All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 31, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All I Want Is You -- Chapter 7 by JT Poole

All I want is you...Come over here baby All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

// Orlando, FL -- Lance's House //

"Chris baby wake up. We fell asleep in here. I am all wrinkly." Lance stated waking up Chris.

"Hello love, how did you sleep?" Chris laughed, stretching his arms.

"Well I slept okay, but let's get out of this thing. I don't want to feel like a prune all day." Lance stated, getting up to step out of the Jacuzzi.

"I know what you mean. How about we go and get something to eat, then catch a movie?" Chris asked.

"Sure why not. I hear there's a cool movie playing downtown. I would really like to see it, if that's okay with you." Lance stated.

"Sure it is. I can watch anything, I am not Justin, I will not have nightmares or anything." Chris laughed.

"Cool, then we can go see `Darkness Falls'." Lance stated drying off as Chris stood there and admired his body. "You act like you have never seen me nude before."

"Well intimately I haven't. But now that I have, I don't want to let you get dressed now." Chris stated, walking over to Lance and wrapping his arms around him. "I think I would rather take you to the bedroom and attack every inch of your body."

"I know you won't. We are going to eat, then to the movies. We can ravish each other later on tonight." Lance stated as he kissed Chris and pushed him away.

"Oh baby come on. Just let me nibble on those nipples of yours, just let me snack on them for about an hour or so." Chris begged.

"No Chris, come on, we don't want to miss the movie. Besides, we have been cooped up in this house all day long. You should have done that when were kissing earlier." Lance stated laughing.

"You are no fun babe." Chris stated as Lance playfully smacked him in the arm.

"Well if I am no fun, I guess I don't have to invite you back here tonight then." Lance stated, causing Chris to gasp.

"I am sorry baby, you are so much fun. Please invite me back here tonight, you are the only guy that I know that is fun to be around." Chris stated.

"You are just saying that because you think you are going to get some poontang tonight." Lance stated laughing.

"Well yeah that reason too, but you are fun to be with baby." Chris stated.

// Somewhere in Orlando //

"Yo Timberlake, are you going to tell me what's going on or what?" Pharrell asked.

"No just drop P. I don't want to talk about any of it. Just talk about something else." Justin stated.

"Look Timberlake, I can see that this is hurting you in some way. If you don't talk about it, it's going to continue to hurt." Pharrell stated.

"Well the way my life is, it's going to always hurt me." Justin stated.

"Why? Why will it always hurt?" Pharrell asked.

"Because as long as I am a singer in the industry, I will never be able to live my life the way I want too." Justin stated.

"How do you want to live?" Pharrell asked.

"I would rather be able to love who I want, be with who I want to be with, without people judging me about it." Justin explained.

"Oh, so does this have something to do with the gay thing and you being in secret?" Pharrell asked.

"In a way yeah." Justin stated. "Might as well tell the whole story now."

"What story? Does this have something to do with the package you received today?" Pharrell asked.

"In a way yes it does." Justin stated. "About a couple of years ago, I was at this party for some other celebrities after we had made the movie `Longshot' and I bumped into this guy. As soon as I saw the guy, I fell in love with him and I forget about girls and everything else. At that moment, I knew I was gay."

"And..." Pharrell stated.

"Let me finish. If you keep interrupting you will never hear what happened." Justin stated. "So I didn't know what to do, I just stood there staring at the guy as he walked away. Later in the night I saw the guy again. At that moment, I was talking to Lance about something and I basically blabbed to him that I thought I was gay and that I wanted that guy. Lance started laughing at me and thought I was joking about the whole matter. So to prove to him that I wasn't joking I went over to talk to the guy."

"No you didn't, where you crazy?" Pharrell asked.

"No I wasn't crazy, but I wanted that guy and I wanted him bad. As I walked over to the guy I kept thinking to myself was I doing the right thing or not. What if I talk to him and make a fool of myself, or what if he gets upset and puts my business out in the open. A whole lot of stuff went through my mind as I walked over to him." Justin stated.

"I bet." Pharrell stated.

"Once I finally got over to him and introduced myself to him, it seemed that I calmed down a bit. We started talking to each other and I enjoyed listening to his voice. After about a couple of minutes we got bored with the party and went outside for some fresh air." Justin spoke. "As we were walking around outside, he stopped and looked at me and then we just kissed. I didn't know what was going on, the kiss just came from out of nowhere."

"Oh and what else happened Timberlake?" Pharrell asked.

"Well after that moment, we kind of went back to his place and we made love. That was my first time ever sleeping with a man and it was the best experience in my life." Justin stated.

"Really? So who was this guy that turned you out? Was it Chris?" Pharrell asked.

"No, not that Chris, he came later down the line. But there was another Chris. His name was Christain Campbell. You probably have seen him in some Broadway plays or in the movie `Trick'." Justin explained.

"I remember that movie. A friend of mine, Sean made me watch it with him." Pharrell stated.

"It was a good movie. After he made that movie, we made our relationship official. We had been dating for about 3 months then so things couldn't have been better until..." Justin trailed off.

"Until what? Don't be trying to stop not, you have gone this far with the story, go ahead and finish it." Pharrell stated.

"Until my mother found out that I was sleeping with him and she basically made me break up with him." Justin stated, as he got teary-eyed thinking about the whole thing.

"Your mother made you break up with him?" Pharrell asked.

"Yeah, she said that if it got out that I was with him too much, that people would suspect that I was gay and my career would be over." Justin stated, full out crying now.

"Timberlake calm down, it's going to be alright. You really loved that guy huh?" Pharrell asked.

"Yes I did, but the worst part about it all was that he didn't fight to stay with me. When I told him I had to break up with him he just accepted it as it was and didn't even care. He did nothing to stop me from leaving, he just let me go." Justin stated, tears running down his face as the snot dripped from his nose.

"Man I am sorry. Maybe he decided that since you had made the decision to break up with him, why fight that you had already made up your mind." Pharrell stated.

"Maybe, but he could have showed some kind of feeling, some kind of emotion. He just looked at me and walked away. He just walked away." Justin stated.

"Well from the way you reacted to the flowers and the candy that you received today, you still have feelings for him and I guess he has some kind of feelings for you." Pharrell stated.

"Maybe so. I guess it's him, he's do only person I know with the initials of CC." Justin stated.

"I think I will fly up to Canada and see him." Justin stated, "I hope he's still there."

"Timberlake, stop rambling on and on. Just call the guy and go to him." Pharrell stated, knowing that he didn't want Justin to go, that he himself had developed feelings for Justin himself.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 8

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