
By Kristen Abrhams

Published on Jul 14, 2001


---------------------------------------------------------------------- Alicia-4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Karen was just this side of losing it. I knew that, in her mind, she was "out" whether she wanted to be or not. Discovered by her high school rival because she could control her lust for me... her girlfriend.

While she freaked out, I calmly tried to figure out how to calm Karen while making sure Mia would be quiet about what she'd just seen. I mean, I'd grown to love how experimental Karen had become. Who wouldn't love the idea of their lover wanting to fuck them at their high school reunion? We did it only to discover too late that we had an audience - Mia. Now, I was faced with a sex life where the most experimental she'd want to be was keeping the lights on.

For some reason, I didn't think Mia was going to out us. The look in her eyes... and her masturbating to the sight of me in the mirror as Karen took me from behind... told me we'd be O.K. if we handled this correctly.

"What are we going to do?" mouthed Karen. She was busy wiping herself with baby wipes while dressing - ready to run. I thought for a second. Looking at the wipe in my hand, I remembered the strippers who showed us how useful they could be.

"How much do you trust me," I asked.

"What? We don't have time --"

"Do you trust me to straighten this out or not?"

Karen looked at me for what seemed like forever. "Yes. No questions asked." She knew what I was thinking and wasn't going to debate it.

Karen took a couple of wipes and finished cleaning me up. I took the scarf tied around her neck and tied it around mine. Finally, I whispered some final words to calm her down. "I love you, baby."

Maybe I looked like Aphrodite herself. Mia gasped as though I was when she finally opened her eyes. Hair down. Completely nude except for Karen's scarf. Still coming down from an orgasmic high. I felt like Aphrodite. "Hi," I mouthed. We were silent until I sat down next to her on the sofa. She wasn't sure what to do. Half-dressed, Mia was amazing to see. Her sexuality hung in the air like a contagion. Of course, it was something that I was already happily infected with, so it didn't matter. Her exposed breasts were small and perky. She could go for years without a bra. The red marks around the nipples looked like she'd paid a lot of attention to them. I smiled. "You are so beautiful, Alicia." Mia started trying to cover up... not really, but just enough to make her feel better about being partially nude in front of a naked woman she'd just spied having sex. "Thank you. I hope we didn't scare you." Mia smiled. "Far from it. Actually, I liked it." Caressing her face and kissing her lightly on the lips, I reassured her. "Good. If we'd known we had an audience, we might have made more of a show of it." "No, that would have ruined it." Pause. What do you say to a complete stranger who saw you having sex and enjoyed it? "Alicia, does Karen know about you?" Either she didn't know I was with Karen or she was playing dumb. Either way, it didn't matter. I was going to make sure of it. "Few people know. Especially my friends." Please, Mia. Don't ask any more questions. I've deflected this pretty well. "Does your husband know you like to watch girls?" Change the subject before she can think to ask which of her high school classmates (or their wives) I was having sex with. That actually did the trick. She told me about her life with her husband and how it lacked what she needed sexually. So, she started fantasizing. She watched porn. She read erotic novels. Immediately, she took a liking to lesbian stories. "I felt like I wasn't doing anything wrong. I convinced myself that they were just frustrated like me." I thought, "Hmmm, sex with women just because you can't get a guy to fuck you right. How very straight." Still, I listened to her tale of woe. I caressed her face. I kissed her cheek. I lightly kissed her lips. "Seeing the look on your face, Alicia. I've never had that. I've never felt that." I climbed up and straddled her torso. Bending over so we were breast to breast, I kissed her... slowly... open mouthed... and asked, "What look?" "Total pleasure. Ecstasy." I smiled. Again, I kissed her long and passionately. This time, she responded. I pulled back as she lunged forward to kiss me again. "Would you like it?" "What?" "The look." She gave a faint smile and nodded. I smiled too. Kissing her again, I held her head like it was the most precious and delicate thing on Earth. Next, I kissed down her neck to her chest. Slowly, I sucked on her glorious nipples. Remember, I'm used to Karen and her full breasts. Heck, compared to Mia, I look like Dolly Parton. But, Mia actually made me jealous. While I enjoy having a set of hot lips sucking on my nipples, Mia's nipples are sexual organs. She gasped so loud, I thought I'd hurt her. But, she just enjoyed it so much that she couldn't hold it in. The more I kneaded her breast, the more she squirmed. The more nipple I sucked in, the more she gasped. Finally, I sat up and scooted a little bit up her body until my own nipples were inches from her face. "My turn." Mia's smile was infectious. I smiled back as she reached for my breasts like a girl given reign in a candy store. As her moist, red lips sucked in my flesh and her hot tongue lathed my swollen nipple, my pussy took on a mind of its own. Slowly grinding, I soon realized Mia's belly was wet with my sex. Wet with my excitement. I couldn't contain myself. I took Mia's free hand and pressed it to her wet belly. She connected the dots. Soon, she was caressing my flesh, my pussy. She, too, needed a hand and pushed my hand back between her legs until I felt her open, ready sex. The smell of our sexes. The blood pumping through my veins. The lips sucking my tits into perfect points of ecstasy -- I lost it. I turned around into a sixty-nine and devoured Mia. First, kissing her lips and tasting her. Her excitement was copious and intoxicating. Apparently, mine was too because Mia attacked me and would not let up. I felt like she wanted to just put my pussy in a box, take it home, and bring it out whenever she could. I probably could have gone like that until I came from exhaustion. But, Karen was in the corner pointing to the floor by the couch. There it was... our strap-on harness and the cock Karen just used on me (obviously, she used some baby wipes to clean it up.) I picked it up and inserted the shorter end that rubs right against the clit. Next, I started wrapping the harness around Mia. I smiled. She just realized something was happening and stopped eating me. "Wow." That's all she could say when I got up. I pulled her up to sit and got on my knees between her legs. Looking in her eyes, I lowered my head to take the cock in my mouth. As I got lower, I could smell the unmistakable scent of her... her sex. I reached underneath to feel her moist lips stretched around her side of the cock. Mmmm... Mia caressed my head, running her fingers through my hair. I knew she was enjoying it, but I had to ask. "You like me sucking your big girl- cock, Mia?" "Ohhhh, yes." "You wanna do anything else with it?" "Huh?" "Would you fuck me?" "Um, I don't --" "What? Know how to use it? Yes, you do. You've always known how to use one -- even if you haven't had one." "Um, O.K." It wasn't so much that she wasn't confident as it was that she was distracted by my fellatio. Slowly, I stood up. "Plus, I'll let you know when you've got it right." I turned around, backed up and straddled her in reverse. My back to her chest. Hard nipples scratching my back. Mia's hands came around to cup my tits as I slowly teased both of us. My sex screamed. As the tip of the cock brushed my lips, I had to resist the urge to push down. Tease. Tease, I thought. That is, until Mia suddenly grabbed my hips and thrust in one motion. I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry. Even though it hadn't been fifteen minutes since Karen took me from behind, the surprise of suddenly being full of cock had me speechless. No energy for speech. No energy for thought. Just energy to fuck. Mia guided me through it all. Hands on my hips, she held on as she thrust into me. I rotated my hips to feel the cock touch all of my pussy -- not just what she hit. Meanwhile, my hands were busy stroking my clit. With my sex wide open for Mia's cock, my clit stuck out far and proud. Somewhere along the line, Mia asked a question. I could not tell you what it was until she pulled me up and the cock out. Quickly, she laid me down and started all over in the missionary position. "Oh," I thought, "she wants to be on top." As she thrust into my soaked sex, I could see Karen in the distance. Wanting. She wanted to join in, but knew what it meant. Meanwhile, I'd lost all frame of reference and just wanted this passionate woman on top of me to make me scream. As our climaxes neared, I needed to do something with those gorgeous nipples of hers. They scraped across my chest like nails scratching skin. I pulled her up so I could suck on them. She was too small to just pull her breast up. I had to pull her. Next, I pulled her down to suck on my nipples. When I let her go, I grabbed both of my breasts, squeezed the nipples and pressed them against her bullet nipples. The saliva and the heat set both of us off. Every thrust was one hundred times more. Every caress times one thousand. "You like this, don't you, Mia?" "Yes," was her breathy reply. "You like fucking my pussy with you huge girl-cock, don't you?" Again, "Yes." "Well, I like you fucking me, you nasty girl. I like to feel your choice tits against mine. Your nipples are amazing." I reached up and quickly bit them. She was close. I was close. "You're really a big dyke, Mia. Admit it. You wanted to sink your mammoth girl-cock into me from the moment you saw me. Right?" She nodded. "Well, you've got it. You're fucking me like the dyke you are and my pussy's screaming for joy. I just want you to cum. Cum inside of me, baby. Fill my pussy with your girl-cum. Fill me full so I'll have you with me always." "Oh, Alicia!" "Are you a dyke tonight, Mia? Say it. Say that tonight, with your cock in my wet, wet pussy, you love girls... you want girls... you'll fuck me whenever I want. Do it for me, baby. Do it and we can both cum." Face to face, on the edge of insanity, Mia whispered, "I love girls. I do. I love to look at my husband's magazines and imagine all of the girls wanting me. And, I want you Alicia. I'll fuck you whenever you want. I'll fuck girls exclusively. Hey, I'll try to seduce Karen and get her to sleep with you. You guys look so good together, I'd love to see you two together. I'm a dyke, Alicia, and I'm going to fill your hot pussy with my girl-cum. Do you want that? Do you?" I was so close, all I could do was nod. As soon as I did, we both exploded. She thrust hard against my clit with each pulse of her orgasm. My sex grabbed the cock tight and banged against her clit with each thrust. You know how I am when I cum. I lose all sense of reality for a while, so I love to just lie there touching and caressing. Mia's husband cut that short. "Mia? Mia, where are you?" Just like with Karen, I told Mia to calm down and suggested a course of action. She liked my idea and told me to go. After packing up my stuff and quickly getting dressed, I left backstage close behind Karen who'd witnessed the whole thing. We stayed for a little while longer before leaving. Before we went home, I saw Mia holding on to her husband looking very satisfied. I smiled. Karen and I went backstage to collect a couple of things we forgot and then went home. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ I was in the shower contemplating the night when Karen stuck her head in. "It's ready." She smiled one of those, "You're so bad" smiles and took in my naked body. I grinned back. In the bedroom, Karen had been watching the tape and stopped when it got to what we had not seen yet. Tape? Yes, I'd brought my camcorder in my bag with the strap-on. The idea was "tape the friends from high school and show it years from now" -- but, it soon changed to "tape your friend having sex with me so, if she outs you, we can out her too." But, when her husband came in, we left Mia alone and didn't have a chance to grab the camera on our way out. Yes, Karen had used it (got some lovely close-up), but she put it down and trained it on us when she couldn't contain herself (i.e. she masturbated). So, we got this extra bonus footage of Mia and her man. I won't bore you all of the details, but I thought it was interesting that: 1.) Mia apparently didn't give oral sex very much. I know this because her husband came in, said "You're naked! What are you doing?" Mia replied, "Waiting to give you head." As she reached to unzip his pants and pull out his real cock, he said, "You don't like to do that. You say you're no good at--" He never finished the sentence. She had him all the way in her mouth and was doing such a good job that it was apparent she'd changed her mind. 2.) That change of mind was, apparently, a little selfish. He told her no oral sex for her unless he got some too. Two minutes after unzipping his pants, they were sixty-nining it on the sofa. 3.) Soon after that, she had him on top of her and gave him a lecture about their sex life while he thrust into her. During that rant, she said things were going to change. He wasn't going to neglect her. He'd fuck her on her timetable, not the other way around. If he didn't, she'd take a lover - a woman - because her husband couldn't give her what she needed. 4.) I think he agreed to her terms because the tape went on for thirty more minutes. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ So, it was a night of firsts: - First time Karen and I fucked where people who knew us could catch us. - First time we had an audience - First time I made love with a girl other than Karen (or my boyfriend). - First time I realized that I am lesbian and not bisexual. You can fuck anyone -- regardless of sex. And, that's what Mia was supposed to be. Somewhere it turned into honest to God passionate sex that felt so good and so right that I can't ignore it. I'm not leaving Karen. No. I'm with her for a long time. She still doesn't want to come out, and if I do, it'll screw up our relationship. Right or wrong, I'm willing to pretend for a while longer. But, I can't pretend like I have been. I have to do something that lets me live my life without "outing" Karen. I'm not sure what that is, but I can tell you the first thing I have to do. I'm breaking up with my boyfriend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments are always welcome, encouraged and appreciated at ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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