All in Good Time

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 12, 2004


All in Good Time, Part 2 By

Note: This story is fiction, and given the plot, mainly science fiction or imaginative fiction. Time travel would be very nice if it were possible to do it as easily as described here, especially considering the benefits that this story describes.

I'd been selected for a secret government time travel project, as described in Part 1, and traveled back to 1880 New York City, where I'd met a gay guy, Eric, and his friend, Danny. One of the benefits of being projected back in time was that I was physically as if I'd been born in 1850, without vaccination scars, appendectomy, and most importantly, without the circumcision scar I'd resented all my life. For the first time, I'd experienced sex the way it should be, with all my anatomy intact. Also, foreskins were the norm in 1880, and few males were without one.

A major drawback, as I'd realized, was that I was unvaccinated, and therefore vulnerable to the diseases, such as smallpox and syphilis, that were so prevalent at the time. Fortunately the people directing the time travel project had sent along a survival kit packed with modern medicines, such as antibiotics, and I'd retrieved it.

Also included in the survival kit was a SIG Model 229, a large auto pistol in .357 SIG. Contrary to what some believed, the streets of New York were very dangerous during the late 19th Century, making Dodge City seem peaceful by comparison, and street gangs were prevalent, dominating some neighborhoods. I also had a Galco shoulder holster for wearing the gun under my jacket, and never went out without it. The first rule of survival, though, was to avoid trouble, and I was careful where I went, hoping never to have to use the pistol.

They had also devised a way for me to communicate with them by leaving a note packed in a waterproof tube, several of which were in the survival kit, buried under a bench in Central Park, where they'd dig it up in their own time. I hadn't yet decided whether or not I'd let them know that I'd arrived safely, realizing that I had plenty of time to bury a message before they dug it from the ground. I was so charmed by the 1880s that I was seriously considering staying there, evading any attempt to bring me back to my time, the early 21st Century.

Right now I was concentrating on establishing myself in the 19th Century, and I went out looking for an apartment or a house. I had plenty of money, as the government had printed a stack of banknotes for me. Someone planning the logistics had not realized that because of inflation, the $100,000 they'd sent back with me was a fabulous sum in those days, and would last me the rest of my life. I intended to invest most of it, having the advantage of knowing which companies would do well, and my first move in this regard was to sink all but $10,000 into Westinghouse stock.

I found a house in northern Manhattan, near Harlem and convenient to downtown and midtown by way of a horse-drawn bus line, and bought it. It only took me a week to buy and furnish the house, and now I was ready to invite my new friend Eric for the weekend.

Eric arrived Saturday morning, and we wasted no time undressing. Eric was about four inches shorter than my six feet, and slightly thinner. His foreskin was both shorter and thinner than mine, not quite covering the head, and his slit was clearly visible in the dime-sized opening at the end. Eric touched the end of my long foreskin nipple with his fingertip, knowing that this would excite me.

"I remember yours gets about six inches hard," he said. "Longer than mine, and a bit thicker too."

"Your five and a half inches do all right," I answered. "You really shoot your juice when you spunk." I was slipping easily into the 19th Century usage.

We got hard quickly, and Eric observed:

""Your skin covers the tip even now that you're hard," he said. "That's very sexy." I felt his warm fingers lightly circling the edge of my foreskin orifice, sending messages of delight into its many nerve endings.

"Yours slips most of the way back on its own," I said as I looked at his cock-head, which was less bulky than mine. The foreskin was poised on the rim, and I grasped his shaft skin and pulled lightly to free his corona. The delicious aroma of his wet glans filled the air, and I saw the light coating of white cream around his rim. There was much less emphasis on meticulous hygiene back then, as the barrage of advertisements for deodorants had not yet begun, and human odors were accepted as normal. "Your balls hang low, but I know they'll pull up against your body soon."

"Yours are always a little tight," he said. He grasped my scrotum with his other hand and tugged gently. "See? I can stretch the skin."

"That feels good," I said. "You always know what to do to me."

"I don't like to brag," he said, "but I'm a real expert on cocks and what it takes to pleasure them. I know your skin's tight, but I can push it back without hurting you. I'm going to push it back now so that I can see the head." His fingers expertly grasped my foreskin around my corona and eased it back to form a thick fleshy collar behind my rim.

"I like the way your skin stays back by itself. You've got a nice big rim, like Danny." Danny had joined us during our first sex encounter in Eric's room the previous week. "Both your rims turn up at the edge." He leaned forward and licked the front dome of my helmet.

"That's nice, very nice," I murmured.

""You've got more cheese than last time," he observed. "Yours smells as nice as Danny's. I can also taste the piss," he continued.

"I was careful not to wash it," I said. "I saved it up just for you because I saw how you liked it on Danny."

"I like the big heads on your cock and Danny's. They're very attractive."

"I know you told me how you like comparing cocks," I reminded him. Mine loves attention, so go right ahead."

"Some cocks are bigger, and others smaller. The size of the heads are different, too, and especially the shape. Some are like arrowheads, and others like mushrooms. I've seen little ones, like acorns, as well."

"I've seen cocks like those," I said.

"The skins are different, too. Mine's thin and yours is thick. Some are so short they just about cover the rim, even when the guy's soft. Yours is very long, and I like the nipple in front of the head when you're soft. It must feel good to twist it, doesn't it?" His fingers closed around my shaft and twisted my foreskin collar behind the head. His lips closed around the bulky front dome of my helmet.

"Oooooohhhh, that feels so good," I exclaimed. He lifted his head.

"I knew it would. I remember last time when I sucked you I brought my lips down as I pulled your skin back, and then pulled your skin up when I raised my head." I leaned down and licked at the large clear drop that had parted the lips of his slit, relishing the rich salty flavor.

"That's another way we're different, Eric. Your cock's much juicier than mine." I licked my lips.

"The cheese around your head's really tasty, though. Too bad you don't have as much as Danny." Eric raised his head to kiss me lightly on the lips, and we inhaled the cock smells.

"This is really nice," I said as we broke. "I was never able to bend far enough to taste my own cock, but just now I tasted it on your lips."

"Delicious, isn't it?" He smiled. Now I got into a "69" position with him and took his hard glans in my mouth as I felt his lips close once more around mine. His tongue flicked across my slit, heightening my excitement. I locked my lips into the groove behind his rim, pulling back hard on his skin to stretch it tightly. My other hand cupped his balls, feeling their warmth as they contracted between my fingers.

Now Eric began the familiar pumping action on my foreskin as his lips moved up and down my glans. He was an expert in coordination, pulling my foreskin forward to cover the helmet as his lips moved back. Then he pulled my hood back to bare the helmet to his hungry mouth, engulfing it with his lips right down to the corona. His fingers continued to tug on my scrotal skin, adding to my excitement.

I compressed his corona between my lips as I flicked my tongue across his slit, tasting each drop of slippery fluid as it emerged. I swallowed and resumed flicking my tongue, knowing that this excited him, wondering which of us would shoot first.

There wasn't any doubt. Eric was an expert at pleasuring an uncut cock, and his lips and tongue soon brought me to the edge. I felt my glans swelling under the excitement, aching for relief.

"I'm gonna take my mouth off," I said. "I think I'll be spurting any second." I didn't want to bite him inadvertently when the spasms hit me. He redoubled his efforts, and now I felt a tickling in my rim as his lips and fingers took turns compressing it. He'd tightened his grip on my foreskin and each time he brought it up he squeezed the nerve endings in my corona. I felt the familiar tickle turn into a hot tingle that told me I was right on the edge, and then my eyes closed as I became totally caught up in the sensations.

I felt his teeth scrape the broad upper surface of my glans as he withdrew, sending hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my helmet, and then I came.

A hot jolt wracked my shaft and cock-root, and I cried out as the first jet poured into my urethra, burning its way up my tube and into his mouth. I was totally helpless as he sucked the orgasm from my tortured body, and I shuddered as another torrent spurted from my throbbing helmet. His fingers tightened around my prick as he yanked my foreskin back hard and brought his lips forward to engulf my glans right down to the groove behind the rim. I cried out again, gasping, grunting, lost in the free-fall of my orgasm.

Now I felt the cool air on my helmet as he removed his lips. My tip was becoming too sensitive, but the continued tension on my shaft skin kept my foreskin and gee-string taut, stimulating me to further ejaculations. The hot torrents felt like lava in my prick, and a burning sensation filled my urethra right to the end. My helmet throbbed with each discharge, and my legs trembled under the tension.

Now I felt the power of my discharges lessening, and my jets slowed to a dribble that oozed from my still distended slit onto his waiting tongue. He barely touched my tip as he licked the droplets away, as it was still too sensitive.

I felt myself relax as the orgasm faded, and now I was sinking into the aftershock. I lay still, saying nothing, for a minute or two, as I felt Eric's fingers delicately pulling my foreskin forward. I felt it snap up over my rim and begin its down-hill slide to engulf my helmet. Then I opened my eyes to see Eric's hard prick still in front of my face. I advanced to take the purple head between my lips and began sucking, eager to give him the same pleasure he'd given me.

"I felt your tip swelling in my mouth," he said, "and then it began throbbing when you started spunking. You were really yelling then, and your jets of spunk almost drowned me." I said nothing as I was busy building his excitement. I was stroking his exposed glans with my lips, bringing up his foreskin to meet my lips as he'd done to my prick, and I knew this was having an effect on him because I felt the tip swell and harden against my tongue and palate.

"Your tip was so big and purple when you were spunking," Eric said in a tight whisper as I pumped my lips back and forth along his tip, bringing the foreskin forward and back at the same time. His breathing grew heavy, and he began whimpering softly.

Salty juice poured from his slit as I worked on his mushroom tip, and Eric fell silent as the excitement overtook him. I knew the sensations in his prick had captured his total attention, and that he wouldn't be saying anything more until he started grunting with his orgasm. He was breathing heavily now, the effort making his chest heave, as he climbed the last few steps to the brink.

I was sucking his glans hard, stroking his foreskin in rhythm with my lips, and tugging on his sac, stretching the thick skin, rich in nerve endings. I felt the first har d throb of his glans against my tongue, and tasted the thick and salty rush of juice that spurted from his slit. The taste of chlorine filled my mouth and I heard Eric grunt loudly with the first shock of orgasm. He grunted again, more loudly, as his straining glans shot another heavy load into my mouth before I'd finished swallowing the first.

His shaft throbbed between my encircling fingers and another hard blast of cream hit the back of my throat. Eric cried out helplessly as the intense sensations filled his body, and I felt his prick pulse again as it shot another discharge into my tonsils.

I removed my mouth, knowing the hyper-sensitivity would hit him any second, but I kept a tight grip on his shaft and scrotum, stimulating him to continued ejaculations. I saw a thick jet slam through the lips of his slit, arcing through the air on its path to my open mouth. Eric cried out again, and another heavy spurt shot from his purple tip.

His next grunt brought another discharge, but this one merely seeped from his slit, and I quickly licked it from his sensitive tissues. His prick pulsed several more times, followed by more dribbles that gradually became clear as he drained himself. His body began to relax as his breathing returned to normal, and I knew he was now in a deep daze, ready to go to sleep. I still held his prick as it softened, and when his breathing told me that he was asleep, I gently pulled his foreskin forward to protect the precious head.

I was decided on letting him sleep as long as he wished, because I knew that an orgasm took a lot out of him. My orgasm had energized me, but his had sedated him profoundly.

I began preparing lunch, as I knew Eric would be hungry upon awakening, and I was beginning to feel that way as well. Fortunately, I'd never been heavily drawn into the world of microwaves and frozen pizzas, and therefore was not handicapped in trying t cook using traditional methods. I'd bought some sausages and peppers at the market the day before, and now set about preparing them with tomato sauce.

I had resigned myself to living without the conveniences of 21st Century life, and really did not miss them. I also knew that I was safe from the hazards of the future, such as the nuclear bomb smuggled in at Kennedy Airport, which had devastated a large part of Brooklyn and Queens in 2006. If I remained in my present time, I wouldn't live long enough to see such horrors.

I'd gathered that gays lived a shadow existence in the 19th Century, which was intolerant of many deviations from the norm. This didn't bother me much because New York was a cosmopolitan city, with a large underground gay population. I knew enough to avoid foolishness such as quick encounters in public parks, which risked being interrupted by the police, and felt confident that I could enjoy myself behind closed doors.

I heard Eric stirring in the bedroom and went in as he sat up on the bed.

"Have a good nap?" I asked cheerfully.

"Oh, I really slept," he said. "Spunking always knocks me out. You saw that last time."

"I know. You spunked hard. I felt your cock throbbing, and I drank your cream as fast as you could let it out."

"I've never heard it called cream," he said, and I realized that I'd have to work hard at adopting 19th Century jargon.

"Well, that's what I call it sometimes," I said. "I've traveled around the country a little and heard different names for it. Ready for a bath before we eat?" He nodded and I led him into the bathroom, where I'd had a big bathtub with a shower head installed.

"I've never seen one of those things before," he said, pointing at the shower head.

"It's something new," I explained. You don't have to sit in your dirty bath water. After you take your bath, you can drain the water and rinse off with that." I began filling the tub, which was typical 19th Century iron, large enough to hold two people with their legs intertwined. I took off the apron I'd used while cooking because I didn't want hot grease splattering onto my unprotected groin.

"I haven't had a real bath in years," he said. "At my rooming house we use a pan full of hot water and a washcloth."

"Well now you can enjoy the experience. Just get in and I'll get in with you." He sat down at one end and I sat facing him, my legs outside of his, our groins fully exposed to each other's gaze and touch. I handed him the soap and a washcloth and he began washing himself. I took another washcloth and lathered myself.

"Jack, that hot water's making me want to pee," he said shyly. The water was very hot, as hot as I could stand it, and was having the same effect on me.

"Go ahead. Just relax and let it out," I said. "We'll rinse it off with the shower." Eric's slit was visible through the opening in his foreskin, and I saw the lips part as his yellow stream forced its way between them. A moment later I felt my stream begin, and felt it swirling around my glans before coursing through my long foreskin nipple into the water. My foreskin ballooned slightly under the pressure, and when Eric noticed this he reached down and pinched the end.

"Guys with long skins can do this," he said as we both watched my foreskin swelling. He released my nipple and the trapped fluid poured out in a thick yellow gush. We finished draining ourselves but he did not release my prick.

"Let me wash you down there," he suggested. "I really enjoy handling your cock, with that big head and all that skin covering it."

"Only if you let me wash you," I countered, and reached for him. The thin foreskin slid easily back from his head, and I wrapped the soapy washcloth over his exposed glans, which began swelling under my touch. Eric grasped my prick and tried to push back my foreskin without success.

"It should go back better because your tip's not swollen," he said.

"There's no resistance now that I'm soft. My cock just shrinks back inside my foreskin."

"It's such a long foreskin too," he said. "There's a lot to pull back." My prick began hardening at his touch, and by the time it was halfway hard he was able to push the hood back behind my corona.

"See, that wasn't so hard," I said.

"I like the way it forms a collar behind your rim," he said. "That leaves the curves of your beautiful head out in the open when it locks back."

"Yours slips forward unless I hold it back," I observed. "Now that you're hardening it'll stay back just covering the rim." I let go of his shaft and the hood slipped forward to encase his corona. At this point both our tips were above the waterline.

"I don't have that big rim you've got," he added, running a finger around my thick flaring ridge.

"Your balls are loose now that you're in the hot water," I observed.

"Your bag's not as tight as before," he said. "The hot water's affecting it too."

"Still tighter than yours," I replied. "Mine's always been on the tight side."

"It shows the shape of your eggs better than mine, I think," was Eric's comment. "Anyway, you're a bit hairier than I am." As he spoke, he began stroking my foreskin up and down. I grasped his and said:

"That feels good, but are you sure you want to spunk in here? We can rinse it off with the shower after we're through, anyway." His fingers accelerated on my prick, and I knew he wanted to come right then and there. I was willing too, and grasped his prick. As I began working his foreskin up and down, I saw drops of fluid seeping from the tip of his glans, which was just above the water.

Eric's face had a drawn look, as he was totally captivated by my stroking and his need to discharge. Our cock comparisons had excited him and he urgently needed to drain himself. I felt his fingers whipping my foreskin up and down, snapping it over my corona and covering my helmet completely, and then reversing direction to yank it back down into the deep groove behind my rim. Each stroke compressed my flaring ridge and the nerve endings within it, as well as stretching my foreskin.

"Ahhhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh," he said as I stroked his foreskin while tugging on the lower edge of his scrotum. As his foreskin was shorter than mine, I got it only halfway up the head before I had to reverse direction. However, this was giving his rim a thorough workout, alternately compressing and releasing it, and each time I stroked his hood back the head seemed larger and darker. I also felt it hardening through the skin, further evidence of his mounting excitement.

The tension was also building in my body, partly because of his magic touch on my prick, and because I was in the warm water with this hot guy, handling his pretty penis and feeling its excitement grow. We were sharing the same experience at the same moment, and I wondered which of us would be the first to cream.

Eric's digital persuasion was having a profound effect on me, and I felt my helmet swelling within his fingers as he continued to slide my foreskin over it. The familiar tickle was building up in my rim and I began to feel the slight ache in my glans that told me that I needed release. I saw Eric's eyes close a moment before mine did, and now we were both withdrawing into ourselves as our sensations built.

Eric's fingers suddenly tightened around my prick, and the tickling feeling in my rim exploded to engulf the entire glans before changing to the hot tingle that was the precursor to my orgasm. I grunted loudly and felt my cock-root contract sharply to squirt the first jet into my tube. The semen burned its way up my prick like hot lava before exploding from my tip, and as I felt it slam through the lips of my orifice I heard Eric's wail as his prick throbbed hard in my fist.

We were both exploding, joyfully shooting our jets as we shared the magic moment. My excitement fed on his, and I ejaculated again with a loud cry. Eric yelped as his prick pulsed between my fingers, and I knew that another long jet had spurted from his swollen tip. My prick throbbed again, and I shuddered as the hot liquid forced its way up my shaft, into the glans, and out the end. We were both grunting in passion, overwhelmed by the hot sensations we were sharing, happy that we were coming together, feeling each other's throbbing pricks.

Now Eric yanked my foreskin all the way down, holding it drawn tightly back, and I did the same, knowing that his prick would become super-sensitive any moment. The tension on the rich nerve endings kept our orgasms going until they became dribbles, and the throbs faded to stillness.

I opened my eyes first, a second before Eric opened his, and saw our bubbles of cream floating in the water. Threads of semen trailed down toward the bottom of the tub, while other lay on the surface. Wordlessly, I pulled him upright and turned on the shower to rinse off the cream before it coagulated in our body hairs. The hot spray stimulated our bladders again, and we flushed ourselves completely, watching the yellow streams falling down into the water at the bottom of the tub. When we'd finished, we milked each other's prick to expel the residue, drawing back the hoods to rinse the glans, and then bringing them down again to protect the tender tissues.

"We were both so excited," Eric said. I was a bit surprised after we spunked so much in the bedroom."

"I guess we still had some in reserve," I said.

After drying ourselves, we got dressed and ate in the kitchen. Eric loved Italian food, and he ate with gusto. I pulled the cork from a bottle of red wine, as screw caps were far in the future.

"Maybe next week you can bring your friend Danny along," I suggested. "We enjoyed ourselves at your place, and we'll have more time and more room here."

"I'll ask him when I see him," Eric said. "I'm sure he'll appreciate your invitation. I'll tell him not to wash his cock all week."

"I know how you love to eat his cheese," I said.

"Not just his. Don't you wash yours either. What I tasted today of yours was delicious. If you have to spunk, do it, but leave some inside your skin. It'll taste delicious mixed with your piss and cheese."

"I'll do that," I answered. We finished our meal and Eric left, as he had to work that evening.

That week, I further explored New York City, which at the time consisted of only Manhattan Island. Greater New York, encompassing the five boroughs, was not to be until 1898. I considered getting a telephone, as telephones were beginning to be introduced, but quickly found that most lines were in the business district around Wall Street, and that running a line to my house would cost a prohibitive amount. It would also make me conspicuous, something I wished to avoid.

I did buy an icebox for my kitchen. Refrigerators were in the future, and I accepted delivery of a block of ice every second day from the iceman, who came around in his horse-drawn wagon. I also had to drain the pan under the icebox every day, as it was not connected to the drain in my house.

I became accustomed to making do with gas lighting, as electricity was not available where I lived. This was acceptable, as long as I minimized the risk of fire by not having any curtains near the gas lamps. Gas burned cleaner than kerosene, which was what many people used.

Next Saturday Eric and Danny arrived around nine, and we wasted no time undressing and moving to the bedroom. Danny was about my height, six feet, and his pendulous prick hung attractively in front of his large, low hanging sac. Danny had a long foreskin, like mine, and the outline of his big-rimmed helmet was very visible through the fleshy covering.

Eric sat on the bed and grasped Danny's prick, carefully drawing back the long foreskin, which was looser than mine. Danny's ripe man-smell filled the air, and Danny said:

"I've been saving up my cheese for you," as the long white-coated head emerged from its fleshy covering. Eric began lapping at Danny's helmet-shaped head, relishing its aroma and taste.

"Good thing we have these skins," he said as he licked his lips. "They smell so nice, and they gather the cheese."

"I met a guy who didn't have a skin," Danny said. "His cock looked funny, with the head always sticking out."

"Was he Hebraic?" Eric asked, using the 19th Century term for "Jew."

"No, I don't think he was. He was 20, and he told me that his father had caught him doing onanism (the old term for masturbation) when he was 13 and taken him to the doctor. The doctor told them that he would drive himself insane if he kept doing it, and that the only cure was removing the skin, by circumcision. The doctor gave him some ether and cut off his skin right then." I winced, remembering that my mother had told me that I had been circumcised without anesthetic as a baby. The nurse just held me down while the doctor cut off my foreskin as I screamed my lungs out.

"What happened to him then?" I asked.

"When I saw him, the head of his cock was dry, and wasn't smooth like mine," Danny continued. "It was more like leather, and he said he'd lost a lot of feeling."

"I guess he didn't have any cheese, either," I commented.

"No, no cheese, and no skin, just a jagged scar behind the head."

"I'm glad nothing like that happened to me or you," Eric said as he shivered at the thought. I understood Eric's feeling, more profoundly than I could ever explain to him.

"Right," Danny said. "Playing with my skin is such fun." Eric's tongue flicked out and tickled Danny under the head, probing the vee-shaped cleft where the two halves of his corona met. He pulled back harder on Danny's foreskin as his prick began to swell and strummed the gee-string with his tongue.

"Oh, that tickles so much," Danny said as we watched his prick stiffen to its full seven inches. Mine was swelling too, although nobody had touched it yet, as the view was exciting me. Danny noticed my arousal and reached over to me, his warm fingers closing delicately around my shaft as he began stretching my foreskin back slowly. I saw that Eric's prick had begun to swell as he'd sucked on Danny's cheesy glans.

"Jack's skin's tighter than yours," Eric told Danny. "I bet he's got some cheese underneath too. I told him to save it up for me." Danny's fingers continued their delicate work, easing my hood back. Now the nipple was expanded over my helmet, and the distended slit was barely visible through the opening.

"I can see his teardrop," Danny commented as he held my prick up to point at his face. "I really like that. I like the way his skin smells, too." Now his fingers pushed down a bit more, and the end of my foreskin formed a dime-sized opening as it stretched over the front dome of my glans.

"His head's blunter than yours," Eric commented. He continued to lick at Danny's helmet, caressing the broad upper surface before running his tongue-tip around the rim. The copious white coating that covered Danny's glans was quickly disappearing as Eric tongued it.

"I'm gonna find out how much cheese Jack's got," said Danny as he pushed my foreskin back to uncover the dome. I knew he'd find a thick white film on my helmet, as I'd checked just before they'd arrived.

"Let's lie down," I said. "It'll make it easier." Danny lay on the bed and Eric lay down beside him, still lapping at his big swollen helmet. I sat beside Danny to give him access to my prick while I grasped Eric's man-meat and began working his foreskin back. The head was already halfway out as Eric's short foreskin had drawn back with his erection, and I saw that the head was also white-coated.

"You're leaking," Eric commented as he lapped at the clear drop that had parted the lips of Danny's slit. Danny was sighing in delight as Eric was worshipping his big prick, and more fluid appeared at his slit. I saw that Danny's balls were drawing up against his body.

"You've got a lot of cheese, especially down in the groove," Danny said as he drew my foreskin back behind my rim, pulling tightly to expose the corona and the delicate tissue behind it. "It smells real nice."

"Save it for me," Eric said. "You know how I like to eat cheese."

"That's Eric's favorite food," Danny said to me. "He loves mine, and now he's gonna love yours too." As he spoke, I began working Eric's foreskin lightly up and down, compressing the rim of his mushroom with every stroke. Eric was finishing cleaning Danny's helmet, which was now fully swollen, dark and glossy purple. He moved his body to get at mine, pushing Danny's hand away. With the release of tension, my foreskin moved forward to form a thick fleshy collar behind my rim, hiding the heavy accumulation of cheese in my groove. Danny arranged himself to lick at Eric's prick, which I'd released as Eric had begun working on me. I leaned over to smell Danny's prick, which still had a rich masculine odor despite the thorough cleaning administered by Eric. When the next drop appeared at his slit, I licked it away.

"I like the way you taste," Danny commented between licks. He was lapping at the front of Eric's head, and then he drew the foreskin back to dig into his groove, circling the rim carefully and caressing its many nerve endings. Now he pursed his lips and engulfed Eric's glans completely, sucking hard, as he pushed back hard on Eric's shaft skin to make sure the head was bare. Eric began to shudder. His lips tightened around my glans, sucking hard, as his tongue worked the surface to lick away my accumulated secretions.

Danny drew back enough to tickle Eric's slit with his tongue-tip, swiping sideways and snapping the lips with each stroke. Eric's tip was ruddy purple, dark and glossy, and his balls were tight against his body.

Eric twisted his head, his lips rotating around my rim, as he tickled my slit with his tongue. Now, as his excitement built, he pulled back, still grasping my shaft and pushing the skin down hard towards the base. He was breathing hard, and I knew the excitement was catching up to him because he was grunting at every touch of Danny's lips on his rock-hard prick.

Eric cried out as his fist gripped my shaft convulsively, and I saw his eyes close as Danny's lips locked behind his rim. His hips bucked, thrusting his prick deeper into Danny's mouth, and he yelped again. Danny's cheeks sank in his face as he sucked hard on Eric's glans, and I saw his Adam's Apple move convulsively.

Now Danny moved away from Eric's prick, still holding it around the shaft, and we watched his slit stuttering its liquid messages. Several more jets flew from Eric's tip, landing on Danny's face and dribbling down to the bed-sheet, before his ejaculations relented to a slow ooze.

The tension left Eric's body as his breathing slowed, and his eyes were still closed as he relaxed on the bed, releasing my turgid prick. Danny looked at me and nodded.

"He's gonna go to sleep now," he said to me.

"I know," I answered. "Spunking always hits him hard."

"He's always stunned after he spunks," Danny said. "He always goes to sleep without opening his eyes." He licked at the clear fluid now seeping from Eric's softening glans, milking the shaft, and when his penis had shrunk enough he pulled Eric's foreskin over the head.

"Last time I was the first to spunk," I said, "but this time he was so excited by licking both of us that he went over the edge first."

"He got all my cheese, and he got yours too," I said as I gently stroked Danny's long foreskin up over his helmet.

"Your tip's nice and clean now," Danny commented as he swiveled around to put his lips on it. The touch of his warm lips excited me, and I licked his flaring rim to caress the many nerve endings.

"You've got a beautiful tip," I said between licks.

"Yours is beautiful too," Danny replied. "Nicer than Eric's but don't tell him that."

"Good thing he's asleep now. He didn't hear us," I said.

"I like playing with his cock," Danny said. "I like the way he spunks, just pouring it out, and then he goes to sleep because he's drained."

"What else do you like to do with him?" I asked.

"One thing we did last year was put his tip inside my skin. His tip's smaller than yours or mine, and there was just room enough for him. It was a tight fit, though." I was a bit surprised at hearing this, although I shouldn't have been. When everybody had a foreskin, it was inevitable that some would try docking, although I was sure they didn't call it that back then.

"He must have enjoyed spunking into your skin," I said.

"Oh, yes he did. Having his tip inside my skin really got him worked up. I told him to take it easy so that it would last longer, but he couldn't do it."

"You must have enjoyed it too," I said. "I'm sure you could feel his tip throbbing against yours at the end."

"I did enjoy it. When he started to spunk, I felt his hot fluid going into my skin, and then behind the head. It felt really hot in my groove when he spit it into me."

"Maybe Eric and I can try it next time. I'm not sure I can fit him in, though. My skin's tighter than yours."

"Damn it, I wish you could put your tip inside my skin now," Danny said, "but your head's a lot bigger than Eric's. It'll fit in my mouth, though." He brushed his warm lips against the front dome of my glans, sending an electric thrill down my shaft. I did the same to his, and felt him shudder.

"That gave you a thrill, didn't it?" I asked.

"It really did," he answered. "I'm all worked up this morning, anyway. First I got my cock cleaned by a guy who really loves my cheese, and that almost made me spunk. Now I'm with a guy who has a beautiful cock, a lot like mine, and a long tight skin." He pulled my foreskin forward to cover the helmet and pushed his tongue inside the tight opening. I saw the bulge of his tongue working its way into my hood, caressing the glans and the inner lining of my hood.

"It feels so good when your tongue stretches my foreskin," I said. "You'll make me spunk if you keep it up." Danny's tongue swept around my glans to the cleft underneath, caressing my frenulum. He removed his tongue and raised his head.

"You've got a deeper groove down there than I have. That's really nice." As he spoke, he pulled my hood down half-way to examine the head. "Your string's not as thick as mine," he remarked. I inspected the underside of his glans.

"I think your groove's as deep as mine, but your string's thicker, and that fills it up so it doesn't seem as deep."

"Pull down on my skin," he urged. "That feels good because it stretches the nerve inside it, and it makes the head dip down towards my balls." I did as he asked, making his glans dip, and he sighed in delight. I was a bit surprised, but after all, I wasn't very familiar with foreskins and frenulums, as I'd had mine only a couple of weeks and most guys from my time had been cut.

"Would that make you spunk if I kept it up?" I asked.

"You bet it would," he replied. "Sometimes, when I do myself, I just keep my skin pulled back tight, and I can finish myself off just that way." I kept up the tension, noting that this stretched the skin of his glans and made it even glossier.

"Let me try to see what this does," I said, and began pumping his shaft-skin, stretching it back tightly to make the big helmet dip, and then releasing the tension so that it bobbed back up to its normal position. Danny's eyes glazed, and he began to breathe heavily. His slit disgorged copious amounts of clear lube, which ran down the groove underneath and over my fingers and his tightly-stretched foreskin.

"You're gonna make me spunk," he whispered.

"I want to, Danny. I want to make that big head of yours turn darker and start spitting at me." I increased my pace and his legs began to tremble. Now I put my mouth of the head, feeling it dip between my lips, so that I'd catch his cream when he let go.

Danny was moaning now, intent upon the glorious sensations in his prick, as I rapidly pumped him to orgasm. His glans was hard and swollen, and I tasted the steady flow of lube pouring from his slit. I moved my mouth down so that my lips locked behind his rim and my tongue strummed his gee-string. He was unable to resist the compelling sensations, and began to grunt loudly. My other hand cupped his balls, and my fingers kneaded the tender flesh to add to his excitement.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" he bellowed as I felt his helmet throb in my mouth. An instant later a flood of cream shot from his orifice, hitting the back of my throat and filling my mouth and nose with the odor of chlorine. I swallowed hard, just in time to receive the next discharge, and swallowed again. Now he was mine, and I pulled down hard on his skin, the tension distorting the glans as it dipped and shot another torrent into my throat.

I removed my mouth, knowing that he'd become too sensitive any second, but continued to pump his shaft-skin, to keep his orgasm going. His bobbing glans poured a long rope of cream onto my waiting tongue, and I swallowed it avidly. His large throbbing helmet was inches from my eyes as it spurted again, and his heavy grunts filled the room.

Now the force of his jets weakened, and a steady flow of juice dropped onto my tongue. I saw that it had lost its milkiness, and was becoming clear like his lubricant. I loosened my grip on his shaft, allowing the head to pop up to its normal position. I milked Danny's shaft gently to bring the residue up to his slit, where I licked away the delicious salty drops. Finally, I brought his long hood forward to cover his tip.

After a minute, Danny came up out of his reverie and opened his eyes. The fury of his orgasm had shaken him, and his voice was weak as he said:

That was really something! I don't usually spunk that hard!" Eric was still asleep.

"You were really shooting your spunk, not dribbling," I said. "Your tip was hard like a marble against my tongue."

"Well, you did a wonderful job. Now I want to do the same for you." He looked at my bare-headed prick, as the foreskin had been locked behind the ridge when he'd let go at the start of his orgasm. "Do you have any oil? Cooking oil?"

"Yes, in the kitchen," I answered, getting up to bring back a bottle. Danny pulled the cork from the bottle and, holding his finger over the opening, poured a few drops on my helmet.

"Now this is what I'm going to do," he said as he closed the bottle and grasped my shaft behind the head with his left hand. "I'm going to hold your cock like this, and massage the head with my fingertips." He began spreading the oil over my glans with his rough fingertips, and the sensation was so sharp that I shrank back and gasped even though the oil was softening the sensations.

"I know this is a powerful sensation, especially because your tip's so sensitive, but try to relax and bear it, because this will give you the most powerful spunk you've ever had." He continued to massage my glans, which immediately hardened as it swelled to full size, as it does immediately before orgasm. Danny had me gasping and grunting with the intense sensations he was pouring into my tortured helmet, and I was writhing on the bed.

"I know this feels unbearable, but stick with me, and I'll make you spunk fast. When another guy did this to me, I was yelling at him to stop, because it was almost painful." His fingertips continued to work around my glans, first massaging the front dome and slit, and then working back to caress the broad upper surface, as I was writhing and crying out helplessly at the sharpness of the sensations.

"Now we'll work around your big rim. I love the way it turns up at the edge, just like mine." His fingers circled my corona, rubbing the delicate nerve endings.

"I know you're really sensitive there because you've got those little bumps all around it." His fingers moved down my rim until they pressed into the vee-cleft under the heat, hitting my hot spot and making my prick throb hard.

"Now I'm going to work around the rim again, and the groove behind it." He drew my skin back sharply, stretching my tight foreskin collar until it moved back to reveal my groove, and I felt his fingertips plunge into it, massaging tissue that rarely saw the light of day. I was moaning, grunting, and shuddering at the sensations, and my shaft and glans felt harder than they ever had before.

"Your tip's very dark now, very hard. Now I'm going to go faster," he said as my eyes closed, and I felt his fingertips moving quickly, dancing over my straining glans, as I groaned louder than before, overwhelmed with sensation.

"You're almost there, just stay with me and let me make you spunk," he said, his fingertips now caressing, now hammering, at the hard surface of my helmet, never staying in one spot but moving constantly, sending hot sparks of sensation stabbing deep into my glans wherever they touched. My entire world was in my helmet where his fingers tortured the nerve endings.

"Now another few seconds..." He muttered, still working his fingertips around my sensitive cock-head. My glans was aching for release, and my insides were tied up in knots as I clamped my jaw tightly.

"You just let out a drop of juice," he said, as I felt the lips of my slit distending as the hot liquid forced them apart. His fingertips continued to work over every surface, every curve, of my glans, and I felt myself tightening up all over.

Suddenly, the node of intense sensations in my glans exploded, sending a hot electric shock down my shaft, and I felt the heavy pounding of orgasm begin deep inside me. I cried out loudly, helpless in his hands, as the first hot jet burned its way up my urethra to explode from my straining glans. I cried out again, a long, agonized cry, as the second torrent of fluid surged up my shaft. My mind was on "HOLD" as the fury of my orgasm rendered me utterly helpless, and I felt myself dissolving into nothingness, aware only of the fiery sensations in my groin.

Danny said something I didn't understand, as my mind was ravaged by the hot fire of the orgasm that consumed me. My prick throbbed again, sending another burning jet into the air.

The sensations were too intense, and tears came to my eyes as I cried out again. My tip was too sensitive now, and still he didn't stop. My mouth was wide open, but my vocal cords were paralyzed as yet another torrent of cream erupted from my tip.

Now the touches on my glans stopped, but I felt my skin still stretched tightly back, leaving my throbbing, gushing glans fully exposed and vulnerable. Several more spasms shook my body, and then the orgasm eased back to a softer sensation and I felt myself dribbling.

I gradually came down off my high, more aware now that he was still holding my prick tightly, and that I'd just drained myself utterly. I actually had an empty feeling inside as I felt the after-shock of the orgasm creeping over me.

A minute or two later I opened my eyes to see Danny looking down at me, an expression of profound satisfaction on his face.

"I just love it when I make a man spend the way you did," he said. "Your cock was hot and throbbing in my hand, and I felt your big tip throbbing in my fingertips while I was working on it. It was so dark and shiny with the oil, and the spunk you shot was white." I became aware of the heavy chlorine odor permeating the air, and now I saw that several pools of sperm were on my stomach. I didn't remember ever shooting this much.

Danny bent his head to lick at the fluid coating my glans, which was now less sensitive, and I felt his tongue lapping at my slit and the surrounding dome. His fist pulled my foreskin up over my softening prick, capturing his tongue as he rolled it fully forward over the head. His tongue-tip continued to tickle my slit, but I was past responding.

Danny lay down beside me and enfolded me in his arms. I felt the welcome warmth of his body against mine, and I slipped off to sleep, thinking that this was a wonderful way to spend the rest of my life.

The End of Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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