All Alone in Love

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 26, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== All Alone in Love -- Chapter 10 by JT Poole

// Orlando -- Monday Morning - Jive Music Entertainment //

"I just don't know what all Kevin has to do with this. What did he do to you guys?" Nick asked as he sat down across from Justin and JC.

"Kevin gave me a list of things that needed to be done in order for us to remain secret. If I didn't do something on the list, he would turn over the stuff he had on us to the media." Lance stated.

"What was on the list?" Nick asked.

"He had me set up clients within my company that he had control of. I had to find some young boys to host a private party for some of those clients. I also had to fire some of my most prominent singers and then I gave him 20% of my company." Lance stated.

"That's all?" Nick asked.

"Is that all? I had to do things I didn't want to do. Things I would never do. Do you know how it feels to see young boys used and hurt the way those guys hurt those boys I had to find?" Lance asked screaming at Nick.

"No I don't, I don't think I never had to deal with something like that." Nick stated.

"I had to stand there and watch those men use and even rape those boys. Those guys didn't welcome the treatment they got. They believed they were there to just work, and all that happened was they ended up being the main attraction." Lance stated as he started crying.

"Oh baby, please...calm down. I know you didn't want to do that. You were just trying to protect all of us." Joey stated leaning over to hug Lance.

"No! I shouldn't have placed those guys in that position. I should have said no, I should have stopped what was happening when I saw it, instead I just turned my head and cried." Lance stated still crying. "This is Kevin's fault, he should have known something like that would have happened!"

"How was Kevin supposed to know that stuff was going to happen? If what Johnny says is true, then Lou had all this stuff set up from the get go!" Nick screamed back.

"Guys calm down. We are not going to get to the bottom of this if we keep screaming at each other." Chris stated.

"That's true. Let's see what Kevin has to say about this. Let me get him on the phone and get some answers to the questions boiling in my brain." Johnny stated picking up the phone and dialing numbers.

"Like he's going to tell you anything. I bet he will deny it all." Lance stated.

"Lance baby please. Let's at least hear what he has to say about it all, to at least see why he did it." Joey stated, trying to calm Lance down.

"Well it seems he's not going to say anything, he's not answering the phone at your place Nick." Johnny stated. "I will check his cell phone."

As Johnny dials Kevin's number, we join a strange man making plans in his office to cause some more problems among the guys of N Sync.

// Somewhere in California //

"Do you understand what I am telling you?" The man asked as he talked to some guys standing around in the room.

"You are saying you will give us all that money if we kidnap these guys in the picture and keep them hidden for a couple of weeks?" The guy spoke.

"Yeah all of you get this money once I know you have those guys and you can show me that you have them captured." The man spoke.

"Okay, you have a deal. We will get on that for you LP, we should have this taken care of before the end of the week." The man stated as he and the other thugs walked out with him.

"Good, my plans will work. Kevin should have did what I wanted him to do, now he's going to regret it." The man stated as he started laughing like a maniac.

// Orlando -- Jive Music Entertainment //

"Where is your husband Nick? Why isn't he here with you to defend himself huh?" Lance asked.

"I don't know where Kevin is, but I can tell you he is not at all to blame for this. He's not alone in this. I still say that someone else is behind all of this." Nick stated getting angry with Lance.

"Well he could have fooled me. He's not here to say he didn't do it, all we have is what you said. I think you are just trying to take the heat off of Kevin. Maybe Lou has nothing to do with this, maybe it's all Kevin's doing." Lance stated as Nick got up and punched him in the face.

"Hey!!!! What the hell!" Joey yelled, pulling Nick off of Lance as he was going to punch him again.

"My Kevin isn't to blame for all of this! Lance is just using him to hid behind!" Nick screamed as Johnny's office door flew open as Kevin stood there with Security Guards standing behind him ready to restrain him.

"Mr. Wright, we tried to stop him, but he wouldn't stop until he got here." One of the guards stated.

"It's alright, I need to speak with him anyway." Johnny stated as Kevin walked over to Nick and kissed him.

"Nick, oh Nick why did you leave? You could have caused more trouble than you already know." Kevin stated as he hugged Nick to his chest.

"What do you mean by that Kevin?" Johnny asked. "What kind of trouble could Nick have caused?"

"Look Johnny, I just came to get Nick and take him back home. I will deal with this by myself." Kevin stated, grabbing Nick by the hand and trying to pull him up.

"No Kev, I am not going back with you, not until this mess is straightened up." Nick stated.

"I will not just sit around while people get hurt by your actions. Fix this and do it now Kevin or you can forget about the two of us being together. I love you, but I will not deal with the stuff you have done to them if it's true." Nick explained, sitting back down in the chair and folding his arms across his chest.

"Nicky baby please, don't do this. I was, I am trying to keep us protected." Kevin stated as the N Sync guys stared at the two of them.

"How are you trying to protect to the two of you by trying to hurt us?" JC asked.

"Look, I love Nick, I will do anything for him, I will do anything I have to, to protect him." Kevin stated as he stood in the center of the room.

"That includes blackmailing Lance into doing the things he did, so that you can control our lives?" Justin stated.

"Look! You guys have it fucking easy! Your lives are just fine. You four haven't been through the things that me and Nick went through, so compared to what albino boy went through, that was nothing." Kevin stated.

"Excuse me? You had me do things I should have never done. I gave you a percentage of my company! I had to watch grubby old men use young boys like they were trash! You made me belittle myself and let one of those men use me! That was the worst thing I had to do." Lance stated as he broke down and started crying as Joey's jaw dropped, as did everyone else's.

"Lance baby, are you saying that he let one of those guys rape you?" Joey asked as the tears started forming in his eyes.

"Yes Joey he did. One of the men, handcuffed me to the door and wouldn't let me leave until he had done what he wanted to do to me." Lance stated crying.

"Oh my god Kevin how could you?" Nick screamed.

"I am sorry that happened to you, but I had no choice but to let him do it." Kevin stated, as Chris, Justin, JC and Joey stood there like they were ready to attack him.

"You bastard how could you let someone do that to him?!" Joey screamed as he ran to attack Kevin as Chris and Johnny grabbed him to hold him back.

" I said I would do anything to protect my Nicky!" Kevin shouted.

"What does Nick has to do with Lance being raped you bastard?" Joey asked.

"Look the stuff that happened to Lance happened for a reason." Kevin stated.

"What fucking reason was that?" Lance asked. "I didn't ask to be treated that way, I just wanted to make sure you didn't ruin us with the stuff you had."

"Well you did everything on that fucking list! I didn't make you do anything on that list, you did it yourself." Kevin stated. "All you had to do was say no, but you choose to do that stuff. If it hurt you so much, then that's your fault."

Before Kevin could finish his statement, Lance jumped up and was all over him punching and kicking him. Kevin fell to the floor trying to protect himself as Joey and Chris tried to grab Lance that seemed to have the strength of a bull and wouldn't budge as he was beating on Kevin.

"Lance please stop, you are hurting him. Please, you guys stop him." Nick stated crying as Lance continued to beat on Kevin as Joey and Chris was havening no luck getting him away from Kevin.

"He's getting what he deserved." Justin stated.

"Justin don't encourage Lance more, we are trying to stop him." JC stated.

"Not encouraging him, I agree with him. If someone had used me because of what someone else had done, I would be all over that person too." Justin stated, as he turned his head to ignore any further comments from JC.

"Someone call security or something, stop him!" Nick stated as Lance stopped, got off of Kevin and walked back over to his seat as Joey and Chris were trying to catch their breath.

"Someone get him some help, he's going to need it." Lance stated in a sarcastic way.

"You thought you had problems now, you just wait until Lou finishes with you!" Kevin stated as he got up off the floor, as everyone turned to look at him.

"I knew it! So it is Lou." Nick stated, "He's the bad man."

"Since I refused to do more of his dirty work, he's coming after you himself with other people I don't even know about so you better be careful." Kevin stated. "Come on Nick. We must go, we need to get far away from here as we can before Lou come looking for us too."

"So you two are going to go in hiding?" Johnny asked.

"We have no choice but to do that. I am not going to let Lou hurt my Nicky." Kevin stated wrapping his arms around Nick, as Nick tried wiping his nose with a towel blotting the bleed that was there.

"Why don't you guys stay here in town and let the police handle this. If you tell them all that you know, then they can get Lou and put him in jail for all of this." Johnny stated.

"Do you think jail is going to stop Lou? I bet he has people already looking for them and the two of us." Kevin stated.

"Like Mariah Carey said it, we are `All Alone in Love'. When it comes to love, we will do anything we can to save what we have. Lance did what he did to try and save Justin and JC, and his relationship with Joey, and I was doing the same thing for Nick and me. I was willing to make sure that no harm came to him and I will continue to do that." Kevin explained.

"So you are telling us that Lou has something more up his sleeve and we need to be on the watch for him?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, I did give you guys warning, so you can't hold all of this against me. The next time one of you loose control like Lance did, I will make sure that it doesn't happen again. Come on Nick, let's go now!" Kevin stated, grabbing Nick by the hand and walking out of the door.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 13

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