All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Jan 2, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: I am so sorry about all the typos in the last chapter. I will do my best to try and catch them all. Thanks Susan, Bob, Jamie and Eric for pointing them out to me.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 3 by JT Poole

  • San Francisco -- The Super 8 Motel *

"Why did you have me come here?" Lance asked.

"Now now, aren't we edgy you have what I asked for?" The person asked.

"Yeah I have it! Now would you leave me alone now? You have been putting me through hell. Because of you, I know my love has gone to fucking hell. Now you got what you wanted, leave me the fuck alone." Lance shouted.

"Look mister, I can make things terrible for you at the drop of a hat. Don't go screaming at me like that, you might need to watch your temper, since it seems I have some effect on the outcome of your life and career at the moment!" The person spoke.

"I have done everything you asked me to do. I have given you everything you wanted. Just give me the video tape and the pictures so that I can forget about all of this." Lance stated, as he sat down in a chair and started crying.

"Oh my god, the big ole pop star is crying. Just stop with the tears okay. Here's the tape and the pictures and all the copies. Since you fulfilled the bargain, I guess we are even now." The person stated.

"Are you sure this is everything? I don't want to see any of this in the tabloids." Lance spoke.

"Would it really hurt your career if everyone knew that Justin and JC were married and that you were sleeping with Joey?" The person asked.

"Yes and you know it would. This would ruin all of our careers." Lance stated.

"I don't know, the world has become more accepting of gays in society today. Maybe you guys should just come out of the closet." The person stated.

"We can't do that. The world isn't ready for all of that." Lance stated.

"No one would care anyone. N Sync is no longer a band anymore and all of you have gone your separate ways, well except for JC and Justin and you and Joey. Just see what happens if you guys come out." The person stated.

"As I said before we can't do that." Lance stated. "Is there anything else? I need to get back home so I can straighten things up with Joey."

"What did you do to the little man? Did you two have a fight?" The person asked.

"No, but since you've been blackmailing me, I have been ignoring him. All because of you." Lance stated.

"Leave my sight, before I change my mind." The person spoke, as Lance gathered his belongs and headed towards the door.

"It was nice doing business with you Bass, next time, maybe we can have some fun too." The person stated.

"Not on your life, I will never stoop that low." Lance stated as he walked out of the room and jumped into the rental car.

  • New York - Hyatt-Regency -- Justin and JC's Room *

"Come on Justin stop, the breakfast is here. Let me go get that." JC stated.

"No, you stay here, I will go get it." Justin stated as he slid out of the bed and pulled on his robe and went to go get the breakfast.

Opening the door, Justin was surprised when he was faced with Carson Daly, standing there holding a dozen of Roses and a bottle of Wine. Not know what he was doing there, Justin closed the door and went and got JC. As JC came back into the main room and opened the door, Carson was still standing there with a shocked look on his face.

"Josh what the hell is going on here? Is he here to see you?" Justin asked.

"Yes I am here to see Joshua. He invited me here to visit him." Carson spoke.

"What!" Justin screamed. "You are cheating on me?"

"No I am not cheating on you." JC stated.

"Then explain him, what the hell is he doing here and why did he just say that you invited him here?" Justin screamed again.

"Well..." JC stuttered.

"Well what?!" Justin shouted.

"Well I was going to meet him. I didn't know you would snap out of your shit and come with me. I forgot to cancel my plans with him." JC stated.

"Oh this is real great. You basically bring me here, tell me that you wanted to get out marriage annulled and here I am crying trying to do what I can to keep you and you already making dates with other men!" Justin shouted again. "What the fuck are we doing Josh, are we splitting up or what?"

"Well at the time I was planning on leaving you, I didn't know you were going to come back to your senses. I am sorry Justin." JC explained. "I want things to work between us, I really do."

"Ah guys, I think I will be leaving now." Carson spoke.

"No you don't leave, you stay. I will leave since he made a date with you. You two keep your date, I hope both of you have a fucking good time." Justin screamed.

"No Justin, stop! I am sorry about all of this Justin. I didn't expect you to change. As I said earlier, I was expecting to leave you. But you are trying to change. Please, let's set things right." JC stated.

"Josh not once since we've been together that I have thought about another man. Here you are, making dates, we are still married Josh! I know I didn't act like a husband supposed to act, but right now you are not acting like a husband either. You know I love you, I thought you loved me, but if you can just through the years we have together away like that, I guess you don't." Justin spoke.

"Wait a damn minute! Ever since you went solo, you have been paying less attention to me. How was I supposed to feel? I waited and waited for you, but no Justin. What was I supposed to do, sit and wait forever? I need love, I need attention Justin, and at that point you were not giving it to me! I had a right to find it elsewhere." JC explained.

"So Carson is not the first date you have been on since we've been married?" Justin asked. "There have been others?"

"No! There haven't been any others. I am just saying that I had the right to look elsewhere to find what you were not giving me." JC explained.

"With Carson Daly!!!!!" Justin screamed.

"Hey!! I am standing right here!" Carson screamed.

"You get out! This is between me and my husband!" JC shouted.

  • Orlando, FL -- Lance and Joey's House *

"Should I trust this guy Chris? I don't know of anyone named JT Thomas." Joey stated.

"Yes you do. Remember the day you took me to the studio to watch you rehearse?" Chris stated.

"Yeah, why?" Joey asked.

"That day, down the hall in another part of the studio, some people were rehearsing the play, `Our Town' and you came looking for me. You finally found me down the hall; I was staring at some girls in that room and Jonathan Taylor Thomas bumped into you as he was leaving the room. Get it JT Thomas." Chris explained.

"That short kid with the blonde hair?" Joey asked.

"Yes, and he's a cutie if I must say so." Chris stated. "Why are you looking at me like that, I hang around you guys, sometimes you need a straight mans opinion."

"I knew you had some sugar in your tank Christopher. Might as well since the rest of us are gay." Joey stated as he started giggling.

"I still like girls, so give it up, you guys are not going to convert me." Chris stated, laughing as the phone rang again.

"Oh great, Lance is calling. Wonder what he has to say." Joey stated, picking up the phone. "What is it Lance?"

"Joey honey, did you have a good rehearsal today?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, rehearsals went great. What do you want Lance?" Joey asked, you could feel the anger and hate dripping from his voice.

"Joey I know you are mad with me, but I will be able to explain everything when I get back home okay?" Lance stated.

"No it's not okay Lance. You have ignored me for almost a month; you have made me feel like you didn't love me; you made me feel so alone. So no it isn't okay." Joey stated as he slammed the phone down on the receiver.

"Joey, why didn't you give him a chance to explain?" Chris asked.

"I don't want to hear his excuses right now. When I come back from my date tonight, I will consider hearing what he has to say." Joey stated.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 5

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