All Grown Up

By moc.loa@rthgirwyrotS

Published on Nov 25, 1999


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It contains characters who share names, descriptions, etc., with real- life people (specifically members of the groups *N SYNC and Backstreet Boys); however, this is all fantasy and in no way is to insinuate anything about those people.

Thanks to everyone who has written me notes. It means a lot to me--and I really appreciate the feedback. All comments welcome. E-mail me at Thanks.

Special thanks to Eriker--as always!

All Grown Up 16--New Friends

B: Hello?

JC: Hey Brian, it's JC.

B: Oh, hi, JC. I saw the ID come up, but thought maybe it was Nick using your phone or something.

JC: No, it's me. [then quickly] That's okay, isn't it?

B: Yeah, sure, sure it's fine. . . . Um, I guess just a surprise. Um, how ya been?

JC: Good, good. You?

B: Good. . . . Yeah, good.

JC: Great. . . . Um, Justin and Nick both told me about your new music. They say you're doin' some great stuff.

B: Oh, that's nice of them. I hope so. I'm liking doing it. I had a meeting up in San Francisco last week--some singers I think may do some of them. And Justin may do one of them!

JC: I think I just "heard" you smile! [laughing]

B: Huh? Oh, yeah, gotcha--I guess so. [joining the laughing]

JC: So that's great. . . . Hey! Congratulations on your anniversary and all. That's cool man!

B: Oh, yeah, thanks. It's pretty important to me.

JC: Yeah, well, of course! I mean that's about as important as things get, huh?

B: Yeah, for me. Well, along with my daughter . . . [quietly after a pause] and her dad.

JC: [equally quiet] Yeah. [pause]

B: So, Nick says you spend a lot of time in your studio.

JC: Yeah, yeah--I love doin' that. I can spend hours in there and never realize the day has gone by, you know? Huh! Of course you know! You probably do that too!

B: Yeah, I can get pretty lost in it. I just sit at the piano in my living room though. I mean I have some computers attached to capture the stuff and to transcribe it, but I'm just in the open air of my living room--most of the time with the windows open to the beach.

JC: Wow--that must be so cool to be on the beach all the time. And the natural sounds coming in while you are working! I do sit at an old-fashioned--you know, REAL-- piano, but I'm closed in a sound-proof room. But if it wasn't, I'd just hear the sound of traffic.

B: Yeah. [pause]

JC: Listen, Brian, um, the reason I called . . . [pause]

B: Yeah? I thought there might be a reason! [chuckling]

JC: [joining in the laughter] Oh yeah! I guess this does seem strange, huh?

B: Maybe a little.

JC: Well, it's like this, um . . . [pause]

B: Maybe if we play twenty questions. Would that help?

JC: [laughing] No, now come on!

B: [seriously] Did you call to tell me to stop talking to Nick? Or maybe Justin?

JC: [shocked] NO! No man! NO! Not that! Not either of those!

B: Oh good. That's a relief.

JC: NO! Man--it's like just the opposite!

B: You want me TO talk to them?

JC: [laughing] No--I mean yes--and ME--me too!

B: You're losing me.

JC: [speaking quickly] Look, I'm not saying any of this very well, but I guess I called to make peace--no that's not right--well, I hope it's not right--I mean I hope that THAT'S not needed. I don't think there's bad blood between us. It just seems like there's no blood between us--nothing there. And I guess I've finally realized that I'm probably missing out on something pretty special. If my favorite two men in the world both love you and think of you as a best friend, I'd like to know you too. I'd like you to be MY friend.

B: Oh!

JC: I'm being a jerk, huh? You must think I'm a total ass.

B: No! Not at all. I think I've just been given a really nice compliment.

JC: Cool! Yeah, I meant it that way. I mean, you know, even back in the old days, it always seemed you and me never had a chance to become friends. Too often we'd end up on different sides of things--or at least it seemed like that. Or maybe it was the Nick and Justin thing. But you know it's like two sets of twins marrying each other or something--I mean, not that Justin and I are twins, but you know? Like two sets of best friends came together. And Justin and Nick have at least gotten friendly over the years, but you and me, we never had a chance.

B: Yeah, I do see. There always seemed to be something in the way huh? And for the past ten years, I doubt you've thought about it with any regrets!

JC: Ouch. Guess I deserved that.

B: It wasn't meant to be a jab--just stating the facts.

JC: No, that's cool. And you're right. I wasn't even so sure how I felt about you and Justin talking again. Not that it's any of my business.

B: Wish some other people realized that!

JC: Oh yeah? Yeah, guess most people think everything is their business--especially if they care about one or the other of you. That was my thing. I just was really worried about Justin. Nick says I think too much--he accuses you of that too, you know! [laughing] Who knows, maybe we're kind of alike!

B: I think that would be a compliment.

JC: Really? Thanks. That's nice of you to say. . . . Nick also thinks I wasn't trusting Justin enough--and trusting him to be strong enough to face whatever. I think I was wrong about that.

B: Yeah. I think Justin is one of the strongest people I've ever met. I think he could face just about anything--not that I plan to give him any shit to face--I'm trying not to.

JC: Yeah, I can tell. I can tell that the love you guys had is still there, isn't it?

B: Yeah. I'm like the luckiest man in the world, JC. I mean, I fucked up last time! And here I have another chance! Another chance to be happy!

JC: Hey, I think you had a lot of help fucking up last time! Find me anyone innocent in that crowd!

B: Well, maybe one little baby girl . . .

JC: Yeah. But she's no baby anymore! She can take care of herself.

B: Yeah, but we're trying to make it as easy as possible on her.

JC: Good. . . . Hey, I don't want you to get mad at Justin or anything--or to think that he's telling me things he shouldn't--but he told me that both of you had some words with your mother. I don't want to bring up a sore topic, but I just want to say, I for one think you are a very good man, Brian. You've really turned your life around. I'd be very proud for you to think of me as a friend.

B: Wow, JC, I don't know what to say. That's really kind of you. And I do think of you as a friend. Guess we've just never taken it beyond kind of thinking of each other as Justin's friend or Nick's friend or whatever. It'd be cool to know you for you.

JC: Yeah! And gee look, we share a lot of interests. I'd love to come to your place sometime and see your set up-- I really love the idea of being open to the sounds of the ocean! And if you ever wanted to make a recording without the background noises, you could come here and work in the studio. Or just come and play some ball on the basketball court we built! You still play?

B: Not so well--since the accident, my legs don't always cooperate as much as I'd like--but I do okay!

JC: Oh, sorry--didn't mean to bring up--

B: Hey! No problem! Actually I always remind potential opponents of my accident--keeps them off guard! [laughing]

JC: [big laugh] Ha! That's great! I want you on my team!

B: Deal! We'll challenge Nick and Justin!

JC: Yeah!

B: And I'd love to have you come over to the house. You know, Justin and I've been talking about this musical I've been doing some work on.

JC: Yeah, he thinks there's some good stuff there!

B: And we were talking about a little different slant to the story and stuff--anyway--if you had some time, it'd be very cool for you to hear some of it and tell us--or me-- what you think--if it works or whatever.

JC: Oh yeah! That'd be great! I'd love doing that!

B: Cool! We'll have to see how our styles go together-- maybe we could do something together.

JC: A collaboration! Very, very cool! I'd be honored!

B: As would I! . . . And I'd be honored to call you MY friend, JC--not just Justin's friend or Nick's friend--or lover or whatever.

JC: There you go Brian--how can people ever resist you? You know exactly what to say and how to say it to really touch a person. It would be MY honor to call you friend!

B: Cool. Hey! What day next week you free? We can spend some time at the piano then walk down the beach to the pier for lunch!

JC: Great! How 'bout Tuesday?

B: Perfect! Let's do it!

JC: Thanks Brian. I mean, really thanks--for giving me a chance.

B: Same back at you man! I feel really lucky to get another chance too.

JC: Kay. Tuesday! Bye Bri.

B: Bye JC.

Next: Chapter 12

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