Alexi and Jana

By Lisa

Published on May 24, 2014


This story may contain very graphic sex scenes which is intended for persons of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and all will be answered. This story is the property of the author. If you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get permission from the author. Any reference to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Alexi and Jana 1

Setting in my one bedroom apartment, drinking my Bud light, feeling a little down with myself, I sat near the window looking out at the rain drops falling on the glass pane, looking back at my miserable life. Coming from a loveless home life, both mother and father were drunks and always high on drugs, I often wondered how I had escaped without being drawn into the same trap.

I had fooled around a little kissing and touching some of the girls in my classes, but nothing really became of that, at least I didn't look at it as making love, but more like experimenting. I'm sure by now each of them has grown out of that faze of their lives and are now married with four kids each.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am five foot ten, curly brown hair just above my collar. Last thing one needs is long hair falling down over your face and obstructing your view. I guess you might say that I am a small C cup breasts, narrow hips and a strong set of legs with firm thighs. I run five miles most every day, rain or shine, and hit the gym at least twice a week for weights.

As soon as school was over and I turned eighteen, I enlisted in the Marnie Corps. I was assigned to the motor pool, and within a year was being shipped out to Iraq. I had done six months in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan, where I was wounded in a fire fight with some insurgents, earning me the Silver Star. I avoid thinking how I had earned the commendation, the loss of some of my closest friends is still hard to deal with. I was shipped back home to heal my wounds and some much needed R&R.

Having been back in the States now for 3 months, I felt I was as good as new and itching for a real assignment. Not being anxious to be sent back over there, I was getting a little bored sitting behind a desk doing filing. One day my Captain walks in and tells me to pack my gear, I'm being shipped out. Being a little leery of where I'm going, I slowly looked up and asked,

"Sir, can you tell me where I am going?"

"Gunny, you know it's not your place to ask such questions, but because I like you, I am going to tell you. You're being shipped out to Parris Island where you will be in training for the next eight weeks on becoming one of the Marine Corps finest drill instructors." He had sat on the edge of my desk, giving me that big shit ass eating grin he was so famous for.

Slowly rising to me feet, standing at attention, "Sir, I don't.... I mean... Why me?"

"Gunny you had won the Silver Star, that alone being able for you to name your next station, I thought I would step in and see to it that you were placed where you would do the most good. With your combat experience, and rank, you would be perfect to teach our young recruits how to stay alive."

Standing at attention, I gave my Captain my sharpest salute, "Thank you sir, I won't let you down."

I had spent the next four years at Parris Island, doing my very best to make sure each recruit assigned to me left with knowledge and skills to return home safely, were ever they were assigned.

Getting another bottle of Bud and returning to my seat next to the window, I again started to reminisce about my past.

Ever since joining the Corps, I had dated men. I knew women were what captured my imagination, but with the military's stance on lesbians and gays I wanted to avoid problems associated with it trying to make the Corps my life long career.

I also wanted to avoid any conflicts with dating men I worked with, so I only dated civilians, hoping to avoid any repercussions. Maintaining my housing in the NCO barracks, I was semi living in his apartment. Coming home early one night, I walked in and caught him and two of his buddies gangbanging a girl in our bed. Totally losing it, I grabbed the closest guy, flipping him. I later learned that I had dislocated his shoulder. I then grabbed my then boyfriend, yanked him back off the bed by his hair. When he had raised his arm to me, I punched him three quick short jabs in his ribs, hearing bones cracking on each jab. As the third guy started to approach me, I stepped back then going into a flying kick, knocked him backwards, and unfortunately right into the girl trying to escape. I had no idea anyone called the police, but they showed up shortly afterwards along with the MP's and a couple ambulances. Since they had three naked men and one naked girl who just happened to be seventeen years old on their hands. It probably was the girl being underage that kept me from being arrested then and there. I had gathered my belongings and was ordered to returned to my barracks and stay there until further notified.

It wasn't until two days after the incident that I had received orders to report to Major Thorns office on the double. Standing in front of his desk at attention, cap under my arm, I knew I was in a world of shit. I had never seen his face as red as it was at this moment. My eyes were fixed on a placard behind him. I could however see him sitting there staring at me. Slowly he stood, placing his fingers on the desk.

"Gunny Sgt., just why in the hell did you send three civilians to the hospital. If it wasn't for an ex-marine detective, your ass would be sitting in the local jail rotting right now. I still have a mind to throw you in the brig. Now would you care to explain everything to me."

It took me about ten minutes to tell Major Thorn the whole story. I even explained that I only dated civilians in the hopes of avoiding any additional problems with military interactions.

Maj. Thorns had by now sat back down. After looking at me for another minute or two, he finally told me to stand at ease.

"I am trying very hard to understand your position, but you must know, this has stirred up a hornets nest in the press. I even have Washington calling me and asking why I can't keep my men in line. I want you to report to Capt. Peters tomorrow at o-one hundred hours. She will be handing this situation from here on out. Dismissed Gunny Sgt."

Snapping back to attention, I saluted him, doing an about face and walked out of his office. I knew then and there, that my carrier was over in the Corps and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I just lost it and it cost me.

By o-one hundred hours the next day, I was sitting in a straight back chair outside Captain Marie Peters Office. Having seen her many times on the drill field, she was a strikingly beautiful woman, early forties, around five foot five with short blond hair. Her B cup breasts filled out her uniform very nicely. I was snapped out of my day dreaming when she stepped out of her office telling to come in.

I stood, walked into her office, stood at attention in front of her desk saluting her saying, "Gunny Sgt. Bella reporting as ordered ma'am."

She gave me a quick salute and told me to have a seat. I sat down, sitting at attention.

"Sergeant, relax and now off the record, I'd be the first to throw you a party for what you had done. As a combat veteran, you have shown everyone what it takes to be a Marine."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Now I must put back on my Captains hat and get serious. The news is playing this up as sex triangle gone awry. You know your career is basically over with the Corps. There are some stiff pricks in Washington wanting your head on a platter."

As I sat listening to my Captain talking I felt my eyes watering up and my tears slowly making their way down my cheeks. From somewhere in her desk, she had pulled out a box of tissues, walking around her desk she sat beside me, handing me one. As I took one and started to dry my eyes, I started blabbing how Marines weren't supposed to cry.

"Who the fuck said that, I cry, I laugh, and yes, sometimes I even scream for no reason. Sometimes we all need a shoulder to cry on, and if you'll allow me, I'd like nothing better than for you to use mine."

Pulling a few more tissues from the box, I laid my head on her shoulder and let my tears flow. Each tear, a memory of my time with the Corps. My days overseas, the friends and comrades I had made and lost in battle. The proud look on the faces of the men and women who I had trained when they graduated. With each tear drop, it left a woman that was nothing but a shell, hollow and empty.

"I'm sorry ma'am..."

"Please call me Marie, that is my name. Don't be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about, it's us who you are leaving behind that should be sorry." She was looking at me with care and honesty in her eyes.

"Do you have any plans, where you are going to go, or do."

"No, I have no idea, this kind of happened all of the sudden, at this very moment I think all I want to do is crawl up in a ball and lay down in some hole and just die."

"Well, the Major has given me his nod of approval on this, but I am going to put in an early retirement for you. I want to do this before any of those stiff pricks in Washington can do anything to you. You'll receive an honorable discharge with nothing attached. Your record is clean and we're going to keep it that way."

"Thank you Marie, I know that it might not mean much now, but one day I know there will be no way that I could thank you enough for doing this for me."

"Do you have a home to go back to?"

"No! I really have no idea where I will go or do for that matter."

"Tell you what, take a few minutes to put yourself back together, then get your affairs in order here on base. Have your car packed and report back to my office sixteen hundred hours on Friday. I'll expect you to be dressed, pick a nice dress or skirt to wear. Could you do that for me?"

"Yes ma.... Yes Marie, I'll be here dressed in my finest civvies, but don't expect much, I don't have that many good civilian clothes, yet."

"Not a problem, we're not going anywhere fancy, but I am taking you out to dinner. Will that be a problem with you?"

"No ma... sorry old habits are hard to break. But you don't really have to do that. I feel you have done enough as it is."

"Nonsense, it's the least I can do for one of my men. Well.... Woman. See you Friday. Dismissed Sgt."

For the next two days I had been running all around the base, signing discharge papers, turning in equipment that was assigned to me

By Friday at fifteen thirty hours I was again sitting outside Capt. Marie Peters door waiting to be summoned into her office. I was wearing an 'A line' black skirt that came about half way up my thighs, and a blue shot sleeve blouse. It was just tight enough that my breasts filled it out nicely. I had on two inch pumps, not needing to much to my already five foot ten height.

When she exited her office and called out to me, when I stood and started walking towards her, she just stared at me. As I walked up to her, she smiled and said how beautiful I looked. I could feel my face blushing, not really hearing anyone say that to me before now.

"Thank you, I really don't feel I deserve such a compliment." Again feeling my face getting redder by the minute.

I stood in front of her, until she realized I could not enter until she moved out of the door way. Stepping aside, I entered the office and took a seat in front of her desk. She had my final discharge papers laying on top of the desk ready for me to sign.

After signing the papers, I agreed to follow her to her apartment so that she could change clothes and freshen up a bit before we went to dinner.

While eating dinner she explained to me that her life partner lived in Charleston and owned a cab company left to her by her grandfather.

She had explained that if I didn't have a problem that once we were through with our meal, we would head out for Charleston to meet up with Barbara and to get me settled in over the weekend. Marie had explained that every free weekend she had, she spent them with Barbara in Charleston. Seems she had arranged for her partner, Barbara to give me a job working as the maintenance foreman in the garage keeping the fleet in good running order. I had told her that I was very grateful for her help and would try very hard not to let her down.

During the rest of the our meal, talking about our past experiences while in the service. She had told me how she had met her life partner and they were dedicated to one another. She went on to say that she only had three years left before she could retire, and the two of them would then be able to be together without concern who saw them.

It took us a little less than two hours to get to Barbara's house in Charleston. I followed Marie up the walkway to the front door feeling a little nervous meeting Barbara for the first time, not knowing what to expect. Apparently Marie had her own key to the house and opened the door, waiting for me to step inside. I was soon met by the squealing woman running down the hall way towards us. Standing to one side, both women embraced into a soul searching kiss that seemed to go on forever. Once the kiss was over, they hugged each other tightly, again what seemed like forever. I could see Barbara's face as she laid her head on Maries shoulder and tears falling from her eyes.

Barbara was at least five foot five, long blond hair going down to the middle of her back. She was slim, but very curvy. She had what appeared to be B cup, not really sure with the sweat shirt she was wearing.

Seeing such love between two people, I too began to get choked up over the display of love and emotions. Suddenly Barbara started to pull away from Marie, while looking at me.

"Shame on me, ignoring my newest guest, my name is Barbara and you must be Gunny Sgt. Bella." She said as she reached out her hand to me.

"Ma'am, there is no need for apologies, honestly I could never get tired seeing the interactions of two people who loved each other as you and Marie. Secondly, it's no longer Gunny Sgt., but just plain Alexandria, but please just call me Alexi."

Releasing my hand, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug. As I stood there unsure what to do, I could see Marie smiling at me as she dried her tears and winked at me. I slowly put my hands around Barbara and began hugging her back.

I stayed with Barbara, at hers and Marie insistence until I could find a suitable apartment I felt comfortable moving into, which only took me two weeks to find. I have been working for the Ace Cab Company now for four months. I believe I have seen Marie in passing at least five times since then.

As I now finish my second beer, I had decided to go out this evening, and have a little fun and stop feeling sorry for myself. Barbara had been telling me that there was a bar down on Fourth Street, called the Purple Palace. She had said that it was a nice place, and the owner didn't allow anyone being pressured.

After taking a long hot shower and drying my hair, I stood in my closet not sure what to wear, I decided to be a little conservative and wear a sundress that came down to my knees, with wide straps over the shoulders. It was tight enough that it did show my breasts, but not like they were my main focal point.

It was about eight when I arrived. The doorman, or should I say woman looked at me and gave me a toothy grin. She had tattoo's up and down both arms and on her neck. By the look of her arms and shoulders, you could tell that she worked out regularly. I was later to learn that her name was Jo, and she and the owner were a couple. Smiling back, I stepped inside to a dim lit bar with a purple glow.

Standing off to one side, I began taking in my surroundings. Off to one side was a large dance floor, with several couples on it dancing, some holding onto each other and others kind like free flowing it doing their own thing. At the edge of the dance floor, I spotted a woman, long black hair, her gown went down to the floor. Beside her was a younger woman, wearing what looked like a petty coat, and around her neck was a collar with a lease attached to it. The woman gave me a nod and a smile. Ignoring her, I turn towards the bar.

The bar was mostly empty being early I thought. The bar had a few people sitting around it, so I slid into an empty stool at the bar. Appearing no one was sitting there, It was between two women to either side of me. The woman to my left glanced over her shoulder at me, but turned and continued her conversation to the person next to her.

The bar tender came up to me, wiped the bar in front of me saying, "Hey sugar, never seen you in here before, are you new to the area?"

"Yes I am and yes, this is the first time being here." Giving her a slight smile.

"Well welcome to the Purple Palace, my name is Patty, I own this place and the first drink is on the house, what'll you have?"

"How about a Bud Light, got that on draft?"

"Sure thing, be back in a moment." As she turned towards the other end of the bar.

Turning in my seat I began surveying the people in the bar. There was a mixture of young and old. Some dressed as if they were men, and some dressed very sexy, each looking for someone who pleased them. I spotted a woman sitting in a corner booth with another woman, they were apparently talking to one another, but her eyes never left mine. The entire time they were conversing with one another, she kept her eyes one me. I turned my head, looking back around the room, but when I again looked towards her, she was still staring at me.

I couldn't tell much about her, except that she had black hair that came down to her shoulders and the darkest eyes. They were almost hypnotic. I could almost feel myself being drawn into them. Her complexion was an olive hue, as if she were from somewhere around the Mediterranean. Just as her staring was about to get to me, I felt a bump against my back.

Looking over my shoulder, was a woman, possible a few years older than myself.

"Sorry, I was just trying to get up to the bar to order a drink."

"No, that is alright." Leaning over a little giving her more room.

From my seated position I guessed her to be around five foot five, long sandy colored hair and blue eyes. Looked like she was at least a full C or possibly a D cup. She might could possibly loose five or ten pounds, but carried it very well.

While waiting on the bar tender, she asked, "Never seen you in here before, are you new?

"Yes I am, my name is Alexi."

"Well, welcome to the Purple Palace, my name is Nancy." Extending her hand to me.

"I smiled, nice meeting you." Clasping her hand in mine, it felt cool to the touch and very soft. A softness one might want touching all over your body.

When the bartender came up to us, she ordered a glass of Merlot. Turning back to me, "So do you live around here, or just visiting?"

"Yes, I live here now, I moved here a few months ago, and for now, I would like to make this my home, and you?" Trying to find more about this lovely woman.

"Born and raised here." While looking me up and down, hoping that what she is seeing meets her approval.

After she had received her drink, again turning to me, "would you like to find a table and get to know one another?"

"I think that would really be nice." Tilting my head to one side, smiling at those beautiful eyes.

I was looking at one side of the room as she was looking in the other direction. She laid her hand on my forearm, "there is a table over there near that booth, let's take it before someone else grabs it."

When I turned and looked in the direction she was looking, my heart skipped a beat, seeing that it was near the same booth the other woman was staring at me earlier. Taking me by the hand she began dragging me towards the empty table.

As we got closer, the woman looked up and I could tell her eyes were once more trying to see into my soul. A slight smile had begun to form on her lips. As we got to the table, I made sure that my back was towards the woman as we sat down, I saw my new friend give a slight wave to the woman behind me. Being a little curious, I had to ask, "a friend of yours?"

"Oh no, not really. That's Jana, she's a regular here, we talked a few times, but nothing serious."

"Sorry, I just don't want you to be bored and missing out being with your friends." Trying to cover my curiosity.

"Oh no, that's ok. I'm friends with a lot of the people that come in here, and a lover to a few. Does that bother you?" Sitting there looking at me for any expression I might have on my face.

"No, not at all." Looking down at my drink for a second.

Lifting my head up, "While we're being honest with one another, I think there is something I need to tell you. I am kind of new at this. I just got out of the Marines, but before that I have fooled around with some girls when I was in school. I won't be offended or angry if you decide to get up and leave to be with someone else... more experienced."

As we sat across from one another, she looked at me for a moment or two, then reached across the table, putting her hand on top of mine, giving it a slight squeeze. Tilting her head a little to one side, "Why don't we just take it slow and see where this goes. If nothing more, maybe we'll become just good friends who just might like to hang out together."

Turning my hand over under hers, and wrapping my fingers around her hand and giving her my sweetest smile, "I think I would like that very much. Taking it slow is good, and besides, I really enjoy being here with you. I just hope I don't disappoint you."

Over the next hour or so, we talked about most everything, the things we liked doing, the music we listened to, our favorite movies and TV shows. I told her I was an avid runner, while she told me she liked Zumba dancing when she could attend. I kind of hinted that I might try it one day with her, but then she was going to have to join me on one of my five o'clock five mile run.

She had ordered another glass of Merlot, while I just stuck with nursing my beer. I didn't need to get drunk and get into an accident. A couple of times we got up and went to the dance floor. I wasn't much of a dancer, but just being out there with Nancy, I felt relaxed enough I kind of just went with the flow. One of the tunes being played was a slow one. When I started to turn to walk back to the table, Nancy grabbed my arm and pulled me in close. Her hands went to my waist and held me firmly. I also had my hands on her waist. After a moment or two, we laid our heads on each other shoulders.

As we glided across the floor, I could smell the sweet apple scent of her hair, with a hint of the perfume she was wearing. I began to feel light kisses on my neck. Sliding my hands further, I pulled her in tight to me, mashing our breasts together. I felt her hand slide down onto my butt cheek and give it a little squeeze. I began to feel the juices from my pussy beginning to soak my panties.

After a moment more, I pulled back from Nancy, I looked into her eyes and could see the passion in them. I wanted to continue, but knew that if we did, it might get a little too carried away out here on the dance floor.

"You know, as much as I love the closeness of you to me, I think maybe we should slow it down a little." I was really regretting saying that.

"You know, you're probably right. How about we leave here, go and find a nice quite place and have a drink. What do you say to that?"

Standing out on the dance floor, I began to contemplate her suggestion, when an idea came to mind. As she started to walk off holding my hand, I stayed rooted where I stood.

"What's up babe. We really don't have to go anywhere, it's ok." Looking at me, still holding my hand.

"No, it's not that, but... ah... can I ask you something? Biting my lower lip thinking on what I was about to ask her.

"Sure, ask me anything you want." Giving my hand a squeeze for reassurance.

"Instead of going to some bar or someplace, how about if we just go to your apartment, drink whatever you have on hand and relax there."

As I stood there looking at her, wondering what she was going to say, her face light up like the lights on Broadway, and a smile spread across her face from ear to ear.

"I think that is a great idea, and I promise, we'll go as slow as you want, no pressures."

Squeezing her hand, "Thanks, I appreciate that."

Walking hand in hand towards the door, I happen to glance to one side and noticed the dark haired girl Jana staring at me. I really couldn't see if she had any kind of expression on her face but thought 'why do I care'. As we stepped out into the cool night air, I shivered for a second, grabbing hold of Barbara's arm. Looking around I spotted my car only a few yards from where we were standing.

She gave a shiver and said, "I'm parked way down on the other end of the parking lot, where are you parked?"

"I parked up close, only because I was here early. Why don't I give you a lift to your car?

"Burr, sounds great," as we walked briskly to the car, opening the passenger door for her then running around and opening mine.

"Well, it's not much, but it's all paid for and almost the way I want it."

"What year is this car?" She asked.

"It's a sixty six GTO. I just had the interior done and next is the paint job."

When I turned the key and the powerful five hundred and twenty five HP engine fired up with its deep throaty roar, I heard Nancy gasp as she put her hand to her chest.

"Oh my! Sounds like you have a monster under your hood."

"I was assigned to the motor pool, and learned my way around engines. Over the years, a couple of the guys assigned with me, helped me rebuild the engine, added a six speed transmission and positraction rear end. It will hold its own."

Putting the car in gear we slowly made our way through the parking lot to her car.

The ride to Nancy's home was not all that far. We pulled up in front of a four story apartment building. It looked fairly modern, considering Charleston is an old city with many of its colonial type homes. I met up with Nancy at the entrance of the building, where we walked hand in hand inside.

After entering her apartment, I noticed it was very spacious, living room on one side and dinning on the other, with what looked like a large doorway to the kitchen.

Once inside, Nancy asked if I would like to pick out some music we could listen to as we sat and talked. She turned and went into the kitchen, I could hear glasses clinking and the pop of a cork. I found something from Philip Riley and put that into the CD.

Being not a real wine drinker, I was a little concerned that I would be served a glass of wine, but Nancy came out with a tray with cheese snacks, a glass of wine and a can of Bud Light and half glass of the beer.

We both took a couple of sips of our drinks, listening to the music playing.

"I like the music you selected. Nice and slow and very romantic." Touching my glass with her wine goblet.

"It's the kind of music I like to listen to when I want my mind to wonder." I softly said as my finger tip circled the rim of the glass I was holding.

As she started to take another sip of her drink, she indicated that I also have another drink of mine. We both sat quietly, sipping on our drinks and listening to the music.

When my glass was almost empty, I started feeling a little funny. It seemed that my eyes were no longer able to focus on what I was looking at. My eye lids felt like they were getting heavier and heavier.

I was totally unaware when Nancy slid closer to me, putting her glass on the tray, then taking mine from my hand and placing it alongside of hers. My mind seemed to be in a fog, aware of my surroundings, but unable to control myself. Nancy placed her hand on the side of my face, turning it so that we were looking at one another.

"Don't be nervous, you know this what you want, what we both want."

Next I felt her lips on mine, her tongue slipping back and forth across my lips. Deep down I knew this is not how I wanted it to be, but feelings deep within me beginning to surface, exciting me. Before I knew it, I was returning her kiss with as much passion as she was giving to me. My mind kept screaming; 'STOP!... STOP!...' My body began begging for more, twisting and turning for more contact.

I felt her fingers sliding my dress and bra straps, over and off my shoulders. Her lips were on my neck, kissing, licking her way down my chest. When she reached the top of my breasts, she pulled the dress and bra down exposing my breasts. Taking each nipple in her fingers, she began twisting and pulling on them, making me moan and push out my breasts to her.

Her lips now on my nipples, I could feel her unzipping my dress, then unclasping my bra. She then stood before me, lifting my body from the sofa. My dress and bra fell to the floor around my feet. She pushed my panties down to my knees, where they also fell around my ankles. Kneeing down, she lifted one foot removing one shoe, then the other. I now stood before her naked. My mind, comprehending what was happening, my body unable to stop what she was doing to me.

Slowly she began pulling me down a hallway, her walking backwards, holding my hands pulling me with her. She had pulled me into a bedroom, and taking me to the bed. She had pushed me down onto the bed. As hard as I tried, I could not lift myself from the bed, but could only lay there and watch as she stripped the clothes form her body.

I could see a grin on her lips, an evil grin I knew that was meant for me. I could barely hear her whispering; "Relax, we are so going to enjoy this evening, before the weekend is over, you'll totally belong to me."

Nancy had spread my legs wide, crawling up between them. When her face was over my pelvis, she lowered her head and gave my mound a slight bite, then licked down my slit. Her fingers began pulling my lips open as her tongue began moving up and down my slit. Slowly I could feel the juices starting to leak form my pussy.

"Oh baby, I see you're starting to like this, you just wait, the fun is just starting." As she looked up at me smiling.

She went back to licking my pussy, as she slowly slid a finger inside of me. She then wrapped her lips around my clit and began sucking it into her mouth as she started fucking me with her finger. Soon her finger was join by a second finger. As she sucked and licked my clit, her fingers began fucking me harder and faster. The fire within my pussy now lit, began to burn hotter and hotter.

Feeling movement on the bed, I felt a second person joining us. As I opened my eyes, there kneeling before me was the woman with the long black hair from the club. She was naked except for the strapon with a eight inch dildo attached to it.

She held the dildo in her one hand while she reached down, taking me by the hair and lifting my head, she pushed the dildo to my lips.

"Open your mouth my little pet, suck on it and make it nice and wet for me before I fuck you senseless."

Unable to resist, the dildo slid into my mouth until it touched the back of my throat. When I started to choke and gag, she pulled it out a little.

"Don't worry little one, you'll get use the whole thing soon enough." As she gave a little laugh.

Before I could react, I was flipped over onto my stomach while something was placed under me, lifting my ass into the air. I felt the dildo at the entrance of my pussy, then it was slammed into me all the way. Foggy mind or not, I screamed at the sudden intrusion.

Again my head was lifted, but this time when it came back down, it was onto a wet pussy. With two hands on my head, moving my head around, I was told to lick and suck on the pussy, all the while the dildo was being slammed repeatedly into my pussy. The fires again reignited, I started bucking back against the dildo, trying to get more of it in me. My tongue found its way to the pussy and began licking up the juices that were now flowing from it.

The night seemed to never end. I was changed from position to position, at times, I was licking on a pussy, or an ass was being pushed down onto my face. After how many orgasms I never knew I could have, I finely passed out.

When I finally opened my eyes again the room was dark.....

Maybe to be continued.....

I am not really sure my writing is good enough to continue, but I will leave this up to you the readers if I should continue. Let me know...

Next: Chapter 2

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