All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 28, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading. ======================================

All I Want Is You

Chapter 23 by JT Poole

All I want is you...Come over here baby All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

// Orlando, FL -- Jive Entertainment -- Before Lunch //

"Look I am just saying that you two should just tell the world you are friends and then maybe we can do something to save our careers." Joey stated, slamming his hand down on the table.

"No! I am not going to do that to Cris. I love him and when we get married, there will be no more hiding." Justin stated, glaring at Joey. "We are going to live our lives out in the open."

"Justin you can't do that. Our publicity is taking a big hit because of you." Joey stated.

"Is that true Johnny?" Justin asked.

"Well I don't know about all of that." Johnny stated, as there was a knock at the door. "Oh yes, it's about time. Guys I would like you to meet Ms. Nicole Patterson. Ms. Patterson is one of the executives here at Jive."

"Hello Ms. Patterson." Justin stated, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet


"So you are Mr. Timberlake." Nicole stated. "The press is in love with you right now."

"They are? Well I'm sorry, my heart belongs to another right now." Justin stated, smiling at the woman.

"Yes Mr. Timberlake, they are in love with you and the person you were with at the airport. The two of you are the talk of the town." Nicole stated. "Where is that young man anyway?"

"He's down in the lobby right now." Justin stated, looking at Joey again.

"Could you go get him please? What I am about to say concerns him too." Nicole stated.

"Are you going to tell him he needs to leave Justin alone? Are you going to show him that he's ruining our careers?" Joey asked, standing up now.

"No I am not going to say no such thing Mr. Fatone." Nicole stated. "However, if someone is ruining anything, it is you causing problems for those two men."

"What!" Joey shouted. "What do you mean `causing problems for those two men'?" Joey asked, apparently upset now.

"Simple statement Mr. Fatone. I had a talk with Mr. Campbell a bit ago on my way into the building and I can honestly say that if I were him I would have beat you down like a bad dog." Nicole stated.

"What!" Joey shouted again. "How dare you talk to me like that all over a faggot!"

"Excuse me! That kind of language will not be tolerated here Mr. Fatone." Nicole stated, walking over to Joey and standing in front of him. "You will refrain from using that kind of crude language around me or within this company."

"You can't tell me how to talk." Joey stated.

"No I can't but I can influence it darn it." Nicole stated. "Johnny for every time Mr. Fatone says something offensive charge him a fine of $500 for it."

"You can't do that!" Joey stated.

"As long as you are under contract with this company and under WEG management you are liable to those contractual terms. So I suggest you clean up your language and your attitude." Nicole stated, walking back over to her seat and sitting down. "Where were we before I was so rudely interrupted?"

"You were waiting for Justin to come back with Cris because you wanted to speak about the two of them." Lance spoke.

"Thanks Mr. Bass." Nicole stated, just as Justin and Christian walked into the room. "Nice to see you again Mr. Campbell."

"Nice to see you again Ms. Patterson." Christian spoke, as he and Justin took a seat.

"The reason I had Mr. Timberlake bring you in here was that I wanted to express my feelings to the both of you." Nicole said, smiling at him and Justin. "I hope you two are very happy together, and I hope you don't let the actions of others deter you from your hopes and dreams."

"So far that isn't happening. We don't plan on letting anyone do that to us." Justin stated.

"Good. The latest buzz in the tabloids and the music industry is all about you two. People are glad that someone with celebrity status was bold enough to stand up and live their lives the way they wanted too." Nicole stated.

"Really?" Christian asked.

"Yes really Mr. Campbell. Since you and Justin were spotted at the Airport, you two have been the talk around in the industry." Nicole said. "Normally we would say this kind of thing would bring negative press, but so far, nothing but good things have been said. Don't get me wrong, there are `ignorant' people out there and in here, but not everyone is against gay people."

"I'm glad of that." Justin said, smiling and placing a kiss to Christian's cheek.

"So what does this mean exactly?" Lance asked.

"Actually from the letters, the phone calls and the people that have been talked to, your fans want to see you two together." Nicole expressed as her cell phone rang. "Excuse me for just a moment."

"Oh wow. I told you baby there was nothing to worry about." Justin stated, kissing Christian on the cheek.

"Johnny turn on the television." Nicole stated, walking back over to her seat.

"What's wrong Nicole?" Johnny asked, picking up the remote control and turning on the television.

"Nothing's wrong, just a show on MTV right now about other gay people." Nicole stated.

"Oh my god. I didn't know Nick Carter and Brian Littrell were gay." Lance declared, pointing at the screen.

"Neither did I." Johnny stated, picking up his phone to make a call.

"Look, isn't that Eminem?" Chris stated.

"Yeah it is." Lance answered. "All this time he's gay and picking on you in his songs."

"Well at least he's on the same team in the same field." Chris laughed. "I don't think he will be picking on me anymore when he finds out about the two of us."

"Look isn't that Ashley Angel and Dan Miller from O-Town?" JC asked.

"Dang a lot of us celebrity types are gay." Justin stated.

"Yes I see." Johnny stated.

"You two are not alone." Nicole stated. "So when is the big day for you two?"

"Sometime soon." Justin stated.

"I was thinking like this weekend." Christian stated.

"Really baby, you're ready?" Justin asked.

"Yes I am ready." Christian stated. (no pun on Barbara Lewis)

"Yippeeeeeee!" Justin shouted as he jumped up and down.

"Calm down baby." Christian stated, laughing at Justin's enthusiasm.

"I'm so happy baby. I love you so much." Justin stated as he calmed down long enough to plant a passionate kiss on Christian's lips as JC, Lance and Chris started doing catcalls.

"Hey break it up you two and and get a room." JC joked.

"You just mad you ain't getting this action." Justin stated, sitting down in Christian's lap, as JC frowned quickly and dropped his head.

"I don't want that kind of action." JC stated, looking up again as he started laughing at Justin.

"Nahhhhhh." Justin stated, sticking his tongue out at JC.

"Okay boys back to business here." Johnny stated. "Congratulations you two, but what are you guys going to do?"

"As in?" Justin asked.

"As in N Sync?" Johnny asked. "Are you guys going to start on the new album or what?"

"Since all of us are not here we can't make that decision." JC stated.

"Well besides Joey, what do the rest of you think? Do you guys want to start another tour?" Nicole asked.

"Well without Joey here we can't decide on that either." JC stated.

"Well tell you what." Nicole stated, getting out of her seat. "After these two get married and you guys have had a few weeks to think about all of this, then we will have another meeting and hopefully Mr. Fatone would have resolved his differences with you all and pulled his head out of the


"I hope so, he is really making this hard." Justin stated.

"Just hang in there Justin, everything will be okay." Nicole stated. "Well Johnny, keep me updated on things and I will see you all again in a few weeks."

"Thanks Ms. Patterson." Justin stated.

"Okay guys, I guess this little meeting is over." Johnny stated.

"Cool, how about we all grab some lunch, I am starving." Justin stated, pulling Christian up from the chair as the two of them walked towards the door.

"Might as well, it's almost two." JC stated.

"Let's hit Disney, I feel like having some fun too." Justin stated.

"Oh man, come on, we always do Disney, let's just have a regular lunch and call it a day." Chris stated.

"It will be fun hon, come on." Lance stated. "I will make it worth your time later on tonight."

"Oh yeah?" Chris stated, perking up. "Well I guess I can go."

"Thanks babe." Lance stated.

"Ewwww." JC stated. "I think I have heard too much sex talk lately."

"Well I am quite sure you have heard and seen it too." Justin stated, causing JC to blush a little bit.

"I told you I was sorry for that, I shouldn't have just walked in, I am not use to you having company in there." JC stated as they walked into the elevator.

"Yeah right, you just wanted to see us doing the nasty." Justin stated laughing as the elevator dinged and the doors opened as more passengers got on the elevator.

"Hello again gentlemen." Nicole stated, getting on the elevator.

"Hello again Ms. Patterson." Justin stated.

"Stop calling me that." Nicole stated. "I am not that old, just call me Nicole."

"Okay Nicole." Justin stated. "We are going to Disney for lunch and some fun, would you like to come with us?"

"I don't know, I was just planning on having lunch and just relaxing the rest of the day." Nicole stated.

"Oh come on, you can hang out with us and get to know the real us all better." Justin stated, smirking at the guys.

"Hmmm, that sounds like it could be a good idea." Nicole stated. "Why not, I can consider this research and have fun at the same time. I'm in."

"Cool." Justin stated as the elevator dinged again and Joey stepped into the elevator. "Oh great."

"Baby don't start." Christian whispered into Justin's ear. "Just don't say anything to him and we won't have any trouble."

"Okay Cris, only because you asked me not to." Justin stated, holding Christian's hand.

// 1 Hour Later -- Disney World //

"Remember the time when Justin tried to sneak into the club with us and the bouncer caught him and wouldn't let him in?" Chris stated. "That was so funny to watch him and Lance sit outside and argue with the bouncer trying to convince him that they were members of N Sync."

"That wasn't funny. It didn't get funny until after his boss came out and fired him." Justin stated, laughing at the story.

"Well it was still funny to see you outside trying to convince someone that you are part of the group, talking about funny, that was so funny..." Chris explained as Lance, Justin, JC and Christian cut him off.

"How funny was it..." The all spoke.

"Hey..." Chris stated, as the others started laughing. "That wasn't funny."

"Oh yes it was." Nicole stated. "I am having more fun here, than being at home watching my cats fight each other."

"Well we have catfights too." Justin stated, laughing as Lance poked him in the side. "Well we do. Joey is a perfect example of the recent catfight."

"Well I don't think we need to bring him up." Nicole stated. "This is a wonderful day and we all seem to be having fun."

"Yeah I know I am." Justin stated, hugging Christian as JC got up and walked away from the table.

"Is there something wrong with him?" Nicole asked.

"I don't know. I will go see." Justin stated as he kissed Christian on the cheek. "I will be right back baby, keep my spot warm."

"See ya when you get back." Christian said, taking a sip from his drink.

"Yo Jayce, what's up man, are you okay?" Justin asked, catching up to JC.

"No I am not okay, just go back over to your fiancé." JC sarcastically stated, continuing to walk away. "Just leave me alone, let me be Justin."

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong." Justin stated.

"This is what's wrong." JC stated, waving his hands in the air.

"This?" Justin asked, looking around, trying to figure out what JC was talking about. "Talk to me Josh, what's going on in that head of yours?"

"I'm sorry Justin, just overlook me." JC stated, slowly crying. "I will be okay, just leave me alone, I will be alright I promise."

"I am not going to leave you alone. Not until I know you are really okay." Justin spoke, touching JC's shoulder.

"Well then you will never know. Just leave me alone Justin, go back to Christian." JC stated, pushing Justin away from his body, still crying.


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