All I Have to Give

By shawn george

Published on Apr 28, 2009


Disclaimer : I do not know The Backstreet Boys , *Nsync , Aaron Carter or any other Celebrity in this story. This is a work of fiction and is not meant to imply on anyones sexual preferences. If you are underage DO NOT READ !

Brian's P.O.V :

I returned from my trip to the mall with Nick and Alex smiling. For the first time in a long time I was happy. Baylee's dioing fine , The Album and Tour is successful and I have the most incredible Boyfriend. The last couple weeks spent being with Justin have been amazing. He's been so easy to talk to about any and everything , he's great with my son and most importantly he makes me feel all tingly inside. I think i'm falling in love with him although I haven't told him yet cause we've agreed to take things slow. Speaking of my gorgeous man where is he. I walked into the bedroom of our hotel suite and saw him laying in the bed watching T.V . I stood in the doorway and just took in the beautiful creation that is Justin Randall Timberlake

" Are you gonna stare at me all day or are gonna come over here and kiss your boyfriend ? " He asked breaking me out of my trance. I walked over and crawled on to the bed and kissed him passionately

" That Better ? " I asked back laying my head on his chest

" It's a start. You have fun shopping with the guys ? "

" Yeah , but I missed you handsome "

" I missed you too B " he said

" Sure , sure . I bet you tell that to all the boys " I joked

" Only the blond blue eye'd ones " He ripped back

We both busted up laughing at that. After a few minutes we quited down and just enjoyed the feeling of being together. I had almost drifted off to sleep when I heard justin whisper

" B ? "

" Yeah Babe " I answered then yawned

" I need to tell you something. I just don't know how your gonna take it " he said nervously. I turned my head and looked him in the eyes

" Ju , you know you can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you " I told him. He took a deep breath

" Brian ... I ... I ... Love you " He said shakily. It took a minute for his words to register with my brain as I was in shock. I think it might have taken a bit to long cause when I didn't respond Justin's eyes filled with tears and he looked away

" You don't have to feel ... " I cut him off by pressing my lips to his in the most passionate kiss we've ever shared. When we came up for air I looked him in the eyes again

" Justin , I love you too. I think on some level I always have. I was just to afraid to admitt it now i'm not " I told him

" B , make love to me " His request through me as we hadn't had sex yet

" Justin , are you sure your ready ? "

" Yes. I love you and I trust you more than I've ever trusted anyone. I want us to become one. I want you to make love to me " he said through tears

" Ok Baby "

I kissed him and layed him down on his back stopping to look in those gorgeous blue eyes. Our first time together was to beautiful for words which is why I won't try to describe it. It'll stay just between us. B and Ju 4ever !!!

End of P.O.V

Kevin's P.O.V

I think I'm more nervous right now than I've ever been in my life. I ran into the quick change booth and changed into my suite for More Than That. Today is Nick and my's six year anniversary. I told him I had a surprise for him but I don't think he or any of the fans here in Cleveland , OH will be expecting this. I gave myself a once over in the mirror and grabbed the little velvet box putting it in my pocket. I then picked up my mic and took my cue

" I will love you more than that I won't

say the words then take them back .

Don't give loneliness a chance, Baby

listen to me when I say. I will love you

More than That "

We sang for the first chorus. Then Nick started off the second verse

" Baby , you deserve much better.

What's the use in holding on

Don't you see it's now or never

cause I just can't be friends baby,

Knowing in the end. That "

All of a sudden the whole arena went black. I could hear the crowd screaming and my angel ask Howie what was going on. I took a deep breath to calm myself and steped forward just as the spotlight hit Nick.. I grabed his hand and entwined our fingers then held up our joined hands which was met with cheering like never befor. After the noise died down I started to speak

" You know Cleveland I am truly a Blessed man. I have the best Family, Friends and Fans in the world " The arena exploded with applause again. After a minute I continued

" More importantly for the last six years I've had a love unmatched by any other " I turned and looked Nick in the eyes

" Nick , my love my heart. You've blessed me and touched my heart in a way no one else will ever understand. Your there when I need you , strong when i'm weak. You love me unconditionally and openly gave me your heart. I see my future in your eyes baby. A future for us together as one " I could see him crying as was I. I pulled out the ring from the velvet box and got down on one knee

" Nicholas Gene Carter , Will you Marry Me ? "

To Be Continued ...

Ok . Ok . I know that was mean but I got to leave you in some suspence. As always questions and comments are welcome. Email them to me at Later.

Next: Chapter 12

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