Alex Portrait of a Zentai Slave for Hire

By JB Sumner

Published on Mar 22, 2022


Please email me with any thoughts, comments, feedback, loose change about this story!

Boilerplate disclaimer: this story is by an adult for adults over the age of 18 years old.

It was around noon that Alex Coughlin arrived at the estate. He was not looking forward to what was ahead of him, but he had no real choice in the matter. The six foot two mustachioed jock was desperate for money and had no real prospects ahead of him. The fitness center where he was a trainer closed and most places were not hiring anyone unless they had several years experience in the job in question.

Alex was desperate, and would do anything to make some fast money. So much so that he was even willing to go into sex work if necessary. While asking one of his gay friends if he might be willing to introduce him to some gay men with money that might want his "services", he hit pay dirt. His friend Murphy knew of a wealthy, reclusive gay man who often paid attractive straight men to be his "slaves" in an anonymous setting for decent money.

Alex was instantly interested. He begged his friend to connect him with this rich man, who agreed to help Alex out.

Alex wasn't gay, but money was money and he was kind of desperate. And in it's own way, he felt that it would be a nice ego boost to help get him out of his depression. Alex was attractive, doubly so since growing out his neatly trimmed mustached a year prior. And he had a muscular body that was the envy of most people at the gym he worked at and several years as a varsity athlete in high school and college, giving him extra "jock" appeal to the women he dated.

It took a couple of days to arrange things. But as he drove his friend to the estate on the outskirts of town, Murphy made it clear that "the master" was not to be defied or denied....

"I get paid though, right? I mean, I'm kind of desperate remember? If it pays my bills for the month, I can take a dick up my ass. After all, with all of the women I've been with, it was always me having to pay out money on them when we went out!" Alex said with a nervous laughter as the car pulled into the driveway.

Outside, it was starting to rain as Alex got out of the car. His friend drove off, leaving his friend at the estate in the woods for a seven day stay. The master of the house normally only kept slaves for the weekend, but after being told Alex was desperate for money he offered the young man $7000 for seven days service. Roughly a thousand dollars per day.

Alex approached the front door, his body getting wet from the light drizzle from above. He had been told to not bring anything and to come wearing clothing he would not mind getting dirty. Alex was dressed in a red and white striped shirt and gym shorts. He had no wallet or identification on him, nor a phone. And given the long drive, Alex reflected that he would have a day's walk to get back to town.

On the door was a note taped to it, with his name on it. Alex held the note in his hand as he trembled in anticipation for what laid ahead of him. Alex was a always something of a headstrong dominant type. In high school and college, Alex loved to lord over others weaker than him with his strength. He also was not the humble type, having been blessed with looks and a killer body.

But Alex was blessed with brains too, or at least the common sense to hold his tongue whenever he was around someone in authority that had power over him. The next couple of days would be rough and probably involve thing Alex will never thought he would ever do, and probably never do again God willing. But for $7000, Alex could do his best to pretend to be a submissive slave type and maybe even enjoy getting fucked in the ass. After all, stranger things have happened...

The note contained instructions to go to the left side of the building and follow the path into the nearby garden. From there, he was to go into the building located in the middle of the garden and wait for further instructions.

The garden was filled with exotic plants that Alex did not have much time to stop and admire or examine. As he made his way to the small brick building in the center of the garden, he noticed three large posts on the outskirts of the garden that seemed to form a triangle arrangement. The posts were large wooden ones and Alex wondered why they there was no wire connecting them to create a fence around the garden to keep out intruders. Furthermore, in the distance, Alex could see a small pool behind the house that was unattended. But he had no time to take in the sights, as he felt someone was watching him and opened the door to the brick building when he reached it.

The building was a small one room chamber. A table sat in the corner with a Bluetooth speaker, which glowed when Alex shut the door behind him. The room was lit with a light that hung above from the ceiling. In the center of the chamber, was a wooden stool and next to it on the floor, was a medium sized box.

"Take off your clothing and put on the slave suit in the books. When you are done, place your old clothing in the box and sit on the chair like an proper slave and wait further instruction!", a disembodied voice spoke to Alex from the speaker.

Alex picked up the box and found in it, a small package. Placing it on the stool, he began taking off his clothing. His black and yellow polo shirt came off first, then his shoes and socks. His designer jeans then slid to the floor, as he stood there in his underwear...

"The underwear too!" the disembodied voice spoke.

Alex slowly removed the underwear, as he looked around to see if there was a hidden camera in the chamber. He quickly found it, right above the chamber's entrance. Alex smiled and waved to the camera as he gently tossed the underwear into the box with the rest of his clothing.

Alex smiled as he let the master, get a good view of his naked body. Alex had a bodybuilder's physique and a seven inch penis which made him very popular with the women. He didn't know if the master was a catcher or a receiver, though the idea of performing anal sex on someone was something that intrigued Alex. None of his female conquests ever would let Alex try anal sex with them.

"Inside the package is your slave outfit. You will wear it at all times unless told otherwise!"

Alex opened the plastic wrap and removed what turned out to be a spandex body suit colored black. He noticed it had a zipper in the crotch, which Alex found interesting as he was curious as to how he would do things like have sex while wearing such an outfit.

Alex slowly put the spandex suit on, and he marveled at how it fit his body like a glove. Within moments, the suit was on him though he waited a moment to pull the hood over his face.

"Pull the hood over your face slave!" the disembodied voice spoke.

Alex pulled the hood over his face, transforming himself into a faceless black shadow. Having closed the zipper behind him, he felt a bit disappointed. Alex was a vain man and while he treasured his muscular body, he took a selfish joy in his handsome face. In particular, his neatly groomed mustache which always managed to turn heads and attract women and the occasional gay man who thought it dashing looking. Alex had once shaved it off, to see if he could pull in the amount of compliments and flirting he used to. And everyone who saw him all said the same thing; "Why did you shave your mustache off?" to him, as though they found him less handsome clean shaven.

With the hood rendering him a blank faced slave, Alex wondered what the mysterious "master" had planned for him. Maybe he was one of those guys who just liked bossing people around and liked treating his slaves like things? Alex didn't know but figured he could handle it. For $7000, he could handle just about anything.

After what seemed like an eternity of sitting quietly on the stool, a man entered the chamber. He wore a leather man ensemble: leather jacket, leather gloves, leather pants, leather motorcycle boots, and a leather cap. His face was hidden by a blank mirror mask that covered his entire face. A chill went down Alex's face when he saw his own featureless face reflected back at him on the master's featureless mask.

The only non-black item of clothing he worn was a white spandex shirt underneath the jacket.

"Welcome slave. This upcoming week will be a tough one. You may quit at any time but if you do, you will forfeit the seven grand I pay you for your cooperation these next seven days. So do not think about quitting on me midway through. You must complete the full agreed upon period or get nothing, not even cab fare home!"

Alex was speechless when he heard this but thankfully the spandex hood he wore hid his shocked reaction to this news. But it was too late to bail now. He needed that money and just needed to get through the week.

"There will be restrictive bondage and humiliation and discipline ahead for you. You will obey my every command or be punished severely!"

From the inner jacket pocket, a small collar was pulled out and placed around Alex's neck. He stood still as the collar was applied to him, hearing it click as it was secured around him.

"This is a shock collar. Disobey me and I will have it shock you. Stand up for me!"

Alex got off the stool and stood before the master. He could see where this was leading to but knew better to say anything. It was going to happen regardless...

"Achilles!" the master said as a painful shock hit Alex and caused him to fall to the floor in agony.

Alex screamed in pain as he fell to the ground. He was in agony and only through force of will did he bring himself back to his feet. He was still a bit wobley as he watched the master sit down on the stool before him.

"The collar operates on voice recognition activation. It has three settings, keyed to three words. The word I used just then was for the lowest setting. If you disobey me or piss me off, I will not hesitate in using it to discipline you. I take it you do not need to experience the medium and high setting?

"No sir!" Alex said meekly, not wanting to risk another shock and thankful the hood he wore hid the furious look on his face.

"Excellent! Jock you may be, you clearly understand your place in this pecking order we have and will be best served to remember that at all times. You will not speak unless spoken to and to refer to me as master and not sir! Understood?"

"Yes master!" Alex said as he stood, still shaking from the effect of the collar shock.

"Excellent! I have two other slaves, both live with me full time. They will be helping oversee your training and discipline!"

Suddenly the door opened and two figures, also dressed in tight form fitting spandex body suits entered the chamber. These two slaves, dressed in black as well, carried forms of restraints in their hands.

"Hands behind your back!" the master proclaimed.

Alex put his hands behind his back and felt one of the two silent slaves put handcuffs over his hands. The second slave put led cuffs onto Alex's feet, limiting his ability to walk to only small steps.

"One last thing before we continue...." the master said as he pulled another item from his jacket. This was a red spandex hood, which he slid over Alex's already hooded face.

Alex's vision was obscured by the second spandex hood, making it hard for him to fully see what was in front of him.

Alex was then forced to march his way back to the house, where he had the two spandex slaves at both sides of him as if to make sure he did not fall as he walked in near total darkness from the building in the garden to the main house. The master did not speak until he got to a set of stairs inside the house he had to go down.

After informing him of the fact that they were going down a flight of steps, Alex slowly made his way down the stairs, with the leg restraints and his arms cuffed behind his back in total darkness. It was a miracle that he made it down them in one piece, but he couldn't complain given his situation.

In spite of this degradation, Alex felt his dick grow hard underneath the spandex he wore. He wondered if the other two slaves or the master noticed his errection?

This question would quickly be answered when Alex's crotch zipper came down and his balls and dick pulled out of the spandex to hang loose and free for anyone to see. But even Alex could not imagine what came next, as he felt a strong slap from something hard and plastic to his dick.

"Naughty boy! You enjoy this don't you? Don't you?" the master spoke as struck Alex's erect dick with a riding crop he now had in his hand.

Alex shook his head silently in the affirmative. He couldn't say "no" after all, given his tell-tell hard dick after all!

Suddenly the cuffs behind Alex's back came undone and his arms swung down to his side. The master ordered Alex to march forward and then turn around so that his back was against a wall. His arms were held up and attached to chains that held them in place, like an old time medieval prison. Except the walls felt padded and soft and not harsh cold stone.

The second hood was removed from Alex's face, restoring his vision for better or worse. He was obviously in a basement sex dungeon, one with bright overhead lights and walls that were padded with bright red rubber padding. The floor was a chessboard pattern of red and blue and there was equipment in the room for bondage play and several shelves with rubber containers that most likely contained bondage toys of all shapes and sizes. There was also a bench, a couch, and what looked like a throne in red and black leather colors

"I should introduce my two slaves. Both are fully devoted to me and serve me 24-7. Notice their uniform; black spandex zentai suits. Faceless and voiceless, as I have them mercilessly gagged under their hoods. Also, their privates are also in chastity so that they know that only I can deliver them sexual release!"

The two slaves stood before Alex; both of which were silent and near identical to each other in their anonymous suits. He shuddered in thinking at what their lives were like, especially if they wore those suits at all times. How did their master tell them apart?

While he was distracted by the two shadowy slaves in front of him, their master had retrieved a ball gag and held it in front of Alex.

"But first I will need to gag you before we begin your initiation!"

Alex's hood was pulled down and Alex saw one of the shadow men sway, as though taken back by his handsome face. The master was too busy however to notice as he quickly barked at Alex to open his mouth. Alex obliged and a red ball gag was placed into his mouth. Alex strained to take it in, as the device was then strapped onto his head.

"Good! You are a very obedient would be slave. Though I have to wonder if that obedience is out of fear, a legit desire to serve, or you just biding your time for the money I've promised you? Perhaps a test is io order to see how obedient you are and how much work I will need to put in to properly train you to my exacting standards?"

Alex soon was freed from his restraints and marched over to the nearby bench and forced to lay down on his back onto it. One of the slaves retrieved rope and secured Alex with it onto the bench as the other began attaching cables to his genitals that were connected to a small remote control device he held. But all Alex could think of in all of the movement though, the was that the master had forgotten to pull his hood back over his face.

"We are going to try some electroshock therapy." The master said as he took the device connected to the cables attached to his penis and balls.

Without any warning, a sharp serious of electro shocks hit Alex's privates and made him scream in agony. Or he would have screamed, if the gag in his mouth didn't immediately silence his cries into non-existence. As he realized that he couldn't even scream, one of the slaves knelt behind his head and gently stroked his face as if to calm him down.

"We will be doing a shock every thirty seconds. The device as five power settings and we'll be starting with setting three. You can scream and shout as much as you want as the gag will silence your cries. We'll keep doing this for about an hour..." the master said as he handed the device to the other shadow slave to hold.

The master went to his throne, which was across from where Alex was strapped to the bench, being electro-tortured. As Alex's silently screamed in agony and riggled under his bonds in agony, the master took in the sight with intense pleasure. He pulled out his dick from his pants and began jerking off, slowly stroking himself as he took pleasure in Alex's "training".

Alex could do very little as the shocks came in rapid succession. Meanwhile the slave that was trying to comfort him, leaned over and kissed his forehead. Alex could feel the gag underneath the fabric of his mask as he did this. The slave then began running their fingers through Alex's hair, as well as stroking Alex's mustache with his fingers, ever so gently as the other shadow slave held the device and just watched. No sound, no facial expression to give any clue what he was thinking as he watched Alex writhe in pain.

Alex wanted to run, as the pain coursed through his body and his privates burned in hellish pain. The pain was so great that Alex didn't know what time it was, rendering him mad with suffering.

"This wasn't what I signed up for! Make it stop! Make it stop!" Alex's brain cried out as tears ran down his face and drool poured out his mouth. And in the corner of his eye, he saw the infernal master jerking off, as cum poured out his cock onto his gloved hand.

But he couldn't run, for the ropes were tied to tight and finally he let out what would have been a blood curdling scream, if the gag didn't immediately neutralize it the second it left his throat. And with that, Alex passed out.

But he would not be so lucky, Alex. When it became apparent that he had passed out in pain, the master gave the signal for the slave with the control panel to turn off the shocks. The slave who had been comforting Alex was ordered to retrieve a small spray bottle, as the cables were removed from Alex's genitals.

With the spray bottle in hand, Alex was sprayed and woke from his unconsciousness and saw the master standing above him. He still wore featureless mirror mask though his hat had been removed. The faceless master had sandy blonde hair, the kind that was ever slow slightly beginning to turn gray.

Alex wanted so much to spit in his face and get the hell out of this nightmare. But he couldn't, as eyes quickly showed that he just wanted the pain to stop. Eyes Alex could see on the smooth mirrored surface of the master's mask.

"Electro shocks are just one of the games I like to play. The high level is to see how you respond to pain. Now it is time for some pleasure...." the master spoke as he pointed his finger at Alex's face. The slave with the spray bottle put down the bottle onto the floor of the dungeon and then pulled Alex's hood back over his face.

From there, Alex saw the master remove his mirror mask though he moved too fast for Alex to get a good look at his face. The master moved to where Alex's genitals were exposed and raw from the electroshock and gently stroke his penis with his gloved hand.

"I see you are circumcised. A pity. But we don't judge people for decisions forced upon them by their parents..." the master said as he bent down and began performing oral sex upon Alex.

Even in his current condition, it didn't take much time for Alex to get hard. Alex could feel what felt like a mustache on the master's lips as he went to town teasing Alex with his mouth.

While Alex had multiple women suck his dick, he never once had a man perform oral on him. And to his shock, even with the mustache brushing against his sore dick, he found the master was a natural cocksucker and gave him the best head he ever had. As he ejaculated into the master's mouth, he heard a swallowing sound as he pulled away from Alex's groin.

Having taken Alex's seed, the master pulled his mirror mask back over his face. He turned to a slave who then carried with him a small portable ice chest from which he removed several ice cubes which were then placed upon Alex's still erect penis.

"It's time to put you in chastity slave. If you continue your good behavior, you'll be allowed sexual release. But if not, expect to spend the rest of the week blue balled!" the master said with a chuckle as he looked at Alex.

It took several minutes for the ice to successfully deflate Alex's erect penis. Alex had never experienced chastity; the closest he came to enforced chastity was the time he attempted "No Nut November". And even then he only lasted a week before he broke his pledge and came.

A small black metal pod device was connected to Alex's privates, trapping Alex's penis in it's confines. Alex immediately felt the plastic pressing down onto his penis and holding it down in place as he tried to sit up unsuccessfully.

"The device will keep you pent up and unable to pleasure yourself. But don't worry; it still has several drain slits so you can still pee! Granted you'll have to pee sitting down, but you should have no problem with that!"

The slaves then began to undo the rope that held Alex to the bench. Alex struggled to sit up and sat on the bench before the master slapped him in the side of the face with his riding crop.

"Stand up! And straight! No slouching!"

Alex struggled to his feet and stood straight as he could before the master. As he did so, one of the slaves came up behind him and attached something to his back.

"We are placing a small zip tie to your suit's zipper so hat you can not remove your suit. Both my slaves have similar zip ties attached to their suits too. You will be wearing this suit for a while!" the master said, as he pulled Alex towards him an hugged him with the affection one would have for a brother.

"Take our newest acolyte to the bedroom. We have a busy night ahead of us and he should get some rest!" the master said as he pulled away from Alex.

Alex saw the two shadow men gesture for him to follow them up the stairs into the mansion. Alex followed quickly, as he began his indentured servitude.

Next: Chapter 2

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