All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 29, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love - Chapter 2 by JT Poole

  • Orlando, FL - At Rehearsals *

"Hi Joey, where's that friend of yours Lance? I haven't seen him in a couple of days." Ken asked.

"He had to fly out to San Francisco for some business. He should be back in a couple of days, why?" Joey asked.

"Well my sister saw him here a couple of days ago and she wanted me to give him this note. I think she has a crush on him and wants to go out on a date with him." Ken stated.

"Well I will give it to him if you like, or I can put it in his desk at the house." Joey explained.

"Sounds cool. Has he been dating anyone lately? She's been jumping around the house trying to get me to bring her here to meet both of you, but I refused." Ken stated.

"Well not that I know of, I haven't seen him with anyone, and we live in the same house." Joey laughed, while deep inside he was angry, thinking for the last couple of weeks Lance has been doing nothing but working and ignoring him.

"Well maybe it would do him some good if he had someone in his life to keep him from working so much." Ken stated.

"Yeah right, nothing can keep that guy from working." Joey laughed again.

"Excuse me, Joey, someone out side left this for you." The young woman spoke.

"Thanks Candy, did you see who left it?" Joey asked.

"No, it was laying on the table outside the door there." Candy stated as she pointed to the table outside the door. "Well open it up and see what it is. You like to make a girl wait don't you."

"Well give me a moment and I will open it up and read it." Joey stated, as he opened the envelope and started reading the note that was inside.

Joey read the note, and after finishing it, he was shocked. Who could have sent this note with a ticket to go to the theater tonight? He knew Lance was in San Francisco and he didn't know of anyone else that would be sending him something like this. He placed the note back into its envelope and places it into his backpack.

"Well what was it?" Candy and Candy asked in unison.

"Nothing guys, just forget about it." Joey spoke, as his mind begin to think of different people that know of his secret that would have sent the ticket for that night. "How much longer do we have for this, I have some things to do for today."

"Oh now you are ready to go. Someone must have a big date tonight, any other time you are trying to stick around here to waste time." Candy stated.

"Well we can finish up, seems like everyone knows their lines for Monday's show, so we can head out now if you guys want too, just be here two hours before the show."

"Cool, see you guys then." Joey stated, as he grabbed his backpack and started running for his car.

  • New York - Hyatt-Regency - Justin and JC's Room *

"What are we going to do first baby?" Justin asked.

"We are going to do nothing. You are going in there and change clothes, and then you and me are going down for breakfast, then we will check out some things around town." JC stated.

"Josh I look fine the way I am." Justin whined.

"Not to be seen with me you don't. Get in there and change are you can stay here by yourself." JC explained.

"Fine baby, I will, but only because you want me too." Justin stated, walking into the bedroom to change his clothing.

"Be quick about it, I don't have all day to wait on you either." JC spoke, "I have a full day of things I want to do."

"I'll be right there, just give me another minute or so. I am putting on my pants." Justin stated.

"Do I need to come in there and make you hurry up?" JC asked.

"If you come in here right now, we won't be leaving this room for a while." Justin laughed.

"I am not in a laughing mood Justin, hurry up and stop playing around." JC stated walking into the room.

"Baby, chill out, why are you acting this way?" Justin asked. "Are you doing this to try and punish me for the way I have been acting lately?"

"If I wanted to punish you, I would have just went to Vermont and got our marriage annulled." JC stated. "Now hurry up and finish getting ready."

"Josh would you really have done that? Did I cause you that much pain?" Justin asked, looking at JC with hurt in his eyes.

"Just, I really thought about it plenty of times. Every time that I sat alone at home waiting for you to come home, every time you promised me that you would be there for me and you were not, every time you told me something, but you forgot about it. All of that hurt me Justin. I didn't want to be your husband anymore, I am still thinking about what I should do now." JC explained.

"Josh honey please don't do that, I love you and you know I do. No one knows me like you do, there is no one on the planet that is right for me but you. Josh I love you very much. I am so so sorry that I let my solo project cause problems for us like this. Josh please don't leave me?" Justin pleaded.

  • Orlando, FL - Joey and Lance's House *

"I don't know Chris, I don't know what's with him. He just took off and left in the middle of the night." Joey said.

"I am so sorry Joe, I don't know what to say. Did he leave a number to where he was going?" Chris asked.

"No he didn't. Chris, I can't take this any longer. I love him, but I am not going to let him to continue treating me like this." Joey stated, as he sat down and started crying.

"Calm down Joey, it's going to be okay. I just don't understand why Scoop is acting like this." Chris stated as the phone rang. "Are you going to answering that?"

"No, just let it fucking ring. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now." Joey stated. "Who is it?"

"I don't know, the caller id says JT Thomas. Do you know who that is?" Chris asked.

"No, but it might be important or something, I better answer it." Joey stated. "Hello."

"Hello Joey, did you get my note and the ticket for tonight?" The guy asked.

"Yeah I got it, but who are you?" Joey asked.

"I am just a guy that knows how valuable you are and how much you need love and affection." The guy spoke.

"That doesn't answer the question." Joey spoke. "What's your name?"

"You can call me JT, since most of my friends call me that." The guy stated.

"Well JT, what makes you think that I would go to the theater with you tonight?" Joey asked.

"I will just trust my instincts and hope that you will show up." The guy spoke, "Maybe after the show, we can go for some coffee or something and just talk, get to know each other better."

"I don't know, I don't know you well enough to go somewhere with you." Joey stated, as Christ looked at him confused.

"Just give me a chance, I will make everything all right with you." The guy spoke. "I shall see you at 9pm. I hope you have a great day until then."

"I doubt it." Joey stated hanging up the phone. "The nerve of some people."

"What was all of that about Joey?" Chris asked.

"Some guy named JT sent me a note with a ticket to the theatre tonight, and well that was just him on the phone, he called to confirm that I got the ticket." Joey explained. "He seems crazy. He said that I should go out with him because he can make everything better for me."

"Joey guess what you should do." Chris spoke.

"What should I do Chris? Tell me ole wise one." Joey spoke.

"I must be loosing my mind but I think you should go. If Lance can give you the time and attention that you need, then maybe another guy can." Chris explained.

"Maybe you are right. I think I will go. I just don't know what to expect of this. I don't want to hurt Lance doing this." Joey spoke.

"Ah, are talking about a guy that has ignored you for the last month. Go for it Joey. See what happens." Chris stated.

"Okay, I guess I will. I deserve to have some fun." Joey stated hugging Chris.

  • New York - Hyatt - Regency *

"Do you see this ring on my finger? This rings is a symbol of the love we share for each other, the love I have for you, the love I have for you Josh and only you." Justin stated.

"That goes for me too Justin, but things have to change. We can't continue down the road we are on. I can't continue to go on being ignored and pushed to the side by you. You must show me the same love and affection that I show you, if you can't do that, then let me know now, we can take a plan over to Vermont tomorrow and get out of this marriage." JC spoke, as he sat down on the bed.

"Josh honey please, why don't we just stay in today, just the two of us. We can at least try to talk and work things out." Justin stated.

"But Justin, we have things to do today, we just can't stay in here." JC stated.

"We can do those things later, why don't we just order breakfast in and just spend this day, just the two of us." Justin stated.

"But...okay Justin, I guess we could just stay in here, just the two of us." JC stated, as Justin leaned down and started kissing him.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 4

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