All I Have to Give

By shawn george

Published on Apr 8, 2010


Disclaimer : I do not know no The Backstreet Boys , *Nsync , Aaron Carter or any other Celebrities that appear in this story. This story is pure fiction and does not mean to imply the actual sexual orientations of anyone. If you are underage DO NOT READ !!!

Aaron's P.O.V :

" OK, So we have to meet her by five. So we need to leave by four thirty " He said to me

" Alright , I'll be ready " I said back. I was currently on the phone with my brother Nick discussing our plans for the evening. We have the day and he wants me to join him and Kevin to meet their Wedding Planner.

" It's gonna be us three and Kev invited Rock. So we'll both have family there. I know Zac's in town you can bring him if you want " Nick told me. I sighed loudly. I had been trying to avoid having this coversation with my brother for a couple days now. I didn't want to ruin such a happy time in his life with my problems.

" Um , I can't " I said softly

" Why ? Is he busy ? " He asked me

" No. We um , broke up a couple days ago. He left and went back home "

" What Happened ? " Nick asked . I couldn't stop the tears from starting to flow as I thought about it.

" I found out he was two-timing me Nicky. He never broke up with Vanessa. He used me. Just stringing me along for something to do " I said

" That Fuckin' Prick ! " Nick yelled angrily. There was a knock on my door . I hung up the phone and went to go open it already knowing who it was. The moment I saw my big brother I fell into his arms and cried like hell.

" Ssh , Aaron it's alright. Everythings gonna be okay " Nick said as I clung to him tightly. He walked us over to the couch and we sat down

" I just don't know what's wrong with me Nicky. Everytime I trust someone I end up getting hurt. Why doesn't anyone love me ? " I asked crying

" No , come on Aaron. You know that's not true. I love you , Kevin loves you and your fans love you too " He told me

" It's not the same . I know you guys love me I love ya'll too but I want someone to share my life with. Everytime I allow myself to believe I can have that I'm harshly reminded that I never will " I sobbed out

" Aaron that is not true. You are a beautiful person both inside and out. Any man would be lucky to have you. Don't let this one douche bag of a guy make you doubt that. You have to be patient bro true love will come in due time. Do you think it was easy for Kev and me ? It took forever to get where we are now but I'd do it all over again in a second if it meant I'd get to spend the rest of my life with him " Nick said

" I know it wasn't easy for you guys and I know i'm being impatient but sometimes the waiting kills me. I want real love but it feels as if I'm never gonna have it " I told him honestly

" You can have everything you want bro. You just gotta believe you can. Have a little faith. Look at me I'm living proof that faith goes a long way " Nick said matter of factly

" I know but - "

" No. No buts ! Faith and Patience Aaron. It's gonna happen alright "

" Alright " I said defeated. There was no point in arguing with him. I knew he was right

" Good, Now I'm gonna go spend some time with Kevin. You dry your eyes and hold that head up. You'll find love. Probably when you least expect it " He said

" Promise ? " I asked him

" I promise AC " Nick said back as I hugged him again

" Alright , I'll see you later on " I said as Nick got up and left

I went to the Bathroom to wash my face. My eyes red from all the crying. When I came out I grabbed a bottle of water from the mini bar and was heading back over to the couch intending to watch some T.V when I heard another knock on the door

" Who is it ? " I asked but got no answer. I turned to go sit down but heard the knock again. I walked over and snatched the door open intending on making Nick or Chris pay for their prank but got the shock of my life

" Hey "

" What the fuck are you doing here ! " I Yelled

Lance's P.O.V :

I was sitting at the dining room table going over some papers for Bacon-N-Eggs when I felt a pair of hands snake themselves around my waist from behind. I had just enough time to register the shock before a pair of lips began to whisper in my ear

" Baby " Joey purred. I smiled to myself. God I loved it when he got all playful and affectionate.

" Morning Joe " I said leaning back into his embrace

" Morning Babe. What are you doing ? " He asked me suspiciously

" Just going over a couple documents for my meeting tomorrow " I said back

" Work again ? Lance , you promised ! Today's our day off and you said we could spend it together no work , no cell phones. Just us " Joey whined

" I know baby but I really need to review this stuff or Wendy is gonna kill me. That's why I got up extra early so I could do it before you got up. Why are you up so early anyway ? " I asked him. It wasn't like Joey to get up before noon on an off day

" Well , I was sleeping peacefully untill I rolled over and my boyfriend was gone. I missed your warmth so I woke up " Joey said. I turned around to look at him

" Aww , I'm sorry Babe . Tell you what , I just got to finish this last page and check my email why don't you go order breakfast and I'll be along in a minute " I said

" Promise you won't be to long ? " Joey asked with a pout. God he's been hanging around Justin too long because he's perfected that pout. I kissed him passionately leaving us both breathless

" I promise Baby "

He walked off in the direction of the living room and I hurried to finish my work. As I was checking my email I noticed an unmarked message. No sender name or subject title. Normally I would've just deleted it but my curiousity got the better of me so I opened it. It was a picture of a pig in bondage gear. My first thought was how I was gonna kill Chris or Nick but as I looked closely at the picture I noticed the pig was dead having been exfixiated. Underneath was a caption :

' Pigs who squeal get turned into bacon '

What The Hell ! Who would send me some shit like this ? All of a sudden my blood ran cold at the prospect of who it could be.

" Lance , Come on. Your taking forever. The foods already here " Joey yelled from the living room of our suite. I quickly deleted the email and closed down my browser. Mustering up as much happy as I could in my present state I put on a fake smile and went to go join my man. There was no need to ruin his day as well.


Okay , I know that's dirty putting two cliffhangers in one chapter but I had to do something to peak people's intrest back into this story which I haven't updated in a long time ( sorry I'll try better from now on ) I would love some feedback on this. You can write me at . Also Check out my other story All In My Head ( It's good if I do say so myself ) Later

Next: Chapter 15

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