All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on May 11, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 15 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound //

"Hey Kev, how are you man?" Brian asked as he walked over to Kevin and hugged him as he and Nick walked through the main door with Johnny and Bob tagging behind them.

"I fine now that I am out of jail." Kevin stated. "How are the rest of you guys doing?"

"We are okay. When Nick filled us in on what was going on we had to wonder were you loosing your mind or something. Kevin why in the hell did you get mixed up with Lou?" Brian asked.

"So I could keep us safe!" Kevin stated.

"To keep you safe? Have there been more threats?" Bob asked.

"This is how old this got started. Since Lou couldn't get to these guys himself, he threatened me to do his dirty work." Kevin stated as he grabbed Nick's hand and kissed it.

"Why didn't you go to the police Kev?" Brian asked.

"I couldn't. He had people watching us and I didn't know who those people were. He told me that if I went to the police he would have me and Nick killed. I had no choice but to do what he said." Kevin stated.

"So basically he blackmailed and used you and you did the same thing to Lance!" Joey shouted.

"Joe calm down. This is not all his fault. This is all Lou's fault." Justin stated walking over to Joey and hugging him.

"It is his fault. He didn't have to do what he did. If he wouldn't have done this, Lance wouldn't be missing now." Joey stated as he sunk to the floor and started full out crying again.

"Oh Joey I am so sorry for what's happened." Leighanne stated as she walked over to him and Justin and hugged him too.

"It's not your fault Ms. Wallace it's all Kevin's fault." Joey spoke, continuing to sob.

"Come on Joey. From what Kevin and Nick told us, Kevin was between a rock and a hard place. From his point of view, he had no choice but to do what he did." Brian stated. "If it would have been the other way around, what would you have done?"

"I don't know what I would have done, but I am sure I wouldn't put someone else's life in jeopardy like this." Joey stated as he got up and wiped his eyes on his sleeve.

"You would have done the same thing I did to save Lance and you know it." Kevin stated. "Anyone of you would have done the same thing to save the one you love."

"Everybody doesn't think like that Kevin." Howie stated. "There were other options you could have taken. I know you said that he had people watching you, but I don't believe he have people everywhere watching you."

"I don't know. I just did what he said, I didn't want to find out what would happen if I didn't do what he said." Kevin stated.

"Come on. The two of us need to go and talk." Howie stated as he grabbed AJ's hand and pulled him towards the kitchen.

"What's going on you two?" Kevin asked.

"Well first of all, you didn't have to do any of this stuff Kevin. I don't feel safe around you." Howie stated. "Some guys approached me with the same stuff you are talking about and I refused to do it. The guys told me that if I didn't cooperate with them, they would expose me and AJ."

"What!" AJ stated as he turned and looked at Howie. "And you didn't tell me this because?"

"I didn't want to upset you over this." Howie stated. "I haven't heard anything else about something like this until now. It has to be the same people."

"Baby you could have been hurt or worse." AJ stated as he grabbed Howie and embraced him.

"I am okay, they didn't do anything to me, they brought me back to the club the same way the found me." Howie stated.

"They took you some place?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. They came into the club while I was doing some investment stuff and gagged me and took me to an abandoned building somewhere." Howie stated.

"Where was this building?" Joey asked.

"I don't know. I think it was close to Disney, I can remember hearing carnival music and the sounds of brakes on metal, the way it sounds on the monorail." Howie stated.

"Let me get this information to the officers." Johnny stated as he got up and walked out of the room.

"Why didn't you tell us that happened D?" Kevin asked. "If we had known that happened to you, we would have been on the look out for something to happen."

"Well it's been almost a year. I didn't think this would happen to you two, you guys are out and everything, everyone knows you two are married, they don't know about me and AJ being married." Howie stated.

"You two are married? I thought you were just dating." Justin stated.

"We are married. We got married in the same place you two got married in." AJ stated.

"How did you know we were married?" JC asked.

"Where were there when you two got married. We got married the next day." AJ stated laughing.

"Why didn't you guys say something to us when you saw us?" Justin asked.

"Well we didn't want anyone to know we were getting married." AJ stated.

"Well we are in the same industry, like we were going to blab or something." Justin stated. "Congrats."

"Thanks. Congrats to you and JC too." AJ stated.

"Our little family of married men." Chris stated laughing as Johnny walked back into room.

"What did they say Johnny? Are they going to get him?" Joey asked.

"Well there are a lot of abandoned buildings close to Disney World, but they are sending cars to check them out."

// Orlando, FL - An Abandoned Building (Not To Far from Disney) -- 4 Hours Later //

"I guess it's time for you to meet your maker kid. No one has done anything about the ransom. We gave extra time and the boss said to go ahead and off you." Jake stated holding Lance's chin in his hand.

"Look I will do anything you ask, just let me go." Lance stated. "I am very hungry, tired and I am cold."

"There's nothing you can do kid, just go ahead and kiss your life goodbye." Jake stated as he heard a strange noise. "Yo B get in here and look after the kid, I'm going to look around. I heard something."

"Alright, go look." Bill stated. "But I didn't hear anything."

"Well I did, so stay here with the kid until I get back." Jake stated as he walked out of the room, as there was a loud crash, then some shouting.

"Stop there! We have the place surrounded, you are under arrest!" the OPD officer stated.

"You're not going to get me you dirty fuckers!" Jake yelled as he ran back into the room with his gun preparing to shoot Lance when Bill stood in his way with a gun and a badge.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jake asked as he say the badge and the gun.

"Jake Townsend you are under arrest for kidnapping, rape, and extortion." Bill stated as he walked closer to Jake and pushed him up against the wall as another officer came into the room, slapped some cuffs on Jake and read him his rights and took him outside.

"Mr. Bass let me help you up." Bill stated as he untied Lance and went to go get his clothing and his other belongings. "Come on kid put help me out here."

"I am sorry sir, but I don't have much energy. I'm tired and very hungry." Lance stated as Bill got his pants on and helped him with his shoes. When can I go home?"

"After you leave the hospital." Bill stated. "After a rape kit has been done on you and the doctor has looked you over you are free to go home."

"I don't want to go to the hospital. I just want to go home." Lance stated as he started to cry again.

"I know you do, but right now we can't let you go home. We have to get you to the hospital." Bill stated. "We need to get the evidence from you we need to keep the charge of rape against Jake. If nothing is wrong with you, you should be back home with your family and friends before dark."

"Before dark? I don't even know what time of day it is." Lance stated.

"It's still early in the afternoon." Bill stated as he helped walk Lance out to the ambulance.

Outside, as Bill went over to the other officers, a SVU pulled up and Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick hopped out and approached the scene.

"Where's Lance!?! Is he dead? Is my baby dead?" Joey asked as he ran over to the police officers, not caring rather or not he was outing himself and Lance.

"Calm down sir. Who are you?" the officer asked.

"I'm Joey Fatone. I am looking for Lance Bass. Where is he?" Joey asked.

"He's over there in that ambulance, they are getting ready to transport him to the hospital." The officer stated as Joey started running over to the ambulance before the guy could say anything else as Chris ran behind him.

"Lance! Lance! I am coming baby." Joey shouted out as he got to the ambulance, noticing that some other officers guarded it.

"Sorry sir, no one is allowed in there. Step back." The officer stated.

"Please let me in to see him, I just need to make sure he's okay." Joey stated.

"Mr. Bass is fine. He's receiving medical attention." The officer stated.

"Just let me see him. Please." Joey stated, as Chris finally caught up to him.

"Come on man let him see him. That's his lover, it's not like he's going to do anything wrong to him." Chris stated as the officer looked at Joey then opened the door as he held up his hand showing a ring to indicate he knows how Joey felt about his loved one.

"Thank you sir." Joey stated as he stepped into the ambulance and saw Lance laid out on the table as one of the EMT's was trying to get an IV started while the other one was listening to Lance's heartbeat. "Lance baby are you okay?"

"Joey! Joey oh Joey I am so happy to see you." Lance pushed himself up on the table and reached out for Joey as Joey walked over to him and hugged and kissed him. "I thought I was never going to see you again. I thought they would take you away from me. I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you baby. I love you so much." Joey stated as the EMT finally got the IV started and Lance winced in pain as he felt the needle pierce his skin. "It 's going to be alright baby."

"I am just glad you are here with me now baby. I had no idea that a cop was in the room with me all the time." Lance stated. "I guess he was doing an undercover job or something."

"I am just glad he stopped that guy from hurting you." Joey stated.

"Well he hurt me already." Lance stated as he started crying harder now. "He raped me baby. He beat me up until I passed out and then he raped me. This is the second time, I feel so dirty. Why do people want to violate me, is it written on my forehead or something?"

"No baby, those men were just mean and evil and felt that they needed to violate you to make you feel the way you are feeling now." Joey stated. "We are not going to let them destroy us baby. We can get through this. As long as we love each other, we will never be alone, just All Alone In Love..."

"I guess we are All Alone In Love." Lance stated as he and Joey continued hugging each other.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...OR SHOULD IT BE...

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E-Mail: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

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