Alien Bred

By Max Mann

Published on Sep 7, 2011


Alien Bred Part 3

Author's Note:

The usual disclaimers apply. Please leave now if you under the legal age to view such material or if descriptions of sexual acts involving men (and aliens!) offends you. All the characters in my stories are, and always will be, over 18.

And, as usual, this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners. In real life, this is unsafe and unwise. Please always use protection (especially if you are having sex with an alien invader).

Please send comments to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 6

Freddy and Zach returned to the apartment just after 11pm. Jesse wasn't home yet though. He would likely be a few more hours.

Freddy got some water from the fridge for the two of them. He realized that he never did stop at the store for more food as he planned. No matter though, Jesse wasn't going to need food much longer.

They sat and waited for their target to arrive. They didn't speak much as their minds were already linked. For deeper emotions though, verbal communication was still required.

"Freddy, how long have you had feelings for me... or rather, the old me?" Zach was still confused as to why he was turned.

"A long time. I don't know why those feelings carried over so strongly to me. Freddy must have had more than just a crush on you. So, I guess I do too."

"Well, I suppose I'm glad you made me," Zach offered.

"Then you will give the traditional token of appreciation?"

Zach was floored by Freddy's request.

"We don't do that anymore. Those are the old ways. Are you serious?"

"It is not forbidden. It has just been forgotten. These feelings are strong inside me. Please, Zach. It is written that the creation shall show gratitude to his maker. You cannot deny me this if I ask it."

Zach knew Freddy was right. It was an old custom to their kind, but a custom nonetheless. And, the others inside his head agreed.

Zach knelt at Freddy's feet, his arms spread wide. He chanted softly and bowed his arms in front of his maker in respect. Then he offered the traditional passage.

"I kneel here before my maker, humble and gracious for the gift of life given to me. I offer myself to you in gratitude for that which you have given me. As a token of this gratitude, I give you this gift.."

Freddy was now standing, his pants and briefs as his ankles. He huge tool already stretched nearly fully hard to his creation on the floor.

Zach massaged the huge cock with two hands, stroking the nearly 20 inch rod quickly and firmly. Even with two hands, he could barely reach all the way around the shaft at its fattest part at the base.

Zach squeezed tighter and Freddy moaned. Their cocks loved such tightness. Freddy begged for more.

Zach used his newfound strength to grip unnaturally hard around the huge tool and then stroked it furiously. Freddy moaned from the sensation. As much as they loved virgin men's asses, nothing could compare to the pressure around his cock now.

Zach finished pumping the cock and put his mouth up to the fist sized head. His body had not yet finished its transformation, but he was capable enough to proceed. His mouth opened far wider than it would have been able to before he was turned. He took the entire head in his mouth and sucked hard.

"Oh fuck yeah," Freddy said. "Give me what only our kind can give. Please."

Zach adjusted his mouth and throat, making sure his new body was ready. Then he did what would have been impossible for a human male. He quickly swallowed every inch of Freddy's cock.

The fat head led the near two foot intrusion into Zach's throat. Then he let it pull back out. He sucked every inch long and hard. The suction their mouths could create was almost ten times that of a vacuum cleaner. But, for one of them, the sensation was beyond description.

Despite the pleasuring, both knew that Freddy wouldn't shoot. That wasn't permitted. Zach sucked for nearly an hour though. His debt for being sired was now repaid.

They were so lost in the moment, they didn't hear the front door open. But, they did hear Jesse yell out...

"What the fuck?!"

Chapter 7

Freddy and Zach looked up at Jesse in panic. Zach was still kneeling before Freddy's immense manhood. Jesse could only look on in stunned horror.

"Jesse..." was about all Freddy could get out. He couldn't think of anything else to say in that situation.

Jesse was immobilized by the sight of his roommate and the impossibly huge cock standing straight out before him. His instinct was to turn and run. Strangely, he couldn't.

"Zach? Zach Kennedy? Is that you, man?"

"Hey, Jesse," Zach said casually.

Zach stood and moved towards Jesse, but Jesse finally found the will to move. He tried to get away, but Zach was too quick. Zach grabbed his arm and pulled him back inside. Jesse's head struck a bookcase in the struggle and was knocked out cold.

"Fuck, Zach. Be careful with him," Freddy scolded.

"I didn't do it on purpose. Fuck. Here, let's lay him on the sofa."

Zach had enough strength to carry the limp body to the sofa.

"He's not dead," Zach said with relief.

"Yeah, but he needs his strength still to be turned. We won't be able to sedate him."

"Well, then it's good I'm here after all."

The two kept Jesse comfortable and waited for the boy to regain consciousness. About fifteen minutes later, he did.

"Wha... what... what's goin' on?" Jesse managed to spit out in a daze.

"Hey, man, you awake? Jesse? You okay?" Freddy asked.

"Fuck, Freddy, what's happening? What are you doing?"

Jesse tried to sit up but Zach kept him pinned to the sofa.

"Just relax, it'll all be over soon. I promise," Freddy assured his friend.

Freddy was still naked from the waist down and his cock remained rock hard. Jesse finally took notice to it again.

"Jesus, Freddy... Is that your...? Oh fuck, man, this isn't real."

"That's what I thought too my first time, Jesse. You'll understand soon. Then, you'll be ready."

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"Ready to fuck your dad, of course."

"Huh? That's fuckin' sick man. I'm not doin' my dad."

"In time, brother," Freddy said. And then to Zach, "hold him down while I undress him."

Zach held Jesse firmly while Freddy pulled off the boy's pants. Jesse put up a struggle but was no match for two of these beings.

Jesse was quite fit. He loved to run and had the legs to show it. His calf muscles were well defined and led up to impressive thighs. Once his boxers were removed, the other two had to admire Jesse's dick. It was one of the largest they'd ever seen on a human.

"Damn, Zach, he's gonna have a fuckin' monster when we turn him. You think he might get over two feet?"

"Shit, he might. There's no doubt he'll be able to drive deep enough in his father."

"Fuck, guys, what is this?" Jesse screamed and continued to try breaking free.

Realizing this would be struggle even with the two of them holding him down, they moved Jesse to the coffee table. They leaned him over the table and tied his thighs to the legs. Then they tied his torso around center of the table top. He wasn't going anywhere.

Zach stripped off his pants and straddle the coffee table in front of Jesse. His cock stretched out and nearly touched Jesse's lips. The boy could do nothing but stare at huge cock in front of him.

Jesse couldn't see Freddy, but he knew he was behind him. Then he felt the hands on his bare ass cheeks, spreading them wide. He began to whimper like a child.

"Please don't do this to me, man. Please."

"Shhh," Zach said. "Just let it happen."

Zach rubbed his oversized mushroom head to Jesse's lips and rubbed it around. Jesse's mouth began to go numb.

"Alright," Zach said, "Jesse won't be doing much more complaining. Get that cock in there."

Freddy took his immense tool and carefully applied his leaking juices around Jesse's hole. The tight pink pucker started to loosen as if inviting the cock head to make its way through. Freddy obliged by pressing the fat mushroom head against the reluctant slit.

Then it popped through. Despite the numbness, Jesse's lips let through a loud groan. The feeling must have been intense given the lack of sedative in his body.

Freddy pressed forward though, uncaring at the pain his intrusion was causing. He took his time to let Jesse adjust to the thick meat burying itself deep into his loins. He gave the tight ass only a couple inches per minute, secreting juices all along the warm passageway.

Jesse's moans softened by the time the last three inches filled his now numb ass. Freddy allowed himself the pleasure of a deep thrust of those last inches and then held himself fully inside his roommate.

He withdraw all twenty inches of rock solid manhood, or rather unmanhood, and forced it back in deep. A loud moan again erupted from Jesse.

"Looking good," Zach commented. His own cock was now playfully rubbing along Jesse's lips and trying to press inside.

Jesse was lapping up Zach's precum desperately.

"Oh yeah, looks like we have that part taken care of," Freddy said. "He can't get enough of your seed."

"Fuck yeah, he's not going to let any of yours go to waste. How bad to you think he wants it now?"

"Let's find out," Freddy said, withdrawing his cock. "Jesse, you want more juice, man?"

Jesse looked back in drunken like daze and nodded. Freddy removed his captive's restraints and sat back on the sofa.

"Come and get it then," Freddy teased.

Jesse climbed off the table and moved towards the huge cock, making his way to the slick drool from the slit.

"Nah, nah, nah," Freddy taunted, pushing Jesse away. "You have to ride it first, then you get a reward."

Jesse looked confused. He was caught between his deep desire to taste Freddy's seed and his remaining self-awareness. Zach leaned over and wiped up some of Freddy's precum and placed it in Jesse's mouth.

The addiction grew stronger and any remaining free will vanished. He climbed up on the sofa, having to nearly stand to straddle the tip of the almost two foot monster beneath.

"Take it, Jesse. Milk my cock and feed from it."

Jesse lowered himself slowly and the cock head again pierced his brutally stretched sphincter. It took all the strength in those toned legs to squat fully onto the long, thick pole. Finally, he let Freddy's cock fill him full again.

"Fuck, yeah," Freddy moaned. "I just love it when they give it up voluntarily."

"Hell yeah," Zach admired. "He'll be stronger this way. We knew he was the one. This only proves it."

Jesse paid no attention to the chatter around him. He mindlessly rode up and down Freddy's shaft, squeezing the rod to get the seed to come out. All he knew was that he needed that sweet milk.

Freddy was content for a while to let his friend work his cock in long, tight strokes. Finally though, it was time.

"You want my seed now, Jesse?"

Jesse groaned and nodded as he squeezed harder still with his muscular ass.

"Hold him," Freddy told Zach.

Wanting to be sure the process went to plan, Zach pushed Jesse one last time down the long shaft and held him fully impaled. Freddy closed his eyes and let loose with shot after shot of hot seed. He felt the insides of his roommate filling with his cum. Then he nodded to Zach.

Zach pulled Jesse up and pressed the boy's mouth around the spurting cock. Jesse didn't have to be forced to feed. He happily drank the alien seed, sucking every drop from the cock slit.

He collapsed to the floor. The deed was done. All there was to do now was wait.

And so Freddy and Zach waited until the newest among them was reborn.

About an hour later, the new and improved Jesse rose to his feet. His already muscular frame was becoming more thick and dense. His limp cock now dangled almost 15 inches to the floor.

The other two looked on in awe at their new creation. The collective was obviously pleased as well. The voices nearly sang in a joyous chorus.

Until, strangely, the voices went silent in Freddy's mind.

"What is going on?" He looked at Zach for an explanation. The other only hung his head.

Then suddenly Jesse approached Freddy and in a swift motion snapped the neck of his creator. Freddy fell limp to the floor.

Dead again. This time for good.

"It's just us now," Jesse announced. "He knew the consequences of his actions."

"Yeah, but I still feel bad. I'm only here because of his mistake."

"No time to worry about that now. We have a lot to do, and I can't wait to get started."

"What's the plan?"

"I think it's almost time to visit dear old dad."


Author's Note:

It was a long time between updates. Sorry! I hope you enjoyed. Remember to e-mail me if you want to get on the mailing list for future updates. Please also let me know what you think.

Remember to check out my older stories. Search for 'The Inheritance' and 'Hurricane Eli' in the archives.

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