally hard and leaked tons of precum all over the bed. I just could not help it and I began wanking off looking at what you were experiencing, I mean, you looked so fucking hot", confessed Obie.

"As a matter of fact, you got really close to shooting your load and then at the last minute, everything stopped. Only thing was, I was too far gone and ended up partially ejaculating , trapping most of the cock mix inside my foreskin", explained Obie.

"Oh I see, ok, yeah, I think I was having some type of erotic dream, but I can't really remember the details", said Sebastian.

"So, what's the urgent business we need to take care of before we leave the suite Sebastian", asked Obie.

"THIS BUSINESS!" , as Sebastian took his cock and pressed it against Obie's.

Before Obie could say anything, Sebastian climbed on top of his naked body and began a torrid, passionate frot session that lasted over 20 minutes.

Sebastian mercilessly teased Obie by lowering himself and softly grazing his engorged, leaking cock against his, first tentatively, then, with full force, almost like doing push ups. He would alternate between both, sending Obie into a frenzy of sexual heat. He coupled his cock to cock stimulation with long and very deep open mouth kissing, which he knew was one of Obie's biggest turn ons.

To make Obie even hornier, he began fucking his ears with his wet , hot tongue, while at the same time, softly biting his ear lobes and neck. This made Obie almost scream with ecstasy.

Somehow, Sebastian found most of Obie's trigger points and erogenous zones and zeroed in with no mercy whatsoever. He was the consummate latin lover, out to make his mark and turn his conquests into addicts of his lovemaking.

Both came close to losing their loads 3 times, before Sebastian whispered in his friend's ear...

"Obie, te la quiero meter en tu culo cabron" ( Obie, I want to get this cock inside your fucking arse )

Not waiting for an answer, Sebastian turned Obie over on his stomach, lubed his rock hard cock with Albolene and proceeded to guide his member

into his anal opening. Obie gasped upon feeling Sebastian's cockhead enter his body. He took deep breaths, knowing full well that Sebastian's cock was longer than his by an inch. Sebastian was gentle but steady and soon enough, was completely inside Obie.

With a steady fucking motion, his cock went in and out of Obie's fleshy arse cheeks for a good half hour. Sebastian fucked Obie on his back, on his side, bending over the bed and, at one point, in the hallway, outside the hospitality suite, while pinning him against the wall. Sebastian said he always wanted to experience something like that, knowing that anyone could open one of the other apartment doors and catch him there, fully naked, having sex.

The one thing Sebastian was an expert at, was hitting the prostate glans head on with every thrust, which was making Obie delirious with sexual pleasure, threatening a hands free ejaculation every few minutes.

When neither one could hold back any longer, Sebastian took Obie into the shower, soaped up his bum and in just a few thrusts, both went to the other side of the Moon.



"I AM CUMMING TOO SEBASTIAN, you just triple hit my Prostate, GONNA CUM HANDS FREE BRO!!!!!!!!!!", Shouted Obie, not caring who heard what.

When it was over, both landed back on Earth, after having stopped time and place and just being there for each other, in complete surrender.

They embraced and tenderly kissed each other for a few minutes, at one point giggling from the effects of the endorphins they were experiencing.

Showering and eventually getting dressed, Sebastian called the boys in housekeeping to come and change the bedsheets, bring fresh towels and take back all the bar's essentials back to the rooftop terrace.

Since it was Sunday, Obie invited Sebastian to spend the day with him and explore Boston, eventually enjoying a very pleasant brunch in Old Town.

Later that night, Obie rang Jake and updated him with all the lurid details of his steamy affair with Mr. Bartender, Sebastian.

Both agreed that a pair of threesomes would be worth organising, one with Roman and a separate one with Sebastian. Or maybe even, a Quartet, why not?

The following week would mark Obie's first full month as an intern at the marketing firm. He was learning, growing and becoming quite popular with the executives, which were already toying with making him an offer of regular employment after completing his 6 month tenure.

As far as life within the All Male Apartment Complex went, Jake was facilitating all kinds of erotic adventures for Obie, which kept his cock busy with multiple possibilities.

Obie was grateful for Jake's friendship and support, he was someone he could really count on while temporarily living in a foreign country.

Somewhere in there, between romantic encounters, sexual trysts and scheming together for further physical conquests, Obie was sure, an emotional connection with Mr. Andersen had occurred , he was just not sure in what direction all that would go.

Towards the end of the week, Obie decided to hit the gym one Friday after work. He discovered that only a handful of guys were working out at that time, which was close to 8PM.

He decided to work out on the bench first, then the stationary bike, finishing off with a series of weight training.

Halfway through his workout, he spotted Bernard Rhinehardt, one of the men he had met up at the hospitality suite almost a week ago. Bernard was working out on the Nautilus equipment. Suddenly, he pulled a nerve in his shoulder and was in acute pain. Bernard was the owner of a nearby bistro.

Walking over to Bernard, Obie asked if he needed help.

"Hey Bernard, I don't know if you remember me, I am Obie, Sebastian's friend, we met up at happy hour last Saturday", said Obie.

"Yes, I do remember, you helped Sebastian prepare the Pineapple Coladas", remarked Bernard.

"Nice, you do remember, I was not sure".

"I could not help but notice that you pulled a muscle near your shoulder, is that right?", asked Obie

"Yes, I am afraid so, it really hurts man", painfully winced Bernard.

"I think we should get some cold compresses on it and get you to sit back for at least an hour and see if it gets any better", said Obie.

"Maybe we could go back to your apartment and get some ice, I will be more than happy to help you out with that", offered Obie.

"Oh man, yeah, that would be so kind of you, if you don't mind, please?", asked Bernard.

"No worries Bernard, that's what good neighbours are for", assured Obie.

Within a few minutes, Obie was inside Bernard's apartment on the 7th floor. It was a 2 bedroom, 2 bath flat, with a large balcony and nicely appointed furnishings.

There was a nice, comfortable leather easy chair next to a large sofa. Obie opted to ask Bernard to sit on the chair while he fetched some ice and put it inside a mid sized towel.

He removed Bernard's t shirt and applied the compress to the affected area. Obie tried not to gawk at Bernard's hairy, well developed pecs and washboard stomach, but he was not entirely successful.

For about a half hour, both got to know each other's basic backgrounds and became quite friendly.

Obie could not help but notice how handsome Bernard was, at barely 33 years of age and already divorced. He was in shape, masculine, clearly straight but had a warm, almost fatherly persona about himself. Obie felt instantly attracted to Mr. Rhinehardt, in the same way he fell for Jake.

Nevertheless, he had to play it cool and not be so obvious in his attraction towards his injured, newly minted friend.

Bernard was sitting back on that leather chair, just wearing a pair of skimpy classic, vintage Adidas shorts that were clearly not meant to be worn with underwear. Judging from Bernard's bulge, he was just wearing those shorts as they came, with just the interior lining. Obie knew this because he had several of those same Adidas classic shorts in his collection and he never wore anything under them at all. He always enjoyed seducing guys with his sexy legs and inviting bulge.

As much as he tried not to let it happen, Obie all but failed to avoid getting an erection in front of Bernard.

"Alright my friend, I think we can check and see if you are less sore now. I am going to touch the area where you pulled the muscle and you tell me if it hurts, on a scale of 1 to 10", said Obie.

Luckily, Bernard was already feeling a lot better and the pain had subsided.

"Thanks Obie,that was so kind of you to come over and help me out", said Bernard.

"I've been trying to blow off some steam by hitting the gym a few times a week or when I have some free time. I am recently divorced and I run a small bistro nearby, and sometimes, stress gets to me", confessed Bernard.

"Right now, I actually have a tension headache and I think it's because of a lack of sex', bluntly admitted Mr. Rhinehardt.

"Yes, Bernard, I am afraid that a lack of regular sexual activity can have some adverse effects on the male body. Healthy men, in our age group, the 18 to 45 demographic, actually need to have a sexual outlet, whether it's masturbation or real time physical activity with a partner or sometimes, multiple partners, depending on their preferences and orientations", declared Obie.

"Please forgive me if I am being forward, but are you currently seeing anyone with whom you are having sex with or, could have sex with, Bernard?", inquired Obie.

"I am afraid not. The divorce left me emotionally and a bit financially off track. I have been focused on running the business and have not even thought of going out on dates or pursuing one night stands", admitted Bernard.

"I have an idea, my friend", said Obie.

"Sit back and relax, close your eyes and take several deep breaths", suggested Obie.

"I am going to apply some stress reducing massage therapy on your neck, shoulders, arms, hands and perhaps, your pectorals", offered Obie.

"Depending on how you respond and how relaxed you feel, I may expand things to include your legs, maybe more...", disclosed Obie.

"Just relax and leave everything to me. Is is ok if I remove my t shirt and shoes Bernard?",

"Yes, of course, please".

Over the course of the next 45 minutes, Obie proceeded to massage Bernard over the better part of his entire body.

Sure enough, Obie reached his intended goal. By the time he had massaged Bernard's pecs, there was an obvious bulge in his shorts, along with a prominent wet spot, which was not perspiration.

"Great Bernard, I think we can now focus on your upper legs", said Obie.'

"Please stand up and spread your legs a bit for me, and just relax, keep your eyes closed", requested Obie.

With that, he began massaging Bernard's muscled, hairy legs with both hands. Up and down Obie went, both in front and on the back, reaching up all the way inside those Adidas shorts and feeling Bernard's hairy arse.

By this time, Obie was beyond erect and had his own wet spot on his shorts, as he felt his foreskin glide up and down his cockhead, making his dick throb.

Getting bolder, Obie reached in and approached the inside of Bernard's shorts where at any moment, he could make contact with his hardening penis.

Suddenly, he felt Bernard's right hand, grab his and bring it right over his erection.

Opening his eyes, he huskily said to Obie...

"I know you wanted me from the moment you saw me upstairs last Saturday night. I wanted you as well, but was not sure how or when to make my move", admitted Bernard.

"Also, I have lived here for the last 3 months and never made any efforts to meet anyone for sex, you are the first", confessed Bernard.

"I don't know what to say, except that yes, it is true, I did feel attracted to you last Saturday night", said Obie.

"Well, now that we have bought things into the open, we can proceed further Obie", smiled Bernard.

Pulling his shorts off, Bernard stood before Obie, totally naked, hard and dripping profuse amounts of preseminal nectar, in long strings, falling upon the carpet.

In no time, Obie, was also completely nude and standing before Bernard, almost trembling, from the desire to feel himself wrapped in his older friend's arms.

They embraced and kissed passionately for a good 20 minutes, feeling every part of their quivering bodies make contact, so it were.

Walking together to Bernard's master bedroom, Obie gave himself to over an hour's worth of sexual pleasure with a straight man, who was for the first time, exploring what same sex intimacy could be like.

Obie made Bernard cum twice, once by sucking his cock in every conceivable position and second, by allowing his older friend to fuck his willing arse in the shower.

Finally, for the first time, Bernard learned how to suck cock and do it to completion, receiving Obie's hot load of thick semen in his mouth.

Obie taught Bernard the erotic and deeply satisfying art of man to man kissing, frottage and even using the word `love' to enhance the moment of reaching ejaculation.

By the end of the evening, Bernard's pulled muscle was healed and his headache gone.

Obie hugged his friend and kissed him long and deep, almost stealing his breath way.

"To be continued Mr. Rhinehardt", smiled Obie.

"You know where I am young man, just knock on my door and come in, my cock and cum is yours to savour", assured Bernard.

"And my arse is yours to fuck", wickedly said Obie.

Next: Chapter 8

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