All by Myself

By Mark Sherwood

Published on Jun 23, 2020


All by Myself

By Mark Sherwood

It is Nifty, who keeps you reading. Please help with any amount:

The following story is fiction. Any resemblance to persons, places or things are purely coincidental.

Part 1

My best friend, John Smith, of which there are a million folks, claiming that wonderful name, likes to be called Jack. He falls in the category of middle age, creeping towards becoming a senior with style.

I am Rudy and fortunately, I am an irresistible character and a playboy at heart. It doesn't get me sex under the elm tree any longer, because like Jack, half of our century is gone. Competition is fierce and since I am fairly bright, I admire men from a far.

Jack and I have hung around for so long, that people think we are a gay couple. They are correct on the gay' part and they are correct on the couple' part. Being romantically involved or sexually involved is not part of who we are.

"Eventually everyone reveals himself. Do you think we're too old to be considering new things?" Jack asked me

"What needs to happen, that is new?" I asked

"I don't know, but I feel like a disconnected person and scorched around the edges." Said Jack

"Hey ole buddy, we are not nineteen and a little scorching means nothing. You are still breathing. Stop talking like a crazy person."

"I am breathing; it is just slow like the other parts" replied Jack

"Good grief. What a foolish way to make yourself miserable"

The conversation continued along that line, for the next few minutes. There were a lot of words but saying nothing of any value. Jack enjoyed feeling sorry for himself, although there was no good reason for doing so.

I was just the opposite. I liked myself and felt enthusiastic towards people. I don't remember the day, except for the fact it was summer. What I remember most is a man called `Vince,' the date is not important.

I live alone, all by myself, in the country, outside of White Plains, north of New York City. Vince is my neighbor, who lives about a quarter mile down the road from me. My property is adjacent to the land that he owns...

Jack and I were at a public meeting concerning a zoning regulation. It did not involve either Jack or me. However, it did concern my neighbor Vince. We went just to listen and learn whatever possible.

Vince was constructing a storage building, that was two feet higher than allowed by the town, and he needed to get a variance in order to proceed. It was a minor request and he got his variance and the construction continued after the hearing at Town Hall.

I come across to people as a sweet home town uncle, but in reality just a dirty old man, thinking like a gay adolescent. I am just fine with that arrangement being a sexual compulsive contemplating that sex is just about the best thing ever.

I found it difficult to take me eyes off Vince, standing and speaking to the crowd. Good lord, I thought Vince was terribly sexy and gifted with know-how for a toe curling moment.

"I would like to wallow in the glory of an orgasm, with that dude," I said to Jack as we watched Vince strut across the room like eye catching candy too sweet to digest.

"What do you mean `wallow'? Just grab that man and dig in." replied Jack being sarcastic

"Dream on, Jack. You are such a jerk. I wish it was that easy," I replied.

"Don't we all." He admitted

Vince was a friendly neighbor, and it ended there. He was like a tall sturdy Oak, and I would often say to myself. "I wish I had one of those." I had a clandestine crush on him for the longest time, but never spoke of it, until now.

Vince, my candy-eyed neighbor, was somewhere in his forties and not married, that anyone knew about... He was tall with a full head of sandy colored hair, a short cropped beard and a handsome body slim, yet husky, with low slung hips accenting a good looking butt as he stood, walked or bent over. He wasn't knock-out gorgeous but rather cowboy plain and earthy to look at. I thought he was unbelievably hot. His smile could turn a candy bar into a hot drink. He was a little coarse acting, but I felt that much of his style was pretense. Actually he was a bully. I was looking for something available that obviously wasn't there. However, I still watched for a clue allowing me to work sex talk into a conversation. It didn't happen.

For certain tho, he was a rough dude. I wasn't fussy. I was horned up like a slut, but not fussy. Besides, I know how to handle rough dudes.

He did have a woman that he hung around with and everybody assumed she was his girlfriend. I assumed that also. She didn't live there, but they travelled around town together as a couple.

There was a nineteen year old young man, whom he claimed was his nephew, living with him for about a year. His name was Erick and he went off to join the navy, and now Vince was living alone. That is how things go with country gossip. You assume a lot and hope you are right, but you seldom are.

I have no idea what buddy Jack assumed. He really is a jerk and I don't pay much attention to him anyway. He is typically stuck in red ink.

The following day Jack was stopping by to have lunch with me, but he cancelled. I received the following text from Jack that morning.

"I have to pass on lunch today; I forgot that I have an 11:00 am dentist appointment. It's only for a cleaning, but I have to keep it." Jack

Humm, only a cleaning – that sounded kinda necessary to me, but Jack is Jack.

It was almost noon when I backed the car from the garage and headed over Skyview Road on my way into White Plains. When I passed Vince's house, he was in the front yard pounding a sign into the ground. He was shirtless wearing tight jeans, a cowboy hat and boots.

I stopped on a dime and like a magnet; I pulled into his driveway and just sat there. I must have been mentally foggy or maybe just a piss ant in a trance; anyway I stopped.

"Hey Vince, I saw you putting up a sign and being nosey, I had to stop and say hello." I shouted out the window of the car.

I never realize how solid his body was and the amount of glorious hair spotted on his chest. His chest was just that – `Glorious.'

He was sweaty-moist with curly blond hair that formed a path disappearing under his belt leading to a forbidden crotch garden hidden behind a very lucky zipper.

"What's the sign for?" I asked

"Read the damn thing," he replied

The sign read - "Room for Rent, includes meals" with a contact number.

"Are you taking in boarders?" I asked

"It gets lonely here and I thought having somebody in the house would be a good idea," said Vince. I included meals too because the refrigerator would get raided anyway."

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked

"You mean Jennifer? She's not a girlfriend; I just hang around with her. There is nothing but friendship there. I couldn't live with her - too fuckin bossy. I would have more in common with a dude."

I couldn't stop staring at Vince's chest. He was so masculine and I never realized how fine-looking he was until now seeing him with his shirt off.

"You're staring, Rudy," he said to me.

"I know."

"Is it a good stare or a bad stare?" Vince asked

"It's awesome from the neck up / wow is from the shoulders down. Oh yeah, definitely a good stare."

"That is so gay," said Vince

"Huh, if you only knew how gay," I commented

"Where are you headed now?" asked Vince shaking his head with a tiny smile

"No place special"

"I can make coffee in three minutes using solo cups and grill a couple of sandwiches. How about coming inside for lunch,"

"Are you serious? Aren't you concerned, that I might come on to you?"

"Nah, don't worry about it. I kinda like the attention and I like you, gay shit doesn't bother me."

The house looked quite old but had been remodeled into a modern ranch. It was built on one floor and beautifully laid out with a lot of open space.

I expected it to be unkempt and messy. I pictured dirt on the kitchen floor with work boots and an old yellow raincoat hanging on a nail just inside the kitchen door – but that was not the case. It was spotless and loaded with every modern convenience.

"This is very nice," I said to Vince.

"What is very nice?" he asked "Your house"

"Certainly, I am all by myself, but I like to keep the joint looking good."

"I'm impressed" I replied

"With the house or with me?" he asked

"With you, but it won't get me anyplace," I mumbled

"I don't know about that Rudy. Give yourself a little credit. At least you are honest."

"Yeah – thanks for that. If I didn't live next door, I would rent that room you listed on the sign outside, and sit around staring at you all day and cooking dinner. Now, how gay is that?" I asked

"Pretty damn gay," Vince said laughing. I could tell that he was enjoying this conversation.

He handed me a cup of black coffee and asked what kind of sandwich I wanted for lunch.

"I'll have what you're having, surprise me," I said

"You want me to surprise you?"

"Yeahhh," I said. My dick was hard as nails and gayness poured out of me like sweat. Not sissy gayness, but the hungry `step and fetch' masculine kind.

Vince stood with his legs spread wide, knees slightly bent. His back was straight and his shoulders stress-free. I knew how he managed to stay in shape. He did physical labor constructing radio and television towers, and his body showed it.

"I am a little sweaty," he said

"It brings out your finer points," I mumbled. "You're fine."

Vince was more than fine. I could entertain his entire body, from the white jockey underwear protecting his crotch, to his feet. The flesh of his legs, curling with thick blond hair, to the modest swell between his legs, fucked up my sense of decency. . The package behind the zipper didn't appear to be a choker, but definitely a treasure plenty big enough for me. He didn't seem to be aroused.

"You want to see it," said Vince, rubbing his hand over the bulge between his legs. He was now getting hard and I knew I was doing something right. He was hot.

"Let's find out." I replied trying to remain calm

"I can do that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want to see it." I told him

"You're not just being a smart ass. You really wanna see me naked?"

"Absolutely." I told myself I wouldn't beg but if that what it takes, I can be a fag."

"Let's just call it gay, check this out."

Without hesitation, he unbuttoned his jeans and peeled the zipper apart. Inside his underwear buffed white looked moist. If anything could draw a moth to a flame, this could. My nostrils widened and my tongue watered in anticipation of getting my face in Vince's crotch.

With one hand, holding up his pants, he slid his free hand down into his underwear cupping everything cock and balls.

"Oh hell, he said apologetically. "I shouldn't tease you." And with that he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his underwear and yanked them down, dropping them on top of his cowboy boots "What do you think? - I feel like a fool, but it doesn't bother me," he added

"I think you are about as hot as any man on the planet. I probably should apologize, but no way am I sorry for being honest."

"You like what you're looking at?" Vince asked trying not to be sarcastic.

I wasn't sure how to answer that. Of course, I liked everything about Vince. So much so, that I said very little for fear of making a `school girl fool' of myself. So I just mumbled, "Oh yeah."

Vince's junk was in a completely different category, like an asset of an entirely new species. I won't bore you with measurements or comparisons, but at first glance it looked too perfect to be real. There is nothing boring about that.

He had a cock worthy of a silver ***** porn movie. I am not tossing around fake adjectives to keep it interesting like the media. I am just saying that Vince was like a banana split in front of you, with cream and a cherry. It is something you can't wait to put in your mouth.

"You are pretty amazing," I said.

I caught a glimpse of moisture sparkling at the head of his dick. I caught on quickly why he asked - "Do you like it?" He was an alpha male and saying the right words could get me anyplace... . "My cock is here, so do what you want to do. I want you to do your thing." Vince said

Looking down at him, I could see that he was telling the truth. A puddle of pre-cum matted down over a patch of hair on his balls. He wanted me to have it.

"Feels nice to get some fresh air on it," he said, as his grip tightened on his sticky cock while shaking it towards me...

My knees hit the floor and my face went directly between his legs. I smelled sweat and crotch salt, along with the gamey tang of Vince's pre-cum coating the head of his dick. I tugged at the hair on his legs with my lips and watched it spring back into tight blond curls. I listened to his breathing deepen and his cock throbbed when I put it in my mouth. He gasped, making faint syrupy noises.

"Oh fuck Rudy; this is good man – really good."

"I don't think I am going to hold back for long. This is so good I want to flood you with my stuff. Can I do that buddy; He asked sounding like it was his first blowjob.

"Do what pleases you," I said, running my tongue up and down his cock. His balls were moist from sweat and I wanted to go there also, but he had my head concentrated strictly on his cock. I didn't care where he wanted my mouth. I was just thrilled to old glory, that I had Vince naked and tasting his flesh. How lucky can a bad boy be?" This was a tense moment

Tension drained from his body like magic. My face was rubbing against his crotch. I quickly started chewing on those fetching balls pulling close to his body. This is just the most delicious thing in the world for me to do. Of course, I am a slut (but not an obvious slut) and I didn't get between Vince's legs by being a `good old boy' playing golf at the Country Club. Nope, it takes a slut.

Without making the slightest mistake, Vince had control of the moment holding my head down. His demands were exciting with that hairy blond cock staring me in the face. Now, there was no turning back; as if I would ever consider anything so foolish.

I took pride in ensuring that Vince receives pleasure from spending a few precious moments of passion with me. He looked in my eyes to let me know that he was ready for me to have the juice from his balls to feed myself.

He loved watching me and I could tell that he was a `feeder' and wanted me to swallow. I started to increase my sucking action and Vince increased the length of his cock down my throat. He wasn't hurting me; he was pleasing me and talking out loud.

OMG Rudy, Take it – take it, he mumbled over and over. "Fuckin sweet"

I have sucked a lot of dick over the years but in that moment I felt like a beginner and I was being judged on a splendid performance. I did what I was told to do.

Vince's cock throbbed and his balls tightened. A load of baby sperm was on its way into my mouth and I knew it. I knew every second of when it was coming. I swallowed cock deeply as he shot directly down my throat. The first blast I never tasted, but I felt it. Cum slipped into me like my mouth was a pussy and I was being impregnated.

Some men shoot watery cum, and some shoot the gooey cream. Vince unloaded several gobs of the thick stuff covering my tongue like pudding. There might be better living someplace, but this was heaven to me. That watery stuff is nothing of substance and I don't really like it.

"Okay buddy, get off me. You got it all, give my cock a rest. Rudy, man, you are some great cocksucker," he said to me

I smiled and didn't know how to answer. A simple "thank you" was too simple. I had to do better than that.

"I never sucked cock with such hunger," I said to him. "It's not just dick, it's the man that turns me on" I admitted

"Well fuck me Royal Rubio," said Vince. We did okay - huh?"

"For sure," was all I managed to say.

Vince walked outside with me to my car. There was a wooded area that came close to his house. A quarter of a mile through the woods ended on the far side of my driveway. We each owned half of the wooded area.

"You know what I would like to do Rudy if you agree. I would like to cut a walking trail from my house to your house through the woods. What do you think? Vince said

"It's a great idea and I will help you. It should be easy to do. The deer will use it for a run and keep it trampled down."

"Sounds like a plan, but you can have the deer. They chew off my vegetables in the garden over there," He said pointing to the rear of the house.

He gave me a little tap on my cheek and said, "Get out of here, you big queer," sounding very friendly. Then, he pulled the `room rent' sign out of the ground, tossing it on a scrap pile of wood.

"You are not renting a room?" I yelled from the driver's window backing up the car.

"Nope, I don't need strangers poking into my business," he said waving to me. "Later," he yelled out, as I drove away.

Sometimes you have to let a guy know what matters. They either smile and unzip or they growl at you and walk away. At least you know.

If you want to chat, send me an email – thanks / and please, if you can, Remember Nifty

Next: Chapter 2

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