Alien Bred

By Max Mann

Published on Dec 28, 2010


Author's Note:

The usual disclaimers apply. Please leave now if you under the legal age to view such material or if descriptions of sexual acts involving men (and aliens!) offends you. All the characters in my stories are, and always will be, over 18.

And, as usual, this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners. In real life, this is unsafe and unwise. Please always use protection (especially if you are having sex with an alien invader).

Please send comments to

This is a fictional story (or is it?).

Chapter 3

Freddy flickered in and out of consciousness for over an hour. Was it a nightmare he was having? No, definitely not.

His eyes opened again to see the stranger standing over him, staring at the soon-to-be victim. He moved his head a bit, but could do no more. He was immobilized. But by what?

"Freddy, you with me, boy?" the stranger asked impatiently.

"Huh... wha... hap.. pun," Freddy slurred helplessly.

"Don't worry, it'll start to wear off soon. Not enough to go anywhere, of course. Just enough for you to feel this life come to an end."

"No. Plea... no"

The stranger waited until Freddy was more alert and able to shift in place a bit. He regretted knocking him out so cold. He must have overestimated how much venom it would take to immobilize the boy.

"Who are you? What is this? Please don't hurt me," Freddy pleaded, now able to articulate his predicament.

"You'll find out soon enough. You know, I've been watching you a while. I can't say I'm happy that you give us such a bad name."


"Now, don't play dumb, Freddy. You know all about us, right? You're the alien expert."

"Fuck, what is this? Did someone put you up to this?" Freddy's tone turned from fear to disbelief.

"Maybe this will help you understand," the stranger said as he unbuckled his pants.

The pants crashed to the ground, but all Freddy could stare at was the bulge left behind in the stranger's briefs. It wrapped around the man's waist like no real man's cock should be able to do. Then the briefs fell too, dropping to the pants at the man's ankles.

Freddy wasn't too numb to gasp in horror. What was before him could hardly be described as a cock. It was so much more. Even limp, it fell over a foot long, dangling close to the stranger's knees. It twitched and grew slowly.

"Oh fuck no, please no," Freddy again pleaded. "This isn't happening..."

The strange stepped out of his pants and dropped to his knees, straddling Freddy's waist. The monster dick laid impressively up the boy's chest, stretching from Freddy's belly button up to his chin.

"Mmmm, feels so good to have it out, Freddy. You can't imagine what it's like to keep this thing under wraps all day."

"Christ, Mister, how is that possible? What are you going to do to me?"

The stranger stroked his cock as it lay across Freddy's chest. It continued to grow, now pushing past Freddy's chin and along his face near his ear.

"In a couple minutes, I'm going to ram this so deep inside you, Freddy, that you'll wish you were already dead."

Freddy started to whimper like a little child afraid of the monster under his bed. Except this monster was real. And no one was here to help him.

The stranger felt between Freddy's legs and started to probe the tight hole.

"Damn, boy, such a nice tight virgin cunt. I wonder, after all the times you told the tale about getting fucked for protection, how come you never took it once yourself? You know, just in case?"

"I'm not gay, Mister. I don't believe that bullshit."

The man covered Freddy's mouth to shut the boy up. The time for talking was over. He had a job to do and an important mission to accomplish here. And time was wasting.

The stranger's cock lifted from Freddy and neared peak hardness. Freddy still couldn't believe the sight. The cock had to be over twenty inches long and the head was as big as Freddy's fist.

The man spread Freddy's legs wide and positioned his monster cock at the entrance to the boy's virgin ass. The cock head started to secrete what could have been mistaken for precum. Only it was so much more.

The cock head smeared the juice over the boy's hole. Freddy could feel his ass getting numb.

"This will help ease the pain some, boy. Our precum is like a super lube and local anesthetic all in one. Bet you didn't know that, did you?"

Freddy shook his head. Then he started pleading again. The stranger only laughed at the boy's struggle.

The cock head circled the boy's hole then finally burst forcefully through. Even with the numbness, Freddy screamed out. He had never felt such pain.

"Ahhh, yes, Freddy. So fucking tight. We love asses like yours, boy. Here try a few inches..."

The cock head invaded six or seven inches deep and the shaft stretched Freddy's ass unnaturally wide. Freddy again screamed in agony. The stranger pressed forward with another few inches.

"Almost half way home, boy," the stranger teased.

Freddy had lost the ability to communicate through the agony he was enduring. He wanted to yell out, "only half?!" but it came out as a mumble.

The stranger lifted Freddy slightly from the ground to gain deeper access. Once in position, another six inches penetrated the tortured passageway. Freddy nearly passed out from the sensation.

"Just a little more, boy, I promise," the stranger said as he readied himself for the final assault.

Leaning forward, he guided the rest of his monster dick inside the helpless boy and held it in place. He moaned in delight. The sensation of being so deep inside a virgin hole was indescribable. Just as a real man's cock would do, it started to leak uncontrollably. The pain in Freddy's ass subsided as the numbness set in.

"Feeling better, boy?"

"Agggh, yea," Freddy managed to spit out.

"I don't mind telling you too, boy, that I'm a bit pissed at you. I've been eyeing that Alex kid for weeks now. He was going to be next on my list to fuck. You took that away from me. But, soon I'll take something away from you..."

The nearly two foot intruder pulled back out and then slowly worked its way back deep inside Freddy. And then again. The stranger got into a rhythm of deep fucking the boy with full strokes. Freddy's ass grew accustomed to the fullness of the huge cock. He even moaned at each insertion.

"Mmmhmm, there you go, boy. Now you're used to it. You want to know something else about us?"

"Wha... wha..?" Freddy tried to ask in between long fucking strokes.

"We can go hours like this, just riding a boy's ass. We can shoot whenever we want. I could fuck you hard til sunrise."

Freddy's eyes opened wide in terror.

"Haha, don't worry, kid. I won't do that. Besides, I'm on a schedule. I have to turn you in less than an hour. Then, brother, you will be ready."


The stranger arched his back and pounded Freddy's hole mercilessly. Even though he needed to finish it, he wanted to enjoy the sensation a bit longer. Ten minutes went by and Freddy was fucked into near unconsciousness again. But, it was time.

The cock furiously pounded deep inside the boy, going deeper than even thought possible. Finally, it settled deep within Freddy and started to unload.

Shot after shot filled the boy, probably ten in all. The stranger pulled out and his cock didn't stop shooting. Another five or six strings of cum plastered Freddy's cock and chest. Then, the stranger placed the cock head up to Freddy's lips. More seed shot across the boy's lips and the cock head entered his mouth.

"Here. Eat, boy. You have to eat it to be one of us."

At first, Freddy resisted with what little energy was still left in his limp body. But, he soon tasted a small sample of the stranger's load. After that, it was all over. The cum became immediately addictive, a thousand times more potent than any drug.

Freddy guzzled down the last ten or so shots.

"Ahhh, that's it, boy. Take it all. It'll be over soon..."

Freddy swallowed the last of the stranger's seed and collapsed. The darkness chased after him and he had no will to fight it anymore. His eyes closed.

And Freddy was gone.

Chapter 4

His eyes opened again for the first time. That which was Freddy was reborn. Only, it was not him anymore, of course.

"Hello, brother, welcome to this wonderful world," the stranger said, hovering over his creation.

Freddy tried to speak, but couldn't.

"Don't try to talk or move, brother. It will pass soon."

Freddy lay motionless, now moved to the living room sofa. He looked around at the familiar surroundings. He had access to all of Freddy's memories and emotions, but he was so much more now.

He rested for at least 20 minutes as the stranger just watched over him intently. He felt a voice enter his head, and then another. A flood of information filled his head as if being downloaded from a computer server. His lone voice soon became a chorus of a thousand voices. He was now part of the collective.

And he finally understood his purpose.

"Feel better, brother?" The stranger smiled wide.

"Yes, Edmund, thank you," Freddy said.

Edmund stood and went to the kitchen. He brought back a full gallon water bottle and handed it to Freddy.

"Here, brother, drink. Your body is mostly water. You must keep it hydrated."

Freddy guzzled the entire bottle in less than a minute.

"Thank you, Edmund. It is nearly time. Cut it kinda close, didn't you?"

"Not really, the roommate won't be home for a few more minutes. See for yourself. Stretch your mind out past these walls."

Freddy closed his eyes and he shifted from body to body, seeing thru the eyes of the others like him. Finally, he saw Jesse walking off the rail platform. He returned to his own body and surroundings.

"Yes, I see now. Jesse will still be home soon. I must prepare. Should I turn him tonight? I'm not sure if I'm ready yet."

"Perhaps you should pick another as your first. We can't screw this up. Jesse is a one shot deal. It must be successful. Just be sure to discard your choice. Don't turn him."

"I understand." Freddy already had his first victim picked out. He couldn't wait to see what he was capable of. He looked down and saw his cock grow. It wasn't getting hard though. His soft cock grew, passing ten inches now.

He couldn't wait to use it.

Edmund left and the new Freddy remained to clean up any evidence of his death and rebirth. Then he waited.

Chapter 5

Jesse placed his hand on the palm plate and the front door unlocked as he stepped inside. He found Freddy in the kitchen eating from the frig. He was eating, well, nearly everything in sight.

"Damn Freddy, hungry?"

"Hey, Jesse. Yeah, I'm starved. Feels like I've never eaten before."

"Well save a few scraps for me. I'm hungry too."

"I'll stop at the store on the way home tonight. I've got a few things to do."

"Okay, man, well I've got that thing with my dad anyway tonight."

"Oh yeah, how is the Senator?"

"He's good. This fundraiser is stressing him out. But it's for the thirty year 9/11 memorial, so he has to do it."

"Right. I hear a lot of world leaders are coming in next month for that. Security must be a bitch, right?"

"Shit. You've got no idea. They barely let me in to his office these days. There are security checkpoints everywhere."

"Hmmm, well, good thing you've got connections, right Jesse?"

"Ha. I guess so. I'm not that important though," he laughed.

Freddy laughed back, but he knew differently. The fact that Jesse was the Senator's son made him very important.

Freddy finished eating what he could, then went to get dressed. His new body presented certain challenges. First off, he was rapidly becoming more muscular, past the point of being unnoticeable. He'd just have to say he's been working out a lot. But, a couple of his shirts were a bit too snug now for his neck and chest.

Next, of course, was his dick. It's hard to hide a foot long flaccid cock. Luckily, he was able to retract (for lack of a better term) his dick to fit in a more normal size bulge. Still, it was clearly more of a bulge than a typical guy would have in tight jeans. He'd have to switch off to more baggy pants.

Finally he was ready and headed out the door, eager for his first conquest. And, if all went well, he'd be back later to give his roommate the ride of his destined-to-be short life.

Freddy rode his bike through town and pulled up to the home of one Zach Kennedy. This was his first time seeing Zach at home, and not just as the new him. At all.

Zach was your typical college quarterback. Do I really need to say more? He was hot. He was popular. All the guys wanted to be him and all the girls (and some of those same guys) wanted to be with him.

But, he had little use for Freddy.

Zach answered the door after a few rings. He was surprised, though not pleasantly so, to see Freddy at his doorstep.

"What the fuck you doin' here, fag?"

Freddy smiled, which pissed Zach off more. He didn't mind the name calling. It was probably true anyway. Zach was friends with Aaron Godfrey. Aaron's little brother, Eli, was one of the first guys Freddy duped into getting fucked. Zach and Aaron made a point to torment Freddy as much as possible at school in retaliation.

And although this wasn't the same Freddy, he still had the same feelings toward Zach. If there was one person he could treat as his own disposable fuck toy, he could think of no one better.

"Sup, Zach?" Freddy said casually, like they were best friends or something. "Just thought I'd come by and see how you and your tiny pecker were doing."

Zach laughed heartily. "I've seen your pencil dick, man. You've got some nerve talking about mine."

"Oh yeah? Well, how about a bet then? Biggest cock wins."

"Shit, fag, you must be desperate. You just wanna see my cock. Is that all you got? Just playing games to be with other guys?"

Freddy was tired of the foreplay. He just wanted to fuck Zach. He leaned in and sniffed the boy's neck. He knew instantly that Zach was still a virgin with guys, not that it was a great surprise.

Zach didn't take kindly to being smelled in such a way and reached up to push Freddy away. Much to his surprise, Freddy's hand grabbed his and twisted. Hard.

Freddy's new strength was far too much for Zach to counter. Freddy pushed him into the house and closed the door behind them.

"Where's your folks?" Freddy asked him, but there was no answer. Freddy twisted again and Zach cried out in pain.

"Fuck! Awwww...alright," Zach cried. "They're over at the neighbors I think."

"Then we better be quick. Where's your room?"

"Huh? What? Let me go, faggot."

That enraged Freddy even more. He twisted Zach's arm until he heard a pop. Zach screamed in agony, but finally relented. He led Freddy to his room.

Now that he finally had some privacy with his new toy, Freddy pushed Zach to the bed and gave him a quick bite on the arm. Zach fell limp into the sheets.

Freddy undressed the helpless boy and marveled at his naked form. Zach could only look on with fear and anger as he was fondled roughly. Freddy massaged Zach's cock and balls, eliciting the reaction he sought.

Zach's cock stiffened in the grasp of his tormenter.

"Mmm, nice Zach. You like this, huh?"

Zach shook his head, trying to form words of protest. He was not able to yet.

"Nice and big too, Zach. You must be almost eight inches. Well, guess what? I still win."

Freddy dropped his pants and let his new manhood spring to life. Zach stared in horror at the monster dick, over a foot long now and growing.

"I hate to do this to you, Zach. I really do. I'll try to make it quick for you."

Freddy leaned down and kissed Zach deep. Feelings of confusion filled his head. Then the urge overtook him. He needed to be inside the boy.

Freddy waited until Zach's paralysis eased. Zach begged Freddy to stop, not that it did much good. Freddy spread the boy's legs and rub along the untouched hole. It was a perfect pink hole that Zach had saved his whole life for Freddy.

Freddy felt the presence of the others fill his mind. They would all bear witness to the taking of the boy. It was a sacred event among his kind. It was also a bit overwhelming to Freddy. It was like having sex with someone in the middle of a crowded stadium.

Freddy gathered himself and could feel encouragement from the others. He stroked his huge tool several times, admiring his own immense size. The nearly twenty inch cock secreted the numbing juice along Zach's fuck hole and Freddy pressed it in.

He put his hand over Zach's mouth to quiet the boy's screams. Then pushed deeper.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, Zach. I wish you didn't hate me so."

Freddy again kissed Zach, except the boy had regained enough strength to bite hard into Freddy's lip. Freddy cried out in pain and, in a moment of anger, thrust his cock fully into the boy. The intrusion was swift and brutal. Zach's head fell back from the assault and his body went limp.

Freddy pulled out and slapped across Zach's face lightly.

"Zach? Zach? Oh fuck, I didn't mean to do that yet. I'm sorry. Come back to me."

Zach regained consciousness slowly, but could not speak.

"You with me, Zach?"

Freddy felt the others in his head growing impatient.

'Finish him' was the consensus of the voices.

Freddy slid his cock slowly into the boy and guided it more carefully deep inside. He enjoyed the feeling of the virgin ass stretched around his thick rod.

He realized that Edmund was correct. He had complete control over his ultimate orgasm. It was an interesting sensation, like he'd been edging for hours but could blow at his own pleasing.

'Finish him!' the voices insisted.

Freddy wasn't enjoying the moment as much as he had hoped. Better to just end it now as the others wanted, he figured.

He pushed his cock deep inside and started to unload. Zach put up only a token struggle, unable to do anything about his impending demise.

Even though this was his first time, Freddy knew how it worked. Fill the boy completely and the body will die.

But before he could finish the job, a moment of doubt entered his mind. Then he made a decision. The voices inside his head immediately disagreed.

Freddy quickly pulled out and moved his spitting cock to Zach's lips. The opposition in his head came fast and furious.

'What are you doing?!' 'Don't do this!' 'You were to discard him!' 'It can't be this way, stop!'

Freddy didn't care. He let his cock spurt in Zach's mouth.

"Drink this, Zach, please. You can be like me. Please just drink."

Zach gulped Freddy's seed and collapsed. Freddy stared at him, hoping it worked. He held the boy close to his chest and waited.

It took nearly half an hour, but Zach finally stirred. He was a virtual newborn, like Freddy had been.

"You'll understand soon, Zach. I promise. Just let it happen."

As had happened with Freddy, Zach soon had the combined knowledge of his kind downloaded into his mind. He was hardly thankful though.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Freddy?" Zach chastised him. "You were not supposed to turn this one."

"I know. I couldn't just... kill him. I'm sorry."

"He didn't like you at all, you know. Why did you have feelings for him? This was pointless."

"You might be able to help," Freddy rationalized. "This has to go perfectly with Jesse, right?"

"Don't embarrass yourself, Freddy. You're letting old feelings guide your actions. But the deed is done. Now what do we do?"

"We proceed as planned. Tonight."

"Okay, but you better not fuck this up. Tonight you will breed your roommate and make him one of us. Then the others can decide what to do with you."

Despite Freddy's unexpected move, things were still going as planned.

Next up, the Senator's son.

Then the Senator.


**Author's note:

I don't have much else written on this story yet, but obviously have an idea where I'm going. Please send me your comments. If enough people are excited to read more, I will continue.

I have a separate mailing list for this story. If you want a reminder on any future parts to the story, ask to be added to the mailing list at

Plus, check out my other stories: Gay/Authoritarian/The Inheritance Gay/Authoritarian/Hurricane Eli

Next: Chapter 3

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