Alex in Wonderland

By Chip Noir

Published on Jul 25, 2006


Alex In Wondeland By: ChipNoir And Eristel Nekoi Dedicated to my horny spiritual baby sis.

General Disclaimer: The following chapters include characters (With the exception of Alex) that are based loosly on characters that are property of Lewis Carrol, and those subsiquently whome inherit the rights from him.

The chapters will most likely include sexual content between a legal adult teen male and other legal adult males...Amonst other things. All things consensual in the end. If you do not like homosexual/bizzarely sexual and explicite material, or it is not legal for you to view it as you are underaged or otherwise, please do not read this fiction.

All that said, please enjoy what will probably be the most whimsiest errotic fiction you have ever read.

If you like my work, or have suggestions for this story, or other story ideas, please feel free to write to me.

Chapter II: Whimsical Peni

Alex let out a yelp of pain as he landed hard on his rump. Moving to his knees and rubbing his butt, he then looked around, trying to see, but it was way too dark "Where am I? Is anyone there?" Great. Now he was stuck at the bottom of a hole with a bunch of sex toys floating above him.

"Anybody there?" echoed his voice. But as it echoes again, it slowly became more and more like an erotic moan, though very distant. Then a light came on, off in the distance. Some sort of hallway, the light shining on part of the floor and mainly on a wall. A wall covered in random hole, curiusly placed.

"A hole full of holes?" Alex quirked a brow, and made to move past rather quickly, feeling a bit uneasy "Um.. right... Moving along..." Wandering towards the light, wondering what he'd find there, he squinted to try and see farther down the long, winding hallway. "Hello?"

"Hello!" Something poked out of one of the holes. It looked like a rather nicely shaped dick.

"Hello!" Another one, this one purple, while the other pink.

"Pleased to meet you" This next one was banana yellow, and bumpy. They wiggled with every word.

"And whoooooooo might you be??" asked a vividly blue penis, with a slight curve to it, which jutted out an inch from Alex's nose.

Alex eeped a bit, backing up quickly, looking at the peni with confused whimper "Umm... I'm Alex, and who, or what," inquired Alex as he slowly stepped forward "Are you?" He was quite confused. Why were there peni popping out of holes? Whats more, why were they talking to him?

"We are the Singing PeePets!" Said a nasaly green dick by Alex's ear.

"Hello, hello hello, helloooooo!" All of them sang, as more and more dicks sprouted out of the wall, one for every color of the rainbow, one for every lovely voice you could think of.

"Umm... Nice to meet you?" He blinks a bit, looking around "May I ask where I am?..... I fell through a hole in the ground and wound up here....." He nods a bit, watching the peni.

"Why,'your in Ahh...Ahhhh...ACHOO!" A gobbet of sticky cum shot over Alex's shoulder , the green penis shivering and wiggling, sniffling unhappily.. "Sorry. Cold." The pink one spoke up. "Wouldn't you rather hear us sing?"

"Kazuntaight" He said when the green penis sneezed, then blinked a bit at the others

"Yes, we loved to sing! And If you lick us, we'l sing louder!"

"Yes yes! Lick us! We'll sing for you" They all began to cry out.

"Umm... Lick you?....." Alex felt rather taken aback. But surely, if this was the only way,

"Well, if you'll tell me where I am afterwards, then I guess it's okay," He gave a little nod, and looked over all the many colored phalical singers, trying to decide which one to sample in order to find out where he was.

"Oooh, Mimimimi!" They all twitched in chorus. So many colors, so many shapes and sizes, all crying out in different voices to be licked.

"Lick me!"

"Suck me!"

"Nibble me, I'll talk!" They cried in happy, eager unison, all of them straining to be the ones to get Alex's attentions.

"Umm.... Alright...." He nods a bit before picking the blue one that had poped out first, moving to give it a little lick, wondering what would happen, still a little confused.

"Oooh, more! More!" Twitched the blue cock, giggling, and leaving strand of light blue, glittering liquid on the boy's tongue. Other cocks would whine, while some would grumble, and mutter, and retreat back into their holes.

"More?" He blinks a bit, recoiling at the taste just a bit, before giving it another little lick, hearing the protest from the other cocks "I can only lick one at a time...." He admonished before looking at the blue cock again.

"Keep going!" Pleaded the blue cock, shivering and seeming to strain for Alex's tongue and mouth. "Lick me, suck me! Sooo close!" He moaned, a strand of sticky fluid arching from Alex's tongue to it's tip.

Alex reached up in compliance giving it another lick, thoroughly confused, wondering how long this was going to take before the cock sang, continuing to lick at it, his eyes closed as he did.

"Oooh, Ooooh, Ohwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The blue cock gives an operatic note of a extacy, and sprayedhot, glittery blue cum into the boys mouth, holding the note for a long moment, before cutting off, and drooping a little. "Amazing" It squeeked, in a comicaly high pitched voice, as it began to go flacid.

Alex wince as the blue cum went into his mouth, making a bit of a face since it tasted weird

"Alright... Well.. Are you going to tell me where I am?" He tilted his head, looking at the blue cock hopefully, still tasting cum on his lips. It panted a little, before wiggling.

"Your in wonderland!" It said matter-of-factly, sounding as if though it had swallowed a lot of hellium. "Where all wonderfull things are wonderouse, and wonderful!"

Ale could only shake his head and shrug. This news wasn't too helpfull. But still, the cock had done it's part, as it had promised. "Alright.." He noded a bit "Then, how do I get home? I can't climb back out of that hole even if I tried." He looked pleadingly at the cock, hoping for directions or some other helpful information

"We don't know. We're just a bunch of dicks!"They all cried out, and with that they all laughed madly, And as quickly as they apeared, shooting back into their holes. Alex blinked a bit at that, then shook his head "Weird..." He then looked around before heading on past the holes, humming a bit and looking around. The hall was winding, and lined with all sorts of pictures of what must have been wonderland's denizens. Paintings, with very anatomicaly correct figures. A rabbit boy, the one he had seen before. A pair of twins embraced, and smooching passionetly, a strange beaked young man, with a turle shell on his back, and oddly shaped hands. Alex's eyes passed from portrait to portrait interestedky at the portraits, tilting his head a little as he walked along, then looking forward again, wondering if there was any end to this hall, and where it would lead to, and if he'd see that bunny boy again. Speak of the devil, there went the rabbit, just behind, pleated running shoes thump-thump-thumping as he went. He also happened to be running on the cealing.

"I'm late, oh fuck man, so late!" Yelled the rabbit, as he ran over Alex's head. Before Alex could attempt to get his attention, he had sprinted down the hallway, and around the corner. There was nothing for it. Alex made to dash after the manic bunny; Only to slam face first into solid wall. What Alex had thought to be more hallway was instead a cleverly designed still life, taking up the entire hallway, and giving the impression that it kept on going, when it ended right there. "But," Alex rubbed his smartened nose as he taped the wall. He was quite sure had had seen the rabbit boy run down this hall, which now no longer seemed to hall at all!

As he knocked, a larger hole, and a larger dick still apeared, rich velvety chocolate colored, and with a voice to match "If you want to pass, you'll have to suck me." it said in a rich deep baritone voice to match its impressive size. Alex blinked as the dick suddenly appeared, and tilted his head a little

"Suck you?" He asked, leaning back as the dick moved forward, almost touching his nose. He pondered for a few moments. " Um, alright." He nodded slowly, still unsure of things. "If I have to...." He nods a bit more, starting to feel confident, moving to it, leaning forward a bit to give the dick a few little licks before suckling on the tip gently, eyes slowly closing.

"Ooooh babeh." the giant cock cooed in a low rumble, dribbling precum on Alex's lips, and on his tongue. "Suck me babeh, all of meeeh, real nice." it ordered, slickening a little with the boy's saliva.

flushing some as the cock spoke, Alex opened his mouth to take a little more of it in, sucking on it, feeling the cock slide in and out of his mouth as tt juitted forward into Alex's mouth repeatedly, enjoying his tongue throughly as it filled the boy's mouth complelty, smelling of sexy musk, before spilling its cum down his throat.

"Fooled ja!" It twitched, and began to laugh, its laugh going all the way up to soprano as it shrunk away. The painting would shift though, and fall down. Just like a backdrop. It looked as if he didn't need to suck that cock after alll. Frowning iritably before stepping over the painting, grumbling about stupid cocks and how he had half a mind to shoot the nest one he saw.

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