All in Good Time

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 15, 2004


All in Good Time, Part 4 By

Note: This story is fiction, and given the plot, mainly science fiction or imaginative fiction. Time travel would be very nice if it were possible to do it as easily as described here, especially considering the benefits that this story describes.

Summary: I'd been selected for a secret government time travel project, as described in Part 1, and traveled back to 1880 New York City, where I'd met a gay guy, Eric, and his friend, Danny. One of the benefits of being projected back in time was that I was physically as if I'd been born in 1850, without vaccination scars, appendectomy, and most importantly, without the circumcision scar I'd resented all my life. For the first time, I'd experienced sex the way it should be, with my fleshy cuff intact. Foreskins were the norm in 1880, and few males were without one.

A major drawback was that I was unvaccinated, and therefore vulnerable to the diseases, such as smallpox and syphilis, that were so prevalent at the time. Fortunately the people directing the time travel project had sent along a survival kit packed with extra money, modern medicines, such as antibiotics, and a pistol. I was so charmed by the 1880s that I was seriously considering staying there, evading any attempt to bring me back to my time, the early 21st Century.

I'd established myself quickly, buying a house in upper Manhattan, and had had Eric and Danny as guests, which had resulted in hot sex for us. It had been so exciting that we'd decided to get together the next weekend, again at my house because it offered privacy and amenities that Eric's rooming house did not.

Eric, Danny, and I had several exciting sexual encounters together in my new house. The last one involved Danny "docking" Eric, and saving the combined cream for Eric to savor later. That afternoon, we continued:

Part 4:

Danny and I sat in the kitchen, drinking glasses of wine to wash down our ham sandwiches, while we let Eric sleep it off. Eric was always devastated by the fury of his orgasms, and usually fell asleep within minutes.

"Hello," Eric said as he wandered into the kitchen, sleepy-eyed, shortly after noon. He was naked, and he eyed us as we were also naked. Danny's limp penis rested on his large loose scrotum, with string tied in a bow knot around the end of his foreskin. The outlines of his glans were hidden by the ballooned foreskin, filled with Eric's cream and his own.

"Is that for me?" Eric asked before I could offer him a sandwich and wine. His eyes were riveted on Danny's prick, which began to swell at the attention. Eric knelt before Danny's chair and grasped the thick prick on display in front of him. I shifted my chair to sit next to Danny to get a close-up view of Eric's ministration to Danny's swelling penis.

"I told you I'd save our spunk for you. After you spent into me, I made myself spunk and tied it up for you." As Danny spoke, Eric pulled at one end of the string, and the knot unraveled immediately. Eric's mouth was there to receive the outpouring, and I saw him roll it on his tongue as he slowly swallowed the strands of thick cream. My prick began swelling from excitement as I watched avidly.

"Tastes good," Eric commented as he drank their combined discharges. When the cream stopped flowing freely, he insinuated his tongue into Danny's long nippled hood and began probing for the residue. Danny's prick was now fully hard, and Eric's fingers cupping his scrotum added to the fire.

"Ohhhhh, that's nice, so nice," Danny sighed as he felt Eric's tongue probing deeper into his long hood, which now that the cream had flowed out again defined the outline of the shapely helmet. I saw that the ridge was fully swollen, and clearly outlined through the skin cuff. My hand went to my lap and I began pulling the end of my foreskin, aroused as I was from my overt voyeurism.

"You'll make me spend again," Danny said, anticipating another explosive orgasm from Eric's close attention to his prick.

"I can't get enough of that," Eric answered as he momentarily removed his mouth from Danny's burgeoning erection, now wet with saliva. He plunged again onto Danny's prick, his tongue pushing eagerly into the foreskin, and I saw it stretching the hood with its bulk as Eric probed for the corona and the deep groove beyond it. Eric searched for every drop of residue, wherever it might be concealed, and was enjoying every moment.

Eric's prick had hardened from the excitement, and the short foreskin had drawn back to barely cover the rim of his turgid mushroom. I reached down to skin him back completely and watched his cuff melt into the shaft, fully revealing the head. A drop of lubricant now parted the lips of Eric's slit, and I spread it in small circles around the slit with my forefinger, making Eric sigh loudly despite Danny's prick filling his mouth.

We'd drained ourselves only a couple of hours ago, but now we were all ready to go again. One reason we'd recovered so quickly was that we were only about 30. Another was that we just turned each other on powerfully.

Now Eric lightly touched the end of my long foreskin nipple with his fingertip, and I felt him lightly circling the edge of my foreskin orifice. His other hand still cupped Danny's balls, and I saw the sac tightening against his body. I cupped Eric's balls with my other hand, gently kneading them as I felt the loose skin tighten with excitement. His prick was swollen to its full five and three-quarters inches.

"Only Jack washed," Danny said. "There won't be much cheese but I think you'll still like the taste." The odors from our swollen pricks were very evident, and became more so when Eric gently peeled back my hood to bare the glossy purple helmet.

There was some residue on Eric's mushroom, and the steady leaking from his slit added to the wetness. As each drop appeared, I spread it over an increasing area of his glans, sending messages of delight down his shaft.

"You should have seen Jack getting himself off after I did," Danny continued. "You were asleep, but I watched him peel his skin back so that I could see the big cap on the end of his cock. It got bigger and darker, and Jack was just sliding his skin up to touch the rim. When he spent, I was watching from up close." I saw Danny's body tensing as he spoke, for Eric was skillfully building his excitement with his probing tongue. His balls were now tight against his body.

"I'm going to peel your skin back," he said to Danny as he paused in his sucking. He removed his hand from my prick and grasped Danny's seven-inch prick, fingers closing around the thick shaft as he exerted traction to slide the foreskin off the big helmet. The wet purple glans glistened in the soft light coming through the windows.

"I really like that," Eric said as his tongue flicked out to remove a drop of lube that was poised on Danny's slit. His tongue continued downward, probing the vee-cleft under th head. Danny shuddered, and then shuddered again as Eric's tongue proceeded up along one side of the rim, caressing the back-face.

"SSSSSSSSS" Danny hissed, inhaling through clenched teeth. Eric was focusing his total attention on the hot hard penis before him, pouring sensations into the receptive nerve endings of its big helmet. I was now gently stroking my own, slowly sliding my foreskin up and down the helmet, giving rapt attention to Eric lapping at Danny's prick.

Danny slid forward on his chair, legs straight out, spread to leave room for Eric between them. His prick pointed at the ceiling, and Eric's head circled it as he lapped at all sides of the big helmet. The way Eric was crouching, I couldn't easily reach his prick, although I felt it would be better if Danny came first. Then I could concentrate on giving Eric his orgasm. His prick would be ready for anything I could give it, even now rigid and with the purple mushroom head sitting proudly at the end. The foreskin was drawn back tightly, blending into the shaft skin as the slit dripped clear drops onto the tile floor.

Eric's tongue worked around Danny's rim, probing deeply into the groove behind it, caressing nerve endings that rarely saw the light of day. His fist was clamped tightly around the base of Danny's shaft, compressing the veins and trapping blood in the swollen organ to make the head even more turgid. Danny's rim stood out from the shaft as Eric had drawn the foreskin back tightly, stretching its many nerve endings. Now Eric pulled back even harder, and the taut gee-string tensed as it pulled the front of Danny's helmet down towards his feet. The lips of Danny's long slit gaped, parted by a steady stream of clear viscous lubricant.

Eric lapped quickly at the bulging front dome, licking away the tasty fluid, and then returned to its circuits around the rim. He knew he had Danny's total attention, and he redoubled his efforts.

The big purple helmet became darker as Danny's prick approached the point of no return. Danny was now grunting and gasping, utterly captivated by the intense sensations. I stared, fascinated at the rising of Danny's excitement and Eric's efforts to bring on the inevitable orgasm.

I don't often secrete lube, but now I felt a drop crawling up my urethra, and watched as it filled the teardrop shaped orifice in the front dome of my helmet. I brought my foreskin all the way up to capture it, and drew back to spread the thick liquid over the head. My tip was now glistening like Danny's, and I slowed my strokes so as not to come before I was ready.

Danny's fists gripped the sides of his chair's seat, and I knew he was involuntarily tensing for the explosion. Eric's tongue continued its travels around the big flaring corona, occasionally dipping into the vee-groove under the head. He strummed the taut gee-string for a moment, and then circled the rim once more. Danny's legs began to tremble, and I saw his eyes close as he threw his head back.

"NNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGH!" Danny groaned as I saw his prick jerk in Eric's tight fist. A thick rope of cream shot from his slit, hitting Eric's face, and Eric moved to close his lips around the gushing front dome of Danny's helmet. I saw the prick jerk again and Danny's buttocks rose off the seat as he shot a second stream into Eric's mouth. Danny's helpless cries filled the room as his prick jerked again, and I saw Eric swallowing frantically. Now Eric moved his head to the side to lick at Danny's corona again, enhancing Danny's magic moment, and to watch the next gush erupt from the long slit. The lips of Danny's slit spread wide as the heavy stream poured from them, arcing through the air to land on the tiles.

Eric still held Danny's shaft tightly, and now he moved to put his outstretched tongue under the gushing helmet, catching the next eruption as it poured from the front dome. Danny's ejaculations were now less forceful, and Eric caught them all as they slowed to a steady dribble. I admired Eric's skill, because he had sensed the exact moment to stop direct contact because Danny's glans had become overly sensitive.

Eric drank the steady dribble that oozed from Danny's prick now that the orgasm was winding down. He loosened his grip on the hard shaft, releasing the skin, and Danny's glans bobbed up to normal position. I'd stopped sliding my foreskin because I knew that I was too close, and might have gone over the brink when Danny had started coming.

Both were now still, Eric gently holding Danny's shaft, fingertip running up the long bulge underneath as he milked the residue from the softening organ before him. Danny's head fell upon his chest, and I sensed that he was exhausted from the hot fury of his orgasm.

"You had a long drink," I commented as Eric turned to me.

"I loved it," he said. "It was really tasty. Now I want to taste yours." He shuffled over to crouch between my legs, and I spread them to make room for his slender body. Eric's prick pointed up from between his thighs, and I knew he was hot, but patient enough to wait until he'd drained me.

Danny opened his eyes and turned his head just as Eric grasped my shaft, holding it upright to point at the ceiling. He licked at another drop that had filled my teardrop shaped orifice, and now his tongue dropped to caress the hot spot between the eaves of my corona w here they met under the head. My prick jumped at the hot contact, and now I gripped the sides of my seat.

"That was terrific, Eric," Danny said gratefully. "You really made me spend that time." Eric paused to say:

"Now I'll do Jack. I want to see his big tip spend like yours did. I really like to see the spunk shooting out." He returned to caressing my sensitive glans with his tongue.

In what I was beginning to think of my previous life, oral sex hadn't been as stimulating because my nerve endings had lost their sensitivity from being constantly exposed to the air and dry. Now, with a long thick foreskin to keep them moist, they were very sensitive, and I also had the nerve endings in my foreskin to add to the stimulation. I no longer needed hard friction to bring on my orgasm, as a light and delicate touch, such as what Eric's tongue provided, was enough to push me over the top. Eric's fist squeezed my shaft skin and pulled downward to stretch my foreskin and make the helmet stand out proudly.

His tongue flicked into the neck of my penis, following the deep groove behind my rim, first up one side and then down the other, and I experienced the acute sensations that had sent Danny over the edge. I pushed myself forward until I was poised on the edge of the seat, legs spread wide, and awaited the stimulation I knew would render me helpless as Eric drove me into orgasm.

"Brace yourself," Danny warned. "It's gonna be hot, really hot." Eric's moving tongue confirmed the words, circling my corona, and then running across the broad upper surface of my glans before probing at my distended slit. Eric licked at the drop of lube that had accumulated and spread it in small circles around my slit with his tongue.

"You're really hot," Danny added. "I've never seen you juice like that." Eric's tongue now moved under my glans again, strumming my gee-string and sending me farther up the slope. Each touch of his tongue tickled my nerve endings, and I felt myself becoming tense, unable to resist the rising stimulation. Now Danny reached between my thighs to cup my balls, adding to my sensations.

"Man, you're really tight down there. You're ready to spunk, I think." He was right. It wouldn't take much more to drive me over the edge. My rim had begun to feel a deep tickle as Danny's tongue passed over it, and the tickle spread all over my helmet. I was tensing uncontrollably, unable to force myself to relax, and I knew I was helpless in their hands.

"Your tip's really getting' dark," said Danny. "You're gonna pop any second." He was so right! Behind the tickle I felt a mild ache in my helmet, telling me that I urgently needed relief. Eric's tongue lashed at my tortured nerve endings, and I felt my eyes closing. My legs began trembling as my stomach muscles tightened. My awareness of the outside world dimmed as my attention became totally focused on the hot sensations in my prick.

The tickling feeling turned into a hot tingle, and when Eric's fingers pushed my foreskin up to compress my rim as his tongue-tip teased my teardrop slit, the feeling exploded. Hot sparks of sensation stabbed deep into my helmet, and traveled down my shaft to trigger my orgasm.

My cock-root contracted sharply, almost painfully, and a hot gush of cream squirted into my tube, where it rushed up, searing the tender tissues, and exploded from my orifice. I felt Eric's lips around the dome of my glans and knew he was avidly drinking my cream. I wailed in joyful agony as the hot fury of the orgasm overwhelmed me, numbing my mind as I was enthralled by the intense sensations.

I felt the hot throb in my cock-root travel up my shaft and into my glans as another gush of lava-like cream boiled up my urethra to pour into Eric's waiting mouth. His lips tightened around my corona, triggering another hot blast from my cock-root. I was totally wrapped up in the hot sensations, and I thrust my hips as my cock-root poured another torrent of cream into my tube.

Now I felt cool air on my hot tip as another spasm wracked me, and was dimly aware that Eric had removed his lips from my throbbing tip. More fluid poured from my slit as my glans throbbed in ecstasy, and I moaned loudly as my world shrank to the tip of my straining cock. More burning lava parted the lips of my slit, slowing to an ooze, as my orgasm tapered off into nothingness.

I was stunned, totally inert, shocked by the violence of my orgasm. I felt my body relaxing as the afterglow crept over me, and I sank into the accompanying daze. It was minutes before I opened my eyes. My prick had shrunk, and I saw Danny carefully milking my shaft, running his forefinger up the underside to force out the residue as Eric's tongue waited underneath my helmet. Eric's eyes were closed, and he was in ecstasy, savoring the flavor of my fluids. The drops that oozed from my slit were clear, showing that I'd totally drained my sperm, and was seeping only warm lubricant.

Danny gently pulled my long foreskin down to cover my now shrunken helmet, and then stood up. Eric was still crouched in front of him, and Danny helped him to his feet. Turning to me, he said:

"Maybe we ought to do Eric in the bedroom. That way we can lay on each side of him and work him with our tongues together." I thought this was a good idea, and stood up, helping Danny pull Eric to his feet. Eric's prick stood out in front of him, uncowled, the purple mushroom dripping with lubricant and with desire. We laid him in the center of the bed and crouched on either side of his slim hips. His prick lay flat on his stomach, foreskin drawn back smoothly, and the glans exposed to our gaze and touch.

Danny grasped his shaft gently, holding his prick upright, while he began licking delicately at the drooling front dome, tickling the slit and tasting the delicious salty flavor of Eric's lubricant. Then he moved his tongue down to circle the rim, working on its edge and then the back-face on the way back. I cupped Eric's sac, which had drawn up tightly against his body, with one hand.

"We're gonna make you spunk," Danny said. "I'll keep your skin back so we can watch the shots come out of the head." After these words, he returned to lapping at Eric's rim.

"Maybe it would feel better for him if I worked the head with my fingertips," I suggested to Danny. Danny removed his head and watched as I placed the tip of my forefinger on Eric's dripping slit, and began spreading the slimy lubricant in small circles around the front of his dome. Eric shuddered at the sharp contact, the ridges of my fingertip only slightly masked by the thick lube.

"This is gonna make him spunk fast," Danny said as I worked my fingertip in widening circles as the clear mucus continued to flow from Eric's slit. Now I wiped my fingertip across the slit, spreading the lips and tickling their inner surfaces. Eric's body stiffened, and he began to moan.

"Eric's been waiting long enough," I said. "It's time to give him his reward." As the lube continued to flow, I used two fingers on the glans, moving them down to the underside, where I strummed his frenulum. Eric's prick jerked in Danny's fist, and his moans became louder.

"This is what you did to me the first time we met," I said to Eric, "and the next time Danny made me spend this way. I know how intense it feels. Just let yourself go and we'll make you spunk hard." Now I was using three fingers, thumb on the underside of the head and two rotating around Eric's rim, giving him more stimulation. Intuitively, I knew that I had to keep my fingertips moving instead of concentrating in one spot, which would tire out the nerve endings. Each new touch gave Eric fresh sensations, and now he was rocking his head from side to side as I worked on his swollen glans.

"I can bring his skin up to bump his rim," Danny suggested, and I nodded affirmatively. Eric's fingers tightened around Eric's shaft as he pulled the tight skin up against the swollen corona.

"It's working," I said. "The head's gettin' darker now." I continued to caress the glossy head, feeling it lose its sponginess and become harder under my touches as Eric's excitement continued to mount. Danny drew the skin back down to let me get to the rim, which I now circled with all five fingertips, feeling its hardness as I teased its nerve endings. Eric's moans grew louder and more intense as the sensations attacked his nervous system.

"He's close, but not there yet," I commented as I changed my technique and circled the middle of the glans with my fingertips, running them across the sensitive lobes under the head and catching his gee-string on the way. His gee-string was taut, tension accentuated by Danny's tight grip on the shaft-skin. Now I worked my fingertips up to the front dome, encasing it and twirling my fingers around it, spreading the steady flow of lube that poured from the distended slit. Eric's breathing was heavy, and he was gasping between moans. I saw his eyes close.

I pressed my thumb hard into the vee-cleft under the head as moved my other fingers back down to his rim, sweeping them around the hard, congested flesh. Eric grunted loudly as the new shock of sensation hit him, and his legs began to tremble. I knew that although he was trying to relax, he was totally caught up in the torrent of sensations pouring into his straining glans.

I felt a hard throb in my fingertips and heard Eric cry out sharply, and then a thick rope of white cream shot upward from his hot hard tip. His hips bucked as I applied a rapid twisting motion to his rim to bring forth another hot jet. His glans throbbed between my encircling fingers as he cried out helplessly, his wails filling the room. His mouth was open and he was almost hyperventilating as the fury of the orgasm shook his body. The sharp chlorine odor of Eric's sperm filled the air and I inhaled deeply, savoring the rich aroma.

I gave his corona another rapid twist and removed my fingers as another torrent of sperm shot into the air to fall back onto his prick and pubic hair.

"Gettin' sensitive," I said, and watched danny bring the foreskin up against Eric's turgid rim, making him shoot another jet which was not quite as thick or powerful. Eric's straining glans disgorged several more loads that gradually subsided into a slow seepage, lightening in color until the flow was clear.

Eric became very still, stunned by the biological hurricane that had just coursed through his body, too dazed to say a word, and we watched the tension leave him as his muscles unclenched. His breathing slowed, although his eyes remained closed. As his prick softened and lost its excessive sensitivity, Danny brought the foreskin up to cover the head, at the same time milking the shaft to capture the residue. As the drops appeared, parting the lips of Eric's slit, Danny licked at them, enjoying the rich flavor.

We watched Eric drifting off into deep sleep, aware that getting drained often exhausted him. Danny and I went into the kitchen again, and I poured more wine for us.

"I've got a friend that Eric just loves to suck," Danny said. "You know how he loves sucking cheese from a cock. Well, Tommy has a perfect cock for producing cheese. It's smaller than yours or mine, and the skin on it is so long that it forms a nozzle in front of his cherry that's over an inch long. It's really tight, and Tommy pisses through it all the time without stretching it back the way we do. I've seen him piss, and that nozzle is perfect, like the one on a hose. He can aim without splashing. You and I can't do that."

"That's really something to see," I said, aware that I had to pull back my foreskin enough to free the slit, otherwise I'd splash copiously. I still forgot that I now had a foreskin at times, and had splashed myself embarrassingly a couple of times.

"Eric loves to stick his tongue in there because he's sure he'll get the taste of cheese, spunk, and piss all at once. Tommy doesn't shake his cock after he pisses, just lets it drain naturally, and with such a long skin some always stays trapped," explained Danny. I remembered a boy like that from when I was 12, and was sent to a summer camp. This boy had a prick like the one Danny had just described, and his pants always smelled of piss around the crotch.

"Do his pants smell?" I asked.

"You bet they do!" exclaimed Danny. I wasn't surprised. The way hygiene was de-emphasized during the 19th Century had prepared me for that. People took baths perhaps once a week, and changed their underwear after the bath. I'd noticed yellow stains in the crotches of Danny's briefs, and knew that they were from urine and smegma that had oozed out into them. Danny produced a lot of smegma, and although he tried to retain it inside his foreskin, some inevitably leaked from the end. As a matter of fact, it happened to me as well, now that I was adapting to the 19th Century and not taking a shower or bath each day. My shirt collars were also developing dark rings, as I now wore the same shirt for a week.

Body odors were the norm, and I must admit that I felt more relaxed now that I didn't have to pay close attention to being odor-free. Deodorants were not in common use, and the price of soap was high enough to deter most people from daily washings.

"I'd like to meet Tommy," I said. "I know I'd enjoy watching Eric cleaning Tommy's dirty cock. Maybe you can bring him along next weekend."

"There won't be room enough on the bed for the four of us," Danny pointed out.

"It doesn't matter. You saw how we had fun here in the kitchen. I've got four chairs around this table, and anyway, we could always take a couple of chairs with us into the bedroom."

"You're right," Danny admitted. "We could sit in the chairs and watch Eric working over Tommy's cock on the bed."

"We could play with each other while we watched," I suggested. I know that would be fun."

"You'd have to clean the rug afterward," Danny laughed.

"I guess the spunk comes out with soap and water," I said.

"Okay, then we'll bring Tommy with us next Saturday," Danny said. "Same time?"

"That sounds good," I said, looking forward to our next encounter.

The End of Part 4

Next: Chapter 5

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