Ali Baba Baths

Published on Jul 20, 2011


Ali Baba Baths 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Several days later, I was walking home by Central Park and Aldred came up to me. He must have noticed I went by the park often. It was a little out of my way, but it was good to be refreshed by the trees and fields of the park after spending the day in the institutional school buildings.

"Do you have time to talk?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied, "I always have time to talk with a friend."

We went to a bench. I was a cool day, so we were alone. I had a heavy coat as did Aldred so we were unaffected by the chill.

You think of me as a friend?" he asked. "I was afraid you might think of me as a rake who took advantage of your youth."

I smiled. "I'm not that young!" I protested.

"Believe me when I tell you, you are young," he reiterated. "I am afraid I have used you for my pleasure."

"Aldred, there is no way on this earth that you could have felt more pleasure than my own," I said. "I loved every minute. It was beautiful."

"You weren't offended?" he asked. "Macmillan said you had played with men at the baths. I wasn't sure of I was doing it right."

"Oh you did it right," I said. "Everything about you is right. You are a handsome man, an impressive man." I leaned closer to him and whispered. "It was as if your organ was made for me, a perfect fit. You could do nothing that was not exquisitely pleasurable."

"I was crude? I left the remains of my passion in you when I shot off."

"I felt that. Every twitch and shiver was wonderful," I said. "You shoot with great force. I felt it and enjoyed it."

"I think about my parents looking down from heaven and being shocked," he said. "I've never done anything like this before."

"Well, I think it's about time you did! Indeed, it is overdue!" I replied. "I have had some of the same sort of thoughts. My father is a traditional man, with firm views about pleasure and enjoyment. He was firmly opposed! Joy and sin were synonyms"

Aldred smiled. "I wonder if they were related to my parents?"

"Why is the sex act so pleasurable if it sinful?" I asked. "Cheating, betrayal, deception are all evils and they cause pain and heartache. Sharing pleasure with your fellow man cannot be a sin. Sharing love cannot be evil. Of course, if betrayal and deceptions are part of the sharing it is something completely different. To use a person for your own purposes without benefit to them is evil."

"You may have a point there," Aldred admitted.

"I think my father's understanding of pleasure is a misunderstanding. He is mistaken to think that sharing joy with a friend is unworthy or indeed, evil," I added. "My father was a teacher who wanted to bring enlightenment and education to children. He was both sincere and skilled as a teacher. Sadly, he rarely stopped to look at a beautiful sunset, or relaxed enough to enjoy a fine dinner, or to listen to beautiful music. He thought that was frivolous."

"If God made the sunsets, food, music and sexual pleasure, I think my father missed a goodly part of what is to live. He was a good, virtuous and kind man, but he wore blinders."

"It's hard to see life like that," Aldred said. "It is so different from the way my parents saw life."

"Have you even created a fine dinner for you best friends? You find the best meats and fruits and victuals of all sorts. You lovingly prepare the food, set the table with your finest china and sliver, fill vases with beautiful flowers and then have your guests not notice, not appreciate what you have done?" I asked. "You have done all you could to provide a joyful and congenital time, and they don't notice?"

"Truthfully speaking, I've never given a banquet," Aldred said.

"You haven't given the banquet yet," I said.

"Do you think your father is a bad man?" he asked.

"Not at all. He believes ignorance is the great curse of society. He does battle against the curse every day," I replied. "His life could be richer and more complete, but he has a good and worthy life. I assume your parents were the same."

It was getting quite cold by then. We got up to leave. "Are you going to your rooms?

He asked.

"Yes, but I may stop in at the Baths on the way," I said. I am chilled to the bone!"

"Macmillan tells me wild stories about the Ali Baba," he said. "It sounds like something out of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire."

"The patrons are most open minded and liberal in their approach to life," I said. "I have never thought of ancient Rome as a place of friendly sex. I am quite sure the Greeks saw sex differently. If the vases I have seen are any indicator, an orgy among friends the was perfect way to end a dinner party. The Ali Baba is like that."

"Do you think I would enjoy it?" Aldred asked.

"I think so, but I know they would like you!" I replied.

"I have an engagement this evening, but perhaps you would take me sometime?"

"I would love to do that," I said as we parted. I was quite sure he didn't have an engagement; he needed time to build up his nerve. I understood that. I went to the baths, warmed up and then went home.

My day started at 5:30 the school at 6:15. Since I ate there, I was the dining room monitor for breakfast. Many of the boys were still sleepy so it was quiet and pleasant. As I left at 7:00, I saw a wisp of smoke rising from the dormitory next door. At first, I thought it was a down draft from a chimney. A second later I remembered the school had a central boiler. There were no chimneys on the building.

I sent a boy to the fire alarm box at the street and told other boys to ring the Dining room bell continuously. It normally rang for class changes, but it could warn of a fire. I ran to the dorm. The smoke was now pouring out of the roof ventilators. As the bell rang, students and teachers began to run out of the building.

I hope the fire was limited to the attic, but I saw smoke coming from a window on the second floor. A boy opened a window and screamed for help. The building next door was under construction. Blackie was there with his masons. The construction workers had ladders and raced to the burning dorm. Inside the dorm, the first floor was free of smoke and flames. I ran to the stair. It vanished into thick smoke at the second floor level.

I tried to get up, but it was impossible to see anything. The students on the upper two floors were trapped. The heat was awful. By now, I could hear fire bells.

I retreated down the stairs and checked out every room. Unbelievably four boys were still asleep. I got them out of the building. Outside Blackie had ladders up to the second floor getting boys out. Their ladders wouldn't reach the third floor. Several boys had made ropes of sheets to get out the upper level. The construction workers had tarpaulins they used to serve as nets. These worked better than I expected.

Fire engines and hook and ladders soon took up positions. The ladder reached the third floor, and the combination of the Firemen, students and faculty and the construction workers saved the day. No student was badly hurt. New York has, without a doubt, the finest fire department in the world, and they were magnificent. Blackie and his crew were brave and helpful. They filled the gap between the alarm and the time the full force of the fire department reached and deployed at the scene.

The fire was out a half hour later. The building was not that badly damaged. Of course all the parents and relatives appeared to find their boys. I got all of the boys into the dining room and arranged in classes more or less. The headmaster decided to close school for the rest of the week. Many of the boys had lost all their clothes, but the parents were most generous. I was put in charge of rescuing their belongings from the dorm.

The head Fireman Captain Malloy was most helpful. To say he was Irish rather understates the case. Blue eyes peaked out of a copper colored haze of hair. He was loud, aggressive and very much in command. He only gave orders and expected to be obeyed immediately. That turned out to be good. He knew exactly what to do and so when I made a request to get in the building to save some of the boys' clothes and possessions; he had a plan. I had only to obey.

That was good for me. We soon got along well. I have no tendency to be brave, but I had done everything right. I turned in the alarm, rang the bell and got everyone out of the building could reach. "Being brave and being stupid can be the same thing some times," Malloy said. "I hate it when we need to save the hero and can't save the people trapped in the building because of that."

He also got along well with Blackie. Since he was working on the building next door, the school got him to do the clean up and repair. The Fire department wanted to know what caused the fire. Blackie said he would keep his eyes open. Stanford White was passing by the school on his way to a construction site in upper Manhattan. He stopped and looked at the damage. The dorm had a single stair in the middle of the building. By his nature, Mr. White took charge. He recommended adding a stair at each end of the dormitory to give the students a second way out of the building.

Alden came by too as did most of the Board of Directors. He knew many of them. I marveled at the speed of communication. I had used a phone, but my father didn't have one, and I couldn't afford the device. All the important people in New York had one, and the news of the fire spread quickly. My fast action was credited with saving the day. Two years later the dreadful fire at the Triangle Shirt Factory made it how near an unmitigated disaster we had been.

I spent the rest of the day at the school, helping the firemen and with the clean up. I we surprised that many of our faculty and staff were uninvolved. They seemed to regard themselves as gentlemen who didn't get their hand dirty. I had no such qualms. The headmaster was phoning and telegraphing parents to tell them all was well.

The school had its own washerwomen who did bed linens. Most of the boys in the building were temporarily without clothes. With the help of several janitors, I got clothes from the rooms and had them washed. While some clothes were burned, most were wet, or smoke damaged.

I rather dreaded finding the cause of the fire, for I suspected it was cigarettes. They were strictly forbidden, but somehow their allure was hard for immature young men to resist. The actual cause was defective wiring. There were un-insulated wires near one of the bathrooms and it shorted out when there was a leak.

At the end of the day I was bushed. The school hired guards to protect the building form looting overnight. I went home. The dining hall was closed, so I had to go to a restaurant. I walked by a shop window and saw myself. I had to clean up before anyone would allow me in a restaurant. I went to the baths.

As I walked toward the baths and man called out to me form a cab. It was Aldred. "Do you need a ride?" he asked.

"I need to cleanup before I could even consider getting in a cab," I said. "I must take a bath."

Aldred got out and paid the cabby. "Would you like some company?" he asked. "I would love to take you out to dinner."

"I would like that too, but I need to get clean first," I said. "Would you like to try out the Ali Baba Baths?"

Aldred hesitated briefly. "I think I would."

When we entered the baths, Omar greeted me as a hero. The Sun had put out an extra with a photogravure of me on the front page. The headline was, "Alert Teacher Saves Students From Dreadful Fate!" I didn't know anyone had taken my photograph. Captain Malloy was quoted in the story saying my quick action saved many lives and the building itself.

"Take a bath and get clean," Omar said. "Give me your clothes, I will get them clean." I introduced him to Aldred Worthington. Omar was always courteous and welcoming.

"Your first time here sir? Walter is a good guide to our facilities. My staff and I are always at your service," Omar said.

"Is there a fee?" Aldred asked.

"Not for Walter's friend," Omar said. "He is not only a brave and sensible man; he is also a good and dear customer!" Omar winked. Aldred smiled.

We went to the locker room and undressed. Murad was there watching over things. He too had seen the paper. The shower bath was all I could wish for. I washed and all the soot and grime washed into the floor drain. As we washed, Blackie and Fergus entered the room. They were even dirtier than I was. Aldred recognized them as the construction workers from the fire.

Aldred helped wash Blackie's back as I helped Fergus. Once we were all clean, we went to the steam room. I wouldn't classify Blackie or Fergus as handsome men, but they defiantly were all man. They were both well equipped and not shy at all about displaying their organs. Aldred was a bit uneasy, but the other men were so comfortable, Aldred relaxed.

We were all tired after a long and strenuous day. Blackie and Fergus weren't so tired they couldn't firm up their cocks. Blackie had a knack for becoming semi-erect. He was obviously not soft, but not vulgarly erect. Fergus became erect, but when he was near Blackie, no one noticed. Everyone focused on Blackie's beauty.

Aldred noticed both men and his cock responded. He and Blackie were notably well endowed, and they were both interested. Fergus went over to Aldred and dropped to his knees as he swallowed Aldred's organ. I did the same to Blackie. Remarkably, Aldred took it in stride as if it were the most natural thing in the world. All was well.

A little later Fergus came to suck me and Blackie sucked Aldred. Aldred shot off almost immediately. Blackie turned him on. I knew Aldred was going to apologize, but when Blackie ate up his cock cream with obvious gusto, Aldred relaxed and just let the cream flow. It was safe to say the Oscar Wilde was not the sort of man who appealed to Aldred; Blackie was.

Blackie didn't love his mates, he enjoyed them. They were friends who supported each other and enjoyed each other. By his sheer size and energy, Blackie could easily dominate the men around him, but Blackie always gave as much as he took.

"I hope you find my baths congenial," Omar said to Aldred when he entered the room. "We are all friendly here."

Aldred jumped a little when he heard Omar's voice. Omar wore his robe and when Aldred saw his erect organ parting the robe, he smiled. "It is all I could wish. I think you know another friend of mine, Homer Macmillan?"

"Yes indeed, he is an old and dear customer," Omar said. He looked at Blackie, who had some of Aldred's sperm on his mustache and beard. Omar kissed Blackie, licking up the remains of Aldred's orgasm.

"I like things neat," Omar said. Aldred became erect again. "I see you have noticed my baths attract open minded and generous men. You may have noticed few of my customers are shy. Here enjoyment and pleasure are always acceptable and, indeed encouraged."

"I didn't know such a place existed," Aldred said. "It is hard to believe."

"While we are very open inside the baths, we are most private outside these walls," Omar said. "I opened the Ali Baba five years ago and not a word of the place has appeared in the newspapers. I am proud to say we have lost few patrons through the years, and in all cases, the loss has been unavoidable. Might I say we would be greatly honored if you were to join us?"

"It seems too good to be true," Aldred said. "It is a fantasy."

Omar smiled. "What most regard as a fantasy are only men allowed to explore their wishes and desires. We live in a world that seeks to limit, and indeed ban they ways men can find pleasure and enjoyment. I am most selective. It is important that all of our patrons are congenial and agreeable. While nothing is required, many of us become quite intimate. It is entirely acceptable to explore some aspects of your life that are often private and intimate. I know of no one who had betrayed this intimacy, or who has used the knowledge one gains from such intimacy for unworthy uses."

"That would be important," Aldred said. Omar dropped to the floor and began to swallow Aldred's organ. I went to Blackie and Fergus. My old friends Gustav, Colonel Windner and Frank came in the room. Gustav and Windner were middle-aged men with whom Aldred could relate. Gustav introduced himself to Aldred.

"Let me welcome you to then baths, I am Gustav, one of the oldest members. They shook hands as if Omar was enjoying Aldred's cock. Fergus moved so he could suck Gustav.

"You certainly seem to be a happy group of men," Aldred remarked.

"You might say we are the happiest men in New York," Gustav said with a smile. Omar took a break. "What a beauty!" Gustav exclaimed when he saw Aldred's organ. He slipped to the floor worshiped the manly probe.

Windner and Frank had been in the side of the room doing their own personal explorations. Frank was young and muscular. Windner had once been muscular, but easy living gave him a belly. This had vanished after Frank move in with him. The red-faced, red-haired Colonel was looking more like the dashing Calvary officer he had been as a youth. His cock, that had once been in the shade of his belly, was now proudly on display.

I was afraid this would strike Aldred as being like a scene from a Roman Orgy in one of the moralist novels that were popular. Clever novelists discovered you could elaborately chronicle the sexual goings on of ancient Rome in detail, as long as the hero and heroine found God in the final chapter. Usually someone was burned at the stake or became a priest or nun.

Unlike the fantasy Roman orgies, the baths were friendly and almost casual about sex. As men neared a climax, the activity could become frenzied, but otherwise it was casual and intimate. Since sex was always a possibility at the baths, the regular members knew sexual fulfillment was available seven days a week. There was no need to rush.

We had no young gladiators driven to have a final sexual explosion before they went into the arena to their deaths. Ordinary men, artisans, laborers and men of business filled the baths. There was always tomorrow.

A Turkish bath filled with ordinary men wouldn't seem to be a recipe for lust and complete sexual release. I discovered ordinary men could be inventive in matters sexual. This was especially true in a tolerant and accepting place like the baths.

Omar said the baths had almost 200 members. Rarely more than 30 or 40 men were at the baths at the same time. When they pool their resources and imaginations it can be exciting. Much to my surprise and relief, Aldred was both comfortable with the men he met and excited at the sexual prospects. All was well.

Next: Chapter 8

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