All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on Aug 13, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All I Want Is You -- Chapter 19 by JT Poole

All I want is you...Come over here baby All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

// Orlando, FL -- The Hospital -- Chris' Room //

"Well?" Chris asked as Lance walked into the room.

"Well what Chris?" Lance asked.

"Are we still together? Do you still love me?" Chris asked with tears in his eyes.

"Yes I still love you, but I have to know something." Lance stated.

"Anything baby, what do you want to know?" Chris asked.

"Why did you do that stuff to Justin?" Lance asked.

"Because I was stupid and jealous of the relationship he had with his boyfriend at the time." Chris stated.

"Stupid and jealous? Why?" Lance asked.

"I was jealous because he had someone to love him and he loved that person. I wanted someone to love me and I wanted to love them, but I didn't have anyone." Chris stated. "I was stupid because I thought that if I broke Justin and his boyfriend up he would later love me, but he didn't. We would sleep together but there was no love there, just hurt and anger in his eyes and then it all just turned into a thing of me ..."

"You what?" Lance asked.

"Me forcing him to have sex with me by blackmailing him." Chris stated.

"So you made his life miserable because you were lonely and you wanted

love!" Lance shouted.

"Baby I am sorry." Chris stated.

"I am not the one you should be apologizing to." Lance stated. "I don't believe you would stoop so low and do something like that to someone you called friend and considered a brother."

"I know. I couldn't believe it either." Chris stated.

"Why didn't you stop?" Lance asked.

"I don't know." Chris stated. "Something told me to stop, but I didn't want to loose the feeling I had of having sex with Justin. He was the only one that knew about me and he was the only one I was having sex with."

"I really don't know what to say about all of this Chris." Lance stated. "I just can't believe you would do something like this."

"I did baby and I promise you. I know I was wrong. I screwed up big time. I messed up my life and his."

"Yes you screwed up, but you messed up his and Christian's life, not just yours." Lance stated. "From what I hear, they were in love and you fucked that all up."

"I know I know." Chris stated. "What can I do to fix all of this?"

"You need to talk to Justin and make it right with him and Christian." Lance stated. "It's going to take a long while before I fully trust you again for keeping this from me. I know you told me you and he had slept together, but you didn't tell me any of this and for that, there's an issue of trust there that needs to be worked on."

"Okay baby." Chris stated as his doctor walked into the room.

"Hello doctor." Lance stated. "Is he free to go home now?"

"Yes he's free to go. Someone needs to go down to the Nurses' Station and sign him out." The doctor stated. "An orderly will be up here in just a moment to help you get ready to be released."

"Thanks doctor." Chris stated.

"Oh Mr. Kirkpatrick, at any time that you feel dizzy or light-headed, you need to stop what you are doing and rest. If you feel extensive pain in your back or in the head area then you need to come back to the hospital." The doctor spoke.

"Alright doctor. Thanks again." Chris stated as Lance walked out of the room and went down to the Nurses' Station to sign Chris out of the hospital.

// Jive Entertainment //

"Good afternoon. Jive Executive offices, how may I direct your call?" The switchboard operated asked.

"Connect me with Johnny Wright." Joey spoke into the phone.

"Just one moment." The switchboard operator stated, as the phone clicked and someone else answer the phone.

"Johnny Wright's office may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"This is Joey Fatone, I need to speak with Johnny." Joey stated.

"Just one moment Mr. Fatone." The receptionist spoke as she transferred the call to Johnny's phone.

"Hello Joe, what can I do for you?" Johnny asked.

"Johnny have you seen the `Enquirer' today?" Joey asked.

"Yes we all have seen it." Johnny stated.

"What's going to be done about it?" Joey asked.

"Well frankly I don't know. The guys are going to meet here in the morning and we are going to discuss this and set up a Press Conference to address this." Johnny stated.

"Have you talked to Justin about this? Is that picture real?" Joey asked.

"From what I have heard today from the others, the picture is real." Johnny stated.

"It's real!" Joey screamed.

"Calm down Joe. Yes the picture is real. Justin said so himself. The person he is kissing is his fiancé." Johnny stated.

"His fiancé? What the hell is going on?" Joey asked.

"Your guess is good as mine." Johnny stated.

"What time is that meeting in the morning?" Joey asked.

"The meeting is at 9:00 am. Are you going to be here?" Johnny asked.

"Damn right. I am heading to the airport now. I will be at that meeting tomorrow morning." Joey stated. "Thanks, I will see you later Johnny."

"Bye Joe." Johnny stated as he hung up the phone. "I see lots of drama in N Sync's future."

// The Hospital -- The Parking Lot //

"Hey baby. What's on your mind?" Christian asked, walking up to Justin.

"Too much stuff." Justin stated.

"I am sorry all of your friends know what Chris did." Christian stated.

"Well I am glad Joey isn't here. He would have had a cow if he knew what was going on." Justin stated.

"Why is that baby?" Christian asked.

"For some reason, he can't seem to stand gay people." Justin stated.

"Is he going to be a problem for us?" Christian asked.

"No, I am not going to do or say anything to provoke him." Justin stated.

"Well that's a good thing." Christian stated as Justin wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him. "Baby aren't you scared? We are in public."

"What did I tell you this morning at the airport?" Justin asked.

"You said you didn't care about any of that anymore." Christian stated.

"That's right. I only care about you." Justin stated as he kissed Christian again, unaware that someone was in the parking lot taking more pictures of him and Christian.

"Well let's get back inside and see if they are ready. They were supposed to be waiting on Chris to be released from the hospital." Christian stated as he and Justin started walking towards the hospital entrance when they heard a loud noise and noticed a swarm of fans running towards them.

"Oh shit!" Justin screamed. "Hurry Cris, run!"

Running into the hospital, Christian and Justin were able to get to the security station and tell the officers on duty what was happening. With the quick thinking of the guards, they were able to lock the doors and keep the fans outside of the hospital.

"Great, now we are cornered in the hospital." Justin stated.

"Well that isn't such a bad thing." Christian stated.

"Let's find the others so we can get out of here and get home." Justin stated.

"Speaking of home, what's going to happen with you, me and Josh?" Christian asked.

"We are going home and that's it. Probably fix dinner and watch TV or something. Why?" Justin asked.

"Maybe you and him need to talk." Christian stated.

"We have already talked." Justin stated. "Me and him are cool."

"Alright baby." Christian stated as they walked into Chris, Lance and JC walking around the corner.

"Hey guys." Justin spoke. "Are we ready to leave this place?"

"Yeah. I can't stand to be in this place any longer." Chris stated.

"Well we need to find another way out of here. There are some fans back that way." Justin stated pointing in the direction of the doors with the fans.

"Great. The cars are around there." JC stated.

"Let's just get a cab and come back and get them later." Justin stated.

"Sounds like a plan to me." JC stated.

"Let's blow this joint then." Chris stated as they walked outside.

// Outside of the Hospital //

"Justin can we talk?" Chris asked, walking up behind Justin.

"Not right now." Justin stated.

"Please Justin, why don't me and you share a cab and just go somewhere and talk." Chris stated.

"Why Chris?" Justin asked.

"I need to talk to you Justin." Chris stated.

"About?" Justin asked, causing the guys to look at the two of them.

"About our past." Chris stated. "Please Justin."

"Fine." Justin stated. "Cris, would you ride back with Lance and JC? Me and Chris are going to ride together."

"I guess so." Christian stated.

"So are we going to meet up at a certain place then?" Lance asked.

"Just everybody go to me and Josh's place." Justin spoke as the taxi's arrived.

// In The Second Taxi //

"Are you okay with Justin riding with Chris?" JC asked Christian.

"Yeah, just a little shocked. I am sure Justy can take care of himself." Christian stated.

"I wonder what they are talking about...they shouldn't have much to talk about." JC stated.

"He's probably apologizing." Lance stated.

"He can't apologize for all of that." JC stated. "He needs to be shot or something."

"No he doesn't. He just made some mistakes Josh." Lance stated. "He's sorry for what he did and he knows he's got a lot to do to regain all of our trust again. Including yours Christian."

"I already told Chris what I needed to tell him." Christian stated. "I don 't think he will have any problems with me as long as he follow the rules that I set out for him."

"Well I don't know about all of that. Chris can be bull-headed sometimes." Lance stated.

"Yeah he can." JC stated. "I just hope he isn't doing anything to upset Justin."

// The First Taxi //

"What is it that you wanted to talk about Chris?" Justin asked.

"The things that happened between us in the past." Chris stated.

"There's nothing to talk about really. What's done is done." Justin stated.

"I know that. I just wish I hadn't done it now. I am sorry Justin. Can you ever in your heart forgive me?" Chris asked.

"I don't know Chris." Justin stated as he turned and looked out of the window. "You screwed up my life back then and then you used it against me."

"I know I did. I was wrong. Back then I wasn't looking at that, I was only trying to make my life better and I didn't care if I hurt you in the process or not." Chris stated. " I just wanted what you had. I didn't realize it until it was too late."

"Too late?" Justin asked.

"Only did that to you because I wanted what you and he had." Chris stated. "When I found out that you were gay and had a good relationship with him, I got jealous."

"He has a name, it's Christian." Justin stated. "If you wanted a relationship you should have found someone, you didn't have to use me to get your rocks off."

"I didn't see it like that Justin." Chris stated. "I only saw me having sex and that's it. I didn't think about everything until after it was too late."

"There's that too late again, too late for what?" Justin asked.

"To realize that I had ruined your relationship." Chris stated. "And the fact that you wouldn't love me. I had fallen in love with you and when I saw that you were not going to return that love to me, I turned you into my sex slave."

"I could never love you Chris." Justin stated. "I love Christian and only him."

"I know that." Chris stated. "That's why I am so sorry for all the stuff I put you through. I know it doesn't mean much right now, but could you please just forgive me?"

"We are here." Justin stated as he got out and paid the driver money and walked up to the house.

"Well Justin? Are you going to forgive me?" Chris asked as he and Justin stood outside of the house. "Where do we stand now? Are we still friends?"

"I don't know where we stand Chris and I don't know what to do about any of this." Justin stated. "I had kept all of this inside and wasn't planning on dealing with any of it now, but now that it's out in the open I just don' t know what to do about it all."

"Let's just put it behind us and start over." Chris stated.

"We can't do that." Justin stated.

"You will just have to work on what little friendship we had." Justin stated. "And see if you can build on that and hopefully get back to the way we were."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 20

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