All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 3, 2003


Boybands - All I Want Is You - Chapter 8Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


All I Want Is You - Chapter

by JT Poole

All I want is you...Come over here babyAll I want is you...You know you make me go crazyAll I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the lineI'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do *** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

// Toronto, Ontario Canada - Airport //

"Where is she? His sister said that she would meet me here." Justin spoke as a young woman with black hair walked up to him.

"Hello, are you Justin?" The young woman asked.

"Yes I am. Who are you?" Justin asked. "Are you the person I spoke with on the phone?"

"Yes that was me. I'm Christian's sister Neve." The young woman spoke.

"I thought you looked familiar. You are the girl from the `Scream' movies." Justin stated.

"Yes that was me. Do you have all of your stuff?" Neve asked.

"Yes I do. Did Christian come with you?" Justin asked.

"No, he had some meetings to attend this morning, but I assure you, he will be home shortly. He's going to be surprised to see you." Neve stated.

"Really? You didn't tell him I was coming?" Justin asked.

"No, I wanted him to be surprised. He's been talking about you for months now. For a while mom and dad thought they were going to have him committed if he didn't get out of his slump. He's been so depressed lately. I am quite sure you would change that though. He really loved you." Neve stated.

"Loved? He doesn't still love me?" Justin asked.

"I don't know. I guess he still does. I don't think he ever got over you. What happened between you two, if you don't mind me asking?" Neve asked.

"Well we were very happy together. I loved him very much, and I was happy with him, but at the time, it just wasn't for me, or so I thought. I let my mother and the attitudes of other people affect the outcome of how I felt and basically I screwed up." Justin stated.

"Oh the gay thing. You didn't want to come out?" Neve stated.

"Well it had nothing to do with coming out. We hadn't talked about that at all. My mother was worried that if I were seen with him too much, that people would figure it out that we were sleeping together. She believed that if that happened, my career would be over. So stupid me listened to her and I broke it off with him. I know I hurt him, but I thought he would have at least fought to keep me, but he just walked away from me. He didn't say anything else to me. He acted as though he didn't care one way or the other." Justin stated, as he got teary-eyed again.

"It affected him alright. It affected him, mom, dad, me and everyone in the house." Neve stated.

"What do you mean by that?" Justin asked.

"He was unbearable. He cried for days on end. Anytime we saw him he was crying. There wasn't a minute of the day that anyone was around him that he didn't cry. He even stopped eating for a couple of days. It got so bad that I even tried setting him up with guys. He must have loved you. He turned down a lot of guys. Guys in my book, that I would die to have." Neve stated, handing Justin a tissue.

"Thanks. He wouldn't go out with anyone?" Justin asked.

"Not a soul. All he wanted was you. In the middle of the night as he slept, you could hear him calling your name. Calling for you to come back. I actually thought he was talking on the phone one night, but I looked in his room and he was asleep." Neve stated as they arrived at her car. "Hop in so we can get you to your man. Is there someplace you need to stop for something?"

"No, I have everything I need." Justin stated.

"So answer me this. What prompted you to come here now after a whole year?" Neve asked.

"I received a card, with a package from someone, that I believed to be him." Justin stated. "When we were together, he use to send me roses and candy, and when I got that package yesterday, everything came flooding back to me. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I had to see him, to see if there was still something there for us to build on."

"Well In my book, I still think you have a good shot at being with him. It' s been almost a year right?" Neve asked.

"Well it has been over a year almost two since we were last together." Justin stated.

"That long. Yes he loves you." Neve stated as Justin turned to her and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

"I hope he still does, I still love him." Justin stated.

// Orlando, FL – Chris's House //

"Chris what are we doing here?" Lance asked. "I thought we were going back to my place."

"Well we spend so much time at your place, why not stay here for a change." Chris stated.

"Because I have the hot tub in my place and you only have a swimming pool." Lance stated.

"Swimming pools can be fun too. Why don't we go jump in right now and see." Chris stated as he started taking off his clothes.

"Right now. I thought we were just going to be lazy. I am tired after the movie and dinner. Let's just rest for a couple of minutes." Lance stated.

"When you get in the pool, you can rest all you want." Chris stated as he walked over to Lance and started undressing him.

"Chris...if you undress me, I feel we won't be resting at all. We will probably end up making love or something." Lance stated.

"Is that a bad thing Lance?" Chris asked.

"No, but are you ready for that step?" Lance asked.

"I have been ready for a long time. If you are not ready, we can just relax in the pool." Chris stated trailing kisses along Lance's neck.

"Oh Chris that feels so good. You talked me into it. Let's go get in the pool." Lance stated as Chris grabbed his hand and the two of them walked out to the pool naked.

"Oh baby, I am glad you have a high fence around this place." Lance stated, "If you didn't, people would get an eyeful of us out here doing what we are doing."

"Yeah, it would be all over the papers tomorrow. Lance Bass and Chris Kirkpatrick caught in star's swimming pool making out." Chris laughed.

"Yeah that would be funny. Johnny and the others would have a fit. I bet Joey and Josh would flip out, and Justin, well in Justin case who knows." Lance stated.

"Where is Justin? I haven't seen him since...well it's been a while. To think of it, we haven't officially told the guys yet. When are we going to tell them?" Chris asked.

"Well it's been only a day and a half. I am quite sure no one is going to die if we don't rush and tell them." Lance laughed.

"Well you know how they are about being the last to find out something. We might as well tell them. I really don't want to hear Justin and Joey complaining about this." Chris laughed again.

"Why don't we have fun now and worry about those fools tomorrow." Lance stated kissing Chris on the lips.

// New York – The Set of `Rent' //

"Joey what are you doing? That's not the right part." The director stated.

"Sorry. I thought that was my cue to do that." Joey stated.

"Well it wasn't. Okay people; let's start from the beginning. Places everyone." The director stated.

"Great. Now we have to do this all over." Joey stated. "I am getting tired of this. Later guys, I am outta here."

"Fatone! Fatone, get your ass back here!" The director screamed.

"Fuck off." Joey stated, "I have other things to do. I have been here since 7 this morning, I am going back to the hotel and you better hope I don 't consider getting on a plane and going back to Orlando."

"If you do, you are out of this show! Don't think you will ever work in show business again." The director shouted.

"I hope that's a threat, if so, you are sued buster." Joey stated. "I am under contract with this play, if you fire me, I can sue you. Is that what you want?"

"No. I would like it if we can get today's rehearsals done." The director stated.

"Look! I am very tired, we didn't have time for a regular lunch and yet you are holding us here to continue working. We have been here over 16 hours!" Joey screamed.

"Well sometimes you have to sacrifice time, rest and food when you are in show business." The director stated.

"You might do that, but I am not." Joey stated. "Have a good night. I will see you all in the morning."

"Fine then. Everyone go home. Seems like we are not going to do anymore tonight." The director stated as everyone gathered their stuff to leave.

"Hey Joey wait up." A voice called from behind as Joey was walking out the door.

"What's up?" Joey asked, speaking to the young man.

"Thanks for getting us out of there. I thought I was going to fall over from tiredness." The man spoke.

"No problem. I feel the same way. He should have known we were tired; we have been here since 7am. I think he's a robot or something." Joey laughed.

"Well he's a caffeine freak, he doesn't get tired as long as he has his coffee, tea or Coca Cola, he's good to go. Today is just a glimpse of how long he can go. He can go for longer." The man stated.

"Well I think I will have the same attitude everyday." Joey stated as he arrived at his car.

"You have a goodnight, I will see you in the morning bud." The guy stated walking to his own car.

"Later man, you have a goodnight too." Joey stated as he got into his car and drove away.

// Toronto – The Campbell Family Estate //

"It's been a while since I have been here. It feels and looks so different to me." Justin stated getting out of Neve's car.

"Well this place is still the same. Just the outdoor scenery is shaped differently is all." Neve stated. "Well let's get inside and see what's happening."

"Sure. Do you think he's home now? It is kinda late." Justin stated.

"Yep jet lag has you, time is different here, you might need to set your watch back while you are here, it's only 7." Neve stated, laughing at Justin.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Justin blushed, "I guess I better do that. Well to my previous question, is he here?"

"Well I don't know, we will have to wait until we get inside." Neve stated as she and Justin walked into the house to see her mother and father relaxing in the den.

"Hello dear, where have you been?" Neve's father asked.

"I went to go pick up a friend from the airport." Neve stated.

"Hello Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell." Justin stated walking into the room behind Neve.

"Justin. Justin is that you?" Neve's mother asked.

"Yes ma'am it's me." Justin stated.

"Oh my god, I don't believe it. You came back. Are you here to visit Christian?" Neve's mother asked.

"Yes I have. Is he here?" Justin asked with desperation in his voice.

"Yes he's in the back in the pool house, he's working on some personal stuff." Neve's mother spoke.

"Why don't you show him out there Neve and let them have some time." Neve's father spoke.

"No need to. I remember the way out there." Justin spoke. "May I leave my bags here?"

"Sure dear, you can move them when you two come back." Neve's mother spoke as she and her husband got up to hug Justin. "Go out there and give him the biggest surprise ever."

"I will try." Justin stated as the two of them let him go and he turned to walk outside to the pool house.

// Outside in the Pool House //

"Hello there. I have a package for Mr. Campbell. Can you sign here and accept it?" Justin asked walking up behind Christian.

"Oh my god! I recognize that voice. It can't be...this better not be a

joke." Christian stated as he turned around to see Justin standing in the doorway.

"Hello sweetie. I have missed you." Justin stated as Christian dropped what he was doing and ran over to him.

The two of them stood there kissing and hugging each other for what seemed like forever. The love and passion they shared still vibrant in each man, making itself seen in the actions they were sharing at that very moment. They still loved each other and very much.

"Oh Justin. Oh baby I have missed you so much. I love you." Christian stated as he and Justin kissed again.

"I love you too. I am so sorry that I hurt you. I shouldn't have listened to my mother. I loved you and I shouldn't have let what she said influence the way I lived my life." Justin stated as Christian grabbed his hand and led him over to a set of chairs.

"I don't care about all of that. I am just glad to see you again." Christian stated as he and Justin kissed again.

"Do you want me back?" Justin asked.

"Want you back? Why ask me something like that. You know I do. I wish you never left." Christian spoke with tears still in his eyes.

"Why didn't you fight for me? Why didn't you at least try to stay with me, instead of just walking away?" Justin asked.

"You had made up your mind. I know you baby. When you set your mind on something, there is no changing it anytime soon. When you said you wanted to break up, I just took your word for it and left it at that." Christian spoke. "It was many of nights that I wanted to hop a plane and come to Orlando and take you back, but I knew that wasn't possible. I suspect that you still haven't told your friends about your secret."

"Well Chris knows..." Justin trailed off as he realized what he was about to say.

"Well does he mind that you are gay?" Christian asked.

"No he doesn't. He's gay too." Justin stated.

"So two of you are gay. Well that isn't so bad is it?" Christian asked.

"No it wasn't. I was able to talk to him about my feelings." Justin stated.

"It's good having someone to talk to about your feelings. I just wish you would have stayed with me, to talk to me about those feelings." Christian stated.

"I wish I stayed too. I am so sorry baby. I love you so much. I am sorry it took me this long to figure out this was for me." Justin stated.

"No. It didn't take you that long to figure it out. You were just scared of what people would say about you." Christian stated. "When I came out, no one reacted any differently than they normally acted. Most of my friends suspected that I was gay anyway."

"No kidding. Well I have yet to officially tell the world. My mom, Chris and a singer I have been working with knows, but no one else knows." Justin stated.

"You haven't told Josh?" Christian asked.

"No. I am afraid that if I tell him, he will stop being my friend. Josh is an important part of my life and I don't think I could continue with N Sync if he wasn't my friend." Justin spoke.

"I don't think JC would stop being your friend if he found out about you being gay. I think he might feel betrayed because you didn't tell him. Give him credit. You two have been friends for a very long time. Trust that friendship. Tell him about the real you." Christian stated.

"What do I do if I tell him and he hates me?" Justin asked.

"He's not going to hate you. I promise you that. If he's the friend that you say he is, he won't hate you." Christian stated.

"I hope not. I love him too much to loose his friendship." Justin stated as he laid his head down on Christian's shoulder.

"It's going to be okay baby. Everything's going to be fine. You came back to me. That's a sign that everything is changing for the better." Christian stated kissing Justin on the forehead.

"Are you sure baby?" Justin asked.

"Sure, I'm sure." Christian stated as he and Justin kissed again as Neve tapped on the door and walked in.

"Okay guys, we are getting ready for dinner. Are you two going to join us?" Neve asked.

"Yes we are. I am starved." Christian stated, getting up and pulling Justin up for another hug.



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Next: Chapter 9

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