All I Want Is You

By JT Poole

Published on May 28, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All I Want Is You -- Chapter 13 by JT Poole

All I want is you...Come over here baby All I want is you...You know you make me go crazy All I want is you...Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line I'm gonna love you like it's all I wanna do

*** Copyright `Come On Over (Single Remix)' Christina Aguilera

// Orlando, FL -- Airport -- 6 AM //

"Baby, baby wake up, we are here." Christian stated as the plane had landed and all the passengers had all left the plane. "Come on Jus, wake up."

"I'm up baby. Did you sleep well?" Justin asked as he stretched.

"Yes I did, how about you?" Christian asked as he unbuckled his and Justin' s seat belts and got up to get there things from the overhead compartment.

"It was wonderful being next to you again." Justin stated as he and Christian stood in the aisle of the plane and kissed each other.

"Honey we better hurry, we are the only one's left on the plane. The other passengers have all left." Christian stated as he and Justin grabbed the rest of their stuff and started walking towards the exit.

"I love you Christian, welcome to our new life together." Justin stated as he and Christian walked off the plane hand and hand.

"Well as long as I am with you, I will enjoy this new life." Christian stated as they reached the terminal.

// The Hospital //

"Baby did the doctor say when he was going to release me?" Chris asked.

"No baby he didn't." Lance stated. "Don't worry about getting out of here, you need to stay in here until you are feeling better."

"I am feeling better. I need to get out of here." Chris stated.

"You need to stay in here. The doctor said you had some trauma to your head. He said you needed rest." Lance stated. "As long as I am your boyfriend, you will get that rest, now rest."

"But baby..." Chris stated as Lance placed a finger over his lips.

"No Chris. You are going to stay here until you get better." Lance stated. "And no buts about it."

"Why can't you take care of me at home?" Chris asked.

"I could, but who will take care of you when I have to go to work?" Lance asked.

"Where are you going? Freelance is in LA, not here." Chris stated. "Besides, who's going to take care of Busta?"

"Busta is with JC at the moment." Lance stated. "I have to fly out to LA to do some work."

"Well maybe I can stay with JC while you are gone then." Chris stated.

"Do you think you and JC will get along after what happened during the last tour?" Lance asked.

"Well ahh...ahh...I don't know." Chris stated. "It was only a joke. I didn' t mean for that to happen to him, besides it's not like he saw that girl again."

"Maybe not, but you still embarrassed and humiliated him." Lance stated. "Do you really think he has gotten over that?"

"Maybe...I hope he has. He was here wasn't he?" Chris stated.

"He was here because I asked him to come here with me." Lance stated.

"Well take me with you. I just don't want to stay in this hospital room." Chris stated as he laid back down in the bed and turned and faced the wall.

// Justin and JC's House //

"Welcome to my and JC's house." Justin stated as he opened the door and lead Christian into the house.

"This looks comfy. How many rooms are in this place?" Christian asked.

"Too many to remember. But Josh has eight rooms on his floor and I have seven on mine." Justin stated. "There's a office for me, an office for Josh, a music room, an entertainment room, the dinning room, the kitchen, the den and two bathrooms on this floor."

"Wow this place is just like our house." Christian stated as JC walked out of the kitchen.

"Hey Jus, I didn't know you were home, who's your friend?" JC asked.

"This is Josh, Josh this is Christian, my boyfriend." Justin spoke.

"Your boyfriend!!!!" JC screamed.

"Oh my. See what happened. I told you that your friends wouldn't take this well. How are we supposed to get married if he reacts like that? Now you know how the others will react." Christian stated.

"Cris, I don't care how he reacts. I still love you and we will get married." Justin stated.

"Are you sure about that?" Christian asked, fear apparent in his voice.

"Yes I am sure. I lost you once, I am not going to loose you again." Justin stated as he grabbed Christian and wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him. "I love you too much to let you go again."

"I love you too Justin, but are you sure this was a good idea? I can go to the hotel that I had reservations at." Christian stated.

"You aren't going anywhere." JC stated as he walked over to Justin and Christian. "You are going to tell me how you and Justin became involved then we are going to have a good day together hanging out."

"Are you okay with this JC?" Christian asked.

"Yes I am okay with this, but I need to know who is dating my best friend. Wait-a-minute, getting ready to marry my best friend." JC stated as he gave Justin a hug then Christian one too.

"Oh cool, thanks Josh." Justin stated as he hugged JC again. "Where's Lance and Chris?"

"At the hospital." JC stated as Justin turned to look at him in shock. "Why are they at the hospital?"

"Someone broke into Chris' house and attacked him." JC stated.

"What!" Justin screamed. "Is he alright? Where is he?"

"Yes he's alright. Lance is taking care of him at the hospital." JC stated.

"Was he hurt badly?" Justin asked.

"Just some trauma to the head and some pain in the back, beyond that the little elf is okay." JC stated.

"Oh thank god. Do you know when he's getting out?" Justin asked.

"Nope, but I bet he's taking his time with Lance." JC stated.

"Why you say that Josh?" Justin asked.

"Let's just say you two aren't the only gay couple in N Sync." JC laughed.

"Are Chris and Lance together as a couple?" Justin asked.

"Yep." JC laughed again.

"Oh fucking great." Justin stated as he stomped up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Justin...Justin what's wrong?" JC and Christian both asked walking behind Justin to his room.

"He lied to me, that bastard lied to me." Justin stated as he fell down on his bed and started crying...

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 14

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