All by Myself

By Mark Sherwood

Published on Jul 21, 2020


All by Myself – Part 5

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I am continually an early riser which comes from years of habit, however this day was different. I looked at the clock and it was after 10:00 am. I had slept three hours longer than I normally do.

I stretched, gave my balls a quick feel followed by a scratch and a wicked morning piss in the bathroom a few feet away.

I couldn't remember if this was Saturday or Sunday. I had lost all sense of time. I looked at my phone for the day and date. It was Saturday. Noah had moved on and things were back to whatever normal is supposed to be.

I am not the best person to live with and I prefer being all by myself in the morning and all by myself in the night. Jack suggested that I get a couple of housemates, but that is not my idea of comfort. I am not a student and this is not a dorm.

Vince is very much like me, except he is rougher and a prick most of the time. I can be sharp at times too, but I do it with a smile; as if that matters.

This was a morning for brunch on the porch. Even tho it was summer, I prepared hot (cocoa) chocolate for a beverage. It went well, I thought, with a turkey club sandwich toasted. When it comes to food, I have no rules. If it sounds good – that's all that matters...

My clumsy feet went onto the railing for comfort and I settled back sipping a hot drink on a warm day. A little crazy, but I like chocolate hot or cold. All I need is for something to move me, and I am there.

I settled back with my eyes closed, just for a minute thinking, when somebody stepped onto the porch.

I thought it was Vince and I was right. He has a special swagger to the way he walks creating a tiny click when he steps down. It is terribly sexy with his hips and legs working in unison; but of course, I would say that.

"Got any more coffee in that pot?" he asked plunking himself down in the only vacant straight back chair.

"It's not coffee- it is cocoa - hot chocolate."

"What the fuck you drinking hot cocoa for on a hot day?" he asked being typical Vince.

"I like to annoy my neighbors" I said

"Hell, if you can drink it, then I can do it. Do you mind if I pour myself some?" He asked

"Nope, pour away. I see you are talking to me again." I said

"What does that mean? I always talk to you, you're fuckin nuts" he said

"Look – I don't want to be little girlish about it and it doesn't matter, but you snubbed me twice last week at the garden tour."

"Naw – never did" he replied

"You surely did. I spoke to you twice with a simple `hello' and you turned your head like a little brat."

"Gosh Rudy, I never heard you say anything and I only remember seeing you one time."

"No problem, forget it." I said

"Sorry man, do you want me to pour the hot cocoa back. I haven't touched it yet."

As tough as it was, Vince caught me off guard and I had to giggle at his comeback. Often he acted like a little boy who grew into a husky man.

"No, drink the damn chocolate, but if you choke, I am not calling the paramedics."

"So, you hope I choke on It., .huh, nice guy?"

"No, of course not, I am just babbling. I don't like being snubbed,"

"Are you on that garden shit again? I did not hear you, and I am sorry – sorry – sorry. There, can we forget it Rudy?"

Vince put his hand on top of mine and squeezed it. Everything was returned to the way it should be. We seriously liked one another.

"I don't have my boarder any longer," said Vince

"I know"

"How do you know that?" he asked

"I ran into Noah jogging on the trail one day and we talked for a few minutes."

"I didn't really care for him," said Vince. He told me he was gay but, he didn't seem to know anything about dudes. I think he was a phony looking for cheap rent. Plus there was nothing sexy about him." He continued

"Was he boring?" I asked.

"Boring and dull, although he wasn't bad looking," said Vince

I didn't answer, I couldn't. Noah was top of the mark with unique fiery talent. Spending an hour with him naked doing his thing, left me weak in the knees. It was something one didn't find elsewhere. It wasn't cock size, although there was plenty of that. It was the man himself... At least, that was my opinion...

I was astonished that Vince missed all that, I said nothing, but being forever young in spirit; I have memories of a hot body dancing with 50 shades of fucked up movements. For sure. That was Noah.

Vince continued talking, and that was a surprise. He usually didn't say much, but was a good listener. I imagined that he was poorly educated and to a certain degree a little stupid; but I was wrong about that.

"So are you getting much?" he asked

"Oh yeah, I suck cock by appointment. See all the cars lined up to the road just waiting to call on me. What kind of a dumb question is that?" I asked

"A dumb question..." He agreed

We both laughed a little. Vince leaned back in the chair and opened his legs. He knew that would peak my interest – and it did. "What did you say about sucking cock? He asked. "Would I have to make an appointment?"

"I don't remember"

"You can't fool me on this stuff." said Vince. He touched his crotch making sure I was watching. "Do you think these pants are too tight?" he asked me

"They look tight to me, maybe you better loosen them." I commented

"Maybe I should just take them off," he said

Before I could come up with a clever answer, Vince said to me...

"I have missed your mouth on me. You are made for what matters. My fuckin nuts are loaded and I am not saving it any longer..." He said

"Whoa, there is nothing like a direct statement to make a fellow feel secure." I replied "That is crazy, but I like it." "I can do with a little crazy about now, if it includes a blow job." Replied Vince "I know you like doing me, c'mon help a fellow out."

"Of course, c'mon inside." I replied with my cock getting out of control puffing up like a balloon.

We went as far as the living room and Vince sat on the sofa. He pulled off his shirt and his junk bulged like a cucumber. He was ready to play; there was no mistaking that.

It felt a little strange because only a few days ago, I was doing the same thing with Noah. However, to be honest, Vince was more my type. I could gobble him from head to toe, dining on everything in between. He was a devil of a man and I liked everything about him – just everything...

We sat on the sofa talking a in a different sort of way. Vince completely zeroed in on sex and not bashful about anything he said. Clean or dirty, he babbled away talking about his `biscuit butt' and his cock.

He seemed, more caring, but was definitely looking for me to drain him, as he so bluntly put it. He took my hand and placed it on his leg, moving it slowly between his legs and onto his cock, still hiding in his pants.

"Damn, that is nice, I said giving a little squeeze and a few back and forth rubs. "I'll be right back," I told him.

I went to wash my hands and when I returned he was lying on the sofa with his hands behind his head. His muscles bulged and I could see the hair under his arms. "I am just getting comfortable." He said

I kneeled on the floor and started touching his chest. I can't explain the excitement that was going through me; but I'm sure you can understand it. I was rubbing his body and although extremely basic, it meant a lot to me

"Keep touching me," he mumbled

"Try to stop me," I said

I knew who I was, but not sure about Vince, He was his own brand of gay and I was yet to understand him. He bent over, put his face next to mine, and gently kissed me on cheek. It was nothing passionate it was only a peck.

"What's that for" - I asked

"Oh shut up – Does everything need a reason?" he asked

"Only if it comes from you."

Vince knew that I was attracted to him. And for the first time we did something not typical. We talked like real people.

Eventually I pushed the "real stuff" to the back of my mind; this was no time to play Walton's Mountain...

Vince got up from the floor and took my hand, leading me into the bedroom.

Let's play in here man; you have some lovin to do. Get my clothes off." He said to me standing strong like a gladiator.

His body was super nice with just enough of everything in the right places. He put his hands on my shoulders and stood there waiting for me to do something. I started stumbling getting my leg out of my pants .and almost fell over. Vince caught me and we tumbled on to the bed together.

"Hey, this isn't bad for a couple of horned up guys," he said grabbing my now swollen cock.

He wiggled out of the remainder of his clothes, and had me naked also just like him...

Vince was no longer shy and never was. He had a rough disposition. It was something so obvious, that he couldn't hide it.

"You are being terribly willing; what's the catch?" I asked

"Stop it - We are friends and you have me. You suck me like a fuckin sponge. So I will level with you." He said trying to get a reaction from me...

"So what -, you're not the only man with a dick."

"Compared to whom," asked Vince, "I don't get it."

"Forget it; here hold this. My cock was hard and time to see just how gay Vince intended to be.

I closed the window blinds to block the sun coming into the room. Vince straddled his long legs over both sides of my head. He supported himself with his arms and all I had to do was lie there, with my mouth open looking like a baby bird and feeling like a jackass.

Vince was taking charge and this was going to be thought-provoking. But, what the hell, I could deal with it.

"Suppose I tell you what I want to do. Would you go for that? He asked

"Okay, but you are not tying my hands." I said

"Why would I want to do that? I never heard of such crazy shit as tying somebody up to get a blow job," Commented Vince being quite serious.

"Did you miss me, you old grouch?" I asked

"Don't be an ass – with a question so dumb. You haven't been anyplace. Just fuckin blow me?" he continued.

"I will - you are not here naked for sports Illustrated," I said

"Yeah, time to stop this beginner shit, and get down to getting this load out of me."

"Much better" is all I said;

I stretched out and got comfortable lying on my back. Vince was arousing to look at with clothes on, but naked - I can't describe properly, giving him justice.

He sat lightly on my chest and worked his crotch up to my face. His balls were big and nasty, just the way I love them touching my lips.

"Open your mouth Rudy," said Vince

"Incredible – incredible, you are." I mumbled

"I know – open"

"Whatever you say – I'm easy"

"You're an easy fuckin slut" commented Vince

"Yeahhh," I mumbled barely able to speak

The experience was nothing different to me. I had been in this position before. However it was more exciting with Vince being there, insisting I take his cock into my mouth.

The smoothness, the taste, and the cocky smell was just my cup of tea. I am a lover of simple pleasurers. Vince's body secreted hints of rugged manliness tasting like barbecue. He moaned, "Oh yes," that's the way, Rudy you fucker.

I sucked the head into my mouth but not deep throating it. That would come later. Vince was getting out of control and I just started. He was so anxious to get my lips around his cock that he babbled like a whore on steroids.

Vince put his hands on the back of my head and directed me up and down on his dick. His meat was growing harder and felt like I was getting poked with a wooden spoon in the back of my throat. Still, I hung on, taking any reprimand he thought of dealing out.

Good Lord, what a sexy sight to see this man topping me like one sees only in the movies. It's amazing how you can see somebody, but never really see them until they are naked on top of you feeding cock or plugging your ass...

I was on a sexual high with Vince smothering me with cock. "I'm going to cum. This is it man, my balls are pushing that shit out of me and I'll dump a load in your bitchin mouth." He said looking directly at me.

I didn't care that he was warning me. I just knew that I wanted to take his slippery nutt. All I had to do was the swallowing. It was not only hot – it was easy.

In no time at all I would be over the edge begging for the obvious. Only no begging was required. Vince was in a feeding frenzy.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh, Damn, I'm going to cum," he warned again but I didn't care.

I felt his cockhead swell and his balls tighten. What should have been a simple routine blow job suddenly became something special.

The man I secretly admired and worshipped was feeding me his nutt. I was drinking from a cock tube, smooth as silk and flavored like barbecue. It doesn't get much better than that, for a gay guy who loves sucking cock.

When it was over, I couldn't believe it, he thanked me.

"I feel kind of selfish. Do you want me to get you off?" he said.

"No, I can do it."

"Without saying anything more, Vince stood up and began posing for me in the nude. He put his ass over my face while stretching and ran his hand over my stomach.

The explosive part however was when he put one foot on the bed leaving the other foot on the floor. His cock and balls hung down above my face and talk about a vision of sugar plums – this was it.

He spread his ass cheeks with his hands showing me his musky hole and I wanted it.

I rose up to lick it, but in my excitement, I didn't get that far. I shot off, as a result of all the stimulation, squirting my chest with white sticky gobs that looked like yogurt.

Vince ran his finger through the gobs and brought them to my mouth.

"Oh fuck" I said "Are you going to make me eat my own nutt?"

All he said was – "Yup"

His finger went into my mouth rummaging around my teeth and over my tongue. "That's it man, get it all," he said as I sucked on his finger.

We both got dressed, all the dirty and not so dirty stuff stopped, as if it never happened.

I've got to go," said Vince heading for the door. But before he closed it behind him, he turned, smiled and said.

"Just so you know. I had sex with Noah and I understand that you did too, because he told me. I didn't care for all that wiggling and slinking around. That shit he called lap dancing. Give me a plain guy who wants to fool around suck and dump a load being nasty. I know a dude within walking distance from my house who is a hell of a lot hotter than Noah."

"Yeah, I know him too, quite I catch." I replied

"See ya," said Vince

"You bet," I yelled back, "tell your friends."

"Fuck `em, this is private stock" he replied

I closed the door, jumped up and down snapping my fingers – "YES, I screamed, YES."

It was enough to make a fellow chuckle.

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