All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Nov 5, 2023


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== All I want is you...Come over here baby, All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy... All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line, I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do...

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

All I Want Is You

Chapter -- 27 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Universal Studios -- Sunday Afternoon //

"You guys are all so crazy." Tamia says, giggling as they all walked out of one of the attractions.

"We are not crazy Tamia, we just like to have a good time." Justin replies, tickling Christian and kissing him on the cheek.

"And you two are really mushy." Tamia says, making a gagging face as JC and Colin starts laughing at her. "So sweet I am scared I'm going to become a diabetic or something."

"We are going to let you get away with that one Tamia." Justin says, sticking his tongue out and waving his finger as Christian joins in with the laughter.

"Oh whatever dude. You can't let me get away with something I have already said, too late for that Mr. Timberlake." Tamia says, sticking her tongue out at Justin.

"When I think of a good comeback I will get you back." Justin says, turning his head like he was upset.

"Keep on dreaming mister." Tamia says as they all burst out laughing. "Don 't mess with the queen of dis."

"Yeah okay Miss Queen of Dis, when I think of a good comeback, I will let you have it." Justin says.

"Well all I can say to that is give it your best shot Mr. Timberlake." Tamia says, walking ahead of Justin and Christian doing a happy dance.

// Chris's House //

"Good morning baby." Lance says, turning to face Chris.

"Hi baby." Chris says, winching in pain as he rolls over, trying to hug Lance.

"Baby are you okay?" Lance asks, noticing the look of pain on Chris' face.

"I'm okay baby, my ass is a little sore." Chris answers him, smiling weakly. "Hey hey baby, I'm okay. Don't frown like that."

"I hurt you Chris, I didn't want to hurt you baby." Lance says as he starts to cry, caressing Chris' face.

"You didn't hurt me on purpose baby. I enjoyed my first time and I am glad it was with you, the man I love." Chris says, smiling as Lance lays his head on his chest.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." Lance says, kissing Chris on his chest.

"It's a good hurt baby." Chris says, rubbing his fingers through Lance's hair. "Why don't we go shower and go out someplace today."

"Sounds good to me baby." Lance says, sitting up in bed, wrapping his arms around Chris. "I love you Chris."

"I love you too my green-eyed, nine-inched, big-dicked, handsome lover." Chris says as Lance starts blushing. "Well it's the truth.

"Well you are bigger than me." Lance says, smirking.

"No I am not baby." Chris says, sliding his hand between Lance's legs, letting it rest on Lance's crotch. "I am not that big baby, I'm sport eight and possibly three quarters, not yet at nine."

""Why don't we go see. We need to compare notes or something." Lance says, opening the fly of Chris' boxers and reaching in, squeezing his cock, eliciting a moan from his boyfriend.

"Why don't we go take our shower baby, I'm getting hungry." Chris says.

"I'm hungry for you baby." Lance says, leaning in, placing a kiss to Chris' lips.

"I'm actually hungry for feed." Chris says as his stomach interrupts them with a loud grumble.

"I guess you are." Lance says, laughing as he stands up, helping Chris get out of bed. "Let me help you to the bathroom baby."

"What?" Chris asks, looking at Lance strangely.

"Let me carry you. It's the least I can do for hurting you the way that I did." Lance states, picking Chris up.

"Put me down baby. I told you that you didn't hurt me on purpose, just stop thinking about it." Chris says as Lance puts him down. "I can walk baby. Maybe one day if we get can carry me over the threshold."

"Maybe I will. I might make an honest man out of you yet." Lance says, wrapping his arms around Chris, kissing him passionately.

// Back at Universal Studios //

"Hello?" Christian says, answering his cell phone.

"You better have a damned good excuse for hanging up on me earlier and then turning your phone off, not replying to any of my messages!" Neve, Christian's sister screams.

"Nevie I'm sorry for that. I had to get back to my man." Christian says as he walks away from Justin and Tamia.

"What do you mean you had to get back to your man, I'm your sister for crying out loud. I know you can spare time to talk to me." Neve says, sounding very agitated.

"Nevie it's a long story." Christian says, rubbing his head.

"Well start talking buster and now." Neve says, as her foot tapping the floor could be heard.

"JC, Justin's best friend has been eyeing Justin when he thinks no one is watching him." Christian explains. "I think they have some kind of history that Justin hasn't told me about."

"Are you sure Cris?" Neve asks.

"I'm not sure Nevie, but the way JC is acting, there's something there." Christian says, looking over to where Justin stood talking to JC and Tamia. "I think maybe while me and Justin were apart, something...something happened between him and JC."

"Well big bro I think you need to talk to Justin about what you have noticed. You need to find out this before you get married. Don't need something like that looming over things." Neve says, as Christian looks around again and notices that Colin notices what's going on with the looks between Justin and JC. "I know Justin loves you and I know you love him. Talk to him Christian I know there's a better excuse than the one you have in your head."

"Oh thanks sis, like that's really going to make me feel better." Christian says.

"Well I don't know what else to tell you then except for that I love you and I will see you soon." Neve says.

"I love you too Nevie. I guess I will go talk to Justin and hope this doesn 't blow up in my face and cause unneeded drama." Christian says, looking over to Justin and JC again. "Thanks for calling sis."

"You are quite welcome big bro. Go talk to your husband to be." Neve says, making kissing noises. "Bye now."

"Bye Nevie." Christian says walking back over and joining everyone.

"Hi handsome." Justin says as Christian sits next to him at the table. "Is everything okay?"

"Ah yeah, I guess can we go somewhere and talk about something?" Christian asks as JC, Colin and Tamia look at them.

"Ah...well...ah I guess we can." Justin says, standing up with Christian. "Excuse us."

// A Few Feet Away //

--- Christian's POV ---

I ask him to talk and he looks like it's too much trouble for us to get away for a moment and talk. I hope he left the tude back there at the table because I don't want to deal with that, I just want some general answers to some direct questions I have about him and JC. Might as well get this over with quick, like Nevie says, talk to him. We are going to talk and I hope I don't cause any unneeded stress and drama with my insecurities.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asks, as we sit down at another table.

"Justin I...I want to know what's going on with you and JC?" I ask him, not meeting his eyes.

"What do you mean Cris? There's nothing going on with me and Josh that I know about." He replies, sliding around the table to sit next to me.

"Really? Baby why does he stare at you all the time? Did you two sleep together or have a relationship or something?" I ask him.

"No baby. I have never slept with Josh, not sexually any way." He says, turning me to face him. "There's nothing between me and Josh. He's my best friend in the world, but that's all baby." He says, as we both look up and see JC looking at us along with an annoyed Colin.

"See what I mean Justin? Every time I turn my back or go away he's staring at you." I tell him as wraps his arm around me.

"Well let him stare baby." He says, kissing me. "I'm `your' man and your man alone."

"Well it's a little unsettling to see your boyfriend's best friend eyeing him every second." I say.

"Well maybe I should talk to him later on today, maybe find out what's going on in his head." He says, lifting my chin and placing another kiss to my lips. "I am not your boyfriend Cris, I'm your husband to be."

"Well I want to make sure that's what you are." I say, as he hugs me to his chest.

"Don't worry about Josh for now. We will get this all cleared up later." He says as we look up again and see Colin making some quick hand gestures. "Then again, maybe things are about to clear up ahead of time."

// Back over with Tamia, Colin and JC //

"Could you two please calm down? Arguing like this in public is only drawing attention to you." Tamia says, trying to calm Colin down.

"I would be calm if Josh would tell me what was going on." Colin says, standing up from the table now.

"I told you there's nothing going on." JC says, frowning.

"Like hell there is." Colin says, as Justin and Christian arrive at the table. "All day, all fucking day, excuse my fucking French you have been stealing glances at Justin. Tell me you weren't."

"He can't tell you that because he has been doing that." Justin says. "What's going on Josh?"

"I don't think you have to peep around corners and such to see him. What are you doing?" Colin says, putting his hands on his hips, acting prissy.

"I...I...I gotta go." JC says, standing up from the table and running away as Colin stands there looking at him.

"I don't believe this. I thought he liked me." Colin says, as he stands there and let his tears flow.

"Oh Colin I'm so sorry." Tamia says, hugging Colin.


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