Alex Portrait of a Zentai Slave for Hire

By JB Sumner

Published on May 1, 2022


Please email me with any thoughts, comments, feedback, loose change about this story!

Boilerplate disclaimer: this story is by an adult for adults over the age of 18 years old.

The two zentai clad slaves led Alex through the dark mansion, standing close to Alex as if to prevent him from straying. Alex had little time to take in his surroundings, though with how dark the interior was. All of the lights were off and the rooms had thick curtains over the windows. It was almost like a tomb of sorts, with Alex not able to make out the decorations in the dark. He wondered how the other two slaves could move around in such darkness, unless they had the layout of the grounds memorized by heart.

They eventually came to a room near the rear of the house that the slaves led him into. It was a sparsely decorated chamber. A large futon mattress laid on one side of the room. On the other side, a small table sat in the corner with several items on top of it. The walls were a bland off-white color and single light shined from above with no visible light which to turn it on or off.

On the table, was another bluetooth speaker, a notepad, and a pen laying on top of the notepad. One of the slaves picked it up and began writing on it. When he finished, he ripped the page out and handed the note to Alex so he could read what was written.

"We communicate mainly through sign language. We are going to teach you several basic sign language gestures before we go to sleep. Our master keeps irregular hours and we rest when we can. We share the futon and do not have pillows or blankets. I would recommend that you get some rest as our master has a busy day planned for the three of us."

Alex took those "words" in and started trying to talk but forgot about the gag. He gestured to be handed the pad and pen but the slave holding it shook his head "no". The slave then wrote another note passed it back to Alex.

"I am One and the other is Two and you are Three" the slave said as he held up one finger.

The other slave moved to where his companion stood and held out two fingers, as another note was quickly written and passed off to Alex

"For the time being that will be how we will identify each other. Now we must begin your lesson...." One again to Alex.

What followed was a crash course on sign language. One would make a sign language gesture and Two would write on the pad and show the word the gesture stood for to Alex. Alex kept up best he could; luckily he was a quick learner but he didn't know how much of the knowledge he would preserve if he was getting shocked like he was.

After what seemed like forever, the pad and pen were returned to the table with the previous pieces of paper that were handed to Alex placed inside of the notepad.

The two slaves led Alex to the futon one of the slaves and motioned for him to join them. No move was made to turn the light off, though Alex probably figured it was for the best. Easier to move about in their present condition if the light was always on.

Alex wasn't tired, but as he found himself sandwiched between the between the two slaves, he tried to get some sleep. They cuddled next to him, with the chastity pod of the slave laying behind Alex pressed against his spandex ass and Alex's chastity pod pressed against the other slave's ass.

It was a very awkward scene Alex found him in as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. To his credit, outside the spooning, neither slave tried anything fresh with him. Alex had a ton of questions he wanted to ask them, but knew he couldn't so long as they were all gagged. After what seemed like forever, Alex finally fell asleep. He put his arm around the slave in front of him as he dozed off, pulling him close to him as he did so.

Alex didn't know how long he was out, but when Alex woke up he saw the slave who was in front of him was gone. But he wasn't very far away. He was on the other side of the room silently doing push-ups. He noticed Alex stirring but did nothing as he kept doing his exercises.

Alex counted them silently as he felt the other slave's arm wrapped around him. Alex was not sure how to respond since moving could potentially wake up the other slave, so he tried to stay still and count the push-ups the slave was doing.

The sight made Alex realize that he would be missing a week's worth of exercise while he was at the mansion. While he knew missing a week's worth of gym time wouldn't be the end of the world, Alex knew that there was the slippery slope to worry about. So many of his clients at the gym would miss their gym times, claiming it was a one-off thing while claiming it was a one-off deal. But it was a slippery scope; if you miss one appointment with your trainer, you soon find it easy to make excuses to miss future appointments. Gym time quickly becomes less of a part of your daily routine and more of something to do when you are bored and by the time you turn around, you stop going all together.

Alex slid out of the other slave's clutches as he moved towards the other slave and got into a position to do sit-ups as well. The other slave stopped for a moment as he made the two finger gesture. He was Two and then he flashed the thumbs up hand gesture to Alex. As if to say "join me?" to Alex.

Alex started doing push ups alongside his new faceless workout buddy. He got to around sixty when he saw the other slave stir. He gestured for the two to continue as he stat with his back against the wall and started to play with his nipples. His glove hands squeezing them through the fabric as he moaned at the sight of the two spandex men exercising in front of him. Alex resumed the push-ups before getting to one hundred, all the while the slave across the room continued to play with himself.

Two stopped his own push ups as he saw Alex was now sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out in front of him. Alex was looking at Two and sizing him up. He was a big guy and he could see his faceless head tilt slightly as if he was sizing him up as well. Suddenly Two pointed to Alex's foot. His feet were pointing at Two as the men sat silently in front of each other.

Two leaned over to Alex's feet and started sniffing them and placing his head next to it. Alex was shocked but kept still as the faceless shadow pressed it's featureless face against his foot as if to kiss it.

"Foot fetishist..." Alex thought to himself as he allowed Two to play with Alex's feet.

Alex felt awkward as this happened but felt he was in a weird place and to just go with the flow. As he felt his feet being "slobbered over" by the faceless gagged Two, he looked over and saw One was fondling his chastity encased privates. He didn't know why One was doing this, until he remembered something he saw on 4chan (or was it Something Awful?); that there were people who got off on "ruined orgasms" and how you could still cum, granted painfully, while in chastity.

The thought and mechanics of such thing made no real sense but the fever was spreading as he felt his own erection being held down in the confines of his own cock cage. He needed to do something that would get his mind off of this pain. Alex moved forward to touch Two's face and gestured to him to lay on top of him. He began to grind against Two like he was a woman, as the two men's featureless faces stared against each other as they feverishly humped against each other. Their chastity caged cocks pressed against the other slave's body as Alex and Two tried to get each other off pressing their caged groins against the other in a bit of frotting.

Furiously, they kept doing this to try and gain some form of orgasm or ejaculation in spite of their chastity. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Alex came in his cage as he let out an silent scream of agony. It was his first experience of a ruined orgasm and he went limp as he felt his companion continued to grind in futile effort to gain any sort of sexual climax in his chastity pod.

Off in the distance, One was still playing with his nipples and rubbing his caged privates as he looked on at his fellow slave hump Alex. It was in that moment, Alex felt himself having succumbed to some sort of collective madness. He had no clue who these two men were, what they looked like under their masks, or even their names. But here he was, with one of the two slaves on top of him, humping Alex in a frantic bid to gain sexual release while the other tried to achieve orgasm as well while watching.

As he heard Two start sobbing under his mask, apparently unable to bring himself to a ruined orgasm in his cock cage, Alex continued to lay quiet as he stroked Two's face in an attempt to comfort him. Leaning forward, he embraced Two as his sobbing intensified. They held each other in a tender embrace as Alex let himself go in the moment. He had expected to engage in gay relations during his seven days as a slave. But even as a heterosexual male, he could feel sympathy and kindness to another man who was clearly being denied any sort of sexual release due to another man's sick rules and regulations.

Alex's physical attempt at comfort and empathy seemed to calm Two down somewhat. He had no clue if Two was even aware that Alex was straight; though given the fact that Alex would probably never know the man behind the hood after his seven days, Alex felt no shame in his interaction with Two.

He led the still sobbing Two back to the futon and the three faceless shapes once again cuddled before falling back to sleep.

------------ After what seemed like an eternity, there was a loud siren noise that woke the three slaves up from their slumber.

"Wake up now and report to the dungeon!" the voice said as Alex recognized as belonging to the Master.

The three slaves got up and for a moment, Alex forgot who he was and where he was. He wondered if which one of two slaves were which again as he held up three fingers before them. Sadly, both slaves ignored Alex and motioned him to join hem in leaving the room.

Alex followed the slaves, as they wandered through the darkly lit mansion. Alex followed last behind the other two and briefly paused as he saw a window and realized it was pitch black dark outside. The other two slaves stopped and started pulling Alex with them as they reached the stairs leading into the basement dungeon.

Within the confines of the rubber lined sex dungeon, the Master sat in his throne waiting for the slaves. He wore a tuxedo with white tie, white gloves, and his mirror mask covering his face. A riding crop was held firmly in his hands as he watched the slaves line up in front of him. Alex stood silent, his hands to his side as he waited for the master to speak.

"My newest slave, step forward!" the Master spoke in a bored tone.

Alex stepped forward nervously as he looked at the Master. His mirror mask reflected Alex's own masked face at him. It was unnerving to say the least, but maybe that was the intention of the mask. To make others see themselves instead of the Master when you look at him.

"You will serve as my foot stoop while the other two slaves will wrestle for my amusement. First to get five falls wins!" the Master said, pointing towards Alex as he bent down before the Master.

While Alex still had his shock collar around his neck, the other two slaves did not have such a identification marker on them. So they went to the nearby shelf and retrieved a pair of collars to wear. One was red and the other blue and soon both were uniquely identifiable to the master.

Alex was facing the throne as he felt the master's designer shoes rest upon his back. Alex was facing the throne, so he was missing the action of the two slaves fighting. The Master smiled as he watched the two slaves engage in Olympian style wrestling.

The two slaves had been made to fight many times before, for their master. They knew he wanted a show so a quick end was not in their best interests. However, they knew the loser would face punishment so neither slave wanted to be the one who lost in the end.

Alex meanwhile could only listen to the grunting and gasping and sounds of the slaves moving on the floor in the distance. He didn't know how long he was kept like this, on his knees head down and back being used as a footstool. But finally he felt the Master remove his feet from his back and order his slave to stand up.

"The red collar slave won the fight against the blue collar slave, so the blue collar slave will be our plaything for tonight!" the master said as he watched the slave with the blue collar looked crestfallen at this news.

"You've been very obedient so far slave..." the master said curtly to Alex.

"We will try an experiment to test that obedience tonight!"

The master moved towards Alex and began removing the electroshock collar from his neck. Alex let out a sigh of relief as he realized he would not be shocked again.

"Just know there will be dire consequences if you betray the trust I am now placing in you. Most of my indentured slaves fight me, but you have been the picture of subservience so far. So do not cross me with any thoughts of betraying that trust...." the Master whispered into Alex's ear as he then pushed Alex to move forward towards the slave in the blue collar.

"Hold the slave from behind as the other slave gets him ready for the first round of punishment!" the master said.

Alex obeyed and grabbed the other slave in a full nelson hold. The blue collared slave didn't seem to resist; in fact seemed to be quiet resigned to what was awaiting him.

The red collared slave suddenly appeared having retrieved a leather straight-jacket and with Alex's help, placed the slave in the blue collar into it. The red collared slave did most of the work locking the blue collared slave in the straight-jacket and then led him to a nearby bench.

The red collared slave then promptly strapped the helpless blue collared slave to the bench face down. There was not much for Alex to do, as the red collared slave was quickly moving about as if the entire thing was something commonly done in the dungeon. Alex glanced towards the master, who stood silently as he watched the slave be secured.

"We have a treat for you! To help initiate you into our little group!" the Master said as he pulled a Swiss army knife from his jacket pocket.

"Don't worry, this is not for you. I plan on making an entry hole for our restrained friend!".

Without any further words, the Swiss army knife's blade was pulled out. It was sharp, but the Master quickly moved towards the restrained slave and began fondling the slave's spandex covered ass. Then, without a word, the Master used the knife to gently cut away the spandex fabric that covered the slave's ass and exposed his white skinned buttock to the world.

Once he did this, the Master closed up the Swiss army knife and placed it back into his pocket. He then turned to Alex, who stood perfectly still and in enforced silence as he looked at the master's mirror masked face.

"Time for your first real test slave!" the Master said as he unzipped Alex's crotch and removed his throbbing dick from it's cage.

It only took a couple of strokes from the master's gloved hand to get Alex hard. It was shocking how much his predicament had turned Alex on, though he felt a wave of panic in his stomach as he realized what was about to happen.

The Master, fearing that any further strokes might cause Alex to ejaculate prematurely, pulled his hand a way from Alex's exposed cock. He had plenty of time to play "don't cum" with the slave later. He had an all important test ahead of him that he needed to see if Alex could pass. The Master leaned over to Alex's hooded face and whispered to him.

"I want you to fuck that loser slave and fuck him hard!"

Alex was shocked at the forwardness of the Master but walked over to the slave that was now helpless before him. Alex had no clue which of the two slaves he was as he positioned his penis to penetrate the slave's ass.

Alex had never fucked bareback, let alone without lube or ever tried anal. But he knew he was being watched and that an order had been given. So his penis went inside the slave's asshole and to his relief, the slave's butt was loose enough for Alex to enter him without much resistance.

Alex moved mechanically and with a sort of detached rhythm that the slave before him seemed to be trying to match as he took Alex's dick up his ass. He knew he was being watched and probably judged, so he held onto the straight-jacket and began to thrust hard into the slave's hole as he suddenly came inside the slave. The cum exploded out of his dick, but Alex's orgasmic cry was silenced by the merciless gag he wore under his zentai suit's hood. He wanted to stop, but he felt that he didn't have permission and kept fucking the slave in front of him.

The slave in the red collar had moved behind where Alex stood. He was in his own predicament as he was led to a nearby couch and sat down. His crotch zipper was undone, chastity cage removed, and his white dick soon found itself being sucked by the master.

The masked Master was hard at work sucking the slave's dick but the red collared slave dared not cum; he knew that this was a test and ejaculating in his master's mouth would bring punishment. After several minutes of providing oral pleasure, the master pulled away and slipped his mirror mask back onto his face. The slave knew not to look at his master's unmasked face during these sorts of "tests", so he kept his eyes staring at the ceiling until the master gently touched his head to make him look at him.

The master stroked the red collar's slave's featureless face as if to tell him "good job" before moving away from him. The Master turned around to see Alex was still fucking the blue collared, straight-jacketed slave. Behind his mirror mask, the Master smiled at the sight and realized that Alex had not stopped purely because he was waiting for his master to tell him to stop.

"Have you already cum inside the loser slave? If so, pull out now!"

With that, Alex pulled out of the straight-jacketed slave and stood at attention for the Master. Alex remembered the electro-shocks he received earlier and didn't want to have the collar placed back around his neck. Or to be on the receiving end of it.

"You are very obedient, but we will be testing that over the next several days! Go to the couch and sit next to your fellow slave. No touching of yourself or the other! I now intend to have my way with our little friend here!"

Alex went to the couch and sat next to the slave with the red collar. The two zentai clad slaves sat in forced silence as they watched their Master fuck the straight-jacketed slave's ass. The Master took his time, slowly fucking the slave with a joyful playfulness and a level of sexual stamina that Alex found enviable.

Alex turned to his faceless slave companion and tried to talk but then let out a muted chuckle as he remembered they were gagged. Alex wanted desperately to talk to the stranger, to find out his name and have something resembling a normal conversation. Or at least find out what made him become a full time slave like this.

Alex looked at his hard cock and sighed. He knew he was straight... but he was a bit alarmed at how quickly he was taking to the gay stuff he was being made to do. Still, he though of the money and something his English teacher once said about some boring book he had to read for class; "Be open minded, enjoy every new experience life offers you, and you will learn much about yourself and those around you in the process!". Alex tried to place the quote but couldn't for the life of him. But it kept his mind occupied and away from the urge to play with his dick as he watched the show going on in front of him.

The red collared slave sat with his hands off to his sides, his dick hard still as he watched his Master fuck his fellow slave. He looked at Alex's erect penis and tilted his head as if to nod. Alex nodded too, as his ability to reply was limited to physical gesture. The red collared slave then moved his hand to hold Alex's own nearby hand. Alex wanted to recoil, but didn't want to make a scene or reject what could be an empathic gesture of kindness. He wondered if the red collared slave was Two or One. He held the other slave's hand, privately noting the firmness of the man's handshake. Again, Alex wanted to know more about him; if he was the slave he "frotted" with earlier, and to know why he was living a life as an anonymous sex toy.

As they heard the Master start to bellow and scream as he came into his slave's ass, the faceless zentai slaves could only sit silently, dicks hard holding hands, as they waited for their master's next command.

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