Alien Bred

By Max Mann

Published on Dec 18, 2010


Alien Bred

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt at an erotic sci-fi/horror story. But, I love sci-fi and love porn, so it should be fun!

The usual disclaimers apply. Please leave now if you under the legal age to view such material or if descriptions of sexual acts involving men (and aliens!) offends you. All the characters in my stories are, and always will be, over 18.

And, as usual, this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners. In real life, this is unsafe and unwise. Please always use protection (especially if you are having sex with an alien invader).

Please send comments to

This is a fictional story (duh).


For the last 20 or so years, the rumors have been building. More and more people are beginning to believe in them. Others cast the believers off as conspiracy nuts, fanatics, or just plain lunatics. But they are more than just urban legend now. Who are they? The breeders and the feeders. Both are equally feared. Both would be the death of you and neither is very pleasant.

No one knows exactly what they are. By the time you figure that out, people say, you are already dead or one of them. No one knows their numbers. No one knows where they came from. They are the modern day vampire or werewolf. Some say they are invaders from another planet.

But, seriously, can they be real? Fuck no. That's just crazy. The year is 2031 and drugs have come along way since the early part of this century. These stories are just the product of a junkie's paranoid high.

Or so they want you to think...

Chapter 1

Freddy was a recession baby. That was the term for kids born in the early 20-teens during the great recession. His parents struggled just to survive and raised him the best they could. Once the economy got better though, Freddy was spoiled. He's had a sense of entitlement since. The world was his playground.

It was a typical Friday afternoon when Freddy rode the sonic rail home from the university. It was a pretty quick 25 minute trip. That was pretty good considering the journey was over 150 miles one way.

Still, it gave him enough time to listen to some music or catch up with some shows on his visual implants. Today he was watching a special on alien conspiracies. He loved far out shit like this.

He leaned back and watch the paranoia freaks obsess over "proof" that aliens were definitely on Earth and systematically taking over the planet.

"Aliens. Sure." He spoke just above a whisper to himself, but just enough to catch the attention of the young man beside him.

"What's that, Mister? Aliens?" the kid asked, nervously.

Freddy paused the recording long enough to address him. The kid wasn't more than about 18, still fresh and naive to the world around him.

"Just watching a special on aliens," Freddy said.

"Really? What do they say?"

Freddy disabled the display and looked more closely at the kid. "Hey, I recognize him," he thought.

"Aren't you in my intro to world history class?"

"Yeah," the kid replied. "I'm just a freshman but they let me into an upper level class because of my high school grades."

Freddy was a senior at the university. He was also a bit of a prick. He didn't have much use for other people in general and even less for freshman.

"Ahh, I see. Was wondering why they let a baby in there. You a smart baby boy?"

"Baby?" The kid was rightfully annoyed. "I'm smarter than most seniors."

"Oh yeah? Then you already know all about the aliens then, right? If you are so smart and all you have to."

"Well, not really. My folks don't let me watch stuff like that."

Freddy was going to tell the little shit to leave him alone so he could watch his show, but instead had a better idea.

"Man, you should be careful with those aliens. You never heard what they can do to you?"

"No, what?!" The kid was beginning to panic.

"Well," Freddy whispered. "They don't say this on the broadcasts but the aliens are like body snatchers. That's if they don't just kill you of course."

The kid's eyes opened wide. Freddy could see the fear building inside.

"Wha.. wha.. what do they want?"

"Fuck man, they want humans for their sick perverted pleasure. Then, they either suck the life out of you and let you rot or they turn you into one of them."

The kid was shaking. Freddy had him where he wanted.

"Man, I don't know what is worse," Freddy continued, "the breeders or the feeders."

"The... what?" The boy's voice trembled with each word.

"Well, you see, the feeders are the females. They like to suck the cum out of men. They can keep you hard for days at a time. They gradually suck every ounce of sperm you have until you shrivel up from the inside out and die."

"Holy shit, that sounds awful."

"Fuck yeah it is. The breeders are as bad. Those are the males and they are always horny. They like to fuck human males and fill them full of alien seed. And, they have real huge alien dicks. Like over a foot long and thick as my arm."

"Fuck, no, really?"

"Yep. In fact, they love virgins the most. Anal whore virgins. You ever been fucked by a guy?"

"Hell no, I'm not gay."

"This isn't about being gay, dipshit. It is the only defense against them. If you get fucked and another man shoots his cum in you, then the aliens can't breed you. If you are a virgin and the alien shoots his load inside you, then you turn into one of them."

The kid was almost totally pale. Luckily, Freddy was going to be kind enough to help.

"Now, I don't usually do this kid, but I like you. I can do the deed for you if you want. Then, you'd be safe."

"You wa.. wa.. wanna fuck.. me?"

"Well, I don't want to. But, if it means saving you from being turned into a alien pervert pig, then I just have to do it."

The kid looked down and a look of embarrassment flashed across his face. Freddy could see why. The kid had wet himself.

"I have to go clean up, Mister. I'll be right back. You'll still do it though, right?"

"Yeah sure, kid. Go dry off. We'll stop at my place first and take care of it."

The kid got up and ran to the lavatory, hands covering the wet spot around his crotch. Freddy just laughed to himself.

"That's kind of mean, don't you think, buddy?" Another man a few seats down spoke to Freddy as he moved into the seat just vacated.

"What's it to you, asshole?" Freddy didn't like being lectured.

"Hey, it's your business, buddy. I just think it's wrong to fill the kid with all those stories."

"I'm just repeating what I heard. If he's dumb enough to believe it, then he deserves what he gets. So get out my face, alright?"

"Okay, whatever. Still, it seems like you are trying to take advantage of the poor kid. You think that's right?"

"I do what I want, okay. Now get the fuck out of that seat, he's coming back."

Sure enough, the kid was slowly making his way up the aisle of the rail car. The other guy made room and went back to his own business.

"You okay now, kid?" Freddy was trying to comfort him, making sure he didn't scare the kid off.

"Yeah, I just don't know about this, Mister. It seems wrong. I don't want to get fucked by anyone."

"Well, kid, my stop is next so you better make up your mind quick. If you want my help, you better follow me off the train."

With that, Freddy faced forward and resumed watching his show. He tried to keep an eye on the kid to see if he was still squirming in his seat. Luckily, he was.

The train slowed to crawl and then stopped firmly. Freddy got up slowly and headed to the sliding doors. So far, the kid was rooted in place. Freddy exited the train alone and a bit disappointed. He thought for sure that would work.

Just as he started to walk off the rail platform, he heard a voice yell from behind. It was him.

"Please, Mister, no, wait. I'll do it. Will you help me?"

Freddy smiled wide. It worked. He turned and let the smile fade to a reassuring grin as he faced the boy.

"Sure, kid. Let's get you fucked."

Chapter 2

"What's your name kid?"


"Okay, Alex. I'm Freddy. You ever had sex at all?"

"Yeah, once, in high school. It was with a girl though."

"Uh huh, and you fucked her?"

"Yeah, but I didn't last long. I only did it like a minute before I, uhh..."

Freddy laughed. "Yeah, I know how it goes your first time kid. Don't worry about it."

Freddy led the boy back to his apartment. Luckily, he knew that his roommate, Jesse, would be out until late that night.

Jesse was a bit of a party boy and general screw up. If it wasn't for his dad's influence, Jesse wouldn't even had been admitted to the same school.

Still, when Freddy got kicked out of his old place a few weeks ago, Jesse was nice enough to let him crash at his. So, he couldn't be all bad. Of course, it wasn't like Jesse was paying for anything either. His old man took care of that.

Freddy held his hand up to the security plate and a light flashed across his palm. Satisfied with his credentials, the door unlocked with a slight click.

"Hey, Mister," Alex spoke up finally. "Can we be quick? If I am more than an hour late, my folks get real worried. I don't want them issuing a tracker."

"Okay, this won't take long. Although, maybe just a bit longer than your first time," Freddy joked.

Freddy unzipped his jeans and let them drop to the floor. Then, he rubbed the pouch of his boxer briefs to stoke the horniness that had been slowly building.

"Okay, kid, get over here and drop to your knees."

Alex scurried over and knelt before him. He looked up at Freddy with uneasiness.

"Don't worry, kid. I'll try to make it quick and painless. Then you'll have nothing to worry about from the breeders, okay?"


Freddy dropped the briefs and let his aching cock finally spring free. It only took a few seconds in the fresh air to get the rest of the way hard. Soon, it stood the full 7 inches out and ready for servicing.

"Okay, kid, first you have to suck it. If I don't get sucked first, I'm not in the mood to take care of your problem."

Alex was still hesitant. He had never touched another guy's dick before. Still, he had to do it.

He leaned forward to put his lips loosely around Freddy's cock head. He slowly moved in not more than an inch, letting the cock head slide just inside his lips.

Freddy was impatient. He grabbed the boys head and forced his cock deeper into the boy's warm mouth. Alex nearly gagged from the intrusion.

"Come on, Alex, you can do it. Suck my meat."

With Freddy's hand guiding the boy's head up and down his shaft, the boy picked up his pace. Soon, he was taking most of the cock in his virgin mouth. He tried to take more, but kept hitting a stopping point. Freddy didn't care.

He grabbed the boy's head more firmly and forced it down on his thick rod. Alex offered a mumbled protest which Freddy quickly dismissed. He pushed down even more and felt his cock head scrape along the back of the boy's throat. The feeling of control was intoxicating.

"Come on, cocksucker. Take it all. Then I'll fuck your virgin cunt."

To his credit, Alex was adjusting well to the huge cock in his mouth and was able to glide up and down the length of the shaft with ease now. He licked up and down the shaft, tasting every inch Freddy had to offer.

As much as he enjoyed the blowjob, Freddy figured it was time. He pushed Alex away and reached in a drawer for his bottle of lube.

"Strip, bitch," he ordered as he got his cock slick with the lube.

Alex obeyed and quickly stripped naked. Freddy gave him a good looking over while he stroked his lubed cock. Alex was very slender but his legs and ass were much more muscular than he expected.

"You work out, boy?"

"Yeah, I do a lot of running."

"Perfect. Your ass will feel good then as it squeezes my cock."

"Will it hurt a lot? Please don't do it too hard," Alex pleaded. "Just do enough to make sure I'm safe, okay?"

"Okay, sure, kid. But I have to be sure and that means going as deep as I can. Those breeders have huge cocks. So I have to shoot it as far as I can inside you. It will hurt some."

"Okay. Just do it slow at first, please."

"Bend over that chair, kid, and bury your face in the cushions. You can scream as loud as you need to."

Alex assumed the position on the chair as ordered. His cute little defined ass raised high in the air for Freddy's taking. Freddy jammed a wet finger in the boy's hole. It responded with a tight clench.

'Damn, this kid is tight,' Freddy thought. He inserted a second finger and worked it deeper into the boy's hole. Freddy was content to finger the boy for a few minutes to get him loosened up. Once he was able to get a third finger in easily and work it around, he knew it was ready.

Freddy pushed his slick cock head up to the boy's tightly guarded entrance. It took a bit of effort to just pierce the virgin sphincter. Unfortunately for Alex, Freddy wasn't the patient type.

Once the head popped into the warm passage, Freddy guided it firmly inside. He took only three long slow strokes before it was buried fully. Even the cushions couldn't mask the boy's moans.

Freddy slid the full length of his cock in and out of the boy's eager hole. The ass was so tight and unaccustomed to such an intrusion that it continued to clench tightly around his rod. The sensation of the boy's hole trying to milk his fat cock was intense.

"Oh, fuck yeah, Alex. Your ass feels so good. Just a little longer and I'll be there."

He kept pumping his dick in and out and picked up his pace with each stroke. He could still hear Alex's muffled groans. He couldn't tell if they were ones of agony or delight. Of course, he didn't really care.

Freddy focused his efforts on getting as deep as he could into the boy. His own moans filled the room as the boy's ass continued to provide resistance. Only after five or six minutes did the hole start to get used to the cock filling it up. But, he couldn't hold out much longer.

"Okay, kid, let's do what you came here for."

With that announcement, he gave a few more long, hard thrusts and buried it one last time as deep as he could. He felt his body convulse as the orgasm worked its way through his entire body and ended in a mind blowing spasm in his cock. He felt shot after shot of cum empty into the boy.

Even after depositing every drop of seed he had into Alex, he left his cock linger in the used hole. Slowly he withdrew with a long sigh.

"Fuck, kid, that was intense. Damn. That's the finest ass I've ever fucked."

Alex was just finally rising from his position in his cushion, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Am I safe now, Mister?" he whimpered.

"Yeah, kid, don't worry. Although, no one really knows how long the effects last. We may have to do it again in a few months, just to be safe."

"Again?? I can't do that again, please no."

"Alright, if you wanna take your chances. You know where to find me if you change your mind. Now you better get home before someone worries."

With that, Alex quickly dressed and hurried out the door. Freddy was more than satisfied with his latest conquest. By his count, that was five scared virgins he has now protected from the evil aliens. He laughed at their naivety.

He grabbed a beer and headed to the patio to unwind. The sun had not yet gone down fully and he wanted to bask in the warm sunshine. He sat back and let the rays warm his still naked body.

Then he heard the footsteps, and a man's voice.

"Seems like I was right about you, buddy," the man said.

Freddy whipped around to see the stranger from the train, the one that dared lecture him on teasing Alex.

"You? How the fuck did you get in here?" Freddy stood to confront the man, not caring that he was still naked.

In one quick motion, the man struck Freddy, knocking him to the concrete ground.

"I figured you'd try something like this. So that's why I followed you off the train. I can't say I'm surprised you got that kid to let you fuck him."

"Christ, you were watching? What kind of sick pervert are you?"

A flash of anger engulfed the man's face. He stepped forward and pushed the heel of his boot into Freddy's cock and balls. He pressed down firmly until Freddy cried out in agony.

"You want to know a secret, Freddy?" The man pressed down more firmly. Freddy could only nod, unable to do more than cry out in pain.

The man slowly knelt down, covering Freddy's naked body with his own. He leaned down to whisper in the boy's ear.

"We don't like being called breeders."

The man sank his teeth into the boy's skin. Freddy felt the sting of venom being released into his neck and working its way through his body. He started to go numb.

The man stood and smiled as Freddy lay paralyzed and helpless, slipping slowly into unconsciousness. The only words he could get out before the darkness took hold of him were barely a whisper.

"You can't be real..."

To be continued.

** Author's Note **

I have a bunch of stories started in some form. If I get good feedback on this one, I'll continue...

I will start a separate mailing list for this story. If you want a reminder on any future parts to the story, ask to be added to the mailing list at

Plus, check out my other stories: Gay/Authoritarian/The Inheritance Gay/Authoritarian/Hurricane Eli

Next: Chapter 2

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