All Male Apartment Complex

By Obie

Published on Aug 21, 2022


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Obie and Jake, finally got a chance to get away for a romantic weekend. Jake chose the French Canadian destination of Quebec City, where they stayed at a legendary hotel and enjoyed touring the old town. Along the way, Obie admitted to Jake, that he witnessed what had happened at Roman's apartment, through his bedroom rear window, including that he secretly masturbated watching him fuck the Swiss intern.

Far from being upset for the intrusive, voyeuristic incident on the part of his Quebec weekend holiday guest, he became aroused. An evening of passionate lovemaking ensued, followed by a full day of bonding with each other, while sightseeing. They returned to Boston relaxed and comfortable with each other, as friends with significant benefits.

The week after their Quebecois mini holiday, Obie and Jake hardly saw each other, except for a Friday night cocktail party up on the rooftop terrace.

Obie's full first week at the marketing firm was filled with meetings, orientations, workshops and other assignments.

Jake on the other hand, began his divorce procedures with his lawyer in New York, mostly through phone calls and Skype teleconferences. Eventually, Jake knew he would have to physically be in New York to attend meetings with his attorney and his soon to be ex wife. That would come sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, Roman got to meet several of the other residents in the complex, while using the in house facilities.

He took to using the gym on a daily basis and later in the afternoon, enjoying happy hour at the rooftop bar where he met Sebastian, the sexy bar tender from Puerto Rico.

Before long, he became known as the hottie from Zurich, walking around with half his arse on full display, wearing his low riding torn jeans.

The one resident that he still had not run into was Obie, but that was about to change...

Midweek, Roman, got a call from Jake...

"Hey Roman, it's Jake, how are you?

"I am well Jake", replied Roman.

"Hey guy, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for happy hour on Friday, around 6PM at the rooftop bar, I want to introduce you to your neighbour across the bedroom window, his name is Obie", added Jake.

"Yes, of course Jake, I would love to meet Obie and spend some time with you as well", cheerfully responded Roman.

"Wonderful, I will see you Friday", said Jake.

After concluding his call with Roman, Jake proceeded to ring Obie and extending the same invitation to him as well.

"Hey handsome, how are you son, I've missed you", warmly said Jake, as Obie' answered the call.

"Hello Mr. Andersen, I am well sir", cooed Obie, with his breathy,

continental accent, which he knew made Jake get hard in seconds.

"I have missed you too, where have you been?", inquired Obie.

"Yes I know Obie, things have been crazy with me since I came back from our sexy weekend in Quebec. I am starting my divorce from that fucking Colombian gold digger and my lawyer down in New York is asking me to put together a slew of documents, bank account statements and property titles, so it's been really hectic", said Jake.

"Sorry to hear that papi, but you will see, it will be worth it once it's all over and you are free", assured Obie.

"You are right son, I want to be free, so you and I can have more time and space to play, and enjoy more adventures together", mused Jake.

"Which reminds me Obie, are you doing anything next Friday at around 6PM?", asked Jake

"No, as of this moment, I have nothing on my agenda, why?"

"Great then, why don't you join me up on the rooftop terrace at 6PM, I'd like you to meet Roman, the guy you saw me fuck the night before we flew up to Canada", as Jake's voice became huskier, a tell tale sign that he was aroused by what he was thinking of.

"Ah, sure Jake, that would be cool", said Obie.

"Jake, where are you now?", asked Obie..

"I'm in my office, taking a break from all the legal documents I must gather for the lawyer, I feel really stressed", bemoaned Jake.

"Fuck Jake, I wish I was there to give you a neck rub and maybe do something more to relieve your tension, but I'm at work now and can't break free for another 5 hours, damn!", lamented Obie.

"You are so sweet son, my dearest Obie, thinking of helping your papi out when he's not having a good day at work", expressed Jake, as his breathing became a bit heavier. Obie knew Jake was getting hard and rubbing his cock through the fabric of his pants.

"Jake, you need to unload that stress as soon as possible", recommended Obie.

"Damn, I wish I was closer to that Logan Airport office park and not almost an hour away. I'd go there right now and give you a deep massage or, whatever else you might need from me Jake", was Obie's would be offer.

"Obie, I just had to close and lock my office door, there are 4 staff members outside my office and I cannot let then hear our conversation or see what is happening to me now", confessed Jake.

"What is happening to you Jake", asked Obie

"Your papi's cock is throbbing hard and leaking precum inside his pants son, are you happy now?"

"Obie, you got me this way from the second I heard your sexy, pervy voice, that's the effect you have on me, damn it!", said Jake, as his voice became far more raspier than before.

"You want me to relieve some stress now, huh? Well, fine, I will!", said Jake

"Jake, I, I uh, fuck, I, am at work, and I am hard too, there's a wet spot on my pants, it's highly visible, don't know what to do", added Obie.

"Oh fuck, I think I found a safe place, it's a back storage room, with a door. Going inside now", breathlessly said Obie.

"I'm inside Jake, door is closed and locked, I have to be quick. Pulling down my pants for you papi", nervously added Obie.

"Goo d son, daddy here has taken off all his clothes, I am now totally fucking naked for you Obie".

"Spreading my legs now, fisting my cock, making believe I am going to fuck you in that storage room, fuck you bareback, fuck you hard and fast...yeah, FUCK....YEAH....FUCK.....FUCK.....FUCK OBIE!

Yeah son, take Jake's big, heavy, mushroom head, uncut cock...take it....yeah....FEEL my big daddy balls, hit your arse, yeah...RIDE ME OBIE, RIDE ME YOU FUCKER, RIDE MY DADDY DONG.....

Do it for daddy....YEAH, like that baby, yeah, FUCK, FUCK, Obie, yeah, take it, more, more, more, yeah, wiggle your arse, wiggle it like a whore....yeah.OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, FUCKKKKKKKKKKK, FUCKKKKKKKKK.!!!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh Jake, Jake, JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! Take meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, FUCK ME DADDY, BREED ME, I need your cock inside me, I need your cum, I need your FUCKING HOT PAPI LECHE!!!!!", whimpered Obie as he felt his load closer to the tip of his engorged cock.


I feel my legs shaking, my knees buckling, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK baby, TAKE MY LOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!", wailed Jake, as he blacked out and fell on his leather chair, drenched in sweat and cum...

Obie, too, lost his load, catching it inside some paper towels he found in the storage room.

After gathering himself and getting straightened up, he spoke to Jake and asked, "You ok papi?"

"Yes, I am far more than ok son, Daddy Jake is happy, relaxed and ready to resume work", smiled Jake through the phone.

"Thank you Obie, you accomplished your mission to relieve me of my stress. Don't forget about Friday now. And wear something skimpy, it's warm outside, I'll do the same. Who knows what can come up once we have a few drinks", laughed Jake.

"Oh and Obie, that was actually the first time I've had phone sex since I was in my teens, I thought it had become a lost art, but we clearly have the right chemistry to make it happen and enjoy it", admitted Jake. "Yeah, I guess we have Jake, said Obie. Good to know...

On Friday afternoon, Obie left work at 4PM and went straight home to shower and put on a pair of white vintage Adidas shorts and a skimpy athletic shirt. The shorts featured a soft mesh lining and Obie loved the way his cock always responded to the stretchy fabric, usually with a very visible erection.

There was something else about those shorts that Obie loved....when wet, you could plainly make out the entire cock and balls, as the white material would become almost transparent.

Before leaving the apartment, he dabbed some of his favourite scent on certain parts of his body, a fragrance called "Sexual" by Paris designer Michel Germain. The scent was warm, seductive, sensual and yes, very, very sexual. It never failed to make guys want to get all over his bones at the clubs and bars.

And just like that, 6PM came around and Obie went up to the rooftop terrace. It was a nice warm afternoon and the sun was about an hour from setting towards the west end of Boston.

Sebastian was busy mixing drinks and serving beers to the assorted 20-25 guys up there for happy hour.

Looking around, he spotted Jake and what looked like Roman, they were standing off to a corner, out by some shady trees and lounge chairs.

Obie walked up to Jake and greeted him with a nice warm hug. He then turned to Roman and extended his hand, welcoming him to the complex.

For a good hour, the trio drank wine, laughed and shared some background details about each other. Jake complemented Obie on his vintage shorts and Obie likewise, commented that he really dug Roman's faded, torn jeans, which he was clearly wearing with nothing underneath, not even a jockstrap.

Suddenly, Jake got a call from his lawyer and had to excuse himself for the night, it seemed there were more documents he needed to round up for his impending divorce.

"Hey guys, I have to run back to the office and gather some additional paperwork for my attorney in New York, this divorce is going to be a bit complicated. Sorry, I wish I could stay", said Jake.

"No worries Jake, you need to take care of those details. Maybe we can get together again soon", remarked Roman.

With that, Jake said goodbye to Obie and Roman and left the bar. Obie went back to Sebastian to get another round of wine for himself and the hunk from Zurich.

The two spent another hour getting to know each other and at one point, they were standing very close together and could feel their body heat. They found a dark corner and before long, they began to make out at a fever pitch.

Obie held him close, feeling his hard bulge rub against his. Wrapping his arms around Roman, he explored his lower back and swiftly, inserted both hands inside his jeans and for the first time, felt those 2 beautiful fuzz covered globes of Swiss meat....his muscled, warm arse cheeks.

It was all that Obie could do to almost lose control and fuck Roman right there and then. He had 4 glasses of red wine in him and he was already beyond hard inside those white Adidas shorts, that by now, were dripping wet with precum.

Suddenly, he felt Roman's hand reach in for his dick and in one quick move, took it out from Obie's shorts and began to jerk him off, The while they continued to give each other sloppy, wet open mouth kisses.

Roman's cock was now aching to be released from his jeans, but Obie signaled he did not want to go any further, with so many other people close by.

Looking around, Roman said to Obie,

"Hey, I have an idea, follow me"...

Roman led Obie to the lift and they went down to the cellar, where the gym was located. They went in and to their surprise, the place was empty. Roman took Obie's hand and led him to the back of the workout room where the 4 shower stalls were located at. All 4 stalls were empty as well.

Obie then realised what Roman had in mind...

In no time, they ditched all they had on and jumped into the last stall and turned on the water, closing the curtain behind them.

Soaping each other up, they continued making out, this time, with even more heated passion.

They began grinding their cocks and balls into each other and within minutes, they were close to shooting their loads unto each other.

Stopping just seconds before ejaculation, Obie turned Roman around and began finger fucking his hot, wet arse..making the young man from Central Europe tremble and moan from pleasure.

Reaching in to whisper in his ear, he asked Roman....

"Did you like the way Jake fucked you the other night, huh, did you?"....

Roman nodded and Obie added, "I watched everything from my bedroom window and even jerked off and blasted my load onto the blinds, as Jake came in your hot Swiss arse"...

"Now it's my turn to enjoy your sweet arse Roman, I want to cum in you, I want you to feel my cock erupt inside you, NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Take my cock, TAKE IT ROMAN, FUCK YEAH, RIDE MY DONG ROMAN", as Obie grabbed his hips and pounded his hard, meaty butt with his dick, momentarily getting lost in the moment, and not thinking that there maybe someone walking in to the gym and hearing what was going on in the showers.

The hot water, the slippery soap, Roman's hungry hole, the incessant pounding of Obie's thick hard cock, his hairy full balls slapping against those 2 meaty cheeks, made for an intoxicating mix of pleasure, sex and wild abandon, in a setting that ended up perfect for an impromptu fuck.

Sensing he was too close to stop, Obie pressed Roman against the shower tiles and slapped his bum as he dove all the way in his hot arse, and for the first time, hitting his prostate, which he poked no less than 10 times just short of erupting his jizz.

"Ohhhhh fuck Roman, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, your arse is amazing, you are so FUCKING beautiful man, fuck Roman, yeah, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh baby, I .... I....can not.....hold back any more man, .....FUCK, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, Roman, I am .....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK DUDE....CUMMMMINGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".....

Obie's hot cum shot deep into Roman, and made him shoot his jizz all over the shower's tile, blacking out for a few seconds and requiring Obie to hold on to him, as he shook from the intense pleasure he had received.

It took both men a few minutes to recover from their sexual high, rinse off and then get dressed.

Afterwards, they went out for burgers and beers and spent the night comparing notes on their respective internships.

Obie and Roman became fast buddies and together made the most of their All Male Apartment Complex.

Next: Chapter 6

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