All Dressed Up and No One to Blow

By moc.uolgi@dlabir

Published on Nov 13, 1995



Newsgroups: rec.arts.erotica, Followup-To: Organization: rec.arts.erotica immoderation Lines: 279 Message-ID: 486dei$ NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: mm mf oral group tv X-Moderator-Review: 8: I know all I need to know about the Crying Game... X-Ava-Review: 8: Is it soup yet? X-Approved-By: (Michael Handler) Originator:

Archive-name: dressed-up

Well, my partners Torsha and Cirrocco have posted here, so I guess it's my here goes

All dressed up and no one to blow



I stood in front of the full length mirror in Rocky's room watching my reflection as I pull the sheer stocking up over my calf, being careful to keep the seam as straight as I can, then draw it up over my knee, again stopping to check the seam, and finally pull it the rest of the way up and clip it to the garter belt.

I turn and stretch my leg out behind me, looking over my shoulder in the mirror. "Is that seam straight?" I ask as I adjust the garter, making sure that it's seated right.

"It looks good to me." she says. She's sitting on the bed watching me as I dress. She's already done our make-up, not too heavily, just enough to accentuate and tantalize, and now she's waiting for me to decide what I'm going to wear before she chooses her own outfit.

"I hope so, I want everything to be perfect tonight," I mutter as I pick up the emerald green bustier we'd bought that afternoon and begin working on the tiny hooks, my fingers fumbling with the clasps.

"Here," she says as she gets up and moves around in front of me, "Let me do that. At the rate you're going, we're going to be here all night." Her nimble fingers make quick work of the clasps, the crimson polish on her nails flashes in the light.

"I'm sorry, Rocky," I tell her, "I just want everything to be perfect."

"I know hon," she smiles, moving around behind me and adjusting the bustier. "You know, this thing would fit better if you had some tits." She presses her own tits into my back as she wraps her arms around my waist, and I can feel her nipples poking into my back.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I ask as she releases me and moves over to her dresser. I strike several poses, imitating the girls I've seen in magazines.

"He'll love it," she says as she puts her stockings on, drawing them up and cinching them tight in easy, practiced movements. She checks the seams, makes a minor adjustment on one of them, then picks up the lacy white camisette she's chosen for the evening and slips it on. "So which panties are you going to wear?"

I look over the half dozen or so pairs of panties laid out on the bed and can't make up my mind, they all look nice, but I want to find just the right pair to match the rest of my outfit. I pick up a tiny black G-string and hold it in front of me. "What do you think?"

She shakes her head and picks up a pair of black panties with string ties on the sides. "Those'll never work for you. Try these. Let him unwrap you, like a present."

I take the filmy scrap of cloth from her hand and look at them, then carefully step into them, pulling them up and adjusting them over my butt,

"Not bad," she says to herself as she kneels down in front of me and runs her fingers under the strings at the waist, then down the front of the leg holes, making sure they're seated right. "I like it," she says, running her hand lightly over the front of my crotch. "Aren't you glad you let me shave you now?"

"Yeah, but you'd better stop that." I tell her taking a step back. "I don't want to spoil the effect with a hard-on."

She's not going to take no for an answer. She stands up and follows me, pressing herself against me, her lips searching for mine as her hand drops down and cups the cheek of my ass, pulling me tighter against her. My cock hardens as I press my lips to hers, my mouth opening to accept her tongue as it teases against my lips.

She throws her head back and laughs as she releases me and pulls me over in front of the mirror. I can see the outline of my cock through the sheer panties, and I like the way it looks.

Rocky seems to like it as well, because she reaches down and caresses the bulge my cock makes in my panties. Our eyes meet in the mirror, and we smile at our reflection. "It's nice to see that I can still turn you on big brother...even if you do like guys."

Moving out from behind me, she stands beside me and we admire her handiwork. We make a hell of a pair, both well tanned, roughly the same height, hair almost the same shade of dark brown. The only difference between us is her body is filled with lush curves, while mine is tighter, more streamlined.

Just then, we hear the front door open and close.

"Damn," she says, "he's early." She grabs her robe and moves to the door, but stops before going out into the hall. "Stay here. Don't open the door or make a sound until I get him into the shower. OK?"

I nod and pick up my own robe from the bed and slip it on. The minutes drag and it seems like hours before I hear the shower start up.

The door opens and she sticks her head in, an evil grin plastered on her face. "We're in luck," she says. "He's in a GREAT mood. And horny as hell. It was all I could do to keep his hands off me." She ducks her head and looks up at me from under her lashes. "But then, I really didn't try that hard..."

She grabs my hand and pulls me out into the hall and toward the stairs. "Wait." she says suddenly, "I forgot my panties." She dashes back into her room, re-appearing moments later, hopping from one foot to the other as she pulls the tiny G-string up and gets it seated. "OK, let's go. We don't have much time."

We run down the stairs like a couple of kids on Christmas morning. We work well together, and in minutes we have several bottles of wine and brandy set out, a tray of snacks sits beside them on the coffee table. Glasses, plates and napkins follow quickly. Candles and incense come next, and the lights are turned down low. His favorite Enya album goes into the CD player and we're ready.

And just in time. We hear footsteps on the stairwell, and we barely have time to start the disc and take our positions on either side of the fireplace before the double doors to the den slid apart and he steps inside.

He stops in the doorway and takes in the scene, his eyes light up when he sees us leaning casually against the fireplace, our robes hanging open, but still covering us, (I'm glad now that Rocky made me practice the pose, I never would have gotten it right by myself).

"Well now," he says, a slow smile spreading across his face. "What did I do to deserve this?"

He leans against the doorjam, his arms crossed over his massive chest. His loosely tied robe falls open a little and we're treated to a glimpse of one long, well muscled thigh, and half his chest. The sleeves of his robe are pulled up over the corded muscle of his forearms. Even if he didn't hear our breathing change as our excitement increased, he knows the effect he has on us.

"Oh, nothing special," Rocky says as she moves to the center of the room. She holds her hand out behind her, and I move forward to take it in mine, stepping up to stand beside her. "We just thought you might like to spend a quiet evening at home. Just the three of us."

He smiles again as he steps into the room and around the end of the couch. He gestures toward the cushions and his eyebrows arch as he looks at us. "May I?" he asks.

"Make yourself comfortable." Rocky says casually, but I can feel her pulse racing. She's anything but casual.

He sits slowly, arranging his robe around himself with an almost regal ease. He leans back, one arm thrown artfully over the back of the couch, one leg crossed over the other at the knee.

I feel Rocky pull me forward, then step behind me. Her arms circle my waist and loosens the belt of my robe. As it falls open, I see his eyes widen in surprise.

I swear, I never see him move. One moment he's lounging back on the couch, then suddenly, he's standing in front of me. His hand moves to my shoulders and he eases the soft material off and lets it slide down my arms to fall at my feet.

His eyes sweep over me taking in every detail. After a moment, he moves around behind me, his hands never losing contact.

I feel him towering over me as he wraps his arms around me, then leans down and nuzzles my neck, planting soft kisses from the top of my shoulder to the base of my ear. His breath is hot in my ear as her whispers, "My God Misty, you're beautiful..."

His attention falters as he looks toward Rocky.

"Did you do this?" he asks quietly.

She nods, and I feel him smile. That's not his only reaction. I can feel his cock hardening against my back. I just barely resist the urge to press myself back against him.

He moves one hand from me and holds it out to her. She loosens the belt on her robe and shrugs it off, letting it fall to her feet, then steps forward, taking his hand and moving closer until she's looking at him over my shoulder.

Their lips meet in a gentle kiss, just a soft touching of the lips. I watch as their tongues duel for a moment, then feel myself being turn, and it's me who enjoys the tender oral caress. Then I'm being turned again and my lips meet hers. I see her wink as she stabs her tongue into my mouth and her hand drops down and brushes across the front of my panties.

Some silent signal passes between them, and together they move down my body, their fingers, lips, and tongues burning twin trails over my tender skin. I shiver as he presses his face into the silky material of my panties and licks at the crack of my ass, while she does the same in front of me, her tongue tracing the outline of my cock through the thin cloth.

My breath catches in my throat and my knees weaken. I have to rest a hand on her shoulder to keep from falling. This isn't going the way I'd planned. I wasn't supposed to be the main course.

Their fingers meet at the ties holding my panties up, and toether, they tug gently at the loose knots. Moments later the impeding garment falls to the floor.

I gasp as they renew their oral assult on me, his tongue darts out and draws a wet trail up the length of my ass, his hands part my trembling cheeks and his kisses become more forceful as he presses closer to the wrinkled flesh of my rosebud.

Her hands have moved up to gently cup my balls as she runs her tongue over the length of my cock, wetting it with her saliva as she goes. After a dozen lazy strokes she draws her tongue one last time up the underside of my cock, her nimble labia lashing playfully at the nerve bundle under the crown, then she presses forward and lets the head of my cock slip into her mouth.

My legs are trembling from this two pronged assault, and they know how close I am. He moves back and stands behind me. I find myself folded in his strong arms, his fingers pinching my nipples as he runs his tongue lightly around the shell of my ear.

"Cum," he whispers huskily, his hard body cradling mine. I can feel his cock pressing into the musky crack of my ass, and I groan from desire. I want him so bad.

She picks up the pace of her sucking, taking me easily in long, tip to root lunges. Her fingers press against the base of my sac, searching for the external prostate, or male G-spot. Her other hand squeezes my balls firmly in time with her sucking movements, urging them to unload their creamy cargo.

I let my legs go limp as I feel the first tingles that signal my orgasm is upon me. He supports me easily as I let my hips move in time with her mouth, crying out pitifully as the first hot jets of cum erupt from my cock and shoot into her throat.

She swallows rapidly, clearing her mouth for more of my cum, her lips and tongue never slowing as she sucks even harder, forcing me through the peak of my orgasm and on to yet another peak. I feel my balls contract again and again, drawing up tighter against my body as she empties them of my seed.

Finally, blissfully, I collapse into his arms, a limp ragdoll, my mind awhirl with the senseations surging through me.

I feel her moving her lips slowly up the length of my cock, then pausing at the head, sucking gently, her tongue lapping at the slit in the cockhead as she milks the last drops of my cum from me.

She stands and wraps her arms around us, and their lips meet. I watch as they share the creamy white liquid, then press my lips close to theirs until they share it with me.

Sensing that I can't take much more, he gently lowers me to the floor, guiding me so I'm on my knees, my upper body resting on my arms. I look up and see her sitting in front of me, leaning back on her elbows, her legs spread wide. She's lost her panties somewhere and her close-shaven pussy and the tops of her thighs are wet with her juices.

She smiles and reaches out to me, caressing my cheek with her palm, then moves her hand further back until her fingers are buried in my long brown hair.

I feel him move in behind me, forcing my legs wider apart as he spreads the cheeks of my ass and presses the huge bulbous head of his cock against the wrinkled brown ring of my ass.

She smiles as she pulls me forward, my face moving easily over the juice slickened skin of her inner thighs. I groan deep in my throat as the fat head of his cock presses against, then thru the tightly muscled opening of my sphincter, followed by first one, then a second inch of hard cockmeat. He pauses, letting me adjust to the rigid bulk of his shaft, not moving until I press my ass back at him, letting him know he can go on.

"It's our turn now," she sighs as my tongue slips out and rakes over the puffy pink lips of her pussy. She lays back and moves her hips up at me, riding my face in her quest for pleasure.

-- rec.arts.erotica, a moderated Usenet newsgroup for erotic fiction and verse submissions: * admin:

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