All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 4, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 11 by JT Poole

// Orlando -- Monday Afternoon - Jive Music Entertainment //

"What are we going to do now?" Justin asked.

"I don't know. If what Kevin says is true, we better do something and do it fast. When Lou is concerned, you never know what's going to happen." JC stated.

"Oh Lance. Why didn't you tell me what was going on? I am so sorry that had to happen to you." Joey stated, hugging Lance tightly.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you too. It was bad that it happened to me, but I don't know what I would have done if it happened to you two." Lance stated, crying while hugging Joey.

"Joey why don't you and Lance go for a walk or something." Johnny stated, trying to get the two of them to leave.

"That's sounds like a good idea. We will walk down to the cafeteria for a bit." Joey stated, as he and Lance left the room.

"I think we might have some problems. Some real big problems." Johnny stated.

"We already know. How are we going to deal with Lou?" Chris asked.

"I am trying to find out why he is so bent on trying to get us. He was in the wrong, that's why we left him." Justin stated.

"Maybe it's the fact that he think he built you guys and he wants you all back and if he can't have you, then he kill you." Kevin stated walking back into the room.

"Kevin? What are you doing here?" Justin asked.

"We came back. After talking about things, Nick made me see the error of my ways." Kevin stated.

"Don't you think it's too late for that now. You should have saw that a long time ago when you decided to help Lou." JC stated.

"Well I was blinded by my hatred. I was filled with so much hatred for you guys because I felt you guys had it easy." Kevin stated. "But after Nick and I talked, I noticed that it wasn't your guys faults that we were outed and we went through the stuff we went through. I shouldn't, no...I couldn't hold that against you guys. You had nothing to do with that."

"Now he gets a heart." Justin stated walking to a corner of the room.

"Look guys. I know I did wrong, but could you at least let me try to help?" Kevin asked.

"Look! Haven't you done enough already?" Chris asked.

"This takes the cake even for you. I didn't think someone would ever, ever stoop that low. How could you let all of this happen Kevin?" JC asked. "I know you and Nick went through a lot, hell I read it all in the newspapers, but what right does that give you to try and do what happened to you and Nick to me and Justin?"

"Alright, I apologized for that. I know I was wrong. I know it wasn't you guys fault that Nick and me went through what we did, but you have to look at it from my view. How would you feel if, that every move you make, every thing you do, someone is watching? How would you feel that every time you turned on the television your faces were plastered across the screen and people were booing you? Better yet, how would you feel if you got hate mail on a daily basis from people telling you that they wish or hope you die and go to hell where our kind belonged?" Kevin explained.

"Well I am sorry you guys went through that, but what does that have to do with us?" JC asked.

"You and Justin are married and no one knows about it but the people in your circle and no one bothers you, you don't have people hating you, like me and Nick do." Kevin stated.

"That's something every gay couple has to face sooner or later. I know Justin and me haven't had to deal with it much, but that's because we decided to keep it quiet and not tell anyone outside of our family and friends." JC explained. "There has been plenty of rumors about the two of us being married, but we haven't told the media or anyone otherwise. We just let them continue to think what they want about us."

"It's not fair! We didn't get to make that choice. That's why I say you guys have it so easy." Kevin stated walking over to the window. "Everything that you guys have, Nick and I wish we had."

"I know it's not fair Kevin, but as I said before, we had nothing to do with that." JC stated.

"Kevin, where's Nick?" Chris asked.

"He went to the cafeteria to get something to eat." Kevin stated. "Why?"

"Just wanted to know is all." Chris stated.

"What are we going to do about all of this Johnny?" Justin asked turning around to rejoin the conversation.

"Well I have already called the police, when they get here, hopefully we can have Kevin and Lance tell them what happened. I hope we can get some good results from that." Johnny stated.

// The Cafeteria //

"Lance baby, I wish I can take all that away. But I can't." Joey stated, wiping tears from his eyes. "How was I supposed to know what was going on, you didn't even say two words to me."

"I know baby. I can't blame you for all of this." Lance stated.

"Well I am glad I didn't sleep with Jonathan. I was so tempted into sleeping with him, I almost gave into my desires." Joey stated.

"I am sorry Joe. I just didn't want to do anything else to give Kevin more proof to use against us." Lance stated. "I wish I could just kill him and be done with the whole thing."

"You wish you could what?!" Nick yelled, as he approached Lance and Joey. "You want to kill Kevin. I will stop you! I won't let you hurt him anymore!"

"Excuse me! If I am not mistaken, Kevin has did the most hurting!" Lance screamed.

"Kevin is not responsible for everything that happened!" Nick screamed back

"Yes he is! I don't care if Lou told him to do it, he could have lied or something. He didn't have to do what he did!" Lance shouted back as Security came over to the table.

"Okay you three let's go. We are taking you back up to Johnny's office and you are not leaving there." The security officer stated.

"He fucking started it." Nick stated as the guard walked behind him and the others.

"Just save it Carter. Before this day is done, you will regret everything Kevin has done." Lance stated.

"Is that a fucking threat?" Nick asked.

"Take it how you want to." Lance stated as they were escorted down the hall to the elevators and up to Johnny's office.

// Somewhere in Orlando //

"Do you have the van ready?" The guy asked.

"Yeah it's ready. All we have to do is wait for them to come out of the Jive building and head to their cars. Once we get them outside, it's easy money." The other guy stated. "My lookout says that he saw them go in, but they have yet to come out."

"Good that means they are still there. Let's hope we can get them and be down with this. I don't feel right kidnapping celebrities, this could lead to a lot of trouble for us if we are caught." The first guy stated.

"It could, but we will still have the money to spend when we get out of the joint." The second guy stated.

"Why does the boss want us to kidnap those two anyway?" The first guy asked.

"He stated that they messed up his previous plans and that if they are left out on the street for too long, they can cause problems for the rest of us. He said one of them knows too much." The second guy stated.

"Oh, so I guess it's justified that we kidnap them to keep them quiet." The first guy stated.

"Yeah. LP said that we should hold on to `em until he's done with them." The second guy stated.

"I think this is going to be fun. LP said that they are gay. We can use them as pigs." The first guy said.

"Look man, I don't think that's a good idea. Do you know what they do to rapist in the joint?" The second guy stated.

"Who says we are going to get caught?" The first guy asked. "If you don't want to do this, you don't have to. I can find someone else to fill your shoes." The first guy stated.

"The money's good. I want to do it, I just don't want to go back to the joint. The first sign of trouble I see, I am getting the hell out." The second guy stated.

"Whatever goes down you are in it like the rest of us. Leave now, because after this is set into motion, you don't have a choice to leave." The first guy stated. "It's your decision."

"Damn. I really do need the cash man. You are making this hard for me." The second guy stated, rubbing his head.

"I'll make it easy for you. Why don't I call LP and tell him to get someone else and then you can go do something else." The first guy stated, pulling out his cell phone. "Is that what you want?"

"No! Don't do that. I will stick with what he told me to do." The second guy stated.

"Good. I am not going to have this conversation with you ever again." The first guy stated as his cell phone rang. "Yeah?"

"I have spotted one of the targets. He is walking out of the building and heading to a car. He's stepping into a Blue Acura." The voice on the phone stated.

"That's not him. The ones we want are riding in a Red Miata and a Black Navigator. Don't you have the pictures of the guys?" The first guy asked.

"Yeah I do and the guy is getting into the Blue Acura." The voice on the phone stated.

"Well go ahead and grab him before he takes off." The first guy stated.

"Okay. Expect to see him in a hour." The voice on the phone stated as the line went dead.

// Jive Music Entertainment Building -- Johnny's Office //

"Where's Lance?" Johnny asked.

"He went to go get something out of my car, why?" Joey asked.

"The police are down in a conference room and we need him and Kevin to get in there and tell them what was going on." Johnny stated.

"Well he should be back in shortly. Why don't we just go ahead down there and we can meet him in front of the Conference Room." Joey stated.

"I guess. Come on guys let's go and see what's going to happen." Johnny stated as he and the guys walked out of the room to head to the Conference Room.

"I'll call Lance and tell him to meet us in the Conference Room." Joey stated dialing Lance's number on his cell phone. "That's strange, no answer, it's just ringing."

"Well just stand out here and wait for him then." Johnny stated as the others walked into the room.

"Chris can I speak to you for a moment?" Joey asked as Chris stopped and walked back to him.

"Sure. What's up Joe?" Chris asked.

"I am worried about Lance. Ever since he told us what happened, I have been worried about him. I don't think he's going to be able to deal with being raped." Joey stated.

"Why do you say that?" Chris asked.

"All the while, as we were sitting in the cafeteria, he wouldn't let me touch him, he just kept talking about what that man had did to him. It's like he thinks that I am going to do that too." Joey stated as tears ran down his face.

"No Joe. I don't believe Lance would think you would hurt him. He's just upset about everything that has happened. Maybe he just doesn't want to be touched right now." Chris stated.

"I think he is mad that I went on that date. He wouldn't even sleep with me in the bed. He's acting like he can't stand to be around me." Joey stated, full out crying now.

"He didn't act that way in Johnny's office. You two were hugging and kissing in there." Chris stated.

"I don't know. Maybe he's trying to be himself around you guys, but when we are alone today, he was totally different." Joey stated as his cell phone rang. "It's Lance. Hello?"

"Joe help me. I need help." Lance whispered into the phone.

"What? Lance speak up." Joey spoke into the phone. "I can't hear you. Did you say you need help?"

"Baby please help me." Lance whispered again, as the man in the van with him turned around and snatched the phone out of his hand.

"Lance! Lance! What's happening?" Joey screamed into the phone.

"Say bye bye bye to your boyfriend. He's gone forever now." The voice on the phone stated as Joey screamed again.

"Who the hell are you? Where is Lance? Why are you on his phone?" Joey asked as the phone went dead.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 14

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