Alien Wet Bar

By moc.eriflegna@skrew_retaw

Published on Nov 10, 1999


Alien Wet Bar 3

Warning: Water sports, urination theme, sci-fi, the usual violence

Feedback to:

Sequel: Please read Alien Wet Bar 1 and 2, or none of this will make a lick of sense.

Thanks: To all the folks who wrote and asked for more, sorry it took so long. And to those of you who asked, yes, thank you, I am feeling better.

continued from part two

I buried my face in the fur and hung on tightly, but my patron had other ideas. He plucked me from his chest and handed me quickly to the barkeeper, who caught me easily and marched with me into the cold room. I landed on my feet as he dumped me, but before I got two steps in, I stopped and stood in shock. Across the room was Mal, draped along the stone bench on his stomach, getting his ass throughly plowed by a guy with a dick at least ten inches long. I watched in frozen fascination as the long member oozed out from between Mal's well rounded cheeks, only to disappear as it was slowly shoved to the hilt back in again.

"M-Mal? What the fuck...?"

Mal looked over. "Oh hey kid, take notes. You're next."

I was so dumbfounded, I stopped breathing. I looked about the dim, cold room, but the others were not really paying much attention to what was going on on the bench. Smiley, my pale, elfin friend came over and wound his arm around my waist, grinning like a madman and waving a hand at Mal and his impaler.

"Mal get much salt-stuff. Very good for you."

I blinked stupidly at him, then let him lead me to the fountain. I sat heavily down onto the bench and stared at my fellow pilot being screwed. Mal was smart though; he didn't say anything for a while, letting me process this new twist to life in this hell hole.

The man behind Mal was big, much taller than Mal and a good sixty pounds heavier. He had dark hair and defined muscles which slid under his skin as he worked his cock in and out of Mal's ass. Now....I was not ignorant of stuff that went on in the locker cabinets in the star ports. Hell, I myself had let one well known cock sucker blow me a few times. But I had never wanted to do ass sex, and I sure never considered letting anyone do me! The brute behind Mal was pulling his massive cock almost all the way out, then gently gliding it back in, making Mal groan. I couldn't help myself; I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Mal, you're fucking crazy."

Mal gave short, barking laugh, which made the larger mans eyes shutter and his hips buck in pleasure. Mal twisted to look over his shoulder, chuckling.

"See Phil, your nickname really is Crazy."

The big guy opened his eyes and grinned. "Yeah, and I sure like fucking you." Mal and Phil shared a laugh. I rocketed off the bench, or at least I tried to. With a sweep of his arm, Mal had nabbed me across my hips and sat me back on the cold bench. I grabbed his shoulders, trying to shove him away, but he held onto me. "Mal...look. Whatever you do is fine, okay? I didn't know you were gay but I sure as hell am not about to..."

Mal let go of my waist long enough to slap my thigh, right over my "label." I yelped in pain and swung a punch at him, but in such close quarters all I did was whap the side of his head. With a growl, he surged up off the bench and lay on top of me, his considerable bulk squashing the air out of me and causing the hard stone to dig into my bones. He trapped my arms against my body and shoved his face into mine, his eyes glaring deadly.

"Jake! Listen to me! First off, I'm not "gay." I don't particularly think of this as my career.....although Phil is one of the better dickheads that come in here." I looked past Mal's shoulder at Phil, who was busy trying to work his cock back into Mal's ass, even as he sprawled on top of me. I wanted to run, but under all that muscled weight, I could only manage a wriggle. "I do this because I have to. And you'll need to do this too. Soon." Wide eyed, I shook my head no, happy that I could at least move that part of my body. "Jake...listen to me. You need the salt. I need the salt. With all the damn liquid they pump us with, we lose a lot. And you can't survive without it Jake. You can't." I knew what he said was true, any space jockey did. But I had problems with how he was going about getting it!

"Wh...where? this." I could barely draw enough breath to speak, so Mal shifted his weight off of me, but he didn't let me go. I wanted to run, but Mal had never steered me wrong before, so I figured I owed him enough to at least let him explain himself.

"Jake, the Jourgh don't know a lot about human anatomy because they don't have to. But one thing they did pick up is that we last a hell of a lot longer if they feed us and give us some salt. But they don't give us a great deal of it, cause then we don't piss as much. So they hand it out sparingly. You get it?"

I nodded and Mal relaxed his grip somewhat. I understood what he was saying; human bodies did not function well when the blood ran thin. I'd seen a fellow pilot who had been stranded in a shuttle for weeks with nothing to keep him alive but a soggy vegetable paste and water. By the time they rescued him, his electrolytes were so screwed up, he was delusional. I never knew what happened to the poor guy after that. Mal saw understanding dawning in my eyes, and let me lose enough to wiggle out from under him. I skooted down the bench until I ran into Smiley, who seemed relieved that Mal was not going to hurt me as he gently stroked my arm. Mal dropped his head onto his arms and hissed, pushing his hips back and forcing Phil's cock deeper into him. Phil pumped a few times, causing Mal to groan.

"But, Mal....why do...this?" I said, gesturing at Phil.

I wasn't sure he was even going to answer me, he seemed content to let Phil fuck him roughly until finally he looked up and sighed. "The...the Jourgh give out tablets every few days. The biggest guys get them and hoard them like the shit-eating bastards they are. Ahhhhh!" Phil rammed his huge phallus into Mal as punishment for the comment, but I could tell by Mal's wicked smile it was worth it. I nodded again. In a place such as this with no order, the stuff of life went to the strongest. Apparently, Phil had some salt that Mal needed and Phil wanted to get his rocks off. Mal was selling his ass to keep himself from winding up a drooling mush brain. Still, by the sounds of Mal's moans, he seemed to be enjoying it. I saw again the size of Phil's cock and surpressed a shudder. No wonder Mal's teeth rattled every time Phil rammed him.

"Does it.....hurt?"

"Shit yeah...but good, ya know? Only at first. And you gotta wanna do this kid, you gotta be good and stretched."

Phil finally tore his eyes from Mal's backside and leered at me. "I'll give you twenty caps for your cherry." I had no idea what Phil was talking about, but I heard Mal gasp. "And I'll even help you hang onto 'em as long as I'm here." Mal looked at me as if I had been handed the key to a starcruiser.

"Jake....he means he'll give you twenty salt tablets if you let him fuck you."

For the first time since I had awakened in this hell hole, I felt as if the Jourgh were the least of my problems. I began shaking my head again, and was well on my way to the other side of the room when Mal called out to me. "If you don't think it's worth it, ask that guy shaking in the corner."

I hugged myself tightly and peered into the shadows. Sure enough, some skinny guy was balled up in a corner, practically convulsing. He was moaning and drooling and lying in a puddle of his own waste. The Jourghs would be putting him out of his misery the next time they swept through the cold room. I turned on my heel and stood watching Mal and Phil, biting my lip. How long could I last before I wound up like the guy in the corner? Was it worth it? Phil changed his angle and Mal groaned and thrust his ass back, a smile on his face. Phil started to ram his cock between Mal's asscheeks, causing Mal to writhe and moan his name, while Phil gripped his hips and slammed him repeatedly onto his pole. I was transfixed by that slick cock oozing out of Mal's ass, only to slide in again, accompanied by wet skin sounds. At one point, Phil lost his position and slipped out. Mal frantically reached behind himself to help guide Phil back in again, sighing contentedly when Phil settled into a pistoning rhythm. Mal's balls swung freely between his legs, his cock dribbling all over the stone bench. I had to admit, this display had enough raw animalism that I started to get hard. I made my way slowly to the fountain and scooped up a few handfuls of water. Was I strong enough to do this? Obviously Mal thought it was important, and it sure looked like he was having fun. What the hell....I had already drunk some guys piss, right? And I'd get some precious salt in the process. I sat down by Mal and nodded at him.

"You sure kid? It's not bad at all, if you don't fight it."

"Just do it, before I change my mind."

Mal twisted around to Phil. "We do this on one condition. I open him up for you. Then you can have him, but you go slow." I have to admit I was relieved at hearing him say that, I was trusting Mal to make this not hurt. Phil nodded and winked at me. My stomach gave a nervous roll as Mal swung my left leg over the bench so that I was straddling it facing him. He rose onto his knees and gently pushed me down onto my back, stroking my thighs and murmering softly. I felt his warm hands skate over my ass and then he took my softening cock into his mouth. A few expert tongue swirls and I knew Mal had traded more than just his ass for salt. He gave great head. Once he had me pretty stoked, he reached down to a container on the floor and I felt something cool and slick on his fingers, which were brushing under my balls and spreading my cheeks apart. I panted hard. He was going to be sticking his finger inside me any moment. I tried to relax, telling myself this was just like any rectal exam I had ever had. Except that this was some alien planet. And that was Mal's finger sliding over my pucker as he lifted my legs onto his shoulders and kissed my inner thigh with a gentleness I wouldn't have thought he possessed. And unlike any rectal exam...I now wanted this!

I figured since I was this far gone, I might as well fire all my thrusters. I grabbed my knees and spread my legs wide for Mal, concentrating on the wanton feeling it gave me. I heard Phil say "Oh yeeeeah..." in an awed whisper. I cracked open an eye and saw him behind Mal, watching me. Mal kissed my nuts and pushed a finger into me until I grunted. He pulled it out again and I felt my hole close up, trying to keep invaders at bay. I giggled, giving into nerves, picturing my asshole as a sentry to my personal domain. But the invader was stronger, and I tried to relax and open myself more as Mal slipped his finger in again, pushing further. It felt so big, how was I ever going to fit Phil in? I squeezed my muscles, and Mal hissed.

"Damn kid. You're going to be good at this." Mal seemed to be as fascinated by all this as Phil was. He had worked his entire finger up into my ass, and was gently pulling it halfway out and slipping it back in again. It was making me horny, just knowing he was fingering me. I began to be hypnotized by the smooth in and out feeling it was giving me. I have no idea how long Mal kept this up, but I moaned when he pulled his finger all the way out.

"Shhhh, it's okay kid. I just gotta slick up another finger here for ya. You'll like this. Easy now, just in and out, just like before. Damn, your ass is sweet Jake. I swear, I'm gonna kiss you all over when Phil here is done with you." I listened to Mal speaking soft encouragements to me as he worked another digit into my hole. I bit my lip and bore down, trying to hurry so I could feel that smooth motion again. Mal wouldn't let me rush, but soon I had both his fingers deep inside me and he was sliding them out and shoving them back in again. I heard him say to Phil I was practically sucking them up into my body and Phil reached around and pinched one of my nipples. I groaned loud, arching off the bench while Mal and Phil chuckled. I didn't care. My cock was bobbing against my stomach, dribbling pre-cum which Smiley was darting in and licking off my skin. I didn't know if his kind even needed salt, but he seemed to want to join in somehow.

"Shit kid, you really like this don't you? You like Mal's fingers up your ass?"

"Y-yes...oh...Mal...damn.." I was panting hard, my legs in the air as Mal added a thumb and started stretching me in earnest. One finger brushed my prostate and I howled, nearly leaping off the bench in ecstacy.

"Finally found his ass button." Phil chuckled and bent down to take my nipple into his mouth. The contrast of his hot, wet mouth on my skin almost made me shoot right there, but Smiley chose that moment to latch onto my other nipple and the thought of his needle teeth sinking into me made me flinch and move him away.

"Sorry Smiley, but..."

At that moment, the door to the bar opened and the bartender shuffled in, sweeping aside several guys who had been gathering at the door, hoping to be chosen so they could finally piss. The Jourgh swiveled his massive head about, as if he were looking for something. Mal pulled his fingers out of me, just as the Jourgh spotted us on the bench. With a speed that did not seem possible for his size, the bartender had reached our group and was picking me up. I looked questioningly at Mal, who shrugged and gave me a thumbs up sign. Before the doors closed, I saw Phil grab Mal from behind and start plowing into him with his rock hard cock. Apparently watching him finger fuck me had made Phil so nuts he couldn't wait for me to get back. I hoped to hell Mal was going to share his salt with me! Smiley just flashed his mouth full of needles and waved.

The bartender swung me up into one of the metal seats that lined the bar, but the Jourgh in front of me was not "Bob," the Jourgh who "owned" me. I could tell because his fur was slightly darker and was missing that reddish V shape on the chest. I was worried until I spotted Bob, who stood to the right, and was talking to the darker furred Jourgh in the snuffling, squealing language they shared. Apparently, Bob wanted to share his new "vessel" with his buddy. I normally would have been fine with this idea, except I had the mother of all boners right now swaying in front of this new alien's face! He looked at me with fathomless eyes and caught my phallus in one large paw, bringing in line with the tiny mouth under those eyes. Before I could catch my breath, my dick had been plunged into a hot, wet-silk tunnel and I went straight out of my mind.

I planted my feet on his shoulders and arched my back, shoving my cock into his mouth until my balls were pressed against his lips. No human pussy ever felt like this! It was soft and wet. I threw my head back and gulped air as I felt slick warmth squeeze the length of my cock. The Jourgh's vestigial tongue prodded my sensitive cock head, thumbing it's way into my piss slit, pushing me over the edge. I grabbed it's huge hairy head, and ramming myself deep, I came. I shot again and again, feeling the tiny tongue becoming slick with my cum and those heavenly walls stroking me. I must have screamed because my throat was raw, but I barely noticed as I came down from my release. It was then all hell broke loose.

I hadn't really thought about it, but I'm guessing the last thing Bob's friend was expecting to get in a piss bar was a throat full of human semen. Instead of the sweet, watery unrine Jourgh's were so fond of, he got thick, salty cum, and he was very upset about it. He let out a high pitched roar, and grabbed me out of the seat like I was a doll. Holding me aloft, he flung me down towards the ground, which I hit at an awkward angle. I felt something in my arm give way, in that way you just know is wrong, and fire burned up my arm and into my shoulder. I screeched in agony, and curled into a ball, trying to protect my head. This turned out to be a good idea because Bob chose that moment to start beating the crap out of his friend. The two huge aliens jostled, and I forced myself to try and slink away or I was going to be crushed in another bar fight. One of the other patrons had the sense to pick me up and hand me over the bar to the bartender, who was squealing and yelling at the two fighting Jourghs.

I passed out as soon as I was in the bartender's arms, but I came to in time to see Bob kick his friend's sorry ass out of the bar. Apparently Jourgh's were pretty possesive about their stuff. The pain in my arm was excruciating, and I recognized the chill and dreamy state as I began to slip into shock. The bartender handed me to Bob, who tried to quiet my renewed screams of agony. Bob snuffled quietly into my hair, and I realized that this was probably it for me, Jourgh's probably didn't keep broken vessels. The bartender handed Bob a blanket, which I was grateful for; I was so very, very cold now. I thought of Mal and Smiley, and wished them well. I wondered morbidly if Bob would kill me, or if the bartender would just throw me in the garbage to die. I heard the bartender speaking rapidly to Bob, and then Bob carried me out of the bar, where I promptly passed out again.

I regained conciousness briefly, and could only describe my surroundings as some sort of public transportation. Bob held me close to himself, which was keeping me warm, but my shoulder was a blaze of pain and my head was swimming. The flashing lights and rocking motion of the ship we were on only caused me to want to throw up, which I did. Thankfully, Bob was fast enough to move my head off of his lap to avoid wearing what little I brought up. My head lolled in Bob's arms and I drifted in and out.

I came fully awake when I was removed from that fuzzy cocoon of warmth, and laid out on a cold metal table. Another Jourgh was looking over my arm and snuffling to itself. With a movement too strong and too rapid for me to anticipate, it had pulled my arm out and back into alignment. My screams echoed around the room, and Bob patted and stroked me to try and keep me still. I was forced to drink a warm substance, and I concentrated on keeping that down while the other Jourgh rummaged thru a worn metal box on the table. He took out a thick black wire and started towards me. I clung to Bob with my good arm, shaking uncontrollably. The other Jourgh gingerly took my arm and wound the wire around it, looping it several times. While it was flexible when he was working with it, it hardned fairly quickly and provided support for my damaged limb while keeping it immobile. Whatever they gave me to drink was having a bonus effect as well; the pain in my arm was lessening to tolerable levels.

After much snuffling exchanged betweens the two Jourghs, Bob scooped me up and we headed back to the public transportation. I was awake this time, and watched wide eyed from the safety of my patron's arms. It was entirely underground shuttle-tubes, and Jourghs of all shades of brown bustled their bulk into the small cars. Once we got on, Bob sat down on a wide bench and cradled me, trying to keep me warm without damaging my arm again. I looked up into his eyes and tentatively stroked his furry cheek with my good hand while he blew puffs of air into my hair. It was the most intimate moment I had ever had with my alien captor, and he seemed pleased. I hated to break the moment just then, but I had a more pressing matter to think about. The car started moving jerkily, and I realized it had been a while since I had pissed, and I had to go!

I tried patting my cock and then his mouth, but Bob didn't seem to understand. I squeezed my cock and made "gotta go" faces which would have been understood by my own species, but was lost on him. I pantomimed a spray from my dick to his tiny mouth hole, and he finally got the idea. He lifted me up effortlessly till I was standing on his thighs, my dick swinging near his mouth, while he grabbed my asscheeks to steady me. The movement of the car almost toppled me a number of times, which I desperately wanted to avoid. I guided my cock into Bob's mouth with my good hand, and looked around. I noticed the other Jourghs watching this whole display, and I wondered what they were thinking. Were they disgusted? Did they envy Bob his piss vessel? Their expressions never changed, so I had no idea what they were thinking.

Screw the others, Bob wanted me to piss in his mouth, and he gently squeezed my cheeks to encourage me. I popped my dick into his moist mouth and relaxed as his lips sealed around me. My stream started, and a sensual warmth spread through me. After all I had been through, relieving myself into him was wonderful. I was pissing and pissing, and he was stroking me with that slippery tongue organ, working his throat muscles and allowing my piss to swell around my own cock before he swallowed it. I turned my head to the side and stared back at the other Jourghs as I pissed, and laughed to myself. I loved the feeling this gave me! I could piss right in public, and no one said a word. I moaned as my stream slowed and Bob began working his throat muscles to milk every last drop from me. I threw my head back and sighed. I wish I had had more to give him, it had felt so good. Bob gently lay me into his lap and made a high pitched squeak. I felt sleepy, so I let the warmth and movement of the car soothe my thoughts. I could tell we were on this craft much longer this time, which lead me to believe we were not returning to the bar. I tried not to worry about where Bob was taking me, or if I was ever going to see Mal or Smiley again.

**Where's Jake going to wind up? Is this the last he will see of Mal? Write me at and let me know what you think, what you'd like to see!

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