All Grown Up

By moc.loa@rthgirwyrotS

Published on Oct 26, 1999


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It contains characters who share names, descriptions, etc., with real-life people (specifically members of the groups *N SYNC and Backstreet Boys); however, this is all fantasy and in no way is to insinuate anything about those people.

Thanks to everyone who has encouraged my writing. I'm enjoying writing this a lot--and it means a lot to me to know there are people who enjoy reading it! Comments are welcome--positive or negative! E-mail me at Thanks.

All Grown Up 5--Hello?

B Voice Mail Greeting: Hi. Afraid I'm not available right now to talk to you. Please leave me a message! Thanks.

J: Hi Brian, it's Justin. Thought I'd check in with you about your meeting. It's Saturday, right? Anyway, I'm not sure about the time or meeting place. Give me a call, okay? I'll have to turn my phone off for a few periods today while in the studio, but you can always leave a message, okay? Thanks.

B Voice Mail Greeting: Hi. Afraid I'm not available right now to talk to you. Please leave me a message! Thanks.

N: Hey Brian, it's Nick. Long time no talk, huh? Sorry about that. Anyway, I know your anniversary's coming up and I just wanted to tell you that I was thinking about you. You know I'm really proud of you Frick, right? I mean, you've done it! You changed your life--you saved your life. . . . Sorry, don't mean to get all mushy. Hey, it's been way too long since we've seen each other . . . how about getting together soon? Are you still walking that beach everyday? Would you mind company one of these mornings? It sounds like a great way to spend some time. Specially with an old friend. An important old friend. Anyway, give me a call, huh? . . . You know I'm still your Frack, right? Bye.

J Voice Mail Greeting: It's Thursday and if you got the voice mail it's because I'm in the studio. Please leave me a message. I'll get back with you as soon as I'm able. Thanks.

B: Hey Justin. Thanks for the message. When I do my morning walk on the beach I leave the phone--and the world--behind. Sorry I missed your call though. Um . . . need to talk to you, I guess. Um, you know, about the meeting. You know, you don't really need to go. I mean, maybe I shouldn't have asked you anyway. Seems like some people think it was a mistake. [pause; then quietly] I really enjoyed talking to you Just. I really did.

A Voice Mail Greeting: Hi Daddy! I must be filming or on the set anyway--and they don't let us take calls there. But leave me a message, okay? I love hearing from you! I'll talk to you soon!

J: You know I hate these phone things that know who's calling-- it's just eerie! I always start talking while it's still going-- thinking I got the real you. [pause] Listen, sweetie, I got a kind of strange message from your father--from Brian. It seems he's changed his mind about me going to his meeting. Before I call him back I wanted to see if you knew anything about it. Have you talked to him? Did you two discuss my going to the meeting? [pause] This is important to him, sweetheart; and I guess to me too. Please let me know as soon as you can if you know anything about it.

N Voice Mail Greeting: Nick here--well, not here right now-- sorry; but leave a message okay? Thanks.

B: Hey Nick. Thanks for the message. Your timing was perfect-- just the message I needed today. Yeah, I was out on the beach. And yeah, I still get in that walk every morning. If you ever want to tag along that would be great--better than great! Thanks for rememberin' the anniversary--it's Saturday. Eight years! I still thank God every day for every day I'm sober. And I thank God every day for your coming to the hospital and straightening out my shit! Well, I don't usually say "shit" when I'm praying about it! [laughing; then seriously] But I do thank him for you. [pause] I'm speaking at my meeting Satur- day--you know, the anniversary thing. I thought I was going to have a guest come hear me, but now I don't think so. . . . But anyway, my beach is your beach! Any morning you can get away. It would be great to see you. [quietly] Thanks Frack.

J Voice Mail Greeting: It's Thursday and if you got the voice mail it's because I'm in the studio. Please leave me a message. I'll get back with you as soon as I'm able. Thanks.

A: Hi Daddy--sorry to have missed you. Just on a quick break between scenes. I seem to be in everyone of them today. Um, yeah, I talked with Pop . . . and it sort of came up about you and the meeting. He didn't say anything about not wanting you there. I thought you were still going. I don't know, maybe he thought I didn't think you should go--I mean, I didn't say that, but he might have misunderstood or something. I don't know. . . . Um, you want me to call him? [pause] It's important to you, you said? [pause] Anyway, sorry not to get to talk to you Daddy. Later though, okay? Bye.

B Voice Mail Greeting: Hi. Afraid I'm not available right now to talk to you. Please leave me a message! Thanks.

N: Hey Brian--you back on that beach again?! Hope you can hear how jealous I am! Thanks for the message--sorry I didn't get to talk to you directly. Don't know what you meant about the guest and your meeting--can you have guests? You want to have someone come along? I mean, if you want, maybe I could come? If it's something that you'd like. I don't know what time your meeting is, but my Saturday is pretty free. I think JC and I were just going to be hanging out at home or whatever. Anyway, not trying to barge in or anything--wasn't sure what you meant about a guest. Anyway, hope I'm not sayin' the wrong thing! Hey, how about one day next week for that beach walk? Let me know. And about the meeting. Later man!

B Voice Mail Greeting: Hi. Afraid I'm not available right now to talk to you. Please leave me a message! Thanks.

J: Hey Brian. Wish this could be directly with you . . . sometimes messages can be misunderstood . . . I guess I was confused by your message. I was all set to be there Saturday. But if you don't want--or, um, if you changed your mind--or if you don't think it would be a good idea, um, I understand and stuff. Not sure who gave you the idea it might not be a good thing--someone in AA? Your therapist? Sorry, I guess I'm being nosey, huh--didn't mean to be. Just hope they had good reasons for advising you to change your plans. I mean, it seemed that it was really important to you the other day, and now . . . I don't know. I guess I'm making too big a deal, but I just wanted you to know that I'd be there for you Bri--if you wanted me to be. . . . Saturday or whenever. . . . I enjoyed talking to you too. Hope we can talk some more. . . . God Brian, where's the "erase" button? [laughing] Guess it's too late for that, huh? Guess I just have to trust that you know how to hear all this. Later, okay?

Psy Voice Mail Greeting: This is Dr. Meyran. I'm in session at this time. Please leave a voice mail for me, and I'll get back to you when I am able.

J: Hi Dr. Meyran, it's Justin. Um, could you call me when you have a chance? I'd like to find out if you have any open time for either a phone or office session. I'm feeling confused about some things--and kind of vulnerable. And I'm afraid I'm going to have to respond to some things before I see you next. I'd just like a chance to bounce some things off you before I get caught up in them. Thanks. I appreciate it.

A Voice Mail Greeting: Hi Daddy! I must be filming or on the set anyway--and they don't let us take calls there. But leave me a message, okay? I love hearing from you! I'll talk to you soon!

J: Hi sweetie--we're just talking to machines today, it seems. No, you don't need to talk to your Pop about any of this-- actually, please don't. I still haven't reached him; I'm not sure what's going on. I don't want to confuse things more. Um, yeah, all this is important to me. Your Pop is important to me. I know this must all be confusing to you, sweet thing-- it's pretty confusing to me. Don't worry, I'm not just stumbling into things--already have a call in to the shrink! [laugh] . . . You know, it seems that there may be some changes going on in all of our lives--and in our relationships. Wish I could be sure it was all for the best. But what do they say? Life is change? No change is death? Unfortunately not all change is comfortable. No guarantees. A lot of changes are important though. Whatever is going on between the three of us seems and feels important. And I guess I'm still a hopeless optimist--but I think important also means good this time. Hope so. Don't worry about it sweetie. Talk to you soon. Do well in your scenes! Can't wait to see your work! I love you. You know that, right? Always know that, okay? Bye.

B Voice Mail Greeting: Hi. Afraid I'm not available right now to talk to you. Please leave me a message! Thanks.

A: Hey Papa. Just on lunch break on the set. I'm in like every scene today. This stuff is pretty hard work! [laughing] Just wanted to say hi, Pop. How ya doin'? How's everything for your anniversary meeting going? You all set? Is Dad going to be there still? I think he was looking forward to it. Bye Papa-- good luck with it all. I love you, Pop!

J Voice Mail Greeting: It's Thursday and if you got the voice mail it's because I'm in the studio. Please leave me a message. I'll get back with you as soon as I'm able. Thanks.

B: I seem to be talking only to voice mail machines today! Are there really living people left out there? [laughing] Just kidding. . . . Thanks for the message Just. I don't think I misunderstood it. What I heard was someone being very caring and thoughtful--and perhaps a little worried. Sorry to have caused the worry. And thanks for the caring--it means a lot to me. I guess the "who" I talked with included my doctor. I've also been feeling pretty stressed. Maybe I tried biting off too much at one time. I guess I'm just not as convinced as I had been that the meeting is the best time to see you--I mean, if you'll let me see you sometime. Or talk to you. Maybe it was just an excuse anyway--a reason for calling you. So I could tell you that that was why I called--instead of just admitting that it was because I'd been thinking about you so much lately. And that I really wanted to just talk. Just hear your voice. Just find out if you'd even talk to me. So, I guess I am saying I'd rather do the AA anniversary by itself-- without you . . . and talk with you more separately, if you'll let me. I'd love to talk to you more, Just. I'm going to trust that you will know how to hear this message. That the caring and concern I heard in your message will know how to hear this one from me. And that it won't sound hurtful. I've hurt you way too much through the years Just--I don't want to be back in your life to cause you any more pain. Talk to you later, I hope.

N Voice Mail Greeting: Nick here--well, not here right now-- sorry; but leave a message okay? Thanks.

B: Hey Nick. Thanks a lot for your message. . . . Um, I was going to have a guest at the meeting. But I've sort of decided that it would have been a mistake--a little too much to have that guest there. So I kind of backed out of my invitation. But that's okay; I think we're going to just talk some without the excuse of the meeting. That's actually good. So no guest for the meeting. Or not that guest for the meeting anyway. . . . Um, you'd really come, though? I mean, you wouldn't mind? You have the time? The meeting's at 4 p.m. To have you there--I mean, you're the one that really got me to face this stuff, Nick . . . to have you there, that would really mean a lot. It would be really much more right than if Justin did go. Anyway, if you are able. Give me a call. And Nick--my beach is your beach anytime! Don't be jealous! Just join me! Bye.

J Voice Mail Greeting: It's Thursday and if you got the voice mail it's because I'm in the studio. Please leave me a message. I'll get back with you as soon as I'm able. Thanks.

JC: Hey Justin--JC here. Sorry to miss getting the real you-- but give me a call back, huh? That would be great. Got some catchin' up to do, huh? What's new? What's going on in your life? Um, seein' anybody these days? We'll have to get together and catch up, right? Find out what's new and stuff. Well, that's all. . . . Um Justin? Be careful, man. You know? I mean, I worry about you--you're my best bud. Always--you know? Always man!

A Voice Mail Greeting: Hi Pop! I'm filming and can't take your call. But leave me a message, okay? I love hearing from you! I'll talk to you soon!

B: Hi Doodlebug. That was sweet of you to call me. Hope work is going well. Yeah, my anniversary meeting is this Saturday. No, your Dad's not going, but that's okay--we'll talk again soon . . . I hope. I think Uncle Nick is going with me though. Isn't that great of him? He was the one that finally got me to straighten out eight years ago, so it's really appropriate. Anyway, talk to you soon, little girl. Oops--wasn't going to call you that anymore!

B Voice Mail Greeting: Hi. Afraid I'm not available right now to talk to you. Please leave me a message! Thanks.

N: You know a guy could get a complex here--you avoiding me? Or just spending the whole day on that beach!? No prob with Saturday at 4--I'd be honored to be at your anniversary meeting. It's important. And you're important. . . . Um, Bri-- it sounds like there's some other catching up to do too . . . You mentioned Justin in your message--not sure you even realized you did it . . . You're being careful, right Bri? Just don't want to see you hurt or anything. You know I love you, right? We go too long without getting together--but you're still my Frick--I'm still your Frack. Best friends forever . . . Maybe best friends who should be more in each other's lives. Maybe we can work on that together, huh? Thanks Bri . . . Bye for now.

JC Voice Mail Greeting: You've reached voice mail for JC-- please leave a message.

J: You have to work on that greeting man--takes way too long. And it's way too personal too! Just yankin' your chain! Thanks for the message--nice to hear from you; it's been too long. We gotta get together. What was up with that message though? Sounded like you were trying really hard to say something--or not to say something? Or to ask something? I didn't get it . . . sorry--you know me, just a dumb blond. Well, sometimes I'm a blond . . . Call me Josh! Take care!

N Voice Mail Greeting: Nick here--well, not here right now-- sorry; but leave a message okay? Thanks.

B: This is one time I'm glad I got voice mail. Sometimes it's easier to say things to a machine, you know? I really mentioned Justin in my last message? Wow--that Freudian shit is real, huh? . . . I called Justin last week. It was the first time we had spoken in a very long time. And we really talked. It was good. Some of it was painful. But it still feels like unfinished business--and for both AA and therapy, I'm trying to finish unfinished business. I had invited him, but sort of uninvited him to the anniversary meeting--I think it would be too much for one day. I hope he'll understand--had to tell him in a phone message. I hope he'll talk to me more and let me explain. . . . And Nick? Thanks for caring. I love you man! You know that, right? It'll be so special to have you there Saturday! Talk to you soon, kay?

J Voice Mail Greeting: It's Thursday and if you got the voice mail it's because I'm in the studio. Please leave me a message. I'll get back with you as soon as I'm able. Thanks.

JC: You are not a dumb blond, my friend! But anyway, let's get together real soon, okay? Want to talk to you about everything goin' on in your life. Call me, kay? We used to talk about everything, you know? Always knew what the other one was up to--what was going on. Miss that man! [pause] But I hope you know that if you NEED to talk about something--ANYTHING--you always have an ear with me. I mean it Just! Anything.

J Voice Mail Greeting: It's Thursday and if you got the voice mail it's because I'm in the studio. Please leave me a message. I'll get back with you as soon as I'm able. Thanks.

A: Daddy . . . I wish you were there. Will you call me later? I'm really sorry. What happened? Pop said in a message that you aren't going to his meeting. Is it my fault? Did I do something wrong? I shouldn't have talked to him the other day. Oh Daddy, I really love you both so much. I didn't mean to do anything wrong. Was it my fault? If you two want to be together, that's your business. Not mine. I'm really sorry. Will you call me Daddy? I'm not feeling very good about this right now . . . Bye. I love you. I hope you still love me.

A Voice Mail Greeting: Hi Daddy! I must be filming or on the set anyway--and they don't let us take calls there. But leave me a message, okay? I love hearing from you! I'll talk to you soon!

J: Babydoll! That was such a sad message you left! Please call me as soon as you get this--you have me worried. What upset you so much? I'm not going to Brian's meeting because he decided that that wasn't the right setting for us to get together. He said something about too much going on at the same time. I think he's right. We're going to talk by phone again. And who knows what--if anything--will come of it. Don't jump to conclusions! Especially about you causing anything! And baby, I love you and I will love you till my dying breath. You are stuck with me! You would have to work very, very hard to make me not love you--and even then it would never happen! Call me! I want to know that you are feeling better and that these silly thoughts are out of your head! Okay? I mean it! Call me! Bye baby!

B Voice Mail Greeting: Hi. Afraid I'm not available right now to talk to you. Please leave me a message! Thanks.

J: Hi Brian. We are destined to talk only to machines today. It's how my whole day's has been going. I'm glad you heard my message as you did--and I hope I heard yours right too. Kind of the same thing . . . caring and concern. I'm okay with not coming to your meeting. I think I understand. And I'm not hurt. I'm sorry you felt you needed an excuse to call me . . . but now you don't anymore, okay? So please call when you want. I'd like to continue our conversation. Oh, and Bri, please call our little girl. I got a really strange message from her--she was really upset. She seems to think she's somehow responsible for my not going to your meeting. I couldn't get her--had to leave HER a message too; but please try, okay? I appreciate it. . . . If I don't talk to you before, have a good meeting Saturday. Congratulations, Brian. You should be very proud. I'm very proud. Talk to you soon, I hope. . . . Bye.

Next: Chapter 6

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