Ali Baba Baths

Published on Jul 29, 2012


This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

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That summer there were dramatic changes at the baths. Whitey was injured in a construction accident. He could no longer do heavy work. That was bad for a stonemason. A week later, Murad, Omar's friend and chief assistant died. He was just walking down the street and collapsed. He was rushed to a hospital, but was dead on arrival. The doctors said it was a heart attack. The funeral was a small graveside service on Saturday. Murad's real name was Henry Smith. None of his family attended. Apparently, they were not on good terms. Omar alone attended the ceremony. He didn't tell anyone at the bath about it, so he was alone.

While I was aware Omar and Murad were close, I didn't know how close. I knew each man had his own sexual life, and I assumed the men also had their own shared sexual connection. Omar took it badly. Murad was younger than he was and in good health. There was no indication there was anything wrong. His death was a shock to Omar and he became deeply depressed. He stopped working.

Blackie became the doorman wearing Omar's turban and robe. His strong Scottish accent wasn't in keeping with the role, but no one ever complained. Blackie was a good judge character and was good in that role. Roscoe took over Murad's position at the bath, cleaning up the place and insuring all was well in showers and pool. He tended to be nude except for the turban. Roscoe was odd looking, but his oversized genitals were a conversation piece.

While they kept things going well at the baths, Omar was unable to break out of his depression. Omar was so bluff and hearty it was a shock when he became withdrawn. Aldred was worried.

Aldred was usually rather shy, quiet and polite. He ran a most successful firm and I assumed he was different away from the baths. He came to me and we talked about Omar. Aldred wanted to help. Aldred moved in impressive scientific circles. While his primary interest was in electric locomotion, he knew men in the medical field too. He found a doctor who was interested in depression.

Omar didn't want to see anyone, but Aldred had his ways. Omar met with a doctor and that seemed to help. Omar would not talk about Murad. He had always treated Murad as a servant or slave. I assumed this was a game for them. I wondered if Omar had a chance to tell his friend his true feelings.

I knew some men are exited playing a role. They like fantasy. I was never able to do that. I am afraid an actual cock is exciting enough for me. I need no fantasy. I wondered if the Turkish Pasha and his slave was an extended sexual fantasy for the two men. In that sort of fantasy, it might be difficult to express affection and love.

Aldred made it a point regularly to visit Omar in his apartment on the upper floor of the baths. Omar didn't want visitors, but Aldred didn't take no for an answer. After several weeks, others joined Aldred in visiting and Omar began to emerge from his shell.

Blackie had a knack for finding new members. New members were a necessity for the baths, since older members left or moved away. He was a good judge of character, but he also had a taste for a broader range of men. The most surprising was a young, small man named Lawrence. Lawrence was a ballet dancer in for the Metropolitan Opera. Omar avoided chorus boys.

Lawrence was very effeminate, but was graceful, elegant and a hard worker. This was a revelation to me. I assumed dancers just danced, it hadn't occurred to me it was hard work. Lawrence was at the baths for the same reason I joined. He had inexpensive lodgings with no bath. He also needed the steam room to limber up after a long day of work.

At first, Lawrence was uncomfortable with the older men. Every man and boy in the ballet company was young, thin and beautiful. I must give credit to the men of the Ali Baba Baths, they restrained themselves and no one made a fuss over Lawrence or became a pest. He could take things at his own pace. There was a suspicion Blackie was saving Lawrence for his own use, but there was no actual evidence that this was the case.

After a week, the men relaxed and began playing with their friends. At first, Lawrence pretended not to watch, but soon he gave up that pretence. He assumed Roscoe was there to monitor the rooms and insure there was no sex. When Roscoe joined in the activities, Lawrence relaxed.

I was sitting next to him while Major Windner fucked Maximilian in the steam room. Lawrence leaned close to me and whispered, "Everyone here seems relaxed. Are there rules?"

"As long as you are polite and ask first, all is well," I replied.

"So many of the men are older, why do the younger man let them do it?" he asked. Windner was a bluff older man; Maximilian was younger and handsome.

"They do it for pleasure. I don't think your ass can tell how old a cock is when it's in you. Many of the men here are old friends. They are experienced and know how to give pleasure," I said. Windner shot off and left the room. Maximilian came over to us. From the look on his face, I could tell Lawrence was interested in the artist.

"I hope I didn't offend with my interlude with the Major," Max said. "We were carried away by the moment."

"I wasn't offended," Lawrence said. "You enjoyed it?"

"We both did," Max said. "The Major is a former Calvary officer. He has the stamina of a Clydesdale."

"Is that good?" Lawrence asked.

Max smiled. "It's good for me," he replied. Maximilian's cock was in Lawrence's face. Clearly, Lawrence liked the view. "You are new here. It takes a while to get use to the baths. I was nervous at first, now the bath's are about the most relaxing places I have been."

Lawrence glanced at Roscoe. "It's hard for me to relax with all these old men watching," Lawrence said.

"I've been surprised where I find fun," Max said. "Many men seem to find me attractive. For many years, I associated with young, handsome youths. When I first visited the Baths, I wasn't interested in the mature men, but I was deeply attracted to the freedom and openness of the place. You could charitably say I have a high tolerance for sexual adventure and I was never satisfied until I came here. I hope I don't shock you when I say the continuous sexual stimulation of the baths attracts me."

"I came here purely for sex, but that turned into other things. I found friends and sex partners here. I discovered that older men often had a repertoire of potential sexual skills. While to the younger men I was but one of many handsome men about town, to the older members of the club, I was handsome and desirable," he explained. "I got close to Roscoe as a bet. It was a joke at first."

"Well, the joke got out of hand. I got to the point I had either to have sex with him, or look like an idiot. I discovered I couldn't treat a man that badly," Max said. "Well, I had sex with him. Damn if it wasn't good. Actually, it was great. His cock was a magician's wand and my ass was his stage. I thought I was lowering my standards, and I was actually had the most intense sex of my life. Somehow his cock did things to me I didn't know could be done."

"You did it with that man?" Lawrence said incredulously.

"I surely did, and I can recommend him highly," Max replied. Lawrence wasn't convinced, but his towel was tented. A little later, the towel fell open. Lawrence was a small, muscular man, but his cock was full size. While Max and I admired it, we didn't make a move. I wanted Lawrence to do that.

Lawrence was 20 years old but could have passed for being a much younger man due to his small size. Some men found that attractive; I did not. I have always been attracted to mature men, most often hairy, older men. In that respect, we had opposite tastes. Blackie frightened him. Since I was one of the younger men at the baths, we talked. Lawrence seemed to fall in love easily and then be disappointed. I couldn't tell if he was unlucky or just had poor judgment. I had the impression that he wanted the perfect man.

I suspected that expectation was always going to lead to disappointment. He seemed to be quite submissive, and did what his partners' desired. He had never been on the top and I suspected he wanted to please and serve his playmates.

Playmate is the wrong word. Lawrence seemed to think that sexual relations between men should mimic the relationships between men and women. He wanted a family and a house to come back to at night. He didn't want to develop that sort of relationship over time; he wanted it instantaneously. I wasn't sure that was realistic.

Lawrence was a normal young man with a natural taste for sex. Max excited him and soon they connected. I had the impression Lawrence was accustomed to refined and elegant sex. Max was much more experienced and aggressive. As a beautiful small boy-like man, Lawrence was a desirable bottom.

Max liked almost every form of man sex. Lawrence was surprised when Max got on his hands and knees and expected Lawrence to fuck him. Lawrence slipped his cock into Max's behind and found his true calling. I was watching and felt like a father who watched as his son learned to ride a bicycle. Suddenly Lawrence discovered what real sex was; he loved it.

Aldred was sitting next to me as I watched. He went over to the couple and played with Lawrence's tits. Somehow, Aldred guessed the young man had sensitive nipples. Lawrence went crazy, but not so crazy as to forget to keep on thrusting into Max's ass. Lawrence popped and cried out as he rear loaded Max. Normally it's quiet at the baths, but everyone made allowances for the young man. It was very intense.

That event marked a changed in Lawrence's sex life. He found that what he had considered to be sex was more like foreplay. Certainly, he had been fucked and had orgasms, but never with the intensity experienced with Max. Luckily, the baths were filled with men who were willing to help Lawrence on his voyage of sexual discovery.

Lawrence had a few quirks. Once he was in an ass, he was unwilling to pull out until he ejaculated and even then he like to leave it in. Sometimes he would keep it in until he was erect again and could have a second orgasm. Several of the older men regarded this as a positive asset. It had been years since a young, handsome man had plowed their ass and Lawrence shot a big load that lubricated their rectums.

This may sound odd, but spending a long time in a man's ass seems to cause warm feelings and eventually intimacy. Alden had another plan for Lawrence. He thought Omar would enjoy the young ballet dancer. The dancer was about the same size as Murad, although they had very different personalities. Murad was servile and obedient. Lawrence was young and vigorous.

While the ballet dancer hadn't been attracted to big, hairy men, this changed as he became accustomed to the Baths. Aldred and Blackie were slowly working to get Omar away from his solitary self-exile from the baths. They were both convincing men and relentless.

Several days after Lawrence enjoyed Max; Omar came to the steam room and sat next to me. He wore a towel and wasn't in his normal turban and robe. "Omar, it is so good to see you. The Ali Baba doesn't seem right when you are not here," I said.

"It is nice to see old friends," he said. "You lost your father a short time ago, Murad's death has thrown me for a loop. I can't seem to get over it."

"My father was an elderly man. I didn't expect his death, but I knew it was a possibility," I said. "If I had known when Murrad's funeral services had been, I would have attended."

"It was too difficult," he said. "I wanted to be alone." As we talked, Lawrence joined us. I introduced the two men. While Omar wasn't Lawrence's type, Omar's towel had slipped and his genitals were exposed. He was soft, but he looked better soft than many men look fully erect. Lawrence noticed.

"Lawrence is a new member, and you could say he is just beginning to become accustomed to the ways of the Ali Baba Baths," I said.

"The baths are a friendly place for men," Omar said. "Some men have been shocked at the openness of the place, but I must admit, they soon come to like it here." When he realized Lawrence was new, Omar's salesman tendencies came to the fore.

"I am afraid most of my friends are young men from the Ballet at the Metropolitan Opera," Lawrence said. "I wasn't use to associating with older men."

Omar laughed. "I'm afraid few of our members would cut an impressive figure on the stage dancing! If they tripped or fell they might crush a ballerina beneath them," he said. "There are many big men here."

Roscoe came by and greeted Omar. Lawrence glanced at Roscoe and Omar's cocks. "They seem to be big in every way."

"Are you uncomfortable with big older men?" Omar asked. "I always want my patrons to be comfortable."

"Don't misunderstand me," Lawrence protested. "Everyone here had been gentlemanly and cordial. I am so small; I'm not sure what I could do with big men."

Omar smiled. "I understand your concern. The world is much impressed by size and perhaps not as impressed by grace and elegance," Omar said. "Let me suggest that the Baths are an ideal place to experiment. The men here would be more than happy to be of aid to you in your explorations." I rose to talk with Aldred. As I did, Lawrence slipped closer to Omar. I heard Lawrence complaining that he was afraid he would be ripped in half by some of the men. I didn't hear Omar's response. The next day Lawrence was at the baths again, and I assumed Omar's answer was satisfactory.

Several days later, I had a long talk with Lawrence in the stream room. We were alone. "My friend Julian told me sex was just animal passions, an evolutionary throwback," he said. "It is unsuitable for cultured men. He thought the pleasure was fleeting and meaningless."

"I'm afraid you friend may have been doing it wrong," I said.

Lawrence smiled. "We had sex several times. He just pushed it in and shot off. He wasn't very big and it didn't hurt," he said. "It wasn't exciting either. It wasn't at all like Max. I was dizzy after that."

"I assume a dancer is only good if he puts his heart into the performance," I said. "To do well you must put everything you have into it. Sex may be the same way. If you aren't interested and committed to it, sex is flat and not enjoyable."

"I seemed so naked when I was fucking Max. It was wonderful, but I was embarrassed afterward," Lawrence said. "What did the men watching me think of me?"

"I can tell you what they were thinking. Most wished they were in Max's place!" I said. "Everyone thinks that sex is their own dirty little secret, and no one else has sexual urges and passions. That isn't true. Everyone has a sexual drive. Here at the baths, we just have an opportunity to indulge them. No one thought the worse of you. Most of us shared your excitement."

"Omar told me that sometimes a large organ can be exciting," Lawrence whispered. "Do you find it so? Julian's was the biggest I have taken. He has a thin cock, perhaps five or six inches long."

"I can't give you any advice on that. It's so personal and depends on you and your anatomy," I said. "I can tell you my own experiences. For me, there is a difference between having a cock in my ass, and a cock that fills my ass. Both are good, but different."

"In what way?"

"Well a thin cock in my ass is playful. It can poke here and there; I can squeeze it and ride it. I can lie back and enjoy it," I explained. "A big cock, like Blackie's or Omar's occupies my entire ass. Omar can take you over, for a brief while you are his. I lose control and become a part of him. It is very intense."

"I am not sure I would like that," Lawrence whispered.

"Omar is a good man; he wanted me to enjoy it."

"Did you enjoy it?" Lawrence asked.

"Enjoy is not the right word," I said. "I wasn't sure what I felt at first. A few days later, I realized I craved it. I think Omar took me to a place I need to visit. I wouldn't want to go there every day, it was too intense for that, but I loved it."

"Has anyone else done that to you?"

I thought for a minute. "Blackie has done it, and Roscoe did it. For me, it seems to be the cock size that sends me to the moon. Omar and Blackie excite me sexually. Roscoe is an eccentric man with a big cock. He is a good man, but strange. Once his cock is deep in your ass, he's Apollo or Zeus. I was shocked."

"It seems superficial," he protested.

"I don't think good sex is ever superficial. It does something deep in our human makeup. It is at the core of being human." Several men entered the room and our conversation ended. My sculptor friend Homer Macmillian was in the group and he sat next to us. He was in need of a model to sit for Ganymede for a sculpture. He already had a Zeus. Macmillian was always a convincing man and he paid well. I assured Lawrence that he was a respectable artist and his intentions were adequately honorable. Lawrence seemed to like my description of the sculptor.

I assumed Aldred was to play the role of Zeus. I discovered that Aldred hadn't been available and Omar was to play the Greek god. Omar was German and he might have been more suitable as Thor or Odin, but he was more muscular than Aldred.

Lawrence was rightly proud of his body. He was all muscle, but not massive. He was like a gazelle, spare, strong and elegant. Omar was massive, strong and powerful. They represented the two extremes of the male. I remembered my fist visit to Homer's studio. It had been good, and Homer seemed to encourage an easy transition from posing to sexual intimacy. I later found out Blackie and Aldred had engineered the meeting. They wanted to get Omar out of his depression by getting him into Lawrence's ass.

I have no skills as a matchmaker, but Aldred seemed to be good at it. The posing session worked well. Being naked with another man for several hours tends to break down barriers. Homer was trying different poses, trying to decide which captured the spirit of the rape of Ganymede best. Lawrence relaxed after the first two poses, and he was able to study Omar's impressive equipment in some detail.

Homer asked if they would be willing to become semi erect. He felt most sculptures of the rape avoided Zeus' main objective. He did a sketch of Lawrence on a bed as Omar sucked, and then one of Ganymede worshiping the god's cock. Homer told me later that while Lawrence was uneasy at first, soon he was genuinely worshiping Omar's member. Homer scheduled another session the next Saturday afternoon. He asked if I could come to help set up the poses.

"You need help?"

Homer smiled. "I think Lawrence trust you. He could use a chaperone, but I would like for you to be a coach," Homer explained. I said I would think about it.

A little later that night, Lawrence came to the baths and we talked. "Did you know I posed for Homer?" he asked. I nodded. "It was with Omar." He paused. "I'm confused. It was exciting."

"That is good. Was it as exciting as it was with Max?" I asked.

"It was. Actually, it was more exciting," Lawrence said. "I didn't expect that."

I smiled. "I'm not sure you can pick and chose who excites you," I said.

"I think he wants to do more with me, much more."

"Does he want to do it with you, or do you want to do much more with you?" I asked.

"I'm so excited, I'm not sure," he confessed. "He's so big. I sucked him and it's huge. I could barely get my mouth around it. It's thick. He started oozing this sweet stuff; I loved it. Then, I wondered how anyone could take a cock that big in his ass. You said you did? Was it good?" I nodded again.

"I started wondering if I could take it. Would it fit in me? Would I like it? Julian was good, but not exciting. One of the stage hands fucked me last week."

"How was that?" I asked.

"He was an unattractive man, but he was gentle. He was bigger than Julian was, but it felt better. Oddly, it was more exciting."

"Did you get excited thinking about Omar?"

"Oh god, yes. I don't think I have ever been that excited before. That's what worries me. I am going to pose on Saturday. What happens if he takes me? What if he rips me apart?" Lawrence asked.

"Omar is a good man, he would never hurt you," I said.

"I'm not worried about Omar. I am worried about his cock!" Lawrence explained. I said I would come with him to the posing session. Lawrence relaxed.

I made it to the studio before Lawrence, but after Omar arrived. Omar was excited and uneasy. He knew what he wanted and he thought he knew what Lawrence wanted, but he wasn't sure. It was good to see Omar excited. He hadn't been himself since Murad's death. He put his arms around me and hugged me. He already was partially erect. That too was good. He was back to normal. When Lawrence arrived, they settled down to posing immediately. Homer did a conventional classical pose first.

Homer wanted to do a pose at the moment of sexual penetration. Lawrence said he wasn't sure he could do it. Homer understood. "Walter, could you take his place? Omar would you mind if we switched models?" Homer asked. He then looked at Lawrence. "Could you help Omar get erect? You it well the last time." Lawrence jumped at the chance. Omar looked very happy. Homer lubricated my ass as Lawrence sucked and drooled over Omar's organ.

I was on an elevated couch that was to represent a rocky outcropping. Homer lifted my leg to Omar's shoulder and he placed his cock at my hole. He pushed a few times to test my sphincter's ability to resist. He pushed again and his cock head popped into my ass.

"This isn't fair to Walter," Lawrence said. "I'll do the pose." Homer lubricated his ass and Lawrence took my place. I was going to stoke Omar back to a full erection, but there was no need to do that. He was ready. A minute later it was clear that Lawrence was ready too.

Omar positioned his cock at Lawrence's ass. He pushed gently. Omar's cock vanished completely in the welcoming ass. Lawrence was moaning in pleasure and gasping for air. I think Omar was shocked at the speed of the entry. He was briefly still and then began, to thrust. He was almost delicate in his movements.

Next: Chapter 15

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