All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 10, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: Sorry about the delay guys, but I had to go into the hospital for some surgery, but I am back now and ready to get this show back on the road, with that said let's go...

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 7 by JT Poole

// Somewhere in the Air //

"Did Chris give you any clues to what was going on Justin?" JC asked.

"No baby, he just said that Lance would fill us in on what was going on. He sounded a little bit upset about it all, so it must be big." Justin stated.

"Must be. I hope nothing is wrong with Joey and Lance. For the last couple of weeks, seems like they have been having some problems." JC stated.

"What kind of problems?" Justin asked.

"Well the same kind of problems we were having. I don't know. Seems that Lance wasn't as affectionate towards Joey as he used to be." JC said, "Like he didn't love Joey anymore."

"I doubt that. Lance loves Joey very much, you can see it in his eyes when the two of them are together." Justin stated.

"Well I hope that's not the case, I am just a little worried about why Chris called us home like this." JC stated.

"Well we will find out in a couple of hours when this plane lands." Justin stated, "Just go ahead and sleep and I will wake you up when we land."

"Are you sure baby? If you want to sleep you can, I know how you don't like flying, so if sleeping will calm you, go to sleep." JC stated.

"No no, you sleep, I will stay up and catch up on my book." Justin stated, kissing JC on the forehead.

// Orlando, FL -- Jonathan Taylor Thomas' Apartment //

"Wait!" Joey shouted, "I am making a big mistake here. I shouldn't be here doing this with you, I should be with Lance."

"No you should be here. He wasn't giving you what you needed." Jonathan stated.

"No Lance is who I love. He is the only person I should be doing things like this with. I am sorry Jonathan, but I can't do this to Lance. I love him too much." Joey stated, getting out of the bed and grabbing his clothes.

"Joseph wait, please, give me a chance. We both know that Lance doesn't love you. Let me give you what you need, give you what you want." Jonathan stated walking behind Joey.

"The only person that can give that to me is Lance, not you. Lance is my boyfriend. Lance is the person that I gave my heart too." Joey stated as he started crying, walking towards the door.

"Joseph, please...Okay fine. Go back to Lance, I guarantee that he will continue to treat you the same way." Jonathan spoke, "When you realize that he is still the same person that hurt you, I will still be here for you, I want you Joseph, I have feelings for you."

"I...I...don' know. He has hurt me, but how do you know that he won't change?" Joey spoke, "How do you know that there wasn't a reason for the way he was acting, maybe his work was more important, he was neglecting his company and he had to get things in order."

"Joseph, we both know that regardless of the fact, if he loved you, he would have paid some attention to you. Company or not, I would have showed you that I still loved you, not ignore you." Jonathan spoke, "I don't know what excuse he could have for doing that to you."

"Maybe you are right. Maybe he doesn't love me, but I still love him." Joey spoke, "And while I still love him, I don't think I need to be here doing things with you, things that I might regret later."

"Who cares? I don't. If you do something with me or not, you should at least allow yourself the pleasure to have what you want. Don't sit around loving some guy that doesn't pay attention to you or give you what you want or need. Listen to me Joey I like you and I want to take that feeling somewhere with you." Jonathan spoke.

"You have a point. I do need and want things that he hasn't been giving me lately...I still don't want to hurt him though." Joey spoke, "I shouldn't turn around and sleep with someone else because he was being a jerk."

"Yes you should. What's the biggest reason why he isn't sleeping with you?" Jonathan spoke, "He's sleeping with someone else. That's why he doesn't have time for you."

"I don't believe Lance is sleeping around on me, he wouldn't." Joey spoke, "He wouldn't do that to me. Then again, maybe he is."

"Just don't think about it. Why don't we just go back to the bedroom and just do what we can to give each other pleasure. If we have sex, we have sex, if not oh well, just as long as we have a good time." Jonathan spoke.

" win, let's go." Joey spoke as he took Jonathan's hand and followed him back into the bedroom.

// Chris' House -- 2 Hours Later //

"Have you heard from him yet?" Lance asked, as he still paced the room.

"No I haven't. I left a message on his cell for him to come right over here when he checks his messages. Just stop worrying, everything's going to be okay." Chris stated, remembering the conversation that he and Joey had earlier.

"You said he's gone out on a date Chris, how am I supposed to act. The guy that I love is out there with another man. A man that could be taking advantage of my Joey!" Lance shouted.

"Lance calm down. Shouting isn't going to make him appear." Chris stated.

"I am sorry Chris. I just wish he were here so I could apologize and tell him what was going on. I have missed touching him, kissing him, making love to him." Lance stated, as there was a knock at the door.

"Is that him? Is that my Joey?" Lance asked, Chris walking over to the door.

"No, it's Justin and JC. I am sure Joey will be here soon." Chris stated opening the door.

"Hey guys, what's going on? Why did you have us come back here so suddenly?" JC asked walking into the house.

"Well guys I am glad you are here. I am so happy to see you guys." Lance spoke.

"We are happy to see you too Scoop, but what was the big reason for us flying back tonight?" Justin asked.

"Well to start off. For the last couple of weeks or so, I have been blackmailed. A guy had found out that you two were married and that me and Joey were dating." Lance spoke.

"What! How?!" JC asked.

"Well it was strange, but he had video footage of the wedding and pictures of me and Joey and compromising positions." Lance explained, "He said that if I didn't do what he said, that he would turn all his proof over to some tabloids and to the news shows that could ruin us all."

"Oh fuck! Why didn't you tell us Scoop?" JC asked.

"The guy told me not to tell, I was being watched. He said that if I told anyone about this he would go through with his plans to put our secrets in the public eye." Lance spoke, "I couldn't let that happen."

"Oh Lance, what all happened? What did he make you do?" JC asked.

"Yeah, what did you have to do, you didn't tell me that part." Chris stated, as there was another knock at the door.

"Joey oh Joey you came!" Lance screamed as he jumped up and hugged Joey and started kissing him.

"Get off of me Lance, why are you all over my now when you couldn't bear to touch me before!" Joey spoke, pushing Lance off of him.

"Baby please, listen to me, let me explain." Lance spoke.

"There is nothing to explain! Chris, why did you call me and have me come here at this ungodly hour, you interrupted my date." Joey explained.

"Well I am glad he interrupted your date. You should be here with me. I love you Joey, please let me explain what was going on." Lance spoke again.

"Shut up Lance! I don't want to hear anything from you. You don't have any rights to talk to me, you abandoned me, and you stopped loving me!" Joey stated, as Chris tried to calm him down.

"Joey listen to him, he has a reason for the way he has been treating you." Chris stated.

"What reason could he possibly have for the way he treated me?" Joey asked.

"Joey please, I love you, I would never stop loving you. I was being blackmailed. That's why I stopped acting like I loved you, I was trying to protect all of us, trying to save the group." Lance spoke.

"You were what? Oh yeah, this is a big one. Jonathan said that you would come up with some off the wall excuse when I talked to you, but this takes the cake." Joey spoke.

"I was baby listen to me." Lance spoke, "I was blackmailed and had to do some things that I will regret forever, but I never stopped loving you."

"You could have fooled me! Is this all you called me here for Chris?" Joey asked.

"Well yeah. Lance wanted to let us know what had happened and what he had gone through, but it seems like you are being the asshole of the bunch about this. I thought you loved him Joey?" Chris spoke.

"I did love him, but after this story and the way he has treated me for the last couple of weeks, I don't know anymore." Joey spoke.

"I don't believe this Joey! You and Lance belong together. You two have loved each other since you have both been in this group and now you want to end it all, for what Joey? What is making you not believe what Lance is saying?" Justin asked.

"I don't know, I just don't believe this. I am his boyfriend, he could have told me what was going on, I would have understood, but no, he didn't tell me anything, just ignored me, no I love yous, no nothing, he just flat out ignored me!" Joey explained.

"I know baby and I am sorry I did that, but I didn't want to give Kevin any more proof of our relationship that he could use against us." Lance spoke.

"Who's Kevin?" Joey spoke

"Kevin Richardson is the person that was blackmailing me." Lance spoke.

"Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys?" JC asked.

"Yep, one in the same." Lance spoke

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 10

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