All in Good Time

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 18, 2004


All in Good Time, Part 7 By

Note: This story is fiction, and given the plot, mainly science fiction or imaginative fiction. Time travel would be very nice if it were possible to do it as easily as described here, especially considering the benefits that this story describes.

Summary: I'd been selected for a secret government time travel project and traveled back to 1880 New York City, where I'd met a gay guy, Eric, and his friend, Danny. One of the benefits of being projected back in time was that I was physically as if I'd been born in 1850, without vaccination scars, appendectomy, and most importantly, without the circumcision scar I'd resented all my life. For the first time, I'd experienced sex the way it should be, with my fleshy cuff intact. Foreskins were the norm in 1880, and few males were without one.

A major drawback was that I was unvaccinated, and therefore vulnerable to the diseases, such as smallpox and syphilis, that were so prevalent at the time. Fortunately the people directing the time travel project had sent along a survival kit packed with extra money, modern medicines, such as antibiotics, and a pistol. I was so charmed by the 1880s that I was seriously considering staying there, evading any attempt to bring me back to my time, the early 21st Century.

I'd established myself quickly, buying a house in upper Manhattan, and had had Eric and Danny as guests, which had resulted in hot sex for us. It had been so exciting that we'd decided to get together the next weekend, again at my house because it offered privacy and amenities that Eric's rooming house did not.

Eric, Danny, and I had several exciting sexual encounters together in my new house. The last one involved Danny "docking" Eric, and saving the combined cream for Eric to savor later. That afternoon, we continued, Eric sucking the accumulated juices from Danny's prick, and then Danny and Eric used their tongues around my helmet together to bring me to orgasm. Finally, Danny and I worked on Eric, and I used my fingertips caressing his naked glans to make him erupt.

Danny promised to bring his friend Tommy along next time we met. Tommy had an exceptionally nippled foreskin, and Eric loved sucking it. The next Saturday, Tommy arrived and we had a tremendously arousing foursome.

Weeks later, Frank arrived on my scene, He was a gay FBI agent sent into the past to investigate and, if necessary, arrest me. He quickly decided to join me rather than return to the future where he'd revert to being circumcised and persecuted for being gay.

The characters so far:

Myself, Jack, age 30, six feet, brown hair and eyes, six inch erection, long foreskin, and tight sac.

Eric: My age, blond, blue eyes, erection 5 ¾", low-hangers, slender build.

Danny, about my age and height, brown hair and eyes, erection about 7", long foreskin and loose sac.

Tommy, standing about 5'10", slender, with a long foreskin extending over an inch beyond the end of his red cherry head, forming a long nipple through which he was able to pee without splashing. Erect, he measured about 5 ½" and his sac was loose like the others. Frank, age 35, my height, over six inches hard, with low hangers, shapely helmet and long foreskin restored by time travel, as he's from my own time.

Part 7:

Frank was adapting very well to life in 1880, especially as I was his mentor. Just as we were becoming comfortable in our new roles, something we had foreseen might happen did happen. Another tracer from the future showed up in 1880.

Frank and I spotted him in mid-town Manhattan, as he stood out in his wrinkle-free clothing and was clean-shaven except for a mustache. Frank would have immediately recognized him anyway, as he had met him before. Matt was an inspector from the FBI, and Frank said he was a notorious homophobe. We fell in on either side of him and introduced ourselves.

"I thought you two fag bastards might be together," Matt said by way of greeting. His manners left something to be desired, but we didn't take offense, instead inviting him to accompany us home. Once inside, Matt said:

"My orders are to bring you two guys back, dead or alive, and I personally don't care which. Don't even think about doing anything to me. Before I left, they implanted a tracking device in my body, and even if you kill me they'll know what happened to me. They'll send somebody else, and you can't get away forever."

"Where did they put the implant?" I asked.

"Where you can't reach it," Matt replied. "It's buried under a rib in my back." As Matt was speaking, Frank circled behind him, drawing his pistol.

"I've got my gun on you," Frank warned. "Don't make any sudden moves, and take your gun out nice and slow." Matt's face darkened, but he slowly reached under his coat, removing the standard FBI Glock Model 53 by the butt, holding it between two fingers. I took it from him and Frank gave a further order:

"Now take off your coat and jacket, and then remove your shirt."

"You fags want to see my hairy chest boys?" Matt snickered as he complied. When Matt was stripped to thee waist, Frank leaned close to him and then looked at me.

"No scar," he said.

"Didn't you notice that?" I asked Matt.

"Notice what?" he said, puzzled.

"No scars anywhere on your body," I replied.

"I guess I heal pretty good," he replied, utterly out of touch with the situation. "Anyway, you two better get ready to leave, and right now. I'm gonna walk you through the portal in about two hours." Frank rabbit-punched him, and he fell.

"Let's tie him up for now," Frank said. "I've gotta go out for a little while. Gotta see a man." This wasn't much of an explanation or plan, but I had enough confidence in Frank to go along with him. We hog-tied Matt and Frank left, to return an hour later, still with no explanation.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"That'll be Buddy," Frank said. "He's an expert at what I need done." He admitted a hulking many of about 50, and showed him Matt's unconscious form.

"Need to get rid of this guy?" Buddy asked in a deep and menacing voice.

"That's exactly right. You said fifty for the job, didn't you?" Frank asked.

"Fifty, right." Buddy said as he picked up Matt's body. He was a man of few words, I noted. He carried Matt out to his wagon, and Frank went with him, saying to me:

"We're gonna get rid of Matt in the Canarsie Marshes. We'll dump the body into the weeds, and they'll never find him." Frank added that the rising tide would bring its quota of sea creatures to consume Matt without leaving a trace. I waited, wondering exactly what they were going to do with Matt, to make it necessary to dump his body in the marshes. At the back of my mind, I knew.

I sat and waited, and then poured myself a whiskey, sipping it slowly as I waited some more.

Once Frank was back home, we fell into each others' arms, overwhelmed by the tension of the preceding few hours.

"Man, that took a lot out of me," I said.

"Me, too," Frank added. "I'm not really used to this sort of thing."

"Buddy, the guy who came with the wagon, he's a specialist in this sort of thing?" I asked.

"Yeah," Frank replied. "Think of him as a sort of garbage man. He gets rid of trash."

"It was him or us," I reassured him. "That guy would have been really happy to take us back, and would have enjoyed seeing whatever happened to us."

"I think they might have killed us after interrogation. That was a top secret project, and they couldn't leave us hanging around, not even in a maximum security prison." I shuddered at his words.

"I think I need a drink," I said.

"I know what we need," Frank said as he began disrobing. We went into the bedroom and once we were totally naked, sat on the bed. Frank's nimble fingers found my prick and began squeezing the head through its fleshy hood, bringing me quickly to erection as I did the same for him.

"Want me to dock you?" I asked. Frank was very excited, as his balls were already drawn tightly against his body.

"I'd love that, but how can we get both big heads inside your skin?"

"Easy," I said. "You get me off first and then my prick will shrink. That'll give us enough room."

"Okay, Jack, you just lie back and let me do the work," he said. I reclined and let Frank stroke me with his expert fingers, drawing my foreskin all the way down and then pulling it all the way up to engulf my swollen helmet. The sensations began to flow through my body and I relaxed, anticipating the explosive release.

"Want me to keep stroking you?" I asked as he worked on me.

"Better not," he warned. "This is getting me worked up too, and I don't want to shoot before I'm inside your skin." I made sure his foreskin was all the way up to protect the sensitive tip before letting go of his stiff prick.

"I can feel you gettin' harder," he said. "Your shaft's really stiff and the head's swelling too." His warm fingers expertly slid my thick hood up and down in repeated cycles, fueling my fire.

"You'll always do that to me," I said. "You really know what to do to my prick." I felt my helmet engorging further, making my foreskin snap over the rim each time. The emotional tension added to my excitement, as I was wound up tightly like a spring.

"Your tip's really dark now," Frank commented. "I can feel how hard and swollen it is through the skin."

"It feels good," I whispered as my excitement neared the peak.

"You're so hot you're leaking a drop of juice," he added as he continued to stroke the heavy hood over my swollen helmet. I felt the tension building inside me despite my efforts to relax.

"Soon, soon," I whispered, feeling the waves of sensation flowing through me. My legs began to tremble slightly.

"Your tip's so hard and shiny," he said. "Now I'm gonna strip the skin back the way you like. You feel it now that I'm sliding it down, stretching it over the rim?" I couldn't answer, as I was totally focused on the delicious sensations his fingers were pouring into my prick.

"Now I'm gonna stretch it back hard the way you like and then bump your rim with it," he said as my eyes closed. "Feel that tickle in the rim?" he said as his delicate touch bumped my thick fleshy collar against my corona. I was barely able to nod.

"Now I'll keep it up, nice and gentle, so that you can feel it building up," he continued as his fingers stretched my foreskin back tightly. His other hand gripped the skin of my scrotum, pulling down to stretch the sensitive tissues.

"Now I'll bump your rim again and give you that nice tickling feeling." I felt the delicious bump against the sensitive nerve endings in my corona before Frank pulled back hard, stretching my foreskin and its nerve endings. He did this a few more times at a measured pace, my excitement building with each stroke.

"Starting to tingle?" he asked as he held my foreskin back hard to stretch its nerve endings. "I'll give you another little bump." I felt the gentle pressure and friction of flesh against flesh as he pulled my tick collar up against my corona.

"You just leaked a big drop of goo," he said as he stopped sliding my skin and held it fully back, making me grunt. "Just hold it right there." I was on the edge, my stomach muscles tightening, anticipating the fiery heat of my orgasm.

"Now go for it!" he said as his strong fingers brought my thick fleshy collar up hard against my rim. I felt the hot tingle in my straining glans exploding as Frank triggered my orgasm, and then the heavy pounding began deep inside my cock-root. I cried out helplessly as the first thick gush squirted into my urethra, filling me with sensation as my mind went on "HOLD." The burning gush shot up through my prick, slamming its way through the distended lips of my orifice as it shot into the air.

I cried out again, floating in the limbo of orgasm, as another hot and heavy torrent poured through my prick, sending electric sparks all through my body. My helmet strained as the lava-like liquid shot up through it, gushing from my meatus.

I was sobbing with the intensity of the sensations as another gush poured into my tube on its way to the end of my prick. Suddenly I felt my rim becoming overly sensitive with the hot agony of orgasm, and then Frank's fingers dragged my foreskin back hard and held it there. More spasms wracked my groin as hot liquid continued to pour out, until I was drained.

"That was beautiful," Frank was saying as I struggled back to full consciousness. Through the daze that crept over me I heard him describe the scene:

"Your big tip was so dark and hard, and each time your shaft throbbed I felt it in my fingers and saw the white cream shooting from your tip. You really unloaded just then." I felt myself start to relax, sinking into a blissful stupor.

A couple of minutes later I opened my eyes to see Frank leaning over me. His head dropped as he planted a dry kiss on my lips, and I embraced him, hugging him to me as my penis shrunk.

"Now it's your turn," I said as I rolled him over onto his side facing me. "Your prick's really hard, and I think I can get the head inside my foreskin. First I've got to get your foreskin back." I grasped his long hood between thumb and forefinger, easing it back along the long helmet shaped head. The front dome came into view, parted by his teardrop shaped slit, and then the twin lobes under the head. Sliding the hood back farther, I bared his slanting corona until the foreskin was poised and tightly stretched over the flaring top of his rim.

Frank gasped as I snapped his hood back down into the deep groove behind the flaring rim, baring the helmet, and I guided his prick until the end was touching mine.

"Now I'll stretch your foreskin back all the way to clear the rim and groove, and we'll see if my foreskin can fit over that big head," I said as I stretched the edge of my foreskin over the top of his swollen glans.

"I've got it started on top," I explained. "Now I'll work on the bottom and stretch it all over your head." My fingers worked my thick rubbery foreskin forward, engulfing his blunt dome, and then up the sides of his helmet to reach the rim. I felt the steely hardness of his glans pushing into mine.

"Now I'll finish up," I said as I made a circle of my thumb and forefingers and guided my hood until it stretched over the flare of his corona and snapped into the deep groove behind it. Frank's helmet was now completely engulfed by my foreskin and I began stroking it lightly, making him moan.

"I'm so keyed up, I can't last," Frank moaned as the full range of sensations poured into his helmet.

"I can feel your tip throbbing against mine," I said as I continued to stroke my foreskin over his hardness. "Your rim really shows through my foreskin." Frank's stomach muscles were tense, and he began to take deep breaths to try to relax.

"I'm close, close," he moaned. I could easily feel the tension in his body, even though we were connected only by our pricks. His hips moved and I felt his hot hard helmet thrust deeper into my engulfing hood, bumping against the front of my glans.

"Try to stay relaxed," I advised as I kept gently stroking my thick fleshy covering over his glans. I felt the heat of his engorged helmet inside my foreskin and against my shrunken tip.

"Ooooohhhh," Frank moaned more loudly. I knew it was reaching him deep inside. Now I reached with my other hand to tug on his tight scrotum.

"Feel good?" I asked as I stretched the wrinkled skin of his sac downward. "Maybe that's gonna push you over the top." I wasn't sure he understood, because his moans had become louder as he thrust his engorged head deeper into my tightly stretched hood.

"Is it gettin' tingly?" I asked as I felt a powerful throb inside my foreskin and against my glans.

"Your eyes just closed, Frank. That means you'll be creaming any second," I said. "I bet your tip's all hot and tingly now. It sure feels hard through the skin." I maintained my gentle stroking, as I was sure he'd trigger his orgasm with a thrust momentarily, and a few seconds later he did.

"WOOOOWW!" Frank bellowed and I felt the hard thrust of his unyielding helmet pressing and throbbing against mine as he let go. His prick-head throbbed through my covering foreskin and a heavy stream of his juice shot hard against the front dome of my tip, filling my foreskin.

Frank bellowed again, and another hot torrent of cream sprayed from his orifice against my glans, pouring deep into my hood and filling the groove behind my corona. His hot sperm swirled around my glans, and I felt the hard throb of his tip again.

Frank was moaning loudly, completely carried away by the fury of his orgasm, pouring his life-force into my distended foreskin and stretching it even more. The hot liquid discharge washing over my tip, plus the thrill of watching and feeling the force of Frank's orgasm, was having an effect on me. Although I'd drained myself only minutes earlier, I felt my prick begin to swell.

I'd stopped stroking as soon as Frank had begun creaming, as his thrusting was enough to keep his climax running. His swollen helmet hammered against mine, the impacts reaching the nerve endings buried under the surface of my glans. My foreskin ballooned with his sperm, and a trickle began running out from the edge of my hood, still locked behind his rim.

I felt Frank's body relax as his spurts became weaker and less frequent, until he became utterly still, stunned by the fury of his discharges. He lay quietly, slowly recovering from his biological storm, as his prick shrunk and slipped out of my hood. My prick was swelling, excited by the heat of his orgasm, and I began fingering it, slowly sliding my thick hood up and down the swollen head.

"You look like you need to come again," he said as he opened his eyes and took in the scene.

"I know I do, Frank. Docking you really turned me on."

"Your skin's dripping with my come, and I can see it's sliding easily," he said as he pushed my hand away and clasped the end of my prick in his strong fingers.

"That feels good," I said as I felt the warmth of his fingers around the skin of my prick, gently sliding the fleshy covering over the swollen helmet.

"You're really hard inside," he said, continuing the stroking. "You're really hot, and it won't take long."

"I know..." I trailed off as I lay on my back, letting his fingers work on my swollen prick. I felt a deep ache in my glans, an urgent need for relief, and I knew that he'd bring me to the edge within seconds. My legs spread and began to tremble with the heightening tension.

"Now I'll pull on your balls," he said as his other hand reached between my thighs and grasped the tight wrinkled skin of my scrotum.

"Your sac's really tight," he observed as he tugged down on it, stretching the tissues and sending bursts of sensation up into my body. As the tension built inside me, my eyes closed and I withdrew into myself, my mind totally focused on the hot sensations in my groin.

"Your tip's hot and hard," he observed as he drew my foreskin down to expose the swollen helmet. "It's really dark now."

"Ohhhhhh," I moaned, enraptured by the heat building inside my tip.

"I'll bump your rim again," he said. "This is gonna give you that nice tickle you enjoy so much." I lay still, totally dominated and captivated by the erotic caresses of my foreskin hitting my rim. The shocks at the base of the glans turned the tickling feeling into a hot tingle, and I felt myself slipping over the edge.

"Your tip's really tingly now. I can see how shiny your helmet is now that you're ready to come." The hot tingle in my glans grew, making me grunt hard in anticipation. Now the tingle in my tip exploded and I cried out in rapture as the first hot contraction hit my cock-root.

"HHHAAAHHHH!" I yelled as the first torrent of hot sperm exploded from my tip. I writhed on the bed as another load burst from my prostate into my tube, rushing up to the exit hole, slamming through the distended lips of my slit. Hot sensations flooded my body as another gush of hot lava burned its way up my straining prick to gush from the throbbing head.

"I'm just gonna hold your skin back now," I heard him say in the distance. "Your tip's really sensitive now." Another hot jet seared its way up my prick, sending me higher in an almost out of body experience.

The next discharges were weaker, and my orgasm ran its course, until I had drained myself. We lay side by side on the bed, our creamy discharges soaking the sheet, enjoying the tenderness of the afterglow. I milked Frank's prick, running my finger along the underside to force out the last drops, and he did the same for me once my excessive sensitivity had subsided. Then we fell asleep in each other's arms. When we awoke we changed the sheets.

That evening, we took a horse-drawn bus down to the hotel Matt had occupied, as we'd found a receipt in his pocket and we wanted to recover whatever he'd brought with him, especially his survival kit. I showed the desk clerk Matt's receipt and informed him that we'd come for Matt's luggage, as he'd taken other accommodations. The clerk gave me the key to the room, and we went up there and gathered up the sparse belongings, including the priceless survival kit. As we were leaving, the door to the next room opened slightly. Walking down the stairs, I realized that someone was following us. I whispered to Frank that we might as well let him shadow us, because we'd have him under control once we arrived home.

Our shadow mounted the bus behind us and sat in the back, watching us. At our stop, he descended from the bus a few seconds behind us, and we walked to my house with him about 50 yards behind. We pretended not to have noticed him, wondering how inept he might be at trailing.

A minute after we'd closed the door, there was a knock and I opened it. Our shadow stood there, a young man of about 25, with unwrinkled clothes. He had brown hair and eyes, and was about 5'10" and 150 lbs.

"Hello, my name's Terry. I'm looking for Matt. He told me he was coming here," he said with a shy smile by way of introduction.

"Come on in," I said with enthusiasm, and stood aside to let him enter.

Terry walked in as I asked him:

"How long have you been in 1880?" This took him by surprise, as he didn't know how his wash and wear clothing stood out in an age of rumpled cotton and wool.

"Two weeks," he blurted out. "How did..." He seemed both anxious and confused. I quickly explained to him how obvious it was that he was from our future time.

"Did you notice any changes in your body?" I followed up. Terry blushed.

"Yes..." he trailed off. I patted him on the arm.

"You might as well show us," I said. "We know all about it. We went through the same thing." I began removing my clothes and Frank did the same. When we were naked in the warm living room Terry hesitantly began to strip as well. Our eyes were upon him as he disrobed, and this increased his unease.

"Please, don't be shy," Frank said encouragingly. "There's nothing to fear. You can see us. Now let us look at you." Terry undressed more quickly now, and when he dropped his shorts we stared avidly at his crotch. He had an average size soft prick, but his foreskin was even longer than Timmy's. Two inches of fleshy hose hung down in front of his head, and it seemed to wiggle side to side as he moved.

"You've got a really impressive foreskin," I commented, wanting to put him at ease.

"Yeah, it's even longer than I remember," he said. Now it was my turn to be confused.

"You remember your foreskin? Weren't you cut at birth, like most guys?" I asked.

"No, I was born in France while my parents were visiting friends. They don't do that over there. We came back to the states and I had my skin until I was 13."

"What happened then?" Frank asked.

"One day I fell off my bike and wound up with a compound fracture of my arm. My parents took me to the hospital and the doctor told them they'd have to operate to set it right. He also told them that since I was going to be knocked out for the surgery, it would be a good time to remove my excess skin. He said it was much too long and would give me trouble later. They didn't tell me what they were going to do, and when they put the needle in my arm to knock me out I thought they were just going to set the fracture. I had no idea they were going to circumcise me!"

"When did you find out about it, when you woke up?" I asked.

"Yeah, when I woke up I was groggy, and my arm was in a cast. Then as my head cleared, I realized that I was feeling pain both in my arm and in my dick. I reached down there and touched the gauze they'd wrapped it with, and then I realized something had been done to it. The nurse came in and when I asked about it she said that I'd been circumcised. I never was so scared in my life. I'd seen other boys who'd been cut, and had been glad I didn't have that ugly scar ring around my dick, but now I was gonna have that brown scar too and no skin."

"What did your parents tell you?" Frank asked.

"They told me they'd just gone along with the doctor's suggestion. When the doctor came in I asked him why he'd done that to me. He just laughed at me and said I was better off without all that skin. He thought it was all a joke. I was crying, and he just laughed."

"That sounds pretty sadistic," Frank commented.

"It was really nasty on his part, and a few days later when he came in to pull out the sutures, it really hurt, but he just laughed. He cut me really tight, and it hurt. I hated that guy."

"I can't blame you," I said. "I can't blame you one bit. You must have been sore for a long time."

"My dick-head was very sore, now that the skin was gone. It hurt just rubbing against my underwear, and a few days later I got a hard-on and the cut opened and bled. It finally healed, but I ended up with a really thick brown scar ring, worse than the guys who'd been cut at birth. My dick-head got less sore as it dried out and became less sensitive, and I got used to it."

"Did you lose much sensitivity?" Frank asked.

"I know I did! I'd been beating off for over a year, and all it took was sliding the skin slightly to make me come. A year after I was cut, my dick-head was all dried out, and it was hard to come because it wasn't sensitive at all. I didn't have skin to slide, and had to use lube like the other cut boys! I spoke after he'd finished:

"Anyway, now that you're back here, you're whole again. Did you make up for lost time?" Terry knew exactly what I meant without further elaboration.

"Oh, for sure. I've been beating off at least four times a day now that I've got my skin back. My dick is so sensitive I almost pass out when I come." As he said this, his prick began to swell.

"Care to put on a show for us?" I suggested. He looked at me, startled.

"Well, I don't know..."

"Look, it'll do you good. You're pretty upset from reliving your circumcision, and an orgasm will calm you down. That's nature's tranquilizer." I reached over to him and gently pinched the end of his long nozzle, lifting his prick to horizontal.

"We'd really like to see how that long skin works for you," Frank added, fingering his penis. "We might even join you."

"That's another feeling I got back, feeling the head slide inside my skin," Terry said. The way you're holding it, it feels delicious."

"Let's go in the kitchen," I suggested. "It's even warmer there, with the stove, and the floor's tile. You can shoot all over it and I'll just wipe it up." Terry and Frank followed me and we sat in adjacent chairs, Frank and I on either side of him.

"My dick's so sensitive now it doesn't take me long to come," Terry said as he began stroking the long hood over his engorging prick. His balls hung down but quickly began to tighten as he worked up his fever.

"Just relax and do it the way you like," Frank said, stroking his erection. Terry used his long foreskin to advantage, taking long strokes that brought the fleshy hood into a thick pucker beyond the tip of his six-inch prick, and then bringing it back all the way to uncover the red tip. It was cherry-colored like Timmy's, but somewhat larger and with more curves. Frank and I began to stroke our pricks, inspired by the show Terry provided.

It didn't take long for Terry to come once he got into it. Watching us masturbating with him must have relaxed him, and he began stroking his six-incher with gusto. His pegs straightened in front of him and his toes curled as his excitement mounted. I was getting excited as well, watching him stroke his abundant foreskin smoothly over the head.

Terry had a lot of lubricating mucus, which flowed freely from his long slit to make his tip wet and slippery. I watched as the head of his prick turned deeper red, and the muscles in his stomach tensed.

"He's really hot," said Frank, who was intently whipping his foreskin up and down his helmet. "His jaw dropped and his eyes are closing." Terry's eyelids were drooping as his breathing deepened, and his fist flew over his swollen prick, bringing hot sensations that would soon trigger his orgasm. I slid out of my chair and reached for Terry's scrotum, grasping the wrinkled skin and stretching it downward. The sudden new sensation triggered his orgasm, and he grunted loudly as the first stream of hot cream shot from his straining prick.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" he went as he snapped his long foreskin back to clear his spurting tip. I felt the throbs in the tightly stretched scrotal skin, and suddenly my dam burst. I doubled over, almost collapsing onto Terry, as my first jet shot from my engorged helmet. My eyes closed, and I was in a world of my own, hanging on to Terry's sac while pumping my foreskin with my other hand. The hot tingle in my glans made me cry out in joyful agony, joining Terry's grunting, as we shared the sublime moment.

My prick throbbed again, sending another hot stream pouring from my straining glans, and I dropped to my knees. Terry's body was against mine, and we mindlessly discharged our streams together, spraying each other with our juices.

When I opened my eyes I saw that Terry's climax had also ended, and that Frank's was just beginning. Frank had been watching us cream and this had brought him to the edge. He staggered up off his chair and came over to us as his prick began to throb in sublime sensation, discharging all over Terry and me. Frank was now on his knees, leaning against us, and shooting his sperm joyfully onto us and the floor as he cried out helplessly.

Terry and I watched, stunned, as Frank finished his orgasm, his shapely purple helmet now merely dribbling. We clasped each other, bonding in our mutual male experience, finding comfort in being together.

After we came out of the daze, we began comparing notes. Frank and I really wanted to know Terry's place in the scheme of things. I was apprehensive that we'd have to get rid of him they way we'd disposed of Matt. That prospect frightened and repelled me, as I'd grown to like Terry in the short time I'd known him.

"So what did you have to do with Matt?" I asked as we wiped the sperm off our bodies.

"I was supposed to be his back-up and gofer," Terry said. "I didn't have any specific instructions, just to do whatever Matt told me. When he didn't come back, and you guys came for his stuff, I thought I'd better follow you and find out what was going on."

"So you're not with the Bureau?" Frank asked.

"No, I was with the project. They sort of drafted me into going with Matt. I didn't like it, because Matt kept calling me a fairy." I didn't bother to ask Terry if he was, in fact, gay. However, something else had occurred to me.

"Matt thought he had a tracer chip implanted in him," I began. "He ever tell you about that?"

"He did once, before we left," Terry replied. "He showed me the scar on his back and said it was his insurance policy, that they'd be able to track him whatever happened to him."

"He didn't seem to know that it was gone," I pointed out. "I think he was completely unaware that any surgical scars disappeared once he got put back in time. I can't understand that."

"I think I know," Terry said. "Matt wasn't circumcised, and I know this because we had to strip down for our final physicals before coming back. He called me a skinless fairy-boy."

"Then he wouldn't have noticed a new foreskin because he already had one," Frank said.

"That's it," Terry said.

"That explains it pretty well," I said. Lucky for us it worked out that way. Matt would have killed us, or had us killed, one way or the other." Terry remained very silent, and I thought he was afraid to ask what had happened to Matt.

"I've gotta pee," Frank said, and headed for the bathroom. Terry and I followed. We stood in a semi-circle around the toilet, holding our foreskins back as we let go, watching our streams mingling in the air before they hit the water. Terry's foreskin formed a thick grommet behind his rim, bulky because of its length.

"I pee better now than before," he said. "After the doctor circumcised me, my tip was always red and sore. The pee-hole was inflamed and became infected, and I wound up with a lot of scar tissue around it. This made me spray each time I peed. Now it's a normal stream, like you guys."

"That's another reason for not going back," I suggested. "I don't know if you'd end up circumcised if you returned to the 21st Century, but I wouldn't want to take the chance."

"No, I wouldn't want to go back to that hell-hole," Terry exclaimed fervently. "I don't miss TV that much," he laughed.

"Feel like some beer?" I asked them.

"That sounds good to me," Frank said. Terry nodded in assent.

"Beer doesn't come in cans," I informed Terry. "It comes in bottles, and you have to pull the cork. No more snap tops."

"I can live with that," he replied. We trooped back into the kitchen, still stark naked because it was warm, and I opened three bottles of beer.

"You'll stay with us tonight," I said. "Tomorrow we'll go get your stuff from the hotel, and you'll move in permanently."

"Did they give you a survival kit?" Frank asked.

"Sort of," Terry answered. "Matt got a lot more in his. Mine just has some medicines and a few odd items."

"The medicines are priceless," Frank said. "You'll have to get some clothes to suit the times, though." He explained how anyone wearing wash and wear stood out in 1880. "You'll also have to grow a mustache and maybe sideburns, to fit in. If they send another tracer, it's better to blend in with the rest of the people. We spotted Matt right off, and he didn't know who we were until we walked right up to him." At the mention of Matt, Terry became tense.

"Look, Terry, you won't have to worry about Matt anymore," I explained. "Without going into the gory details, we fixed his dirty ass for good." Terry relaxed somewhat.

"Now we'll have to sleep in the same bed tonight, and it's not queen-sized. They don't make those in 1880," I said. "Maybe if it's too tight, we can get another bed for you and put it in the spare room. We'll have to play it by ear." I got up and brought back three more beers.

"I think I'd like to sleep with you two hot guys," Terry said. "My hard-on might keep me awake, though."

"If you get hard, we know how to take care of that," Frank laughed. I got us another round of beers and we drank those.

"I've got to pee now," Terry said.

"I think we all do," I replied. "Let's go take a shower and we'll get cleaned up and ready for bed." I led the way, and although it was a tight fit, we got into the bathtub and I turned on the shower. The water sprayed over our bodies, splashing against the curtain.

"I guess you must have done this a few times," Frank said as he pinched the end of his hood and we watched it swell under the pressure of his urine. I did the same, and Terry then grasped the end of his long nozzle and followed suit.

"Mine really swells," he said. "That's how I stretched my skin when I was a kid. It was tight, and I couldn't get it back over the head, but stretching it like this worked it loose." He let go and a thick yellow gush poured out, splashing us.

"Sorry about that," he said. "When I let go, I can't control it." Frank and I let go at the same moment, and our streams mixed as they splashed over our legs before washing down the drain. It seemed very funny, and we laughed like kids.

We soaped each other, and then rinsed off. I skinned back to rinse my helmet and foreskin, and the others did the same. Terry's hood made a thick fleshy roll behind his rim, as his prick was thinner than ours and he had more length of foreskin.

"He's got a bell-shaped head," I commented to Frank.

"Yeah, I see that," Frank added. "His rim flares down the sides too."

"What do you call yours?" Terry asked.

"Ours are helmet types," I answered. "They only flare on top."

"I like that shape too," Terry said. "It looks very sexy."

"Yours is sexy too," Frank said. "That curved rim is really nice. Your tip's redder than ours, though. I've seen that on guys with really long skins."

"Yeah, your tips are more purple than mine, I think," Terry said. I turned off the water and we dried each other. We went into the bedroom, climbed into bed, and kissed each other good night before falling asleep.

The End of Part 7

Next: Chapter 8

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