Alices Date

By SnowHarper

Published on Nov 7, 2014


Alice's Date Chapter 6 =============================================================================== Alice was awakened from her slumber by the sound of a truck. Still groggy she started to stretch and was reminded of the rope binding her wrists, elbows and ankles. In a flash the memories from yesterday came flooding back, the party, the pictures, the bondage and the licking. It was at that moment she realized she was not alone. Nicole was with her, in her bed, spooning her from behind.Alice tried to stay as still as possible, Nicole was still asleep and she wanted as much time alone to think as she could. Yesterday had been horrible. She was forced into going out on a date with a girl, a girl with some very unusual tastes as far as relationships go and after spending an evening being woman-handled' by Susan threats to have her parents arrested if she does not continue the relationship. Then there was the ride tied to the back of Nicole's motorbike. Without underwear she knew her ass was visible to anyone they happened to pass. And there was the kissing and the dreaded photo session. Something Alice now regretted ever agreeing to. Because now Nicole had very material of her own. Even though Nicole thought this was a mutual relationship she was still in control of those photos and if they ever got out, it would hunt her for the rest of her life. And that is without considering the pictures Nicole took of her tied up in her living room; who has a hobby of tying people up! Now Nicole not only has pictures of her dressed slutty and naked but also of her trussed up like a Christmas bird. No those pictures are far worse than the first set.As she was pondering her situation Alice began moistening her dry lips and gauged when she realized she still had Nicole's dried juices on her face. She had oral sex! Oral sex with a girl! Granted she wasn't in a position to say no but she did not even try. In the span of one day she had her first date ever, her first kiss and her first sexual experience. Alice tried to suppress her emotions for fear of waking her mistress'. She was not ready to tangle with the girl yet. However her gauge had stirred Nicole."Good morning puppet," groaned Nicole. "Did you sleep well?"

"As best as can be expected mistress,"

answered Alice moving her arms to show her point. In truth Alice was so drained, both mentally and physically, from last night's activities that she fell into a deep sleep as soon as she hit the pillow."Well it takes a little getting used to," replied Nicole stroking Alice's arm. "We will see how it goes by the end of next weekend."

"Next weekend," questioned Alice. She plans on keeping me restrained until my parents return thought Alice in a panic. She was hoping to get some free time, time away from this demented girl so she could work on getting her life back in order. How was she supposed to do this if she spent every moment at the hands of a demented mistress."Of course puppet," answered Nicole rolling Alice on her back and leaning in for a kiss."What better way to use the opportunity before us," continued Nicole, now slowly caressing Alice's right breast.Alice was unsure she was going to be able to manage a week let alone forever."Don't worry puppet we are going to have lots of fun," said Nicole as she helped Alice to sit up and started to untie her legs. "However it's almost noon and we have to get showered. I have a busy day planned," finished Nicole as she led Alice to the bathroom. Nicole reached into the shower to turn on the water and started to undress. Alice was at a loss. She was already naked and with her hands tied behind her back all she would do was stand still waiting for Nicole to finish."Okay puppet turn around and let me untie you," instructed Nicole.Alice obediently turned around and waited for Nicole the finish releasing her from her bondage. Once released Alice immediately stepped away from Nicole and brought her hands around and rubbed her wrists."Yes puppet very nice," said Nicole as she slow examined Alice standing naked before her. "I don't think I could ever get tired looking at our body."Alice's mind was still in a tornado of chaos and was just happy to have her limbs free once again. She was no longer processing Nicole's comments just attempting to rationalize what was happening to her and listening for commands. Until she would be able to fully grasp the situation this was just easier. Her mind had too much to think about without having to confront Nicole. Not knowing how to respond Alice simply covered her body."There goes that modesty again," laughed Nicole pulling Alice 's arms away and guiding her into the shower.Steeping in behind her Nicole started to lather Alice up and wash her body. Alice instantly became ridged at Nicole's touch. She had taken baths an showers alone for as long as she could remember and this was the first time anyone, other than when she was a baby, attempted to wash her."You know puppet I really enjoyed last night," said Nicole as she slowly rubbed Alice's breasts, "and given how hard you came last night I take it you enjoyed it too. Am I right puppet," inquired Nicole as she pinched Alice's nipples."Yes mistress," gasped Alice concentrating very hard not to interfere with Nicole's actions."I'm glad to hear it,"

said Nicole. "With bondage either you are into it or you are not. Sure some people enjoy it occasionally or are willing to put up with it but it's the people who have a bend for it that really enjoy it." Nicole finished washing Alice's stomach and lowered her hands to Alice's crotch and began a gentle rubbing."Yes mistress," replied Alice. Truthfully she didn't care one way or another why people enjoyed being bound and helpless she was only interested in what Nicole was doing and continuing her charade."And we're two sides of the same coin aren't we puppet," continued Nicole now slowly sliding her middle finger up and down Alice's inner lips paying particular attention to her clitoris. "I mean I love to watch and you love to show off. I greatly enjoy tying people up and you greatly enjoy being tied. I'm bossy and your submissive. I'm your ying to your yang."

"Yes mistress," was Alice's reply again. She was back on autopilot. Her hands pressed against the wall for support as the water sprayed over her body she showily worked her hips in sync with Nicole's hand. She was wet. Nicole's actions had once again aroused her and now all her body and mind wanted was for Nicole to finish what she was doing.Nicole could not have been happier. Every aspect of Alice seemed to make her the perfect match. She had pushed Alice hard and had her experience everything she dreamed of doing with a girlfriend and Alice after a little resistance willingly accepted it. Yes she was glad she had pressed her desires last night. Now that they had all come up winners she could pursue the type of relationship she wanted and knew that Alice would be willing to follow along. However it is always good to throw a loyal puppy a bone just to make sure they keep coming back for more. With that she started to rub Alice more forcefully over her swollen lips to bring Alice over the edge.Alice was thankful for the extra force from Nicole's hand and pressed harder against it hoping it would be enough to bring her over the edge before it was taken away. "Ahhh yes, yes YES," screamed Alice as she dropped to her knees unable to support herself after her climax.Alice hung her head in shame. This was her second climax at the hands of Nicole, a girl, and again it was one of the best organisms of her life. Granted she was unsure how her body would react to the touch of a man but she was nervous that she was enjoying Nicole's touch too much that by the end of the summer it would be all she craved and nothing else would be as enjoyable.Did you enjoy that puppet," asked Nicole stroking Alice's hair."Yes Mistress," panted Alice."Good, now its my turn," said Nicole as she guided Alice's mouth to her pussy. "You know how I like it an don't forget to lick up an swallow every bit of it."Once done with the shower both girls dried off. "Don't forget to put on some make up puppet," instructed Nicole as she exited to bathroom. "You are always expected to look your best."

"Yes mistresses," replied Alice. She had only been out of bed for less than two hours and she already felt like she had been totally used up for the day. Now here she stood in front of the mirror fixing her hair and make-up so she would look her best for a girl who was planning who knows what for the afternoon.After applying her make-up and giving her hair one last look over Alice walked back to her bedroom wearing only a towel. Upon entering she saw that Nicole had finished getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a black corset top and was looking through Alice's closet. Alice just stood at the doorway unsure of what to do. She did not see any cloths laid out for her but Nicole did not know how she stored her cloths, and she should really help her find what she was looking for. However Nicole did not seem like the type who liked being interrupted and would ask where something was located if she really wanted it. Nicole know she was there so if she wanted her input or for her to do something she would have said so. Alice not wanting to fall from Nicole's good side and decided it would be best to wait for Nicole to make the first move.Nicole noticed Alice had finished and returned to the room and was standing patently in the bedroom door waiting for her next instructions. Nicole could not help but smile at this behavior. Here she is naked in her own house in her own room waiting patently as someone casually goes through her closet. The thought of the level of control she had in this relationship was making her aroused once again. However Nicole could not let that happen now. No she had to keep a level head and focus on Alice and what she needed to do to help strengthen the dynamics of the relationship. First she had to keep Alice submitting to her judgment. Second they needed to eat something as it was already well into the afternoon. Third she needed Alice to give her a complete tour of the house. Fourth they needed to start going through Alice's clothes. If time allowed perhaps some more photos and lastly they needed to get ready for their date tonight.Taking a deep breath Nicole turned to face Alice and was very pleased with the results. Her face had a natural beauty but with the proper make-up she could be a model for Avon. " Puppet you look beautiful," said Nicole as she walked over to Alice. " However there is just one minor touch and you will be perfect."Alice blushed at the comment. She called me beautiful. This was the first time someone other than her parents had told her she was beautiful. Again Alice was conflicted by her emotions. On the one hand she felt pride that someone thought she was beautiful. On the other that person was a girl who she had to please if she hoped to keep her parents out of trouble but started to wonder is she still doing it for her parents, are feelings starting to grow for Nicole. However no matter how she felt Alice knew she had to play along."Thank you ma'am," replied Alice with a smile on her face. Alice stood at attention feeling a bit of pride from Nicole's complement and the fact that her hunch to wait for Nicole to make the first move was the correct choice.Nicole stopped in front of Alice and slowly rubbed her hands over Alice's shoulders. Then down her arms and back up the sides of her torso before pulling her in for a kiss.Alice knew what was happening and the act of kissing Nicole was no longer bothering her mind, given the number of times she had done it over the past 24 hours, not to mention the other things they had done together. She felt a bit of happiness grown an just closed her eyes and waited for Nicole lips to touch hers. The kiss started off slowly and sensually with Nicole in control. As the kiss progressed Nicole pushed Alice's arms up and placed them around her neck. With her arms up and out of the way Nicole had free rein over Alice's body and she used the opportunity to refamiliarize herself with Alice' s backside and thighs. Just as Alice was falling into a familiar grove with the kiss Nicole quickly pulled back taking the towel with her.It took Alice a few moments to realize that she was no longer being kissed and groped and was standing in front of a fully clothed Nicole completely naked. Attempting to cover herself, Alice stared at Nicole trying to formulate a response to Nicole's action. However Nicole beat her to it."There now you are perfect," stated Nicole tossing the towel on the bed and slowly walking around the now naked Alice pulling her arms to her sides. "I must say I don't think there is a single blemish anywhere on you body. I can not remember the last time I saw such perfect skin."

"Thank you mistress," crooked Alice trying hard to keep her hands by her sides. "Having such fair skin I have to stay out of the sun which is not an easy thing to do in Phoenix. I actually have to spend most of it either indoors or covered in one way or another."

"What a shame, " stated Nicole grabbing Alice's hands in hers. "But it is the price one must pay for perfection. But enough talk about your superb body, I'm hungry so lets eat and then you can play hostess and give me the grand tour," directed Nicole pulling Alice out of the room."Like this!" inquired Alice with a concerned look on her face."Why yes puppet, with the shear drapes in the front window I doubt anyone walking down the street can notice that you are not wearing anything. So the question is how nosey are your neighbors?"Alice did a quick turn to look out her bedroom window. The layout of her house was such that her bedroom, kitchen and living room were viewable from her neighbor to the North, Miss Caroline Belmont. Now widowed, Miss Belmont first moved next door when her husband Arnold retired ten years ago. Miss Belmont had always kept an eye on Alice and her house. Alice always assumed it was because she used to baby-sit her when they first moved next door and she just liked to make sure Alice was behaving. However Alice did not want her neighbor looking in and seeing her prance around the house naked or worst yet under the control of Nicole. How would she be able to look the 72 year old grandmother in the eye and explain what happen to that sweet little girl she used to watch. The rest of the house was pretty protected from being viewed by the other neighbors. The back yard was also pretty well secluded from the neighbors, except for Miss Belmont's home."Actually Miss Belmont has a habit of keeping an eye one me, mistress," replied Alice as she still looked out the window."Your neighbor likes peeping in on you," inquired Nicole as she walked to the window."I wouldn't exactly call it peeping, mistress," responded Alice. "When I was eight she used to watch me after school. In a way I think she sees me as one of her grandchildren."

"Really, and you see nothing wrong with an older person peeping into the bedroom of a teenager be it for personal gratification or just plan nosiness?"

"Well mistress when you but it like that it does sound weird. But this is Miss Belmont. She used to invite me over for cookies, she was married, has three kids and four grandchildren. She is not interested in me."

"I'll tell you what," said Nicole taking a hold of Alice's hand and walking out the bedroom door. "We will keep the windows not facing her house effectively covered but the ones facing her house open and I bet she takes a very keen interest in what we do in here. Mark my words Miss Belmont will really take an interest in keeping an eye on things. But now you will need to refresh your lipstick before lunch, it got a little smudged."As they proceeded to the kitchen Alice started to rethink Miss Belmont's intentions for the past several years. True she was the dominant force in their marriage and that her husband Arnold was an effemininite man and he did dress well. Miss Belmont also really did not have any patience when it came to men. Could it be that she was spying on her."And here we are back at my room," stated a naked Alice as she completed the tour of her house. While she still felt uncomfortable walking around her house naked it was much better than how she felt just hanging around the kitchen naked. Yes she had walked from her bathroom to her bedroom naked a number of times when she knew no one else was home and she was adventurous. Kim even dared her to walk to the kitchen for some snacks naked when they where freshman and she was spending the night but this was different. This was a sexual act: not a fun dare and it was with an audience. Nicole seemed to spend as much time watching her as she was looking at the house. And then there was the Miss Belmont card. Alice could have sworn she saw movement from her house but was unsure if it was Miss Belmont or just her imagination. Still she kept looking out her window for her neighbor.Nicole was very pleased with the tour. Alice was nervous about walking around the house naked but did it without attempting to cover herself up. Also Nicole was very pleased with the house. Alice's parents taste in décor ran into the contemporary and everything was steel and glass and offered numerous opportunities for securing a person. Looking around the bedroom Nicole took a critical look at the furniture and decoration.The room was painted a soft pink and was dominated by a Queen bed with a cast iron headboard and footboard. The rest of the furniture included a dresser, an armoire, a make-up table and a desk. One of the walls as also dominated by a set of mirrored closet doors, a touch Nicole also liked. However the one thing Nicole felt needed changing was the art on the walls. They where currently reprints of famous paintings and needed to be replaced. The one exception was an enlarged portrait of a ballerina wearing a tutu standing bent at the waist to retie one of her slippers."Very good, thank you puppet," said Nicole as she walked to the closet and tested the door. "Your house is very nice and has lots of .....potential," added Nicole as she turned towards Alice and smiled.Alice understood what Nicole meant and lowered her head in embarrassment. The way Nicole tied her up yesterday she could just imagine the ` potential' Nicole was referring to and made the already uncomfortable moment feel down right edgy."However I think your room can use a little updating," said Nicole. "I mean your art work looks a little generic and we need to express a little more of your personality, make it more of a play room."Now the edginess took its toll. Alice did not want to redo her room and she certainly did not want Nicole to be the designer. Given her experience with the girl from the past day Alice was worried about all the strange pictures that would soon be hanging on the walls."Mistress shouldn't we wait," inquired Alice. Quickly adding that they should wait until after she announced their relationship to her parents. "You do not want to make too many changes at least not until they understand it first."Nicole thought for a moment. Alice did have a point. Waiting until after they came out to Alice's parents would help Nicole gauge how far she could push the design envelope."Puppet your right,"

answered Nicole pulling Alice in for a quick kiss. "We'll wait until after we talk with your parents. That way I can spend some time acquiring the right pieces and see just what your parents will allow in there little girls room."Alice was relived, she had finally won one, even if it was only a temporary victory, but it was a win."Okay, lets get started on reviewing you cloths," announced Nicole as she walked to the closet and opened the doors. "We already went over the pinkie rule for your skirts and dresses so we will go over the rest and then we'll have a fashion show to see what you'll keep, what gets modified, what we will get rid of and what will be thrown out.

Alice's Date Chapter 7 =============================================================================== Alice just stood there for a moment processing what was just said. She plans to go through my wardrobe and not only tell me what to wear when I'm with her but what I can wear in general and get rid of the rest."Mistress do we have to get rid of my cloths that don't meet the rules," Alice meekly inquired. "I mean we could place them on the side or put them in storage." Alice hoped that these would be acceptable alternatives." I don't think so puppet," responded Nicole as she sorted through Alice's skirts and dresses pulling out the ones that obviously would not make the cut. "Think of it like someone going on a diet and then keeping the cookies in a back cabinet. Sooner or later she would be going into it for a quick snack. "Placing the last of the cloths from the closet onto the piles on the bed Nicole turned to face Alice. "Besides you promised to go along with what I say did you not," said Nicole placing her hands on her hips. Nicole knew what Alice was trying to do and Nicole did not want to give up the edge she held. No, any clothes that did not meet the new rules must be gotten rid of. The balance of the relationship was still being set and Nicole was very pleased with the way it was unfolding so far, if she gave a little here Alice would remember it and Nicole would have that much harder of a time in the future. She also made a mental note to redecorate Alice's room to the max after speaking with her parents. She did not want Alice to keep that victory.Alice was quite. Her mind was trying to both think up a new solution and get around the fact that she was standing in her bedroom naked and trying to make an argument as to why she should be allowed to keep her cloths. In the end she was not in the mental state to think these things through and just looked down at her feet.Nicole was happy Alice was not replying. The fact that Alice seemed to accept her demands only made her that much more excited. The only problem Nicole thought she was going to have with Alice was running out of things for her to do. However Nicole was not too worried, she could always come up with new fantasies."This shouldn't take to long puppet," said Nicole walking over to the dresser. "You really don't have that much cloths."That's why I want to keep them but guess she is right, maybe I should try to see this a new start thought Alice. "It's because I wear uniforms to school, mistress," answered Alice."Oh yes those sexy uniforms," replied Nicole as she turned and faced Alice with a smile on her face. "I guess that would cut down on the need for clothes. However it does give us a reason to do some shopping. We have to make sure you look good at school, home and out and about." Alice was again made uneasy by that statement. Out and about and at home! Did Nicole want her to dress sexy in her house with only her parents around; well mostly her mother. Alice was also confused by the fact that Nicole seemed to be making four piles. One looked like clothes Nicole was going to have her try on, the second and third were both of things that looked too long and the last was a pile of her white cloths."Pants are for the most part out," said Nicole as she started to rummage through the drawers. "However I will make an exception for some of the more figure enhancing and sexy pairs you may have. Tops will be reviewed the same way. As for shorts I think we will need to come up with some benchmark like the pinkie rule" remarked Nicole as she started to rummage through Alice's shorts drawer."Now these are too cute, " exclaimed Nicole as she held up an old pair of Alice's school gym shorts.Alice just blushed. "Those are my gym shorts mistress," stated Alice.Nicole just stared expecting a longer answer.Alice took a deep breath. "You remember the explanation of my school uniform and how it is tradition to wear the skirt at its shortest length," said Alice."Yes, how could I forget," said Nicole with a smile on her face."Well at some point in time that tradition extended to the gym uniforms," continued Alice. "The school has a standard pair of shorts and tee which each student is required to buy. We just buy them a little small."

"Your school traditions just keep getting better and better," stated Nicole. "Go fix your make-up and come back here," order Nicole. "We will start the fashion show with your gym uniform."Alice was happy to finally have something to do and hurried out of the room. Nicole just smiled as she watched Alice's butt sway as she quickly left the room. However as soon as she walked out of sight Nicole went to work starting up her laptop. As soon as it opened she activated the web cam and set it to record. Next she tested the angle and found one that not only showed the bed and the area between the bed and closet, but also with the closet doors closed showed the backside of any one standing in that area. Satisfied she turned off the screen and went about getting her camera gear.Alice returned to the room a short time later a little confused as to why Nicole thought she need to fix her makeup, it was still near perfect. However Alice appreciated the time away from Nicole if only to get her emotions back in check. When she got to the door Alice stopped in her tracks as she saw Nicole standing there with her camera. Seeing the look Nicole was giving her she knew it was better not to try and fight this one and loose yet another battle. Besides Nicole already had some very revealing pictures of her, what would more do."Your gym uniform, if you please," order Nicole.Alice walked over and grabbed the shorts from the dresser and reached down to get a pair of panties."No underwear," order Nicole.Alice did not want an argument at this point in time she just wanted to put on some cloths, any cloths and even without underwear she would still be covered. Pulling on the shorts Alice reached into her dresser and pulled out one of her gym tees and quickly put it on. After teasing her hair she turned to face Nicole, and for the first time since her freshman year she felt uncomfortable in her gym uniform. Alice was dressed in a pair of short shorts that were stretched to the max and exposed the bottom of her butt cheeks. The tee was not much better, also made of a stretchy material and looked more painted on than shirt.Nicole started to slowly walk around Alice and gently ran her hand on the tight fabric covering Alice's butt. "Very nice," said Nicole. "It almost looks like my volleyball uniform, but we have spandex shorts."Alice just stood there facing the closet mirrors as Nicole continued her inspection."For shorts I think we will go with a butt cheek rule," stated Nicole as she ran her fingers over the exposed bottom part of Alice's ass. If you can see the bottom of your butt cheeks they are short enough, I think that translates into a ½ inch inseam."Alice just swallowed hard; this is the second time her school playfulness led to a dress code rule. "As you wish mistress," answered Alice still standing at attention."Now loosen up and lets get started with the show," stated Nicole as she turned on her camera.The afternoon progressed from there. Alice tried on one outfit after the next. Nicole barked orders and Alice either placed the clothes in one of the unacceptable piles or followed Nicole's orders for a quick photo shoot. After awhile Alice simply followed the routine and took up all sorts of poses and positions, from leaning forward to allow the camera to get a shot down her cleavage to turning around, pointing her butt at the camera, all with a false smile on her face.Alice felt her life was totally out of her control. She never really wore out her cloths simply outgrew them, and being sentimental she would normally keep them as apposed to just throwing them away. However this habit had come back to bite her in a big way, most of her newer cloths were not making the cut and items that had not fit properly were becoming the main stay of her wardrobe. The worst for Alice however was when Nicole decided to `tailor' an article to meet the new rules. Several of Alice's older jeans were turned into shorts, or more precisely daisy dukes, and one into what looked like a pair of denim panties. The same for her denim skirts, any longer than her pinkie were marked and shortened. Most shorted more then necessary to make them acceptable. One was even given four inch V-cuts on the sides exposing most of Alice's hips.The last group of clothing modeled was the whites Nicole even had Alice put on her old white ballet costume and mimic the pose of the ballerina bending down and tying her slipper. Lastly Nicole had Alice wear a white cami that exposed her navel and a pair of white panties.Alice was lying across her bed hugging her old teddy bear when Nicole felt it was time to change gears. "Puppet when we where at the party yesterday you mentioned that you where never kissed before, is that correct?" asked Nicole.Alice started to blush. In the past she and Kim were partners in crime and felt they where not alone in the world and could take solace that there was at lest one other 18 year old girl still completely without experience, however when Kim starting dating Dahvie, Alice started to feel more and more alone. Now that she past that milestone she wasn't shore to regret it or follow what her heart is starting to feel but even so Alice was still fighting with the fact that her first true kiss was with a girl."Yes mistress you were my first," replied Alice."I cannot tell you how privileged that makes me feel," smiled Nicole. "I mean it is not too often you find a hot 18 year old girl who has never been kissed. However it is understandable when you're a lesbian. Not only do you have to overcome that first awkward event but also you have to do it while socially out of the norm. Unless you're discovered by someone like me that is a hard thing to over come."Alice wanted to hide her face in shame. She had no desire to kiss a girl but her feelings only gave her confusion an no excuse to fully regret it. Sure she went to an all girls' school and sure she was always shy but the fact of the matter was every time she was out and about and some boy expressed any interest in her she would turn tail and run. At first it was because she was not ready and later she just started to avoid the issue causing further delay until finally she just felt she was way behind the curve and did not know how to get out of it." Your right mistress it is a hard event to over come," was the answer Alice finally gave."However that does bring up a new issue, one that I'm more than happy to help you resolve," said Nicole as she walked to the desk with the laptop on it and took a seat. "Now that you have had your first kiss you need experience and direction. So we are going to start your lessons right now puppet. Please come here and sit on my lap."Alice continued to hug her teddy bear. Lessons screamed Alice in her head. She wants to start giving me lessons on how to properly kiss a girl. The reference to her level of experience felt like a slap on the face. Were her kissing skills that bad? Did she really need to be walked through it? Alice's mind raced with the questions Nicole's statement posed and her hesitance for having to kiss Nicole again.However Nicole interrupted her train of thought. "Puppet, I said come here. You do not want me to have to punish you for not obeying me again do you?"Alice did not want that and reluctantly got off her bed and sat on Nicole's lap. Not knowing what to do next she placed her hands on her lap and looked into Nicole's eyes. Nicole smiled and started to brush the hair away from Alice's face to give the web cam a clear view of what was happening."Puppet your walk has changed," stated Nicole."My walk mistress?"

"Yes when we first met you did nothing but strut your stuff. Now you seem as if you just woke up from a nap."Alice did not have an answer. Yes she remembered how she strutted in front of Nicole when they first met. It was part of the reason she felt she was so deep in this mess. But back then she was still pretending to be interested in girls. She was just playing the tease.Alice took in a deep breath and turned her head to stair off into the room. "You want me to `strut my stuff' when I'm walking with you mistress?"

"No puppet not just walking with me, when you are walking in general," firmly stated Nicole. "I want people to see you as that sexy little creature out on the prowl. I what you to be the Lolita playing for all the women out there and a tease to all the boys and most importantly I want you to be acting your sexiest for me. You implied certain behaviors when you started flirting with me and agreed to taking on a certain role in this relationship and I do not intend on letting start to slack off. Not if you want it to continue, got it!"

"Yes mistress I got it, " mumbled Alice."Good now get up and strut over to your bed and back," ordered Nicole as she pushed Alice off of her lap and gave her a hard slap on the ass.Alice jumped into action more from the slap than the order. Closing her eyes she slowly started walking back to her bed swaying her ass from side to side. Stopping at her bed she spun around and started the return trip. As she looked at Nicole to gauge her reaction the huge grin on her face made Alice both relived and uncomfortable at the same time. Reaching the desk Alice once again took a seat on Nicole's lap.Nicole placed Alice's hands on her hips as she once again brushed Alice's hair out of the way. "Than was much better puppet, keep up the good work," said Nicole as she pulled Alice in for a soft kiss.They continued to kiss for several minutes as Nicole slowly changed from a make-out session between lovers to a more aggressive partner probing her mate's mouth. As they continued the session Nicole dropped one of her hands from around Alice's neck and started to caress Alice's nipple. To make sure Alice did not pull away she kept a firm grip on Alice's neck to warn her to play along. Alice was taken a little aback by the touch but Nicole's hand was successful in making Alice comply.Alice was starting to get aroused by Nicole actions and her body starting to get more into their activities even if Alice did not. Nicole understood what was happening to Alice and dropped her hand down and began a slow caress of Alice's vagina through the panties. Alice did not like the direction this lesson was taking but did not move her hands from Nicole hips or dare break the kiss. Over time Alice was getting wetter and wetter but Nicole did nothing to bring Alice close to a climax. As Alice started moaning into the kiss she started grinding her hips to provide more stimulation. Soon she was more than willing to be kissed by Nicole and was concentrating more on her pussy's desire's than what Nicole was demanding from her mouth.And just as Alice was about to climax Nicole removed her hand and broke away from the kiss. Alice tried to follow Nicole with both her mouth and her hips, however she was stopped by Nicole grabbing her arms. Alice opened her eyes and looked at Nicole."Did you enjoy that puppet?" asked Nicole."Yes mistress very much," whispered Alice as Nicole hand was once again stimulating her clitoris."Excellent," replied Nicole. " You should always receive a sense of sexual satisfaction from a kiss with a girl. So this time I want you to concentrate on what my mouth wants and I want you to try and give it just that. Remember the more satisfaction your partner receives from the kiss the more you feel in return."Alice hardly had time to process Nicole's instructions when she was pulled in for another kiss. All she remembered was Nicole telling her the more satisfaction your partner receives from the kiss the more you feel in return. With her arms effectively pinned against Nicole's sides all Alice had to work with was her mouth. Trying to follow Nicole's lead she gauged her effectiveness by the amount of stimulation Nicole was giving her pussy. Her mind was no longer part of the decision making process. Her body wanted satisfaction and it was up to her brain to figure out how to maximize it.Just as she was again feeling the tide begin to rise Nicole pulled back. "Much better," stated Nicole. "Remember soft and gentle, read what your partner is trying to do and supply that need. But above it all remember to be soft and gentle. How it's getting late and you have to start getting ready for our date."

"Now," shouted AliceYes now puppet," answered Nicole as she lowered her gaze to Alice's now oblivious aroused nipples. "However it is nice to see that I can bring out such arousal in you. So go shower as I dry the spot you made on my jeans."Alice looked down and noticed her rock hard nipples poking at her cami and the wet spot on Nicole's jeans. Embarrassed Alice jumped from Nicole's lap and ran for the bathroom.Nicole watched Alice as she hurried out of the room and then turned her attention to the computer. Activating the screen Nicole smiled as she confirmed the entire session was captured by the web cam.Alice walked timidly into her parent's room in a slow strut as not to provoke Nicole. For some reason Alice felt more nervous now that she was dressed than when she was walking around the house naked or even when she was being photographed by Nicole a short while ago. As Nicole had insisted upon Alice was wearing her leather skirt that fit the pinkie rule. The problem was that it fell well under the pinkie rule; the hem sitting just below the start of her fingers and to make matters worse the skirt was tight and kept trying to ride up attempting to reveal that she was not wearing any panties. Thankfully the skirt was paired with a figure hugging white sweater preventing her from looking like a total slut, however it did bare a little of her midriff.Alice stopped in front of her parent's mirrored closet and took in the image she presented. She looked petite and not very well endowed. However her face and legs did more than enough to pull anyone's attention away from her chest. In an attempt to cover more leg Alice grabbed hold of the hem of the skirt and started to pull down. However the skirt would not budge. The waistband was already tight around her hips and would not move any lower and the leather did not have any give. With a sigh Alice straitened out the skirt surrendering to the fact that this was the best it was going to be. Opening the closet she reached up to get the box containing her mother's boots from the shelf. Retrieving the box Alice started her slow strut back to her bedroom and her waiting mistress.Nicole knelt down to zip up the second boot. "Their all set puppet," announced Nicole as she ran her fingers over the skin showing between Alice's skirt and the tops of the boots.Alice could only stair into her closet mirror. Her face was made up beautifully and the sweater gave her a soft elegant look and tried to compete against the exhibitionist image her legs where projecting. The boots were black leather over the knee with a three-inch heel and looked like the footwear a sexy female pirate would wear. With her hands at her sides her fingers could almost touch the tops of the boots but not quite, leaving a band of about four inches of skin. Not much skin was exposed but the problem was that skin was at the tops of her thighs. Alice knew that everyone would be looking at her in this outfit and if she sat down there would be a good chance that she would expose her private parts to them.Nicole stood back up and moved behind Alice. "You look very sexy puppet," whispered Nicole as she took hold of each of Alice's hands."Thank you mistress," Alice meekly answered."Lets get going puppet," ordered Nicole. "I'm getting hungry and it's high time I start showing you off to the world."The statement sent a shiver through Alice. Up until now it had just been the two of them. Now they were about to venture out into the world as girlfriends. Alice simply let out a sigh as Nicole gave her a pull on the hand signaling it was time to start there second date.

Alice's Date Chapter 8 =============================================================================== Nicole an Alice arrive at hooters.Following the hostess Alice was a bit relived that the restaurant was not as bad as she expected. The interior was bright and festive and while the waitresses were dressed in there trademark shorts and tanks they did not look as bad as Alice had feared. She was also surprised to see a few other female patrons, all be it with male companions. However Alice still noticed that a number of the people were focused on the two new customers entering and Alice started to feel very self-consensus about the way she was dressed and the way she was walking to the table."Here we are," stated the hostess as she placed two menus on a small table in the back corner of the restaurant."Thank you," replied Nicole as she hopped up on the barstool." Vicky will be your server and should be by shortly," added the hostess as she turned and walked back to her post.Alice was a little nervous about sitting on such a high chair and the fact that she was facing the bar and kitchen area did not ease those fears.Nicole let out a little giggle as she watched Alice try and get on the stool and keep her legs together at the same time." You ok," laughed Nicole.Alice was still trying to straiten her skirt as she turned a bit to the side making sure none of the other guests could see between her legs. "Yes mistress, its just these chairs are a bit high," answered Alice a little angrily."Yes they do give you a heighten sense of your surroundings," stated Nicole as moved closer next to Alice an leaned over and smiled at the sight of Alice's exposed thighs.Alice let out a slight gasp as she felt Nicole's fingers playing with the hem of her skirt now sitting just below her vagina, her eyes scanning the restaurant to see if anyone was observing what was happening. It was then that she made eye contact with a very pretty waitress with short dirty blond walking over to the table."Hello ladies my name is Vicky and I will be your personal Hooter this evening," announced a smiling Vicky."It's a pleasure to meet you Vicky," responded Nicole never removing her hand from Alice's lap. "My name is Nicole and this lovely creature is Alice."Alice smiled at Vicky blushing slightly from both the complement Nicole just made and the tingling she was starting to feel from Nicole's fingers. Breaking eye contact with Vicky, Alice's eye's widened as she got an up close view of Vicky's C-cup chest. So that is the reason these chairs are so tall Alice thought as a slight grin appeared on her face. However Alice quickly diverted her eyes as Vicky stuck out her chest to give her a better view."My I take your drink orders or are you waiting for others to join you," laughed Vicky."We'll both have Coke's and no we are not waiting for anyone else," replied Nicole."All right I will just go and get these for you while you check out the menu," said Vicky with a smile as she turned and walked to the bar."MMMM, would you look at that ass," said Nicole. "Just look at how it sways side to side as she walks. Right and left, right and left, couldn't you just watch that all day puppet."

"Yes mistress," breathed Alice her face still flush from being caught staring at Vicky's chest, Nicole's fingers where once again working their magic and Alice was finding it very hard to concentrate. With the gentle side-to-side motion over her clitoris and the rhythmic sway of Vicky's ass. Alice was becoming hypnotized and could not break her gaze.As Vicky reached the beverage machine she stopped and reached over to get the glasses. Glancing over her shoulder she made eye contact with Alice and gave a little smile before turning her head and filling the glasses. Alice could only look down at the table in shame. First Vicky caught her staring at her chest and now less than a minute later she caught her looking at her ass."Don't worry puppet I think she likes having you watch her," whispered Nicole as her finger circled Alice's clitoris.Alice did not want to be ogling a girl. She had never looked at another woman in a sexual way in her life. Now here she was openly staring at a waitress's tits and ass. Alice felt confused an wasn't shore if she was so into boys as she thought but regardless Nicole's finger was making her so horny and it was so much easier to just go along with Nicole's statements. Her mind did not want to think it just wanted to keep experiencing those feelings. However her embarrassment from being discovered by Vicky made Alice realize what she was doing and where she was."Mistress could you please stop," pleaded Alice."But why puppet we are just starting to have fun."

"But mistress it's just I have a hard time thinking when your touching me like that."

"Really, that's good to know puppet. But why do you need to think?"Alice was in a fix. With Nicole's finger's working her pussy she couldn't think of a reason for why she needed to think. With a tear in her eye Alice feared that she would be brought to orgasm right here in front of everyone. Just then she saw that Vicky had finished filling the glasses and started making her way to another table. When she saw that Alice was watching her again she gave her a wink." Because....because I need to talk with Vicky," blurted Alice."Talk with Vicky," spat Nicole pulling her hand away. "And why do you need to talk with Vicky?" Alice was in a panic. Technically she was on a date with Nicole, even if forced, and saying she needed to talk with another girl was not the best of moves, but she needed an excuse for Nicole to stop playing with her pussy as she was already wet and was beginning to feel that tingling sensation and knew she was about to climax at the hand of a girl again. Vicky just happened to catch her attention."She is our waitress and we still haven't order mistress," Alice replied nervously."And that is the only reason you need to be able to think," inquired Nicole."Yes mistress," answered Alice quickly."So you do not think she is attractive," asked Nicole crossing her arms."Yes she is attractive. What I mean is she is pretty. No she's...," responded Alice taking a deep breath. "Mistress I do think she is attractive and it is hard not to look at her in that uniform, but I'm not interested in a relationship with her I'm in love with you."Alice thought to herself, OMG what did I just say an were did that even come from. Why would I even feel that way after all that has happened. She really did not want to be in a relationship with Nicole but something has awaken an is growing strongly for Nicole, could I really be in love with her, she hated the things Nicole had made her do but in some strange way wanted more.The statement took Nicole aback. She was only teasing Alice about her intentions with Vicky and just wanted to see Alice squirm. Besides what is the point of going to Hooters if you don't look and flirt and she certainly did not expect to hear that Alice loved her. A smile slowly replaced Nicole surprised look. Nicole thought that the poor girl must truly be a submissive lesbian who had been suppressing her feelings for some time and now that she had an outlet the dam had burst. Any concerns Nicole had of pushing Alice too hard evaporated with that statement. Now she knew for certain that Alice wanted the type of relationship Nicole had been dreaming of."Thank you puppet," said Nicole taking Alice's hand in hers and placing the other on Alice's lap. "That is a very kind and special thing to say; however just because you love me does not mean that we cannot appreciate other woman. That is the purpose of coming to a place like this."Nicole leaned in and gave Alice a soft kiss. "So of course you can talk with Vicky, puppet. "In fact I insist on it. I think the site of two woman flirting is very erotic and you do want to please your lover don't you?"The conversation ended as the two girls heard glasses being placed on the table. "Have you two love birds decided what you would like to order or do you still need to time to `discuss' it further," asked Vicky with a smirk on her face."Oh we know what we would like to order," said Nicole staring directly at Vicky. " But I do not believe it is on the menu."

"Well you never know," purred Vicky, turning her eyes to Alice. "I might be able to accommodate an off the menu item. That is if you ask nicely enough."Alice was again in a state of shock. Her girlfriend had just order her to flirt with Vicky right in front of her. And to make matters worst Vicky now was flirting with her."Thank you, that is something we definitely have to remember," answered Alice nervously." Yes we will keep that in mind for dessert," added Nicole. "But for now we will both have the hamburger with fries."

"Very well," said Vicky with a bit of playful disappointment. "Just remember me when it comes time for dessert."

With that Vicky spun around and walked away swishing her ass even more then the first time."You have a lot to learn about flirting, puppet," laughed Nicole."Sorry mistress," whispered Alice. "It's just I have not had much experience doing it."

"Is that so puppet? In all your years at that utopia of a school you go to you mean you have not done much flirting?"Alice thought of her last three and a half years of high school. Yes there was the usual stare or tease going on even for a bunch of girls with no boys in sight. But it was all in fun and games but no one ever flirted with me. They were just goofing off to others and making do without boys, and it was usually limited to between friends. Alice's only friend was Kim and because of the behavior and stories of her mother she felt uncomfortable joining in on the harmless fun."Not really mistress. My school is made up of very structured clicks and it is not common for girls to chat with others out of your group."

"What a shame, all that tail and your not allowed to touch. How about outside of school?Alice thought for a moment."No not really."

"Well I see that I have my work cut out for me," responded Nicole with a smile on her face. "Going forward I see we are going to have to add flirting to your daily schedule of kissing and girl pleasing practices. By the time I'm done with you puppet you' ll be an expert in women."Great, thought Alice. Just the skills every heterosexual girl strives for, how to be an expert at pleasing women.As Alice was contemplating this crises Nicole tapped her on the thigh and leaned over to whisper into Alice's ear. "Puppet, Vicky's coming with our food, so now is your chance to get in a little practice. When she asks us if we want anything else, ask her if she is seeing anyone."Alice looked up to see Vicky was approaching the table, chest out, hips swaying and a smile on her face. Her eyes stayed locked on Vicky as she swallowed hard. She now had to openly flirt with another person, a girl. Worse the opening question Nicole wanted her to ask left little to interpretation."Her you go girls two hamburgers and fries," sang Vicky as she leaned over the table to place the plats in front of each girl. "Now is there anything else I can do for you?"Alice jumped as Nicole pinched her clit. "Yes! I mean we were wondering if you are dating anyone at them moment," asked Alice blushing enormously.Vicky stood at attention with her chest right in front of Alice's face. "As a matter of fact, no I' m currently not in a relationship. Why do you ask?"Why did we ask thought Alice. Nicole and I are dating so what good is it to know if Vicky is currently single."We just wanted to know if a beautiful and sexy girl like you is ever single," answered Nicole."Why thank you for the complement," said Vicky placing a hand on her head and the other on her hip and striking a model pose. "I haven't had much luck on the dating front in some time. You see guys love to be with a hooters waitress but once things start to get serious they realize that part of my job is allowing other men, and women, to look at me. And that is usually the deal breaker. However my relationships with women seem to last a little longer, I guess I just find them a little more attractive and fun to be with, but I'm too much of a free sprit and they usually only last a few months."

"How about you girls been together long?" inquired Vicky."Actually this is only our second date," answered Nicole. "I used to be in the same boat as you but since I found my little puppet I think we'll be staying together for awhile."

"So I guess that means there is no hope of me getting in between the two of you," said Vicky."Oh I wouldn't say that," purred Nicole. "We are always open to new experiences."

"Yes lots of new experiences," added Alice mockingly."Well I guess there is hope for me yet," added Vicky. "Is there anything else I can get for you, dessert perhaps?"

" Well now that you mention it; could we get one of those sexy uniforms for Alice here?" asked Nicole while running her fingers through Alice's hair." Sorry but we only sell generic shirts," replied Vicky."That is such a shame," purred Nicole as she dropped her hand down to Alice's breast. "Don't you think puppet here would look sexy in one of those uniforms? I know I would love to see the two of you together dressed in uniform."It was now Vicky's turn to stare at Alice. "Yes she would look very sexy," answered Vicky in a husky voice. "I tell you what why don't I give you the check and I will get you your doggie bag."Doggie bag thought Alice as Nicole paid the bill. We don' t have any leftovers, why would we need a doggie bag. Alice didn't dwell on the issue for long, they were getting ready to leave and Alice couldn't wait to get to the privacy of Nicole's car."Here you girls go," chirped Vicky as she placed the bag on the table and picked up the bill.Nicole grabbed the bag and smiled as she looked into it."I told you I would try and accommodate an off menu request if you asked nicely enough," stated Vicky with a smile.Looking at the bill Vicky raised her hand and asked, "now whose number is this?" showing the bottom of the bill with a phone number."Mine," replied Nicole."Tell you what, come back Wednesday and I will give you the white and orange one for your friend's number," offered Vicky."We will be here," replied Nicole giving the bag to Alice. "On your feet puppet the strippers await. "Peering in, Alice was surprised to see the black version of the Hooters uniform. Realizing she was destined for yet another photo session Alice slowly slid off of the seat doing her best not to flash Vicky and the rest of the patrons in the process."Now walk out in front of me puppet and I want to see you swaying your ass like Vicky," order Nicole.Starring at the door Alice slowly copied Vicky's sway as she walked ahead of Nicole for the door. Stepping outside Alice wished she at least had a coat as the cool night air sent shivers down Alice's body causing her nipples to harden and poke thought her sweater. Remembering to sway her hips Alice walked as quickly as she could with the frosty night air blowing up her skirt and over her exposed and stimulated sex. Upon reaching the passenger door Alice turned to see that Nicole took a more leisurely pace and was still walking to meet Alice at the car, in no hurry to let Alice enter the shelter of the passenger seat.Alice let out a sharp gasp as she was pinned to the car door by Nicole. "I see that you are excited as me from our little dinner date, puppet," stated Nicole as she gently caressed one of Alice's hardened nipples."Yes the night is having an effect on me, mistress," replied Alice pressing back against Nicole in an attempt to keep her skin from touching the cold metal of the car.Nicole took the hint from Alice and leaned in for a long passionate kiss. Alice was a bit shocked by the kiss as she was more focused on getting off the car door and into the warm compartment. Deciding the only way to end this episode was to reciprocate Nicole's kiss Alice opened her mouth and accepted Nicole's tongue and placed her hands on Nicole's hips.Sensing that Alice was accepting her lead Nicole began to actively fondle Alice's breasts as she explored the inside of her mouth with her tongue.As the kiss continued Alice began to feel a if her heart was falling for Nicole, all this passion but yet forceful, demanding, sensual; soft and sensual. She could feel the soft lips enclosing hers, the soft fingers on the back of her neck. She could even feel Nicole 's soft breasts pressed against her as they embraced. The long nails pinching her nipples and the smooth hips grinding against hers as the kiss progressed. Alice was again becoming lost in the moment and in doing so forgotten how cold she was as her body started to warm from Nicole's actions. However as hard Alice tried to picture not falling for a girl all she could think was kissing and groping her, she couldn't get over that soft feel of Nicole's skin or the pressure from Nicole's breasts pressing against her chest she could not get her mind to wrap around anything but kissing a girl.Lowering her hands Nicole reached under Alice's skirt and gave her now wet clitoris a pinch resulting in a small squeak from Alice as they broke the kiss. "That was very good puppet," said Nicole reaching into her pocket for her keys. "I see that today's lesson has been helpful."Alice did not answer and just sat in the car, as she was ashamed at yet another betrayal by her body. Thinking to herself am I just trying to bury an hide what I truly feel while lowering her head Alice just stared at her lap and vainly attempted to pull the hem of her skirt down. However this respite did not last as she saw Nicole's hand come into view and slowly push the hem of her skirt up. "There is no longer a need for you to think puppet," stated Nicole as she started to play with Alice's still wet pussy and drive into the night.As they approached the strip club Alice was sitting with her head pressed back against the headrest, face flush and her lips slightly parted. Her palms were pressing down into the seat cushion and the toes of her boots were pressed hard against the floor as she sat at the edge of the seat with her legs spread as wide as the skirt would allow, her hips following the motion of Nicole's hand.Nicole could not help but smile as she looked over at Alice. She could not believe how easy it was to bring Alice to the brink of organism. In fact Alice was riding on the brink of a climax for a good five minutes. As much as Nicole wanted to keep Alice in her current state she knew that Alice had to climax before they left the car, rewarded for her good behavior and ease her nerves before getting into the club.Stopping at a light Nicole changed tactics and started to rub Alice's clitoris with more force. Sensing the change Alice started to press her crotch into Nicole's hand. Alice let out a scream and tightened her body as the orgasm exploded. Alice collapsed back into the seat breathing heavily.

Alice's Date Chapter 9 =============================================================================== "Now that was hot," announce NicoleAlice could not respond she still felt a little embarrassed to be orgasming in public, even though they were in a car."Now puppet, don't be like that," said Nicole rubbing her hand over Alice's back. "I saw how hard you came so don't tell me that was not one of the best orgasms you have ever had in your life?"Alice slowly sat up. Nicole was right she could not remember ever coming that hard before. True Nicole had been teasing her all day and she was kept on the edge for most of the drive. At the end she was practically begging to cum at that point."Yes, but it was very embarrassing to have such a private moment in the open," wined Alice."Puppet you are missing the key word," answered Nicole. "You came and believe me I'm all turned on right now from your little display. Trust me, you looked hot and the look on your face was of pure bliss." As they arrived at the strip club.Alice was a little hesitant as she stepped into the club. She had heard of strip clubs and she had seen a number of movies and TV shows that had scenes but she never actually thought she would actually be a patron of one. Now here she was standing just inside the entrance with her arms crossed to help warm herself up and cover her still visible nipples as she waited for Nicole to pay the very large man at the door and the hostess to seat them.Looking around Alice noticed that Sideshow was set up to look like an X-rated circus. The back wall was entirely mirrored and had a narrow stage about three feet above the floor running its length. Three entrances, on the left center and right, as well as stairs on each side provided access. Two stripper poles were located between the doors. From the middle of the stage a short runway jutted out to a large round stage made to resemble the center ring, in the central point of the ring was another stripper pole. Chairs lined the perimeter of the stage and tables and booths were setup in circular rows. On stage was an American girl about twenty dancing to Welcome to the Jungle while removing a leopard skirt and top. Walking around the club looked to be about a dozen other strippers performing lap dances or talking to customers. Alice also noticed that this time they were the only female patrons."Give them a booth up front", shouted the bouncer jilting Alice out of her appraisal. A woman of about 30 dressed as a sexy ringmaster lead them towards the side of the circular stage."See anything you like puppet?" asked Nicole as she placed her hand around Alice' s waist."No mistress," replied Alice. Then quickly adding. "But I haven't had an opportunity to get a good look yet."

"Well take your time puppet," said Nicole. I paid for premium seating. Right up front next to the stage." Right up in front of everyone, perfect thought Alice still nervous from being in the club in the first place. Nervous that she was in a place where men pay women to dance naked for them, nervous that people thought she was there to pay women to dance naked for her and nervous that women where going to be dancing naked for her."Here you go ladies," said the ringmaster gesturing at a booth in front of the circler stage at about four o'clock."Thank you," replied Nicole as she maneuvered Alice into the booth.Alice was relieved that her lower body was hidden under the table and the seat in front of the stage was not designed to allow the person sitting there to easily look behind them. However this was short lived as she felt Nicole's hand on the top of her bare thigh.From there the night went on. Nicole kept playing with Alice's pussy lips while focusing Alice's attention on the strippers walking around the room or dancing on stage. Asking Alice what she liked about them or what did she think was the most erotic part of the strip tease. Thus forcing Alice to gaze at the girls or watch their performances knowing she would have to discuss them afterwards.The one thing that seemed to please Alice was the fact that the strippers did not seem to like two female customers coming in and pulling attention from the male customers and thus tended to stay away. Just as a waitress dressed as a 1920's cigarette girl was placing down there second round of sodas the music started once again and the DJ asked the crowd to give it up for Ruby. Focusing once again on the stage Alice waited for the stripper to appear. A young blonde appeared from the center door dressed as belly dancer and bounded to center stage.Alice let out a small gasp." What is it puppet?" whispered Nicole, her hand still under Alice's skirt." Ruby...she....she....looks like she could be my older sister," stammered Alice.Nicole took a close look at Ruby. The girl was a beauty, about 20 years old, 5'7" tall and no more than 130 lbs. Her body was smooth and toned with slight curves and a large chest, obviously the result of a boob job. Her hair was a light blonde and cut short. Nicole continued to watch the show, as Ruby danced around the stage to some Turkish remix all the while making sure Alice remained focused on her pretend sister. Nicole kept whispering about the movement of Ruby's hips or the sultry look of her eyes as they peered over the vale. As Alice concentrated on the face of the dance Ruby's eyes locked on to Alice's gaze, this time Alice did not drop her head in shame but continued to make eye contact as Ruby removed her top."She does look like she could be your sister puppet," whispered Nicole as she gently played with Alice' s vaginal lips. "And judging by how wet you are I take it you also find her attractive."Alice closed her eyes from the embarrassment she felt from Nicole's remark. Not more than 30 minutes ago she was orgasming in a car and now she is becoming wet again gawking at a dancer that looks more like her mother than her and could pass for her older sister. But the embarrassment quickly faded away as Nicole expertly teased her body once again effectively turning off her mind and placing Nicole in command."She is attractive mistress,"

stuttered Alice as she opened her eyes once again to look at the display before her and opened her legs to give Nicole easier access. However your touch is more of the reason for my arousal."

"Thank you puppet," purred Nicole as she kissed Alice's ear. "That is so sweet of you to say. However I believe that your sexy sister has a lot to do with it also.Alice blushed at the comment. While the girl on the stage was not her sister the talk was yet another level of taboo. However without a real sibling to relate to, the scenario was purely make believe and Alice was just watching a beautiful stranger dancing on stage."Come on now puppet," continued Nicole seeing Alice's blush. "You should know by now that it's okay to admire other women. And just look at her up there dancing for us; for you."

"She is very hypnotic," answered Alice."Yes she is puppet, just look at her glide around the stage and move those hips. Back and forth back and forth," continued Nicole as she played with Alice's pussy in time with the stripper's movements. Alice could not help but stare. The stripper truly was hypnotic and Alice subconsciously started to move her body in rhythm with Nicole's fingers and Ruby's body.The song ended with the stripper doing the splits and laying down until her chin touched the floor staring directly at Alice."Give it up for Ruby" barked the DJ as Rudy stood up wearing only a thong collecting tips from the patrons sitting along the stage.Nicole elbowing her side and clapping knocked Alice out of her daze. Taking the queue Alice also began to applaud, all-be-it uncomfortably."So what did you think of your sisters performance puppet," inquired Nicole while applauding."She is an incredible dancer mistress," replied Alice. "The way she moves her body is hypnotic and her eyes... they're incredible."

""Your right puppet she is a great dancer, but that body, is what is absolutely incredible. Don't you agree?"Yes mistress, she is "

"Wouldn't you love to just caress her skin? Hold those breasts? And touch those lips?"Yes mistress that would be very nice."Alice was more uncomfortable with this line of questioning then with the earlier dancers. With them it was mostly a technical discussion, sort of like sitting on the couch talking about an actress on the TV, but with Ruby it was different. With Ruby she was genuinely interested in watching her dance and now she felt embarrassed by the way she looked at her and worst by the feelings watching her aroused. Coming to a strip club was bad enough. Having to watch the performances and scrutinize them was degrading. But with Ruby she felt something she was not supposed to and now she was nervous. All she wanted was for the next dancer to appear and put an end to the Ruby experience"Yes puppet it would be very nice," purred Nicole. "However for now that has to remain a fantasy and your mission."

"My mission?" inquired Alice."Yes, your mission," answered Nicole. "While you can pay for them to dance for you, you are not allowed to touch or get physical with the strippers. So for you to realize your desires you have to seduce Ruby. Consider it a test of your flirting skills."

"You want me to hit on a stripper!" asked a surprised Alice. Flirting with a waitress was bad enough though Alice. Now my girlfriend wants me to flirt with a stripper with a heavy make-out session as the goal."Yes puppet," commanded Nicole. "She is a pro and like you said could pass as your sister. It just sounds so incredibility erotic and dirty, I just have to see it. Yesterday you said you would do anything I said and earlier today you said you loved me. So unless you started this relationship on lies you will do as I request, got it puppet!"Based off of lies thought Alice her anger welling up again. Your cousin blackmailed me into this relationship. Grabbing hold of her emotions. "As you wish mistress," sighed Alice. Either she caved to Nicole's demands, or could have told her she was being forced and risk Susan reporting her parents or break off the relationship and Susan most likely reporting her parents but strangely I don't care what Susan would do, I feel as if I'm am strangely happy an have fallen for Nicole but Alice couldn't risk loosing her parents so it doesn't matter."That is what I like to hear," said Nicole with a triumphant smile on her face. "Look here comes Ruby. I tell you what I promised you a lap dace and I will get you one from her to help break the ice," said Nicole as she pulled her hand from under Alice's skirt and patted her thigh. Alice turned and saw Ruby back in her harem costume, minus the veil gliding towards there table. Their eyes locked and Alice worked, once again, on suppressing what she was feeling and focused on the arousal she felt earlier. If she was to accomplish her seduction she needed feelings of desire to draw from not reality.Waiting for her turn on stage Ruby stood behind the 2-way mirror surveying the audience. One of the tricks of the trade is to focus on one patron and dance for them, tonight Ruby choose Alice. From an early age she liked things that were naughty and taboo and two women sitting alone in a strip club was naughty; she also liked Alice's youthful appearance yet another taboo. Walking to the table Ruby felt a sexual charge. She just did one of her best performances and her quarry seemed to have been enthralled by the routine and she was eager to meet her mystery girl and continue the fantasy."Good evening ladies, did you enjoy the show," inquired Ruby as she gently stroked Alice's shoulder."How could anyone not," replied Nicole. That was one of the most erotic performances we have ever seen, isn't that right puppet," continued Nicole squeezing Alice's leg."Yes, that was defiantly the best dance I have ever seen," added Alice looking into Ruby's eyes."Thank you and it was my pleasure," said Ruby sliding in to sit next to Alice. "And how did you get the name puppet?"

"It's just my pet name for her," said Nicole bushing the hair away from Alice's face. "Her real name is Alice and I'm Nicole."Nice to meet you Alice and Nicole," said Ruby. Are you okay with me calling you Alice," purred Ruby rubbing Alice's hand. "I prefer not to use a `pet' name... unless it's my pet name for them."How about sis," offered Nicole.Alice turned to Nicole with the look of shock and embarrassment."Sis" giggled Ruby."Yes, you see the first thing Alice said when you came out on stage is you look like you could be her older sister," stated Nicole. "Isn't that right puppet?"Blushing she turned to face Ruby and with her bedroom eyes and bright smile. "It is the hair mostly," mumbled Alice. "That and we share a number of facial features."

"Well coming from someone as beautiful as you I will take that as a complement," said Ruby placing her hand on Alice's chin to turn her face towards her. Studying her face Ruby had to agree with Alice's assessment. "And you are right, we do look like we could be sisters so little sis it is." After making that statement Ruby was never more excited in her life. Since she had become sexually active she had done almost every trick in the book but having only an older brother this was one fantasy she never considered."So sis since you think I'm the best dancer you have ever seen how about me giving you an up close and personal repeat performance," asked Ruby breathing into Alice's ear and playing with the hair on the back of her neck.Alice closed her eyes as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck begin to stick up. Ruby did feel very soft and even though Alice was curious anyone would agree that Ruby was a beautiful girl with incredible eyes, a sexy body and an erotic dancer. In her mind she didn't want to be here or have to do this but she had no choice, it was what Nicole wanted and she had to keep her happy. Her body on the other hand was already aroused by Nicole's caresses and welcomed the touch. She was in such a state of arousal that she couldn't think straight and slowly tilted her head back and into Ruby's hand, she did not want to think anymore and decided to do what her body wanted her to do what her mind did not want to do but needed to. "I would love that very much," whispered Alice.Smiling Ruby stood back up pulling Alice so she was sitting at the end of the booth with her knees pointing out. Leaning forward at the waist she placed her breasts right in font of Alice's face, offering her a great view down her harem top, and paused for a few moments. Alice could not help but stair at the two orbs before her and subconsciously wetted her lips.The gentle pressure from Ruby's finger under her chin caused Alice to sever her examination of Ruby's attributes and to look into her eyes. "Anything for family," giggle Ruby as she stood back up and started to sway to the music.Alice sat where Ruby had positioned her, face forward staring into Ruby's belly button and started to break into a cold sweat from her embarrassment. Ruby on the other hand was pleased that Alice was showing such interest in her body and incorrectly assumed Alice was staring at her crotch.Slowly moving forward until she was straddling Alice's lap she and reached down to seize Alice's hands and place them on her hips. Alice looked up past Ruby's breasts to see Ruby looking down and smiling. The feeling of fast moving hips caused Alice to break her gaze and look at the gyrating panties only inches from her face. Alice became frozen and simply continued to remain focused on the moving body before her.Grabbing Alice's hands in hers Ruby slow guided them to the front of her panties and then slowly down her thighs and back up. Instinctively Alice continued the stroking of Ruby's thighs, panty and ass as Ruby continued her dance. For Ruby the feeling was electric. She loved it when people where focused on her and were completely mesmerized by her body. She also like pushing the boundaries and thinking of Alice as her sister was a very big turn on for her. The fact that she was dancing, seducing such a close relation to her was sending shivers throughout her body and was bringing a sense of arousal that Ruby had not felt in a long time.Alice on the other hand gave up trying the to keep mental control over the situation and was preoccupied with suppressing any feelings against her current situation and concentrating on the ones that would help her through it. She thought Ruby was a beautiful girl and was fascinated by her body. The fact Ruby seemed to not only allow physical contact but also desire it gave Alice the excuse to feel her body.Alice's eyes looked upwards as she noticed Ruby was removing her top. With a smile on her face Ruby slowly backed away and guided Alice's hands up to her breasts. Alice bit her lower lip as she stared into Ruby's eyes and slowly caressed her breasts. They were soft yet firm and large. Alice couldn't believe she was doing this. Here she was in a public place feeling up a stripper as her girlfriend sat next to her. It was then that she noticed that Nicole had her hand down the back of her skirt and with one finger slowing caressing the crack of the ass. All of this stimulation was making her very wet and she had trouble controlling her breathing. The fantasy was broken for Alice then she caught herself thinking about leaning in and kissing Ruby's supple lips. Pulling her hands away and breaking eye contact Alice tried to once again get mental control of her feelings.As Alice was attempting to refocus her mind Ruby began to squat in front of Alice's legs. Her mental daze was shattered when she felt Ruby begin to pull her legs apart. From the smirk on Ruby's face she knew it was too late, Ruby knew. She knew that Alice was not wearing panties. She knew that Alice was extremely wet from all the stimulation she received and she would assume that Alice was extremely horny, which she was, but it was because she was so excited from Ruby's dance.Alice tried to close her legs but Ruby was lodged between them. She tried to retreat into the booth but Nicole's hand held her firm. Feeling like a virgin sacrifice Alice grabbed the table and the end of the booth as she turned her head to the side and closed her eyes in shame. She felt Ruby easing back up and trailing her hand over her thigh and up under her skirt as she brought her mouth up to her now exposed ear."You are very naughty little sis," whispered Ruby as she licked Alice's ear. "And very wet too. Did your big sister make you all excited? Well you definitely made your sister very excited."

Alice's Date Chapter 10 ===========================================================================

Alice let out a gasp as she felt Ruby run her finger between her pussy lips and bite her ear. Turning her head forward once again she saw Ruby stand back up and straddle her lap. Sitting down Ruby runs the finger under her nose with a smile on her face. "Mmmmm," moaned Ruby as she inhaled the aroma. "You smell fantastic."Alice could only watch and stare as Ruby placed her finger into her mouth."You taste fantastic too," giggle Ruby as she pulled the finger from her mouth and leaned forward for a quick kiss."I cannot believe I just gave my own sister a lap dance," yelled Ruby as she quickly brought her hands up to cover her mouth.Alice just gasped at the comment and wanted to hide under the table. The statement, meant to be heard by only Alice and Nicole was made loud enough for them to hear over the music but Ruby chose the moment the music cut off abruptly and what was to be a private statement was broadcast to the entire club. The silence in the club was broken when Nicole grabbed Alice's face and gave her a hard kiss. Alice could hear the cheers and the roar of the crowd as the kiss continued. Releasing her grip on Alice's face she pushed Alice to her feet and into the arms of Ruby who gives her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek." Feel free to call me anytime lil sis," said ruby as she wrote down her number." she shore will," replied Nicole as they say there goodbyes.Alice an Nicole arrive at Alice's home.Lying naked on her bed Alice just stared at the ceiling as Nicole finished binding her limbs to the frame. She was shocked by the actions of tonight and how it just seemed to confuse her the more it went on. The morning activities of walking around the house and the photo shoot look so tame in retrospect. Even her ogling Vicky looked minor even though it was incredibly embarrassing at the time. Her organism at the stop light made the earlier events look insignificant and she could not help but wonder if she had been wanting this her whole life, to break free an let go of things. To have fallen in love with a girl that will pleasure an take care of her for the rest of her life.Lord knows there was a large group of men masturbating to the image of her and her `sister' April, Ruby's real name. After the lap dance Ruby became really popular with the patrons. This did not go unnoticed by the other strippers and soon any time one of them wasn't pulling in any business they would come to there table and give them a free dance. Nicole loved it. It meant she was continually the center of attention and usually had a girl dancing naked before her. To top it all off it was always under the watchful eye of Nicole.The worst part was when Ruby danced on stage. Everyone knew she was dancing for Alice and activity in the club came to a stop to watch the stripper perform for her sister. Several dances later Ruby got Nicole to promise to come back on Wednesday, the owner, a woman named madam Lu even promised us free admission and drinks whenever we came. We added that much to the club.As Nicole finished tying Alice to the bed she laid down next to Alice as slowly started to fondle her breasts. "That was one exciting evening wasn't it puppet," whispered Nicole."Yes mistress," answered Alice feeling the tingle in her nipples but unable to do anything about it."Vicky is very sexy isn't she puppet?"

"Yes mistress she is."

"What did you like most about her puppet?"

asked Nicole her finger slowly sliding back and forth between Alice's breasts.Alice tried to remember the details of their encounter with Vicky at the restaurant. It was only six hours ago but it may as well have been last month given all that had happened since then. "I would have to say her ass and breasts mistress," answered Alice remembering how she was caught staring at those two body parts."A T&A girl. I have to agree if you are looking at a woman for her sexiness its all in the tits and ass. And I bet we could have a lot of fun with her in the future don't you think puppet?" Asked Nicole pinching her nipple."Haaaa, yes mistress, she did seem interested in that," answered Alice flinching from the pain."Does that excite you?" Asked Nicole as she moved her hand from Alice's breast and started to skim her fingers over Alice's sex."Yes mistress," gasped Alice as she pulled on her bindings but Nicole's knots held firm. Since puberty Alice understood she had sensitive breasts, but now she was beginning to realize the control they had over her libido. As soon as Nicole started playing with her breasts her body becomes aroused and starts to tingle making it sensitive to the slightest touch, her pussy begins to moisten and her clitoris becomes excited. Then her desires take control and Nicole had used this cause and effect remarkably. No matter how wrong it felt in her mind her body told her it was good and refused to allow her sexual preferences get in the way."Mmmmm, I hope so puppet," cooed Nicole tracing her finger along the outside of Alice's pussy lips."And what do you think about your sister April?" Inquired Nicole tickling the tip of her clitoris."She is a very beautiful girl and a great dancer mistress," grunted Alice stretching her body and arching her back to follow Nicole's hand."Great dancer! You were completely under her spell. I don't think I have ever seen a girl develop such a crush on anyone before. I'm just happy you love me or I would have to taken issue with your actions. You do love me right puppet?" asked Nicole in a singing tone as she pinched Alice's clit.Alice gave out a sort gasp and fell back into the bed, more so from the statement than the pinch. Alice again felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have never felt this way about a girl or anyone for that matter.A second pinch of her clitoris brought Alice out of her daze. "Puppet, aren't you going to answer my question?"

"Yes mistress I do love you," breathed Alice"I'm glad to hear that puppet," purred Nicole. "However I do not want your love for me to prevent you from appreciating other women." Removing her hand from Alice's pussy she slowly brought it up to Alice's mouth and told her to lick. Lowering her fingers into Alice's mouth she leaned close to Alice's ear and whispered. "In fact it would please me very much. So from now on I want you to be on the lookout for other girls. Watch them, flirt with them and see where it leads. I have to say thinking about watching you blossom from a shy schoolgirl to a lesbian seductress sends shivers down my spine."Pulling her fingers away from Alice's mouth Nicole stood up to take off her jeans and panties. "So as part of your training I want you to e-mail me 5 pictures a day of women you find beautiful and explain what you like about them. Also the next time we see Vicky or April you are going to become much more friendly with them, very friendly if possible."Still cooling down from her arousal Alice knew she was now deeper into this lesbian relationship. Feeling the bed move Alice turned to see Nicole was crawling up to straddle her face and she knew her third training session for the day was about to begin.


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